13 research outputs found

    ICT and gamification experiences with CLIL methodology as innovative resources for the development of competencies in compulsory secondary education

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    Due to the lack of research in the field of music through CLIL and ICT in Secondary Education in Spain, we propose to merge this subject with an innovative methodology. The general objective is to present a different approach to students in order to increase their motivation for the subject. The specific objectives are to teach music in English by integrating content, cognition and vocabulary through communication and the use of new technologies. This approach makes the design and implementation didactic, audiovisual and multimedia. Cuadernia: digital notebook composed of flash files, videos and audios, and gamification strategies. Quizziz: multiplayer questionnaire of class contents, based on teaching music through a cooperative methodology and gamification, are applied as options with a great educational projection, with information and innovative pedagogical experiences and potential to work together in the classroom with different levels of the subject. The results that follow the Likert scale reflect high student satisfaction with regard to teaching methodology, content acquisition, teacher training, ICT and resources. As a conclusion, of the coincident results between the professor and the students, we would like to implement it in the coming years

    An Architecture Approach for 3D Render Distribution using Mobile Devices in Real Time

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    Nowadays, video games such as Massively Multiplayer Online Game (MMOG) have become cultural mediators. Mobile games contribute to a large number of downloads and potential benefits in the applications market. Although processing power of mobile devices increases the bandwidth transmission, a poor network connectivity may bottleneck Gaming as a Service (GaaS). In order to enhance performance in digital ecosystem, processing tasks are distributed among thin client devices and robust servers. This research is based on the method ‘divide and rule’, that is, volumetric surfaces are subdivided using a tree-KD of sequence of scenes in a game, so reducing the surface into small sets of points. Reconstruction efficiency is improved, because the search of data is performed in local and small regions. Processes are modeled through a finite set of states that are built using Hidden Markov Models with domains configured by heuristics. Six test that control the states of each heuristic, including the number of intervals are carried out to validate the proposed model. This validation concludes that the proposed model optimizes response frames per second, in a sequence of interactions

    Sport practice with friends and perceived physical competence as predictors of physical activity in adolescents

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    Understanding which factors influence participation in physical activity is essential for the development and improvement of public health intervention. The aim of this study was to provide an explanatory prediction model for physical activity level in adolescents, involving a number of influencing variables. 576 participants took part in the study: 275 boys and 301 girls aged between 12 and 18 years old (M = 14.80; SD = 1.180). They attended one of the 11 selected schools from Galicia (Spain), chosen by sampling in the seven main urban areas in that region. The International Questionnaire on Physical Education, Health and Lifestyle was administered. The findings revealed that age, sex, physical perceived competence and sport practice with friends had statistically significant influence on physical activity index. By contrast, the influence of perception of physical attractiveness could not be confirmed. Sport practice with friends and physical perceived competence were the main predicting variables for physical activity level. All this knowledge must be taken into account by physical activity and sport professionals, such as teachers or trainers. Likewise, to improve physical perceived competence, it is essential to offer a wide variety of activities, to propose different levels of problem resolution, to help students make adaptive causal attributions based on effort, and to break gender stereotypes. Strategies involving school mates or friends in different PA and sport projects are needed

    ICT and gamification experiences with CLIL methodology as innovative resources for the development of competencies in compulsory secondary education

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    Due to the lack of research in the field of music through CLIL and ICT in Secondary Education in Spain, we propose to merge this subject with an innovative methodology. The general objective is to present a different approach to students in order to increase their motivation for the subject. The specific objectives are to teach music in English by integrating content, cognition and vocabulary through communication and the use of new technologies. This approach makes the design and implementation didactic, audiovisual and multimedia. Cuadernia: digital notebook composed of flash files, videos and audios, and gamification strategies. Quizziz: multiplayer questionnaire of class contents, based on teaching music through a cooperative methodology and gamification, are applied as options with a great educational projection, with information and innovative pedagogical experiences and potential to work together in the classroom with different levels of the subject. The results that follow the Likert scale reflect high student satisfaction with regard to teaching methodology, content acquisition, teacher training, ICT and resources. As a conclusion, of the coincident results between the professor and the students, we would like to implement it in the coming years

    Experiencias en TIC y gamificación a través de la metodología AICLE como recursos innovadores para el desarrollo de competencias en la educación secundaria obligatoria

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    Referencias bibliográficas: • Adams, R., Nik Mohd Alwi, N. A., & Newton, J. (2015). Task complexity effects on the complexity and accuracy of writing via text chat. Journal of Second Language Writing, 29, 64–81. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jslw.2015.06.002 • Bartle, G. (1962). Music in the Language Classroom. Canadian Modern Language Review, 19(1), 11–14. https://doi.org/10.3138/cmlr.19.1.11 • Baturay, M., Yıldırım, S., & A. Daloğlu, A. (2009). Effects of Web-Based Spaced Repetition on Vocabulary Retention of Foreign Language Learners. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research (EJER), 34, 17-36. • Burke, B. (2014). Gamify: How Gamification Motivates People to do Extraordinary Things. Boston: Bibliomotion, INC. • Cabero Almenara, J., & Barroso Osuna, J. (2016). Posibilidades educativas de la Realidad Aumentada. Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research, 6(1), 44–50. https://doi.org/10.7821/naer.2016.1.140 • Coyle, D., Hood, P., & Marsh, D. (2010). 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Music as Means to Enhance Cultural Awareness and Literacy in the Foreign Language Classroom. Mid-Atlantic Journal of Foreign Language Pedagogy, 7, 97-108. • Fernandez Rodrigo, L. (2016). the Didactic and Methodological Use of Tablets in Classroms of Primary and Secondary Education in. Revista de Medios y Educación, 46, 9–25. • Fontecha, A. F. (2014). CALL syllabus integration through ICT-mediated tasks. Didáctica, Lengua Jy Literaura, 26, 147–168. • Gaballo, V. (2010). Integrating content and language in specialized language teaching and learning with the help of ICT. ICT for Language Learning Conference Proceeedings., 29–24. http://www.pixel-online.net/ICT4LL2010/common/download/Proceedings_pdf/CLIL02-Gaballo.pdf • Gallardo del Puerto, F., Gómez-Lacabex, E. & García-Lecumberri, M. L. (2009). Testing the effectiveness of content and language integrated learning in foreign language contexts the assessment of English pronunciation. In Y. Ruiz de Zarobe & R. M. 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INTEGRACIÓN DE LAS TIC EN LA ASIGNATURA DE TECNOLOGÍA DE EDUCACIÓN SECUNDARIA INTEGRATION OF ICT INTO THE TECHNOLOGY SUBJECT IN SECONDARY EDUCATION (Vol. 37). https://idus.us.es/handle/11441/22627 • Peregoy, S. F., & Boyle, O. F. (2008). Reading, writing, and learning in ESL: A resource book for K–12 teachers (5th ed.). New York, NY: Addison-Wesley. • Rangel Baca, A. (2014). Competencias docentes digitales: propuesta de un perfil. Píxel-Bit, Revista de Medios y Educación, 46, 235–248. https://doi.org/10.12795/pixelbit.2015.i46.15 • Richards, J. (1969). Songs in Language Learning. TESOL Quarterly, 3(2), 161. https://doi.org/10.2307/3586103 • Roca, F. (2004). Creatividad y comunicación musical desde las nuevas tecnologías. Creatividad y Comunicación Musical Desde Las Nuevas Tecnologías, 12(23), 31–36. https://doi.org/10.3916/25613 • Rodríguez, R., Blázquez, M., López, B., Castro, M., San Cristobal, E., & Martín, S. (2014). Educational games for improving the teaching-learning process of a CLIL subject: Physics and chemistry in secondary education”, IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE) Proceedings, 1-8. https://doi.org/10.1109/FIE.2014.7044064 • Romero-Carmona, J.-B. (2004). New technologies and musical expression; other languages in education. Comunicar, 12(23), 25–30. https://doi.org/10.3916/c23-2004-05 • Ruiz de Zarobe, Y., & Lasagabaster, D. (2010). CLIL in Spain: Implementation, Results and teacher training. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. • Saricoban, A., & Metin, E. (2000). Songs, verse and games for teaching grammar. The Internet TESL Journal, 6 (10), 1-7. Retrieved from http:// iteslj.org/Techniques/Saricoban-Songs.html • Saz, O., Rodríguez, V., Lleida, E., Rodríguez, W. R., & Vaquero, C. (2011). The use of multimodal tools for pronunciation training in second language learning of preadolescents. 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Frigols-Martin, S. Hughes & G. Langé (eds.) CLIL Practice: Perspectives from the Field. University of Jyväskylä. • Willis, J. (2013). English through music Designing CLIL materials for young learners. Padres y Maestros, 349, 29-32. aestros, 349, 29-32.Due to the lack of research in the field of music through CLIL and ICT in Secondary Education in Spain, we propose to merge this subject with an innovative methodology. The general objective is to present a different approach to students in order to increase their motivation for the subject. The specific objectives are to teach music in English by integrating content, cognition and vocabulary through communication and the use of new technologies. This approach makes the design and implementation didactic, audiovisual and multimedia. Cuadernia: digital notebook composed of flash files, videos and audios, and gamification strategies. Quizziz: multiplayer questionnaire of class contents, based on teaching music through a cooperative methodology and gamification, are applied as options with a great educational projection, with information and innovative pedagogical experiences and potential to work together in the classroom with different levels of the subject. The results that follow the Likert scale reflect high student satisfaction with regard to teaching methodology, content acquisition, teacher training, ICT and resources. As a conclusion, of the coincident results between the professor and the students, we would like to implement it in the coming years.Depto. de Didáctica de las Lenguas, Artes y Educación FísicaFac. de EducaciónTRUEpu

    Improved semilocal convergence analysis in Banach space with applications to chemistry

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    We present a new semilocal convergence analysis for Secant methods in order to approximate a locally unique solution of a nonlinear equation in a Banach space setting. Our analysis includes the computation of the bounds on the limit points of the majorizing sequences involved. Under the same computational cost on the parameters involved our convergence criteria are weaker and the error bounds more precise than in earlier studies. A numerical example is also presented to illustrate the theoretical results obtained in this study

    Sport Practice With Friends And Perceived Physical Competence As Predictors Of Physical Activity In Adolescents

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    Understanding which factors influence participation in physical activity is essential for the development and improvement of public health intervention. The aim of this study was to provide an explanatory prediction model for physical activity level in adolescents, involving a number of influencing variables. 576 participants took part in the study: 275 boys and 301 girls aged between 12 and 18 years old (M = 14.80; SD = 1.180). They attended one of the 11 selected schools from Galicia (Spain), chosen by sampling in the seven main urban areas in that region. The International Questionnaire on Physical Education, Health and Lifestyle was administered. The findings revealed that age, sex, physical perceived competence and sport practice with friends had statistically significant influence on physical activity index. By contrast, the influence of perception of physical attractiveness could not be confirmed. Sport practice with friends and physical perceived competence were the main predicting variables for physical activity level. All this knowledge must be taken into account by physical activity and sport professionals, such as teachers or trainers. Likewise, to improve physical perceived competence, it is essential to offer a wide variety of activities, to propose different levels of problem resolution, to help students make adaptive causal attributions based on effort, and to break gender stereotypes. Strategies involving school mates or friends in different PA and sport projects are needed. © Faculty of Education. University of Alicant

    An Architecture Approach for 3D Render Distribution using Mobile Devices in Real Time

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    Nowadays, video games such as Massively Multiplayer Online Game (MMOG) have become cultural mediators. Mobile games contribute to a large number of downloads and potential benefits in the applications market. Although processing power of mobile devices increases the bandwidth transmission, a poor network connectivity may bottleneck Gaming as a Service (GaaS). In order to enhance performance in digital ecosystem, processing tasks are distributed among thin client devices and robust servers. This research is based on the method �divide and rule�, that is, volumetric surfaces are subdivided using a tree-KD of sequence of scenes in a game, so reducing the surface into small sets of points. Reconstruction efficiency is improved, because the search of data is performed in local and small regions. Processes are modeled through a finite set of states that are built using Hidden Markov Models with domains configured by heuristics. Six test that control the states of each heuristic, including the number of intervals are carried out to validate the proposed model. This validation concludes that the proposed model optimizes response frames per second, in a sequence of interactions

    Radio signal propagation model in the equatorial jungle environment: A proposal to optimize telecommunication systems in hostile regions II

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    The article exposes the results of the research carried out in the Ecuadorian Amazon, which has the objective of finding a model of propagation of radio signals in this hostile environment. The work takes more interest because that jungle area has not been characterized yet and presents nonconformities in the telecommunications services. The characterization looks for a mathematical model that through a regressive adjustment can estimate more accurately the power of the received signal. The measurements in the jungle were made from signals generated by radio equipment with military standards, which guarantee the quality of the signal. Simultaneously, using electromagnetic spectrum analyzers, several teams of people in the jungle measure the power of the received signal. The probes were made in a region like dense vegetation and during the summer time, a meteorological station was used to check data. The results show that no current model accurately achieves the computation of power losses in this environment.O artigo expõe o resultado da pesquisa feita na amazonía equatoriana, mesma tem o objetivo de achar um modelo de propagação de sinais de rádio nesse ambiente hostil. O trabalho toma maior interesse porque aquela área selvática não tem sido caracterizada ainda e apresenta não conformidades nos serviços de telecomunicações. A caracterização procura um modelo matemático que através de um ajuste regressivo possa estimar com maior precisão a potência do sinal recebido. As medições na selva foram feitas a partir de sinais geradas por equipes de rádio com padrões militares, os quais garantem a qualidade do sinal. Simultaneamente, utilizando analisadores do espectro eletromagnético várias equipes de pessoas adentradas na selva medem a potência do sinal recebido. As probas foram feitas numa região como vegetação densa e no horário de verão, utilizou-se uma estação meteorológica para conferir dados. Os resultados obtidos mostram que nenhum modelo atual atinge com precisão a forma de computar as perdas de potência nesse ambiente

    MOVPSO: Vortex Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization

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    This paper presents the Multi-Objective Vortex Particle Swarm Optimization MOVPSO as a strategy based on the behavior of a particle swarm using rotational and translational motions. The MOVPSO strategy is based upon the emulation of the emerging property performed by a swarm (flock), achieving a successful motion with diversity control, via collaborative, using linear and circular movements. The proposed algorithm is tested through several multi-objective optimization functions and is compared with standard Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization (MOPSO). The qualitative results show that particle swarms behave as expected. Finally, statistical analysis allows to appreciate that the MOVPSO algorithm has a favorable performance compared to traditional MOPSO algorithm