5 research outputs found

    Worldwide Research on Plant Defense against Biotic Stresses as Improvement for Sustainable Agriculture

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    Agriculture is the basis for food production on a global scale. Sustainable agriculture tries to improve or maintain the quality of food without compromising the environment. As sessile organisms, plants cannot avoid adverse environmental conditions and contact with other living organisms. The damage caused to plants by other living organisms such as parasites and pathogens (virus, bacteria, fungi, nematodes or insects) brings about what is known as biotic stress. Plants are constantly exposed to biotic stress, which causes changes in plant metabolism involving physiological damages that lead to a reduction of their productivity. To fight biotic stress, plants have developed sophisticated defense mechanisms. Thus, understanding plant defense mechanisms might prevent important crop and economic losses. In this article, a bibliometric analysis of biotic stress is carried out. Different aspects of the publications are analyzed, such as publication type, research field, journal type, countries and their institutions, as well as the keyword occurrence frequency, and finally special attention is paid to the plant studied by the leading countries and institutions. As expected, journals selected by authors to publish their relevant findings are plant-specific journals. However, it should be noted that the fourth position, in terms of the number of publications per journal, is occupied by BMC Genomics journal. Such a journal considers mainly articles on genomics, which indicates the involvement of genetic factors in the control of biotic stress. Analysis of the keywords used in publications about biotic stress shows the great interest in the biotic–abiotic stress interaction, in the gene expression regulation in plants as well as phytohormones in the current research. In short, the great effort made by the scientific community in the biotic and abiotic stresses field with the aim to understand, regulate and control plant damages caused by biotic stress agents will help in the development of sustainable agriculture

    Worldwide Research Trends on Wheat and Barley: A Bibliometric Comparative Analysis

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    Grain cereals such as wheat, barley, rice, and maize are the nutritional basis of humans and animals worldwide. Thus, these crop plants are essential in terms of global food security. We conducted a bibliometric assessment of scientific documents and patents related to wheat and barley through the Scopus database. The number of documents published per year, their affiliation and corresponding scientific areas, the publishing journals, document types and languages were metricized. The main keywords included in research publications concerning these crops were also analysed globally and clustered in thematic groups. In the case of keywords related to agronomy or genetics and molecular biology, we considered documents dated up to 1999, and from 2000 to 2018, separately. Comparison of the results obtained for wheat and barley revealed some remarkable different trends, for which the underlying reasons are further discussed

    Nuevo cultivar con frutos y sépalos convertidos en frutos de alto interés para su consumo fresco y procesado industrial

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    Número de publicación: 2 341 527 21 Número de solicitud: 200900003 51 Int. Cl.: C12N 15/82 (2006.01) A01H 5/00 (2006.01Nuevo cultivar con frutos y sépalos convertidos en frutos de alto interés para su consumo fresco y procesado industrial. En la presente invención se describen secuencias de nucleótidos capaces de incrementar la expresión de un gen de desarrollo reproductivo lo que tiene como resultado la generación de cultivares con un fruto de alto interés para su consumo fresco y procesado industrial caracterizado por poseer características mejoradas respecto de los cultivares conocidos de variedades comerciales. Estos nuevos cultivares tienen el cáliz de la flor carnoso y convertido en fruto. El fruto verdadero y el cáliz tienen mayores niveles de azúcares y licopeno y un mayor contenido en grados Brix. Además, exhiben una mayor tasa de cuajado de fruto y tienen inhibida la zona de abscisión del fruto, lo que facilita la recolección mecánica.Universidad de Almerí

    Worldwide Research Trends on Wheat and Barley: A Bibliometric Comparative Analysis

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    Grain cereals such as wheat, barley, rice, and maize are the nutritional basis of humans and animals worldwide. Thus, these crop plants are essential in terms of global food security. We conducted a bibliometric assessment of scientific documents and patents related to wheat and barley through the Scopus database. The number of documents published per year, their affiliation and corresponding scientific areas, the publishing journals, document types and languages were metricized. The main keywords included in research publications concerning these crops were also analysed globally and clustered in thematic groups. In the case of keywords related to agronomy or genetics and molecular biology, we considered documents dated up to 1999, and from 2000 to 2018, separately. Comparison of the results obtained for wheat and barley revealed some remarkable different trends, for which the underlying reasons are further discussed

    Nuevo cultivar con frutos y sépalos convertidos en frutos de alto interés para su consumo fresco y procesado industrial

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    Nuevo cultivar con frutos y sépalos convertidos en frutos de alto interés para su consumo fresco y procesado industrial. En la presente invención se describen secuencias de nucleótidos capaces de incrementar la expresión de un gen de desarrollo reproductivo lo que tiene como resultado la generación de cultivares con un fruto de alto interés para su consumo fresco y procesado industrial caracterizado por poseer características mejoradas respecto de los cultivares conocidos de variedades comerciales. Estos nuevos cultivares tienen el cáliz de la flor carnoso y convertido en fruto. El fruto verdadero y el cáliz tienen mayores niveles de azúcares y licopeno y un mayor contenido en grados Brix. Además, exhiben una mayor tasa de cuajado de fruto y tienen inhibida la zona de abscisión del fruto, lo que facilita la recolección mecánica.Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Universidad de Almería, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España)A1 Solicitud de patente con informe sobre el estado de la técnic