255 research outputs found

    Control-Oriented Modeling of the Cooling Process of a PEMFC-Based u-CHP System

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    [EN] Micro-combined heat and power systems (¿-CHP) based on proton exchange membrane fuel cell stacks (PEMFC) are capable of supplying electricity and heat for the residential housing sector with a high energy efficiency and a low level of CO2 emissions. For this reason, they are regarded as a promising technology for coping with the current environmental challenges. In these systems, the temperature control of the stack is crucial, since it has a direct impact on its durability and electrical efficiency. In order to design a good temperature control, however, a dynamic model of the ¿-CHP cooling system is required. In this paper, we present a model of the cooling system of a PEMFC-based ¿-CHP system, which is oriented to the design of the temperature control of the stack. The model has been developed from a ¿-CHP system located in the laboratory of our research team, the predictive control and heuristic optimization group (CPOH). It is based on first principles, dynamic, non-linear, and has been validated against the experimental data. The model is implemented in Matlab/Simulink and the adjustment of its parameters was carried out using evolutionary optimization techniques. The methodology followed to obtain it is also described in detail. Both the model and the test data used for its adjustment and validation are accessible to anyone who wants to consult them. The results show that the model is able to faithfully represent the dynamics of the ¿-CHP cooling system, so it is appropriate for the design of the stack temperature controlThis work was supported in part by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, Spain, under Grant DPI2015-71443-R and Grant RTI2018-096904-B-I00, and in part by the Local Administration Generalitat Valenciana under Project GV/2017/029Navarro-Giménez, S.; Herrero Durá, JM.; Blasco, X.; Simarro Fernández, R. (2019). Control-Oriented Modeling of the Cooling Process of a PEMFC-Based u-CHP System. IEEE Access. 7:95620-95642. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2928632S9562095642

    Design and Experimental Validation of the Temperature Control of a PEMFC Stack by Applying Multiobjective Optimization

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    [EN] The current environmental challenges require the implementation of environmentally friendly energy production systems. In this context, proton exchange membrane fuel cell stacks (PEMFC) represent, due to their high electrical efficiency and their low level of CO2 emissions, a promising alternative technology. However, there are still many technical aspects that need to be improved before they become a commercial reality. One of them is the temperature control of the stack, since its electrical efficiency and its lifetime depend on the performance of this control. In this work, we design a multiloop PID control of the temperature of a PEMFC stack and validate it experimentally. The stack is the prime mover of a micro combined heat and power system (micro-CHP). For this task, we use a previously developed nonlinear model and apply a multiobjective optimization methodology. To assess its performance, the PID control is compared to a second PID control designed with a linearized model. The results show, on the one hand, the importance of having a nonlinear model valid in a wide operation range for the correct design of the temperature control of a PEMFC stack and, on the other hand, the advantages of applying a multiobjective optimization methodology to this problem.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities under Grant RTI2018-096904-B-I00, and in part by the Generalitat Valenciana Regional Government under Project AICO/2019/055.Navarro-Giménez, S.; Herrero Durá, JM.; Blasco, X.; Simarro Fernández, R. (2020). Design and Experimental Validation of the Temperature Control of a PEMFC Stack by Applying Multiobjective Optimization. IEEE Access. 8:183324-183343. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3029321S183324183343

    Double-beam parallel-plate slot antenna

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    This paper presents the design and prototyping of a double-beam linear polarized parallel-plate slot antenna at 12-GHz band. Each beam is separated 27.7/spl deg/ and 27.3/spl deg/, respectively, from broadside direction. Two different radiation patterns are generated, exciting the parallel plate from opposite sides. The radiating elements are composed by three parallel slots, the central slot is close to the resonance, while the side ones are designed to minimize the reflection inside the parallel plate. The length of the slots in the same row is kept constant (periodic walls), and the distance between columns is equal to 0.7 times the wavelength. The designs of the feeding networks and the design of the array of slots generate both beams, pointing toward Hispasat and Astra satellites simultaneously, at the same frequency band. The feeding networks are two microstrip circuits that excite two linear arrays of 24 patches, placed at both sides of the antenna, and generate both quasi-TEM mode plane waves inside the parallel-plate waveguide, propagating from one side to the other

    Caja desmontable para toma de muestras de suelo

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    Número de publicación: ES1079118 U (26.04.2013) También publicado como: ES1079118 Y (23.07.2013) Número de Solicitud: Consulta de Expedientes OEPM (C.E.O.) U201201022 (26.10.2012)Caja desmontable para toma de muestras de suelo, caracterizada por incorporar un perfil rectangular abierto (1) donde el perfil queda abierto en toda su longitud mediante una abertura (4). El perfil (1) queda perfectamente acoplado en el interior de un perfil rectangular cerrado (2) que dispone de una pestaña (5) en forma de T en su cara interior, coincidiendo esta pestaña (5) con la abertura (4) del perfil (1). Dos tapas (3) cierran por la parte superior e inferior el conjunto. El perfil (2) presenta dos rebajes (6) que permiten el acceso a la pieza (1) para su desmontaje.Universidad de Almerí

    Mechanical design optimization for multi-finger haptic devices applied to virtual grasping manipulation

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    This paper describes the design of a modular multi-finger haptic device for virtual object manipulation. Mechanical structures are based on one module per finger and can be scaled up to three fingers. Mechanical configurations for two and three fingers are based on the use of one and two redundant axes, respectively. As demonstrated, redundant axes significantly increase workspace and prevent link collisions, which is their main asset with respect to other multi-finger haptic devices. The location of redundant axes and link dimensions have been optimized in order to guarantee a proper workspace, manipulability, force capability, and inertia for the device. The mechanical haptic device design and a thimble adaptable to different finger sizes have also been developed for virtual object manipulation

    A 3D Printed Power-Split Device for Testing Energy Management Strategies Applied to Hybrid Vehicles

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    This work presents a testbed emulating the hybrid electric vehicles powertrain with both teaching and research purposes. The core of this testbed is a 3D printed epicycloidal gearset actuating as a power split device. Its design and hardware equipment are explained as well as its working principle. From an educational point of view, this system states an interesting control problem and, at the same time, exemplifies the operation of this kind of machines with the scope of a motivating application. Consequently, a teaching methodology comprising this testbed is proposed. In addition, the challenging nature of the system encourage the development of optimization techniques aimed at reducing the overall system energy consumption. Results of a preliminary experiment are satisfactory addressed. As a consequence, the presented testbed is proposed as a remote lab for teaching and benchmarking new control strategies

    Túnel de Viento para el Estudio de la Erosión Eólica

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    Número de publicación: ES2453815 A1 (08.04.2014) También publicado como: ES2453815 B1 (20.01.2015) Número de Solicitud: Consulta de Expedientes OEPM (C.E.O.) P201201028 (08.10.2012)Túnel de viento para el estudio de la erosión eólica, caracterizado por ser ligero y plegable, donde un ventilador genera una corriente de aire, que entra en una estructura "tubular" desplegable. La estructura es telescópica. Se divide en 3 módulos y se han colocado unas bisagras, que permiten transformarlo en un cubo completamente plegado de reducidas dimensiones. Para completar el conjunto telescópico, se ha diseñado un sistema que permite a las paredes adaptarse a ésta estructura, utilizando patines que deslizan sobre un raíl. La recogida y análisis de las muestras, se realiza con 2 sensores: 1. Un láser-scan, que permite la generación de mapas tridimensionales del suelo, antes y después de ser erosionado. 2. Una cámara de visión industrial, que capta imágenes de las partículas fijadas en una serie de placas con adhesivos, colocadas al final del dispositivo.Universidad de Almerí

    Torii: Multipath Distributed Ethernet Fabric Protocol for Data Centers with Zero-Loss Path Repair

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    This paper describes and evaluates Torii, a layer-two data center network fabric protocol. The main features of Torii are being fully distributed, scalable, fault-tolerant and with automatic setup. Torii is based on multiple, tree-based, topological MAC addresses that are used for table-free forwarding over multiple equal-cost paths, and it is capable of rerouting frames around failed links on the fly without needing a central fabric manager for any function. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first protocol that does not require the exchange of periodic messages to work under normal conditions and to recover from link failures, as Torii exchanges messages just once. Moreover, another important characteristic of Torii is that it is compatible with a wide range of data center topologies. Simulation results show an excellent distribution of traffic load and latencies, similar to shortest path protocols

    Torii: Multipath Distributed Ethernet Fabric Protocol for Data Centers with Zero-Loss Path Repair

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    This paper describes and evaluates Torii, a layer-two data center network fabric protocol. The main features of Torii are being fully distributed, scalable, fault-tolerant and with automatic setup. Torii is based on multiple, tree-based, topological MAC addresses that are used for table-free forwarding over multiple equal-cost paths, and it is capable of rerouting frames around failed links on the fly without needing a central fabric manager for any function. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first protocol that does not require the exchange of periodic messages to work under normal conditions and to recover from link failures, as Torii exchanges messages just once. Moreover, another important characteristic of Torii is that it is compatible with a wide range of data center topologies. Simulation results show an excellent distribution of traffic load and latencies, similar to shortest path protocols
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