24 research outputs found

    Coherent manipulation of three-qubit states in a molecular single-ion magnet

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    We study the quantum spin dynamics of nearly isotropic Gd3+ ions entrapped in polyoxometalate molecules and diluted in crystals of a diamagnetic Y3+ derivative. The full energy-level spectrum and the orientations of the magnetic anisotropy axes have been determined by means of continuous-wave electron paramagnetic resonance experiments, using X-band (9-10 GHz) cavities and on-chip superconducting waveguides and 1.5-GHz resonators. The results show that seven allowed transitions between the 2S+1 spin states can be separately addressed. Spin coherence T2 and spin-lattice relaxation T1 rates have been measured for each of these transitions in properly oriented single crystals. The results suggest that quantum spin coherence is limited by residual dipolar interactions with neighbor electronic spins. Coherent Rabi oscillations have been observed for all transitions. The Rabi frequencies increase with microwave power and agree quantitatively with predictions based on the spin Hamiltonian of the molecular spin. We argue that the spin states of each Gd3+ ion can be mapped onto the states of three addressable qubits (or, alternatively, of a d=8-level "qudit"), for which the seven allowed transitions form a universal set of operations. Within this scheme, one of the coherent oscillations observed experimentally provides an implementation of a controlled-controlled-NOT (or Toffoli) three-qubit gate

    Toward sustainable environmental quality : priority research questions for Europe

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    The United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals have been established to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all. Delivery of the Sustainable Development Goals will require a healthy and productive environment. An understanding of the impacts of chemicals which can negatively impact environmental health is therefore essential to the delivery of the Sustainable Development Goals. However, current research on and regulation of chemicals in the environment tend to take a simplistic view and do not account for the complexity of the real world, which inhibits the way we manage chemicals. There is therefore an urgent need for a step change in the way we study and communicate the impacts and control of chemicals in the natural environment. To do this requires the major research questions to be identified so that resources are focused on questions that really matter. We present the findings of a horizon-scanning exercise to identify research priorities of the European environmental science community around chemicals in the environment. Using the key questions approach, we identified 22 questions of priority. These questions covered overarching questions about which chemicals we should be most concerned about and where, impacts of global megatrends, protection goals, and sustainability of chemicals; the development and parameterization of assessment and management frameworks; and mechanisms to maximize the impact of the research. The research questions identified provide a first-step in the path forward for the research, regulatory, and business communities to better assess and manage chemicals in the natural environment. Environ Toxicol Chem 2018;9999:1-15

    Antiepileptic treatment in patients with epilepsy and other comorbidities

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    AbstractBackgroundA high number of patients with epilepsy have comorbidities. The type of comorbidity is an important factor in deciding on the most suitable treatment, including that for acute epileptic seizures and chronic antiepileptic treatment. Evidence-based criteria should guide the selection of the appropriate antiepileptic drugs given specific comorbidities.MethodsWe performed a comprehensive search of the scientific literature on epilepsy treatment in patients with the following comorbidities: heart disease, lung disease, liver disease, kidney disease, porphyria, organ transplantation, thyroid disease, metabolic disorder, infection, mental disability, psychiatric disorder, cognitive impairment, stroke, and brain tumour.ResultsMost of the studies were case series and retrospective analyses. No randomised controlled trials specifically designed for this type of clinical situation were identified. The level of scientific evidence to guide clinical decisions is therefore low.ConclusionsIn this review we make recommendations based on the best scientific evidence available for treating epilepsy in patients with other comorbidities, including the treatment of epileptic seizures in acute situations as well as chronic antiepileptic treatment. When no scientific evidence is available, our recommendations are based on pharmacokinetic criteria and tolerability of antiepileptic drugs, using accumulated experience and the consensus of the members of the Andalusian Epilepsy Society

    Distrofia miotónica tipo 1: 13 años de experiencia en un hospital terciario. Estudio clínico y epidemiológico. Correlación genotipo-fenotipo

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    Resumen: Introducción: Se desconoce la incidencia de la distrofia miotónica tipo 1 (DM1), enfermedad con gran variedad fenotípica, en nuestra región. El objetivo de nuestro trabajo es estimar la incidencia de DM1 en nuestro centro (referencia en Aragón) e identificar las características propias de nuestra población (correlación genotipo-fenotipo). Métodos: Estudio descriptivo retrospectivo de 459 pacientes clasificados según número de repeticiones CTG en: normal (5-35), premutado (36-50), protomutado (51-80), pequeñas expansiones (81-150), intermedias (151-1.000) y grandes (> 1.000). Además, según el fenotipo mostrado, se categorizaron como: no afectos (5-50 CTG), forma leve o asintomática (51-150 CTG), clásica (151-1.000 CTG) y severa (> 1.000 CTG). Resultados: La incidencia de DM1 fue de 20,61 (IC 95%: 19,59-21,63) casos por millón de individuos-año. Se evidenció una correlación inversa entre el número de CTG y la edad al diagnóstico genético (ρ = −0,547; IC 95%: −0,610 a −0,375; p  1000). Furthermore, according to clinical phenotype, patients were categorised as unaffected (5-50 CTG repeats), mild form or asymptomatic (51-150), classical form (151-1000), and severe form (> 1000). Results: The incidence of DM1 was 20.61 cases per million person-years (95% CI: 19.59-21.63). An inverse correlation was observed between the number of CTG repeats and the age at genetic diagnosis (ρ = −0.547; 95% CI: −0.610 to −0.375; P < .001). CTG5 was the most frequent polymorphic allele in healthy individuals. Of all patients with DM1, 28.3% presented the mild or asymptomatic form, 59.1% the classical form, and 12.6% the severe form. Inheritance was maternal in 35.1% of cases, paternal in 59.4%, and uncertain in 5.5%. In mild forms, frontal balding in men was the most prevalent phenotypic trait, as well as myotonia and cataracts, while in the classical form, ptosis, facial weakness, voice and pronunciation alterations, myotonia, and fatigue/sleepiness were most frequent. Conclusions: The incidence of DM1 in Aragon is significant. Multidisciplinary study of the phenotype of patients with DM1 is key to early diagnosis and personalised management

    Relação entre o processo de ensino-aprendizagem-treinamento e o desenvolvimento do conhecimento tático no voleibol

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    O objetivo desse estudo foi verificar em que medida o processo de ensino-aprendizagem-treinamento utilizado em uma equipe feminina de voleibol favoreceu o desenvolvimento do conhecimento tático declarativo das atletas. Doze jogadoras (idade média 13,9 ± 0,3 anos) pertencentes a um clube participaram da pesquisa. Para caracterizar o processo de ensino-aprendizagem-treinamento foram filmadas e posteriormente analisadas 17 sessões consecutivas de treinamento. Para verificar o desenvolvimento do conhecimento tático, utilizou-se o teste validado por PAULA (2001), sendo este aplicado no início e no final das sessões de treino registradas. Na análise das sessões de treino, as atividades relacionadas ao desenvolvimento da capacidade técnica ocuparam 57,5% do tempo total de treinamento, enquanto que em 29,9% do tempo foram desenvolvidas atividades com características de aperfeiçoamento tático. Para o conhecimento tático, não foi verificado aumento em nenhuma das variáveis medidas no teste. Esses resultados demonstraram que o treinador planificou suas sessões de forma a dedicar maior atenção ao componente técnico, sendo este contemplado especialmente através das atividades sem conexão com situações de jogo, como "fundamentos individuais" ou "combinação de fundamentos". A estrutura de treinamento utilizada parece não ter favorecido o aumento do nível de conhecimento tático declarativo no decorrer do período de treinamento avaliado.The aim of this study was to verify the extent to which the teaching-learning-training process used in a female volleyball team promoted the development of the tactical knowledge. Twelve female players (13.9 ± 0.3 years) of a volleyball team participated in the study. To characterize the process of teaching-learning-training were video recorded and subsequently analyzed 17 consecutive sessions of technical-tactical training. The test validated by PAULA (2001) was used to verify the development of the declarative tactical knowledge and it was applied at the beginning and at the end of the registered training sessions. When analyzing the training sessions, activities related to the development of technical capacity occupied 57.5% of total time of training, while in 29.9% of total time was developed activities with tactical characteristics. There was no increase in any of the variables measured in the tactical knowledge test. The results demonstrated that the coach prepared training sessions dedicating more attention to the technical component, which is shown particularly through the activities without association with game situations, as "individual skills" and "skills combination". The training design used does not seem to have helped to increase the declarative tactical knowledge during the study period

    Continuidade espacial da condutividade hidráulica saturada do solo na bacia hidrográfica do Alto Rio Grande, MG

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    A distribuição espacial da condutividade hidráulica saturada (k0) é essencial para estudos relacionados a erosão do solo e escoamento superficial. Este trabalho objetivou estudar a continuidade espacial do atributo hidrológico do solo k o na Bacia Hidrográfica do Alto Rio Grande, MG, e realizar seu mapeamento por meio de técnicas geoestatísticas, utilizando dados sem e com transformação logarítmica. Os modelos de semivariograma esférico e exponencial foram ajustados ao semivariograma experimental pelo método dos Mínimos Quadrados Ordinários (MQO) e Mínimos Quadrados Ponderados (MQP). Técnicas de validação cruzada e preditiva foram aplicadas para a escolha do melhor modelo. Os resultados indicaram que, ao se trabalhar com o logaritmo dos dados de k o, houve redução de pontos discrepantes e de anisotropia, entretanto os valores mais elevados de grau de dependência espacial foram observados nos dados sem transformação. O ajuste do modelo esférico, por meio do método MQO, foi o que produziu melhor desempenho na modelagem da continuidade espacial de k0. Os mapas gerados a partir dos dados sem e com transformação logarítmica não apresentaram o mesmo comportamento na distribuição espacial dos valores, e o mapa dos dados na forma transformada teve o melhor detalhamento da distribuição espacial