48 research outputs found

    Music Notation Software as a Means to Facilitate the Study of Singing Musical Scores

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    Introduction. Learning to read music is a complex task which becomes more difficult if it involves students who have different levels of music knowledge. The cognitive load theory maintains that acquiring new knowledge or the development of new abilities imposes a cognitive effort which depends on: a) instructional design; b) complexity of the task and c) previous knowledge. Method. In the present study eleven students varying in previous musical studies participated in a comparative assessment of music reading exercises using two different kinds of help: usual music instrument and music notation software. Load Cognitive Theory was used as a conceptual framework to determine which interface would be better (imposing low cognitive load) according to both exercises’ difficulty levels and students´ previous musical studies. The study involved a mixed factorial experimental design with the following independent within-subjects factors and levels 1) Type of Interface: music instrument and music notation software; 2) Music exercises difficulty: level I and level II. The between-subject factor in this study was: 3) Previous Musical Studies: academic and non-academic music studies. Results. Results showed that for the most of variables related with cognitive load, music notation software seemed that imposes less additional cognitive load than music instrument when students had no academic music studies and especially when they studied high-level music exercises. In these cases music notation software was a useful help to support music score study. Discussion or Conclusion. The music notation software allows to perceive clearly the relationship between written notation and sound and probably it makes easier the memorization of these pairs. This kind of media could be a useful tool for students with difficulties and for those who didn´t because of the options´ software, which allows music edition, composing, etc.Introducción. El aprendizaje de la lectura musical es una tarea compleja cuya dificultad se acentúa más si su enseñanza ha de adaptarse a un alumnado heterogéneo en cuanto a conocimientos previos musicales. Según la Teoría de la Carga Cognitiva el aprendizaje de contenidos complejos o el desarrollo de nuevas habilidades impone un esfuerzo cognitivo que depende de varios factores: el entorno de aprendizaje, la dificultad del material y los conocimientos previos. Método. El presente estudio trató de comparar la calidad de lectura musical de once alumnos con diferentes estudios musicales previos que utilizaron dos medios de ayuda durante el estudio: el instrumento habitual y un programa de edición de partituras. La teoría de la carga cognitiva se utilizó como paradigma para determinar cuál de los medios sería el más efectivo según la dificultad de los ejercicios propuestos y el tipo de preparación musical previa de los alumnos. Para ello se realizó un análisis factorial mixto en el que se contemplaron dos variables independientes intra-grupo: 1) el tipo de medio utilizado y 2) la dificultad de las partituras; y una inter-grupo: el tipo de estudios musicales previos. Resultados. Los resultados sugirieron que, para la mayoría de las variables asociadas a la carga cognitiva, cuando los alumnos no tenían estudios musicales reglados y se enfrentaban a partituras de mayor dificultad, el editor de partituras resultaba más efectivo como ayuda que el instrumento musical habitual. Al parecer, el software de notación musical pudo suponer una menor carga cognitiva adicional en dichas condiciones. Discusión y conclusiones. El hecho de que el editor muestre de una manera directa la relación entre el código escrito y su correspondencia sonora posibilita que los alumnos y alumnas puedan memorizar de una manera más efectiva esta relación. La inclusión de este tipo de herramientas dentro del currículo podría beneficiar tanto a los alumnos con dificultades como aquellos que tienen amplios conocimientos. Las diferentes opciones que ofrece el software entre las que se encuentran la edición de partituras o la composición inducen a pensar de este mod

    Inspección de trabajo: Caso práctico

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    Alrededor de las 10 horas del día 12 de junio de 1996, se gira visita por un Inspector de Trabajo y Seguridad Social a PROFAZO, S.A. (C.I.F. 79936937788, domiciliada en un polígono industrial del término municipal de Madrid, en la C/ Papel núm. 50, con número de cuenta de cotización 28/112233445566 y plantilla efectiva de 120 trabajadores), dedicada a la impresión de uno de los diarios de la capital. La inspección se produce a consecuencia de un accidente de trabajo mortal ocurrido en ese centro. A) Por la dirección de la empresa se había decidido proceder, dentro de un plan de remozamiento que afecta a parte de sus instalaciones, a la impermeabilización y reparación de la cubierta de la nave de talleres ya que, a causa de las abundantes lluvias de los últimos tiempos, se encontraba en mal estado. Para cumplir ese objetivo, con efectos del día 3 de mayo de 1996 (fecha de inicio de los trabajos), se formalizó contrato de arrendamiento de obra con la empresa CIMA, S.L. (domiciliada en la C/ Real núm. 8 de Aravaca, provincia de Madrid, con número de cuenta de cotización 28/3333344445566 y ocupando 10 trabajadores), cuyo objeto social es, precisamente, la ejecución de ese tipo de arreglos de construcción

    Predation impact on threatened spur-thighed tortoises by golden eagles when main prey is scarce

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    A reduction in adult survival in long-living species may compromise population growth rates. The spur-thighed tortoise (Testudo graeca) is a long-lived reptile that is threatened by habitat loss and fragmentation. Golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos), whose breeding habitats overlap that of tortoises, may predate them by dropping them onto rocks and breaking their carapaces. In SE Spain, the number of golden eagles has increased in the last decades and the abundance of their main prey (i.e., rabbits Oryctolagus cuniculus) has decreased. Our aims were to 1) describe the role of tortoises in golden eagles’ diet, and 2) estimate the predation impact of golden eagles on tortoises in eagles’ territories and in the regional tortoise population. We collected regurgitated pellets and prey remains under eagle nests and roosts, and obtained information on tortoise abundance and population structure and rabbit abundance. We found that tortoises were an alternative prey to rabbits, so that eagles shifted to the former where the latter were scarce. The average predation rate on tortoises was very low at the two studied scales. However, eagles showed a marked selection for adult female tortoises, which led the tortoise sex ratio to be biased towards males in those eagle territories with higher tortoise predation. Whether this may compromise the spur-thighed tortoise long-term population viability locally deserves further attention.Much information on the spur-thighed tortoise populations and the regional abundance model was obtained with Projects CGL2012-33536 and CGL2015-64144 funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and the European Regional Development Fund, Grant PID2019-105682RA-I00, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and AICO/2021/145 funded by the Regional Valencian Government. MM was supported by a Ramón y Cajal research contract from MINECO (RYC-2015-19231), MCM by a pre-doctoral grant of the Spanish Ministry of Science (FPU1700633), and RCRC by a postdoctoral grant funded by the Regional Valencian Government (APOSTD/2020/090) and by the European Union-Next Generation EU in the Maria Zambrano Program (ZAMBRANO 21-26). The Dirección General de Gestión del Medio Natural of Andalusian Government (SGB/FOA/AFR) and the Dirección General de Medio Natural of the Murcia Region authorised and facilitated the sampling of golden eagle territories (AUF20140061) and the spur-thighed tortoise populations (SGYB/AF/DBP, SGYB/AFR/DBP, AUF20160056, AUF20140057)

    Guía psicopedagógica para estudiantes y profesores universitarios en el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior

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    Esta Guía pone a vuestra disposición algunas de las claves de información y análisis necesarias para conocer, entender y hacer frente a las dificultades que conlleva el proceso de estudiar, aprender y formarse a lo largo de la vida. En ella podéis encontrar información acerca del EEES y ECTS, una descripción de cómo usar este recurso y toda la información de carácter académico-personal, que aparece estructurada en tres bloques: en el primer bloque, presentamos un análisis funcional de las principales variables y procesos que condicionan el ajuste a las exigencias de la vida universitaria; el segundo, contiene 25 temas relacionados con esas variables y procesos desde un punto de vista descriptivo, explicativo y preventivo. Entre los temas tratados se encuentran: hábitos de estudio: planificación y organización del tiempo, procrastinación, exámenes tipo test, técnicas de estudio, ansiedad y miedo a hablar en publico, ansiedad ante los exámenes, problemas de sueño, relaciones de pareja, orientación sexual, problemas con el alcohol, cannabis, habilidades sociales: asertividad, etc.; el tercer bloque, ofrece un conjunto de materiales de auto-evaluación, de auto-intervención y de auto-seguimiento, que pretenden serte de ayuda para mejorar tu rendimiento académico y satisfacción con los estudios. Por último, este material también cuenta con un glosario de términos de consulta para apoyarte en la comprensión de las ideas, conceptos, trucos, recomendaciones y recursos seleccionados para esta Guía.This Guide provides a useful foundation for students to know, understand and deal with the main challenges imbibed in the process of studying and learning, not only during the University years, but throughout the lifelong learning process. Inside, you can find information about the European Higher Education Area and the European Credit Transfer System, a detailed description about how to use this resource, as well as information on academic and personal issues organized into three parts. The first one contains a psychological functional analysis of the main variables and processes that determine the adjustment level of students to the challenges posed by the University life. The second one includes information, definitions, explanations and recommendations on twenty five of those main variables, factors and processes. Among others, the themes included are: Study habits and strategies like planification of tasks and organization of time, procrastination, multiple choice exam, study techniques, anxiety, exams ´anxiety, talking in public, sleep problems, couple relationships, sexual orientation, alcohol problems, cannabis, social skills, assertively, etc. The third bloc includes several examples and materials ready to be used for self-evaluation, self-intervention, and self-following up, effective to improve academic performance and personal satisfaction with your studies. Finally, a glossary with basic key terms is included to help you to better understand the ideas, concepts, tips, recommendations and resources selected for this Guide.Universidad de Granada, Vicerrectorado de Estudiante

    Next-generation sequencing in bone marrow failure syndromes and isolated cytopenias: experience of the spanish network on bone marrow failure sundromes

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    © 2021 the Author(s).Inherited bone marrow failure syndromes (IBMFSs) are a group of congenital rare diseases characterized by bone marrow failure, congenital anomalies, high genetic heterogeneity, and predisposition to cancer. Appropriate treatment and cancer surveillance ideally depend on the identification of the mutated gene. A next-generation sequencing (NGS) panel of genes could be 1 initial genetic screening test to be carried out in a comprehensive study of IBMFSs, allowing molecular detection in affected patients. We designed 2 NGS panels of IBMFS genes: version 1 included 129 genes and version 2 involved 145 genes. The cohort included a total of 204 patients with suspected IBMFSs without molecular diagnosis. Capture-based targeted sequencing covered > 99% of the target regions of 145 genes, with more than 20 independent reads. No differences were seen between the 2 versions of the panel. The NGS tool allowed a total of 91 patients to be diagnosed, with an overall molecular diagnostic rate of 44%. Among the 167 patients with classified IBMFSs, 81 patients (48%) were diagnosed. Unclassified IBMFSs involved a total of 37 patients, of whom 9 patients (24%) were diagnosed. The preexisting diagnosis of 6 clinically classified patients (6%) was amended, implying a change of therapy for some of them. Our NGS IBMFS gene panel assay is a useful tool in the molecular diagnosis of IBMFSs and a reasonable option as the first tier genetic test in these disorders

    Next-generation Sequencing in Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes and Isolated Cytopenias : Experience of the Spanish Network on Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes

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    Inherited bone marrow failure syndromes (IBMFSs) are a group of congenital rare diseases characterized by bone marrow failure, congenital anomalies, high genetic heterogeneity, and predisposition to cancer. Appropriate treatment and cancer surveillance ideally depend on the identification of the mutated gene. A next-generation sequencing (NGS) panel of genes could be 1 initial genetic screening test to be carried out in a comprehensive study of IBMFSs, allowing molecular detection in affected patients. We designed 2 NGS panels of IBMFS genes: version 1 included 129 genes and version 2 involved 145 genes. The cohort included a total of 204 patients with suspected IBMFSs without molecular diagnosis. Capture-based targeted sequencing covered > 99% of the target regions of 145 genes, with more than 20 independent reads. No differences were seen between the 2 versions of the panel. The NGS tool allowed a total of 91 patients to be diagnosed, with an overall molecular diagnostic rate of 44%. Among the 167 patients with classified IBMFSs, 81 patients (48%) were diagnosed. Unclassified IBMFSs involved a total of 37 patients, of whom 9 patients (24%) were diagnosed. The preexisting diagnosis of 6 clinically classified patients (6%) was amended, implying a change of therapy for some of them. Our NGS IBMFS gene panel assay is a useful tool in the molecular diagnosis of IBMFSs and a reasonable option as the first tier genetic test in these disorders

    Alterations in leukocyte DNA methylome are associated to immunosuppression in severe clinical phenotypes of septic patients

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    IntroductionSepsis patients experience a complex interplay of host pro- and anti-inflammatory processes which compromise the clinical outcome. Despite considering the latest clinical and scientific research, our comprehension of the immunosuppressive events in septic episodes remains incomplete. Additionally, a lack of data exists regarding the role of epigenetics in modulating immunosuppression, subsequently impacting patient survival.MethodsTo advance the current understanding of the mechanisms underlying immunosuppression, in this study we explored the dynamics of DNA methylation using the Infinium Methylation EPIC v1.0 BeadChip Kit in leukocytes from patients suffering from sepsis, septic shock, and critically ill patients as controls, within the first 24 h after admission in the Intensive Care Unit of a tertiary hospital.Results and discussionEmploying two distinct analysis approaches (DMRcate and mCSEA) in comparing septic shock and critically ill patients, we identified 1,256 differentially methylated regions (DMRs) intricately linked to critical immune system pathways. The examination of the top 100 differentially methylated positions (DMPs) between septic shock and critically ill patients facilitated a clear demarcation among the three patient groups. Notably, the top 6,657 DMPs exhibited associations with organ dysfunction and lactate levels. Among the individual genes displaying significant differential methylation, IL10, TREM1, IL1B, and TNFAIP8 emerged with the most pronounced methylation alterations across the diverse patient groups when subjected to DNA bisulfite pyrosequencing analysis. These findings underscore the dynamic nature of DNA methylation profiles, highlighting the most pronounced alterations in patients with septic shock, and revealing their close association with the disease

    Plan de formación docente de jóvenes investigadores pre- y postdoctorales del Departamento de Farmacología y Toxicología.

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    Los objetivos que se han alcanzado son los siguientes: 1. Teniendo en cuenta los resultados obtenidos durante el curso 2018-19 (además de los resultados obtenidos en el curso 2017-18) los participantes han alcanzado una formación por encima de lo esperado en Farmacología habiendo asistido a una media de 57% del curso en su primer año de participación (cuando lo estipulado en el Plan de Formacion Docente es del 30%). Además, han superado un 42,3% de la materia entre su primer y segundo año con una calificación media de 8,3. 2. Los jóvenes investigadores han realizado una media de 10 horas de prácticas docentes contabilizando aquellas dedicadas a la asistencia a prácticas como oyentes, el ensayo de las prácticas con tutores y la impartición misma de las sesiones de prácticas. El número de horas está muy limitado por el bajo número de horas prácticas en las asignaturas de Farmacología del Dpto. y el elevado número de jóvenes investigadores incorporados al Dpto. 3. Con todo lo anterior, los jóvenes investigadores han alcanzado la formación en competencias docentes y las horas realizadas han sido acreditadas a las respectivas autoridades de sus becas/contratos. Su participación en la docencia práctica les permitirá en el futuro solicitar un certificado de actividades docentes emitido por las autoridades académicas de la Facultad de Medicina que avalaran su experiencia docente en solicitudes de acreditación a las diferentes figuras de profesor ante la ANECA. Además, el Dpto. de Farmacología y Toxicología ha emitido informes detallados de Aptitud Docente en Farmacología reflejando su participación en el Plan de Formación Docente del Dpto. que podrán ser consideradas en solicitudes a puestos docentes en el futuro