84 research outputs found

    Brucella spp noncanonical LPS: structure, biosynthesis, and interaction with host immune system

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    Brucella spp. are facultative intracellular pathogens that have the ability to survive and multiply in professional and non-professional phagocytes, and cause abortion in domestic animals and undulant fever in humans. Several species are recognized within the genus Brucella and this classification is mainly based on the difference in pathogenicity and in host preference. Brucella strains may occur as either smooth or rough, expressing smooth LPS (S-LPS) or rough LPS (R-LPS) as major surface antigen. This bacterium possesses an unconventional non-endotoxic lipopolysaccharide that confers resistance to anti-microbial attacks and modulates the host immune response. The strains that are pathogenic for humans (B. abortus, B. suis, B. melitensis) carry a smooth LPS involved in the virulence of these bacteria. The LPS O-chain protects the bacteria from cellular cationic peptides, oxygen metabolites and complement-mediated lysis and it is a key molecule for Brucella survival and replication in the host. Here, we review i) Brucella LPS structure; ii) Brucella genome, iii) genes involved in LPS biosynthesis; iv) the interaction between LPS and innate immunity

    Los siete monstruos mitologicos

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    Anais do I Encontro de Iniciação Científica e de Extensão da Unila – Extensão: Grupo temático “Águas da Integração” - 05/06/12 - 08h00 às 18h00 - Unila-Centro - Salas 10 e 11 - 2o PisoEn el marco del programa aguas de la integración, se encuentra la investigación sobre el universo cosmológico de los guaraníes, esta es una búsqueda sobre las manifestaciones artísticas y culturales de los guaraníes y de como ellos conciben el universo, la vida, la naturaleza, la comunidad y la familia, la belleza de las cosas que nos rodean. Cuales son las formas en las ellos la interpretan, su manera de pensar y de como observan la vida. Una de las formas particulares de observar la vida y que llamo la atención de nuestra investigación son los mitos y leyendas, que han sido pasados de generación en generación de forma verbal, poseyendo la capacidad de enseñar y dar pensamientos de erudición para la vida cotidiana. Así como el cuidado de la naturaleza, la comunidad y de la familia, tratando hasta en muchas ocasiones de explicar lo que existe dentro de la naturaleza, como también las relaciones interpersonales y muchas otras cosas mas. Sus manifestaciones culturales como la danza, el contar mitos y leyendas, sus artesanías, lengua, costumbres entre otras tantas cosas, nosotros presentamos también la realidad como al mismo tiempo como ellos los guaraníes perciben la suya. Pero sobre todo enfatizamos sobre los mitos y las leyendas, de como estas hasta el día de hoy influyen en la cultura de esta región del Paraná. Para nosotros demostrar de cuanta importancia tiene esto para nuestra cultura y de tratar de no olvidar nuestras raíces y de mostrar a todos sobre la base en las cuales se fomenta la cultura paraguaya y también de la región del Paraná en la cual habitamos actualmente, el cual posee una innumerable riqueza cultural y que posee características que otras regiones no poseen. Hablaremos de forma continua sobre los mitos y leyendas, de sus principales actores y como estos singulares personajes en sus actividades y acciones, tienen algo que mostrarnos y enseñarnos a medida que transcurran las presentaciones de los mismos. Es importante destacar que muchos de estos mitos y leyendas están en guaraní y que para poder hacerlos comprender tuvimos que realizar adaptaciones y traducciones al portugués, para la mejor compresión y discernimiento de todo lo presentado.Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (UNILA

    Tumor necrosis factor α, and agonist and antagonists of cannabinoid receptor type 1 and type 2 alter the immunophenotype of stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth

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    ABSTRACT Objective To verify the involvement of the endocannabinoid system in the immunomodulatory profile of stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth, in the presence or absence of TNF-α, and agonist and antagonists of CB1 and CB2. Methods Stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth were cultured in the presence or absence of an agonist, anandamide, and two antagonists, AM251 and SR144528, of CB1 and CB2 receptors, with or without TNF-α stimulation. For analysis of immunomodulation, surface molecules linked to immunomodulation, namely human leukocyte antigen-DR isotype (HLA-DR), and programmed death ligands 1 (PD-L1) and 2 (PD-L2) were measured using flow cytometry. Results The inhibition of endocannabinoid receptors together with the proinflammatory effect of TNF-α resulted in increased HLA-DR expression in stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth, as well as, in these cells acquiring an anti-inflammatory profile by enhancing the expression of PD-L1 and PD-L2. Conclusion Stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth respond to the endocannabinoid system and TNF-α by altering key immune response molecules

    The complete genome sequence of Chromobacterium violaceum reveals remarkable and exploitable bacterial adaptability

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    Chromobacterium violaceum is one of millions of species of free-living microorganisms that populate the soil and water in the extant areas of tropical biodiversity around the world. Its complete genome sequence reveals (i) extensive alternative pathways for energy generation, (ii) ≈500 ORFs for transport-related proteins, (iii) complex and extensive systems for stress adaptation and motility, and (iv) wide-spread utilization of quorum sensing for control of inducible systems, all of which underpin the versatility and adaptability of the organism. The genome also contains extensive but incomplete arrays of ORFs coding for proteins associated with mammalian pathogenicity, possibly involved in the occasional but often fatal cases of human C. violaceum infection. There is, in addition, a series of previously unknown but important enzymes and secondary metabolites including paraquat-inducible proteins, drug and heavy-metal-resistance proteins, multiple chitinases, and proteins for the detoxification of xenobiotics that may have biotechnological applications

    Brazilian coffee genome project: an EST-based genomic resource

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    Computational Modeling of Microabscess Formation

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    Bacterial infections can be of two types: acute or chronic. The chronic bacterial infections are characterized by being a large bacterial infection and/or an infection where the bacteria grows rapidly. In these cases, the immune response is not capable of completely eliminating the infection which may lead to the formation of a pattern known as microabscess (or abscess). The microabscess is characterized by an area comprising fluids, bacteria, immune cells (mainly neutrophils), and many types of dead cells. This distinct pattern of formation can only be numerically reproduced and studied by models that capture the spatiotemporal dynamics of the human immune system (HIS). In this context, our work aims to develop and implement an initial computational model to study the process of microabscess formation during a bacterial infection