154 research outputs found

    Digital Storytelling as an Innovative Element in English for Specific Purposes

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    [EN] This paper discusses the benefits of using Digital Storytelling (DS) as an element of innovation and motivation with learners of English for Specific Purposes enrolled in Aerospace Engineering at the Universitat Polietcnica de Valencia, Spain. The paper describes the context and the method, and concludes with a number of findings from a student survey that shed evidence to conclude that DS is a useful and engaging teaching approach with which students improve both non-linguistic skills and competences, as well as productive linguistics skills.S11011617

    Implantando AICLE en la enseñanza: estudio sobre la percepción de los profesores ante el uso de una herramienta en línea ad hoc

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    [ES] El artículo se centra en la descripción de CLILstore, una herramienta de autor y un repositorio de materiales didácticos para el Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenidos y Lenguas Extranjeras (AICLE), creados a través del proyecto cofinanciado por la Comisión Europea, CLIL Open Online Learning (COOL). Además, se describen los dos componentes integrales de CLILstore, es decir, Multidict (una interfaz multilingüe de múltiples diccionarios) y Wordlink (una herramienta que permite enlazar todas las palabras de una página web a una amplia selección de diccionarios en línea gratuitos). El artículo se cierra argumentando la validez de estas herramientas y postula que los cursos de formación de profesores en torno a CLILstore pueden ser también de gran utilidad para que los docentes se familiaricen con los conceptos que subyacen a la metodología AICLE, y la aportación de CLILstore a este fin.[EN] This paper focuses on a dedicated Content and Language Integrated Leaning (CLIL) authoring tool and repository of ready-made materials created within the EU-funded CLIL Open Online Learning (COOL) project, CLILstore,and its two integral components: Multidict (a multilingual multiple-dictionary interface) and Wordlink (a tool that allows all the words on a website to become automatically linked to sundry dictionaries in various language pairs). The validity of these tools and a discussion on how teacher training courses that focus on the use of CLILstorecan become helpful to develop CLIL skills, and how CLILstorewas helpful in achieving this, close the article.We would like to thank the European Commission for co-funding the Tools for CLIL Teachers project from 2012 to 2014 (ref. 517543-LLP-2011-DK-KA2-KA2MP) and the CLIL Open Online Learning (COOL) project from 2018 to 2021 (ref. KA2-2018-1-ES01-KA203- 050474).Gimeno Sanz, A. (2021). Integrating CLIL in Education: Exploring Teachers' Perceptions toward Using a Dedicated Online Tool. Verbeia. Monográfico: Revista de Estudios Filológicos. (5):10-25. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/1893941025

    Exploring L2 learners’ engagement and attitude in an intercultural encounter

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    Following the appraisal framework (Martin & White, 2005), in particular the two discourse-semantic systems of Engagement and Attitude, this study examines the extent to which second language learners in a US-Spain telecollaborative project (a) engaged with their own ideas and those of their partners and (b) expressed their attitude towards their own and the second language culture. The results of the analysis suggest that learners reacted differently when discussing their own culture and that of their foreign language. The data collected provides evidence that learners avoided using monoglossic (i.e. bare) statements regarding both their L1 and L2 cultures, and fewer contracting statements for the latter. Overall, learners also presented a preference for positive Affective, Judgment, and Appreciation markers, which suggests their interest in creating an environment of solidarity and closeness with their telecollaborative partners. The results also indicated the value of discussing the topic in general, without particular reference to the first or the second culture, as a safe space to address conflicting issues that might result in communication breakdowns and move beyond personal, superficial, and anecdotal references

    Validating self-made multimedia resources for English teaching and learning in higher education contexts

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    Este artigo descreve a validação de uma ferramenta de auto-avaliação y de preparação online de inglês desenvolvida e implementada na Universitat Politècnica de València / Espanha por pesquisadores do grupo CAMILLE. Esta ferramenta é parte integral do InGenio FCE Online Course & Tester, criada para preparar aos alunos para provas oficiais de proficiência em inglês de nível intermediário-alto. A ferramenta passou por um meticuloso processo de avaliação por parte de 66 alunos de Inglês para Fins Específicos. Os resultados foram positivos em termos de satisfação dos usuários e proporcionaram informações em relação às preferências dos usuários e às possíveis melhoras

    Implementing online language exams within the Spanish National University Entrance Examination: The PAULEX Universitas Project

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    [EN] This paper describes the PAULEX Universitas Project, an online system to design, deliver and assess the foreign language exam that is an integral part of the Spanish national university entrance examination. The foreign language exam is compulsory for all students who wish to enrol in higher education. Students can choose to take one of the following language exams: English, French, German, Italian or Portuguese. Every year, approximately 27,000 students take the university exam simultaneously in the Valencian Community (comprised of 3 provinces: Alicante, Castellón and Valencia) and over 25,000 of these take the English language exam. The paper describes the context in which this university entrance exam takes place, with reference to the current changes in Spanish ministerial policies. Illustrations from the platform are included, as well as a discussion on issues relating to the system's management tools, data security and user interaction. The paper concludes by presenting some of the results obtained from a pilot experience conducted in Valencia with more than 200 students and by addressing a number of difficulties encountered concerning the implementation of the PAULEX online examination platform regionally.S687234

    Tools for CLIL Teachers

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    [EN] The EU-funded Tools for CLIL Teachers project has created a free online service where language teachers can author and share content-rich, multimedia learning units featuring the creator’s own choice of audio, video (e.g. from YouTube), text (e.g. a transcript) and images/graphics.Ó Dónaill, C.; Gimeno-Sanz, A. (2013). Tools for CLIL Teachers. The EuroCALL Review. 21(2):56-63. https://doi.org/10.4995/eurocall.2013.9791566321

    Aceptación por parte de estudiantes de la ETSID del curso de inglés, InGenio FCE Online Course & Tester

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    [EN] The study described in this paper is based on the process carried out to validate the InGenio FCE Online Course & Tester, developed by the CAMILLE research group at the Universitat Politècnica de València, as a suitable tool for learners wishing to take, and successfully pass, the Cambridge First Certificate in English examination. This validation process was carried out by means of a pre-course survey and a post-course survey in the form of two online questionnaires with a total of 146 learners of higherintermediate English enrolled in various technical degrees at the said University. There was sufficient evidence to corroborate its usefulness although a number of recommendations for improvements were revealed, which would have gone undiscovered without conducting the survey.[ES] El estudio que se describe en este artículo se basa en el proceso que se llevó a cabo para validar el curso online InGenio FCE Online Course & Tester desarrollado por miembros del Grupo de Investigación CAMILLE de la Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) como una herramienta eficaz para preparar a los estudiantes para realizar y aprobar el examen Cambridge First Certificate in English. El proceso de validación se llevó a cabo mediante la recogida de datos a través de dos encuestas de opinión; una administrada antes de que los estudiantes iniciaran el curso online y otro tras completarlo. La población encuestada ascendió a 146 estudiantes matriculados en varias de las titulaciones de grado de la UPV, con un nivel intermedio alto. A través del estudio se ha podido comprobar que el mencionado curso online cumplía sus objetivos aunque se detectaron algunas mejoras a realizar, que sin el estudio habrían pasado desapercibidasGimeno Sanz, A. (2016). Aceptación por parte de estudiantes de la ETSID del curso de inglés, InGenio FCE Online Course & Tester. En In-Red 2016. II Congreso nacional de innovación educativa y docencia en red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2016.2016.4278OC

    Learner expectations and satisfaction in a US-Spain intercultural telecollaboration project

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    [ES] El enfoque de este artículo es el análisis de datos recogidos después de realizar un proyecto de telecolaboración a lo largo de un semestre con 12 estudiantes avanzados de español provenientes de una universidad media de la costa atlántica de EE.UU. y 12 estudiantes de nivel intermedio-alto de inglés de una universidad técnica en España. Los datos se recogieron mediante un cuestionario sobre las expectativas de los alumnos al principio del proyecto y una encuesta final que buscaba información detallada sobre la satisfacción de los alumnos con el fin de implementar mejoras en proyectos posteriores. El análisis de los datos en profundidad pone de manifiesto los beneficios y los desafíos percibidos en el proyecto de telecolaboración intercultural. Muestra evidencias de que los estudiantes están muy abiertos para discutir cuestiones interculturales multifacéticas y para colaborar con compañeros de un contexto cultural diferente. Las encuestas también sugieren que los beneficios esperados por los estudiantes se alinean con sus beneficios declarados después de llevar a cabo el proyecto, lo que nos lleva a pensar que se han reducido al mínimo posibles frustraciones y problemas de comunicación.[EN] L'enfocament d'aquest article és l'anàlisi de dades recollides després de realitzar un projecte de tele-col·laboració al llarg d'un semestre amb 12 estudiants avançats d'espanyol provinents d'una universitat mitjana de la costa atlàntica dels EUA i 12 estudiants de nivell intermedi-alt d'anglès d'una universitat tècnica a Espanya. Les dades es van recollir mitjançant un qüestionari sobre les expectatives dels alumnes al principi del projecte i una enquesta final que buscava informació detallada sobre la satisfacció de l'alumne per tal d'implementar millores en projectes posteriors. L'anàlisi en profunditat de les dades posa de manifest els beneficis i els desafiaments percebuts del projecte de tele-col·laboració intercultural. Hi va evidència que els estudiants estan molt oberts per discutir qüestions interculturals multifacètiques i per col·laborar amb companys d'un context cultural diferent. Les enquestes també suggereixen que els beneficis esperats pels estudiants s'alineen amb els seus beneficis declarats després de dur a terme el projecte, la qual cosa ens porta a creure que s¿han reduït al mínim possibles frustracions i problemes de comunicació.[EN] The focus of this paper is the analysis of data collected after conducting a telecollaboration project throughout one semester with 12 advanced learners of Spanish from a mid-sized Atlantic coast university in the USA and 12 higher intermediate students of English from a technical university in Spain. Data was collected through a questionnaire enquiring about learner expectations at the outset of the project and a final survey seeking detailed information about learner satisfaction in order to implement improvements in subsequent projects. In-depth analysis of the data also shed light on the perceived benefits and challenges of the intercultural telecollaboration project. There was evidence that the students were very open-minded about discussing multifaceted intercultural issues and very positive toward collaborating with fellow students from a different cultural background. The surveys also suggest that the learners¿ expected benefits aligned with their stated benefits after carrying out the project, which led us to believe that possible frustrations and communication breakdowns had been kept to a minimum.Gimeno Sanz, A. (2018). Learner expectations and satisfaction in a US-Spain intercultural telecollaboration project. Bellaterra Journal of Teaching & Learning Language & Literature. 11(3):5-38. https://doi.org/10.5565/rev/jtl3.776S53811

    Fostering general and specific competences through online language learning materials

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    This paper addresses how general and specific competences are dealt with and fostered through the Online First Certificate Course and Tester, designed by the CAMILLE Research Group in Spain. The debate and research on the role of competences is an ongoing issue within the field of higher education. Moreover, the new framework of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) has made it more visible and has contributed towards designing and implementing new educational curricula based on a competence-based approach. Keywords: online language learning materials; planning; methodology; innovative approac

    Designing and Evaluating Online Language Learning Materials for Higher Education

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    Nowadays, finding, choosing and developing or adapting materials is a very important component of education as well as a key element for the success of the whole learning process. A language teacher is also a materials developer and the materials development process should aim at ensuring that local needs and wants do not dictate decisions and that important learning principles are not forgotten. In the case of materials for Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL), a very thorough and pedagogically-sound set of guidelines should be followed prior to the design of the materials. Following that, a careful evaluation should take place so as to guarantee that those guidelines have been followed and that the materials are therefore valid, efficient and effective. This is especially important in the case of in-house CALL materials development. This paper describes the basis for the evaluation and validation of the In Genio FCE Online Course and Tester. These are two language learning in-house CALL materials for students of English, developed by the CAMILLE Research Group at the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV) in Spain. A large part of the focus of this paper will be on the aspects concerning the evaluation of the two previously mentioned materials according to well-established frameworks and guidelines from the most relevant literature