232 research outputs found

    Diversity Management in der Schweiz 2017. Eine empirische Studie unter spezieller Berücksichtigung der Dimension sexuelle Orientierung und Geschlechtsidentität

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    Umfeld: Diversity & Inclusion Management DiM motiviert Unternehmen und Verwaltungen, verantwortungsvoll mit der Vielfalt an Menschen und Eigenschaften umzugehen und ermöglicht, sich als attraktiver Arbeitgeber zu positionieren. Ziel der Studie ist es, den Entwicklungsstand der verschiedenen Dimensionen von DiM in der deutschsprachigen Schweizer Arbeitswelt zu erfassen. Weiter soll der Stellenwert ermittelt werden, den die Dimension sexuelle Orientierung und Geschlechtsidentität in der Personalpolitik einnimmt. Methode: Berücksichtigt wurden die 500 umsatzstärksten Schweizer Unternehmen, alle Kantonsverwaltungen, die Bundesverwaltung, Fachhochschulen und Universitäten sowie Universitäts- und Kantonsspitäler. Berücksichtigt wurden nur Organisationen mit Sitz in der Deutschschweiz mit mindestens 200 Mitarbeitenden. Insgesamt wurden 462 Organisationen identifiziert und angefragt. Detailliert in Telefoninterviews befragt wurden 67 Organisationen. Resultate: In knapp zwei Dritteln der befragten Organisationen ist das DiM entweder in ein abgestimmtes Gesamtkonzept integriert oder sie verfügen über eine Strategie für den Umgang mit der Vielfalt der Mitarbeitenden. Allerdings bezieht sich dieses teilweise nur auf eine Dimension. Die Dimension sexuelle Orientierung und Geschlechtsidentität wird von 23 Organisationen berücksichtigt. Als Hauptgrund für einen Verzicht auf ein DiM wird angeführt, dass die Organisationen den Nutzen eines DiM geringer einschätzen als die Kosten der dafür benötigten Ressourcen. Die Studie ermöglicht einen Überblick über den aktuellen Stand des DiM in der Deutschschweiz und zeigt Unternehmen und Verwaltungen Handlungsfelder zur Entwicklung oder Ausbau eines ganzheitlichen DiM unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Kerndimension sexuelle Orientierung und Geschlechtsidentität auf

    Postmortem cardiac tissue maintains gene expression profile even after late harvesting

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Gene expression studies can be used to help identify disease-associated genes by comparing the levels of expressed transcripts between cases and controls, and to identify functional genetic variants (expression quantitative loci or eQTLs) by comparing expression levels between individuals with different genotypes. While many of these studies are performed in blood or lymphoblastoid cell lines due to tissue accessibility, the relevance of expression differences in tissues that are not the primary site of disease is unclear. Further, many eQTLs are tissue specific. Thus, there is a clear and compelling need to conduct gene expression studies in tissues that are specifically relevant to the disease of interest. One major technical concern about using autopsy-derived tissue is how representative it is of physiologic conditions, given the effect of postmortem interval on tissue degradation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this study, we monitored the gene expression of 13 tissue samples harvested from a rapid autopsy heart (non-failed heart) and 7 from a cardiac explant (failed heart) through 24 hours of autolysis. The 24 hour autopsy simulation was designed to reflect a typical autopsy scenario where a body may begin cooling to ambient temperature for ~12 hours, before transportation and storage in a refrigerated room in a morgue. In addition, we also simulated a scenario wherein the body was left at room temperature for up to 24 hours before being found. A small fraction (< 2.5%) of genes showed fluctuations in expression over the 24 hr period and largely belong to immune and signal response and energy metabolism-related processes. Global expression analysis suggests that RNA expression is reproducible over 24 hours of autolysis with 95% genes showing < 1.2 fold change. Comparing the rapid autopsy to the failed heart identified 480 differentially expressed genes, including several types of collagens, lumican (<it>LUM</it>), natriuretic peptide A (<it>NPPA</it>) and connective tissue growth factor (<it>CTGF</it>), which allows for the clear separation between failing and non-failing heart based on gene expression profiles.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results demonstrate that RNA from autopsy-derived tissue, even up to 24 hours of autolysis, can be used to identify biologically relevant expression pattern differences, thus serving as a practical source for gene expression experiments.</p


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    Discute-se como a literatura é tratada no Pacto Nacional pela Alfabetização na Idade Certa (PNAIC), programa voltado para a formação continuada de professores alfabetizadores. A análise documental referente ao PNAIC-2013 e o levantamento bibliográfico realizado na Biblioteca Digital Brasileira de Teses e Dissertações, embasam a discussão sobre a concepção de literatura presente no ciclo de alfabetização, momento exemplar para a apreensão dos desafios da educação escolar em sua relação com a literatura. Concebida como um direito humano (CANDIDO, 2002, 2011), a literatura confronta-se com os resultados da pesquisa que indicam um esvaziamento do seu sentido formativo, mediante uma “escolarização inadequada” (SOARES, 2006). Palavras-chave: Literatura. Leitura. Alfabetização. PNAIC

    Markers of JC virus infection in patients with multiple sclerosis under natalizumab therapy.

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the frequency of JC polyomavirus (JCPyV) infection and anti-JCPyV antibodies in patients with multiple sclerosis under natalizumab therapy. METHODS: Presence of anti-JCPyV antibodies and JCPyV DNA was analyzed in 39 patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis undergoing natalizumab therapy. Anti-JCPyV antibodies were evaluated in serum by a 2-step virus-like particle-based ELISA assay (Stratify), and JCPyV DNA was evaluated in peripheral blood mononuclear cells, plasma, and urine by quantitative PCR. The anti-JCPyV antibodies were evaluated in serum samples collected at the same time or later than those collected for DNA analysis. RESULTS: JCPyV DNA was detected in 59% of patients, and anti-JCPyV antibodies were present in 67%. JCPyV DNA occurred more often in blood than in urine. Anti-JCPyV antibodies were observed in 70% of the JCPyV-infected patients, and JCPyV DNA was detected in 50% of the patients without anti-JCPyV antibodies. When JCPyV DNA was investigated in blood and urine the frequency of infection was higher than previously described. CONCLUSION: Under these experimental conditions, with respect to the observed frequency of JCPyV infection, the sensitivity of the anti-JCPyV antibody assay was lower than expected

    Mitophagy in Cardiovascular Diseases

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    Cardiovascular diseases are one of the leading causes of death. Increasing evidence has shown that pharmacological or genetic targeting of mitochondria can ameliorate each stage of these pathologies, which are strongly associated with mitochondrial dysfunction. Removal of inefficient and dysfunctional mitochondria through the process of mitophagy has been reported to be essential for meeting the energetic requirements and maintaining the biochemical homeostasis of cells. This process is useful for counteracting the negative phenotypic changes that occur during cardiovascular diseases, and understanding the molecular players involved might be crucial for the development of potential therapies. Here, we summarize the current knowledge on mitophagy (and autophagy) mechanisms in the context of heart disease with an important focus on atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease, cardiomyopathies, heart failure, hypertension, arrhythmia, congenital heart disease and peripheral vascular disease. We aim to provide a complete background on the mechanisms of action of this mitochondrial quality control process in cardiology and in cardiac surgery by also reviewing studies on the use of known compounds able to modulate mitophagy for cardioprotective purposes

    Polyenylphosphatidylcholines as bioactive excipient in tablets for the treatment of liver fibrosis.

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    Liver fibrosis is a condition characterized by the accumulation of extracellular matrix (ECM) arising from the myofibroblastic transdifferentiation of hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) occurring as the natural response to liver damage. To date, no pharmacological treatments have been specifically approved for liver fibrosis. We recently reported a beneficial effect of polyenylphosphatidylcholines (PPCs)-rich formulations in reverting fibrogenic features of HSCs. However, unsaturated phospholipids' properties pose a constant challenge to the development of tablets as preferred patient-centric dosage form. Profiting from the advantageous physical properties of the PPCs-rich Soluthin® S 80 M, we developed a tablet formulation incorporating 70% w/w of this bioactive lipid. Tablets were characterized via X-ray powder diffraction, thermogravimetry, and Raman confocal imaging, and passed the major compendial requirements. To mimic physiological absorption after oral intake, phospholipids extracted from tablets were reconstituted as protein-free chylomicron (PFC)-like emulsions and tested on the fibrogenic human HSC line LX-2 and on primary cirrhotic rat hepatic stellate cells (PRHSC). Lipids extracted from tablets and reconstituted in buffer or as PFC-like emulsions exerted the same antifibrotic effect on both activated LX-2 and PRHSCs as observed with plain S 80 M liposomes, showing that the manufacturing process did not interfere with the bioactivity of PPCs

    Silent progression in disease activity-free relapsing multiple sclerosis.

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    ObjectiveRates of worsening and evolution to secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (MS) may be substantially lower in actively treated patients compared to natural history studies from the pretreatment era. Nonetheless, in our recently reported prospective cohort, more than half of patients with relapsing MS accumulated significant new disability by the 10th year of follow-up. Notably, "no evidence of disease activity" at 2 years did not predict long-term stability. Here, we determined to what extent clinical relapses and radiographic evidence of disease activity contribute to long-term disability accumulation.MethodsDisability progression was defined as an increase in Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) of 1.5, 1.0, or 0.5 (or greater) from baseline EDSS = 0, 1.0-5.0, and 5.5 or higher, respectively, assessed from baseline to year 5 (±1 year) and sustained to year 10 (±1 year). Longitudinal analysis of relative brain volume loss used a linear mixed model with sex, age, disease duration, and HLA-DRB1*15:01 as covariates.ResultsRelapses were associated with a transient increase in disability over 1-year intervals (p = 0.012) but not with confirmed disability progression (p = 0.551). Relative brain volume declined at a greater rate among individuals with disability progression compared to those who remained stable (p &lt; 0.05).InterpretationLong-term worsening is common in relapsing MS patients, is largely independent of relapse activity, and is associated with accelerated brain atrophy. We propose the term silent progression to describe the insidious disability that accrues in many patients who satisfy traditional criteria for relapsing-remitting MS. Ann Neurol 2019;85:653-666

    Kittens! Inspired by Kittens! Undergraduate Theorists Inspired by YouTube

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    A professor and students in an undergraduate honors research seminar were inspired to playfully link old and contemporary literacy theories to a 2.0 media artifact, the popular YouTube video Kittens! Inspired by Kittens! (KIbK) starring 6 year-old Maddie. In this article KIbK is theorized drawing on frames of school-based reading instruction, social identities, identity formation in communities of practice, Bakhtin’s theory of intertextuality, and Bourdieu’s theory of social reproduction. The authors found that KIbK was a powerful touchstone and Vygotskian tool for their project of linking theory to practice. They found that pre-digital literacy theories designed for paper texts were appropriate and useful to understanding web-based media such as KIbK. This interpretive project also supported the seminar’s goal of learning to see and appreciate the value of literacy practices in places that were previously invisible, such as on YouTube and in children and adults everyday creative human endeavors. Participants also found KIbK to be a powerful medium for constituting the seminar as a community of practice

    Uma análise da formação inclusiva do professor nos cursos de licenciatura em química de universidades públicas brasileiras / An analysis of the inclusive training for teachers of chemestry licentiate degrees on brazilian public universities

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    O cenário educacional contemporâneo tem evidenciado a relevância da inclusão nas escolas brasileiras. Sendo assim, promover a inclusão escolar é papel da comunidade escolar, do governo, da família e de toda a sociedade. No entanto, para que ocorra a inclusão, faz-se necessário pensar na formação dos professores. Nesse sentido, este trabalho objetiva inventariar a oferta de disciplinas voltadas à preparação do professor nos cursos de licenciatura em Química que irá atuar nesse contexto. Por meio desse inventário, é possível analisar que existe uma insuficiência na preparação e formação dos futuros professores para desenvolver seu trabalho dentro da perspectiva inclusiva

    Morbidade Autorreferida em Adultos: inquérito populacional em Rio Branco, AC 2007 – 2008

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    Introduction: Epidemiological data allow to know the needs of the communities and can provide subsidies for planning and actions in the health services, hence, &nbsp;it is necessary to investigate illness and chronic non-communicable diseases in the population of interest. Objective: The objectives of this study are to describe and verify the association between the most prevalent self-reported morbidities in adults regarding the characteristics: socioeconomic, demographic and lifestyle.&nbsp; Methods: This is a population-based survey conducted with adults (?18 years of age), living in Rio Branco, Acre State, Brazil, during the period 2007/2008. The sample consisted of 1516 individuals, from a probabilistic sampling in two stages of a draw. Results: The most prevalent self-reported morbidity was spine/back disease with a percentage of 30.8%, followed by hypertension (28.3%), malaria (28.3%) and depression (18.7%). Regarding socioeconomic and demographic aspects, the most prevalent characteristics were: female gender and low level of formal education, with statistical significance. As for life habits, the most common characteristics with statistical significance were: smoking and physical inactivity. Conclusion: In view of the scarcity of studies of this nature in the North region of Brazil, and especially in the State of Acre, the results regarding the most prevalent self-reported morbidities in the adult population of Rio Branco are of fundamental importance, to alert researchers and health professionals. This contributes to a better adaptation and/or implementation of public strategies for promotion, protection and health assistance.Introdução: Dados epidemiológicos permitem conhecer as necessidades das comunidades e podem fornecer subsídios para planejamento e ações nos serviços de saúde. Para este norte, faz-se necessário a investigação das doenças e agravos crônicos não transmissíveis na população de interesse. Objetivo: Os objetivos deste foram descrever e verificar associação entre as morbidades autorreferidas mais prevalentes identificadas no estudo quanto às características: socioeconômicas, demográficas e de hábitos de vida. Método: Trata-se de um inquérito populacional, realizado com adultos (?18 anos de idade), residentes em Rio Branco/AC entre 2007/2008. A amostra constituiu-se de 1516 indivíduos, a partir de uma amostragem probabilística em duas etapas de sorteio. Resultados: A morbidade autorreferida mais prevalente foi a doença de coluna/costas com o percentual de 30,8%, seguida da hipertensão (28,3%), malária (28,3%) e depressão (18,7%). Quanto aos aspectos socioeconômicos e demográficos as características mais prevalentes nas morbidades pesquisadas foram: sexo feminino, faixa etária mais elevada e menor escolaridade, com significância estatística. Quanto aos hábitos de vida, as características mais prevalentes com significância estatística nas morbidades foram: tabagismo e inatividade física. &nbsp; Conclusão:Tendo em vista a escassez de estudos desta natureza na região Norte, e principalmente no Estado do Acre, os resultados referentes às morbidades autorreferidas mais prevalentes a população adulta de Rio Branco, são de fundamental importância, uma vez que possibilita alertar os pesquisadores e profissionais de saúde e contribui para uma melhor adequação ou implantação de estratégias públicas de promoção, proteção e de assistência à saúde