3,864 research outputs found

    Fuentes para el conocimiento de los usos y prácticas medicinales en nueva España en el siglo XVI

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    The relationship is established between the content of chapter XXVIII of Book X, of the "Historia General de las Cosas de Nueva España" by Fray Bemardino de Sahagún where the uses and applications of several drugs of both vegetal and animal origin by indigenouses and the text of Francisco Hemández "Historia Natural de Nueva España" , where these drugs are described in detail using the same denominations and indicating their main applications. These words serve as a connexion between the two texts, which represent toguether with other indian codes, an important contribution to the knowledge about the use, applications and skill of mexican medicine at the time of the Spanish arrival in this country.Se establece la relación que existe entre el contenido de parte del capítulo XXVIII, del Libro X, de la obra "Historia General de las Cosas de Nueva España", de Bemardino de Sahagún, donde se expone el uso y aplicaciones por parte de los indígenas de diversas drogas, tanto de origen vegetal como animal, y el texto de la obra de Francisco Hemández "Historia Natural de Nueva España", donde estas drogas, que tienen las mismas denominaciones en nahuatl, son ampliamente descritas, indicándose sus principales aplicaciones. Estos nombres sirven de nexo para la interpretación de ambos textos que representan, junto con determinados Códices indígenas, importantes aportaciones al conocimiento del uso, aplicaciones y virtudes medicinales de la Materia Médica mexicana en la época de la llegada de los españoles a este país

    En el segundo centenario de la inauguración del Jardín Botánico de México

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    On 1st May 1788, the Botanic Garden was inaugurated in Mexico City on Martin de Sesse's initiative. He was the Leader of the Scientific Expedition to Nueva España, under the auspices of King Charles III and in cIose contac with the Royal Botanic Garden in Madrid, directed by Casimiro Gómez Ortega, who helped him from the mother country, This work studies the history of this, Garden, which helped the medical students of Mexico in their studies and experiments, and also the hospitals of the city and the studious of the medicine in Nueva España.El 1 de Mayo de 1788 fue inaugurado en la ciudad de México el Jardín Botánico a iniciativa de Martín de Sessé, director de la Expedición Científica a Nueva España, patrocinada por Carlos III y en estrecho contacto con el Real Jardín Botánico de Madrid, dirigido por Casimiro Gómez Ortega, que impulsó la empresa desde la metrópoli. Dicho centro, de cuya historia se trata en este trabajo, sirvió de estudio y experimentación a los estudiantes de la Facultad de Medicina de México, a los Hospitales de esta ciudad y a todos los interesados en la Materia Médica de Nueva España

    En el segundo centenario de la inauguración del Jardín Botánico de México

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    El 1 de Mayo de 1788 fue inaugurado en la ciudad de México el Jardín Botánico a iniciativa de Martín de Sessé, director de la Expedición Científica a Nueva España, patrocinada por Carlos III y en estrecho contacto con el Real Jardín Botánico de Madrid, dirigido por Casimiro Gómez Ortega, que impulsó la empresa desde la metrópoli. Dicho centro, de cuya historia se trata en este trabajo, sirvió de estudio y experimentación a los estudiantes de la Facultad de Medicina de México, a los Hospitales de esta ciudad y a todos los interesados en la Materia Médica de Nueva España.On 1st May 1788, the Botanic Garden was inaugurated in Mexico City on Martin de Sesse's initiative. He was the Leader of the Scientific Expedition to Nueva España, under the auspices of King Charles III and in cIose contac with the Royal Botanic Garden in Madrid, directed by Casimiro Gómez Ortega, who helped him from the mother country, This work studies the history of this , Garden, which helped the medical students of Mexico in their studies and experiments, and also the hospitals of the city and the studious of the medicine in Nueva España

    Finite size effects in Neutron Star and Nuclear matter simulations

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    In this work we study molecular dynamics simulations of symmetric nuclear matter using a semi-classical nucleon interaction model. We show that, at sub-saturation densities and low temperatures, the solutions are non-homogeneous structures reminiscent of the ``nuclear pasta'' phases expected in Neutron Star Matter simulations, but shaped by artificial aspects of the simulations. We explore different geometries for the periodic boundary conditions imposed on the simulation cell: cube, hexagonal prism and truncated octahedron. We find that different cells may yield different solutions for the same physical conditions (i.e. density and temperature). The particular shape of the solution at a given density can be predicted analytically by energy minimization. We also show that even if this behavior is due to finite size effects, it does not mean that it vanishes for very large systems and it actually is independent of the system size: The system size sets the only characteristic length scale for the inhomogeneities. We then include a screened Coulomb interaction, as a model of Neutron Star Matter, and perform simulations in the three cell geometries. In this case, the competition between competing interactions of different range produces the well known nuclear pasta, with (in most cases) several structures per cell. However, we find that the results are affected by finite size in different ways depending on the geometry of the cell. In particular, at the same physical conditions and system size, the hexagonal prism yields a single structure per cell while the cubic and truncated octahedron show consistent results with more than one structure per cell. In this case, the results in every cell are expected to converge for systems much larger than the characteristic length scale that arises from the competing interactions.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figure

    Isoscaling and the nuclear EOS

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    Experiments with rare isotopes are shedding light on the role isospin plays in the equation of state (EoS) of nuclear matter, and isoscaling -an straight-forward comparison of reactions with different isospin- could deliver valuable information about it. In this work we test this assertion pragmatically by comparing molecular dynamics simulations of isoscaling reactions using different equations of state and looking for changes in the isoscaling parameters; to explore the possibility of isoscaling carrying information from the hot-and-dense stage of the reaction, we perform our study in confined and expanding systems. Our results indicate that indeed isoscaling can help us learn about the nuclear EoS, but only in some range of excitation energies

    The Specification Property for C0C_0-Semigroups

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    We study one of the strongest versions of chaos for continuous dynamical systems, namely the specification property. We extend the definition of specification property for operators on a Banach space to strongly continuous one-parameter semigroups of operators, that is, C0C_0-semigroups. In addition, we study the relationships of the specification property for C0C_0-semigroups (SgSP) with other dynamical properties: mixing, Devaney's chaos, distributional chaos and frequent hypercyclicity. Concerning the applications, we provide several examples of semigroups which exhibit the SgSP with particular interest on solution semigroups to certain linear PDEs, which range from the hyperbolic heat equation to the Black-Scholes equation.Comment: 13 page

    The first INTEGRAL-OMC catalogue of optically variable sources

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    The Optical Monitoring Camera (OMC) onboard INTEGRAL provides photometry in the Johnson V-band. With an aperture of 50 mm and a field of view of 5deg x 5deg, OMC is able to detect optical sources brighter than V~18, from a previously selected list of potential targets of interest. After more than nine years of observations, the OMC database contains light curves for more than 70000 sources (with more than 50 photometric points each). The objectives of this work have been to characterize the potential variability of the objects monitored by OMC, to identify periodic sources and to compute their periods, taking advantage of the stability and long monitoring time of the OMC. To detect potential variability, we have performed a chi-squared test, finding 5263 variable sources out of an initial sample of 6071 objects with good photometric quality and more than 300 data points each. We have studied the periodicity of these sources using a method based on the phase dispersion minimization technique, optimized to handle light curves with very different shapes.In this first catalogue of variable sources observed by OMC, we provide for each object the median of the visual magnitude, the magnitude at maximum and minimum brightness in the light curve during the window of observations, the period, when found, as well as the complete intrinsic and period-folded light curves, together with some additional ancillary data.Comment: Accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysics; 13 pages, 16 figures. Figures' resolution has been degraded to fit astro-ph constraint
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