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    Consistent Estimation of Mixed Memberships with Successive Projections

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    This paper considers the parameter estimation problem in Mixed Membership Stochastic Block Model (MMSB), which is a quite general instance of random graph model allowing for overlapping community structure. We present the new algorithm successive projection overlapping clustering (SPOC) which combines the ideas of spectral clustering and geometric approach for separable non-negative matrix factorization. The proposed algorithm is provably consistent under MMSB with general conditions on the parameters of the model. SPOC is also shown to perform well experimentally in comparison to other algorithms

    David T. Gillis Diary, 1852-1854

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    Departure – from No of days Arrivals Kinsman – Feb 7th from 3 at 2 NY Feb 10th NY – do 12th -- 13 -- 10 Panama 25th Panama – March 7th -- 82 -- 2 Mansinilio May 28th Mansanilo May 30th -- 10 -- 13 San Blass June 9th San Blas June 22nd -- 12 -- 2 San Jose July 4th Stn Joseph July 6th -- 27 -- 3 San Pedro Aug 3rd San Pedro Aug 6th -- = 13 -- ½ Santa Cruz “ 19th Santa Cruz – 11 – 19 8 30 San Francisco “ 22nd 9 163 10 16 20 Pacific sailing time = 147 Time in port = 20 167 Feb 7th 1852 Started for Californ Stoped in Meadvill [Penn.] first night Feb 8th Ship wreck on Slab Town goose _ind arrived in Erie at dark Feb 9th Left in the cars for NY rode all night 10th Arived in NY at half past 12 Stopd at the Sailors home was her unto the 12[th] Raking about from plase to place Feb 12/52 Secured our tickets and set sail in the Sierra Nevada at 3 o’clock 13th Sick all day waves verry high in the gulf stream tonight Saild 216 [miles] 14th We are most all sick and some of us wishing to be at home high seas all day Some bette at night Sail 224 M Sunday 15th All on deck except Knox left the gulf stream John & Henry wishes themselves at home Sail 122 Monday 16th Up in the morning breakfast at 9 tickets give for the table Sail 216 M Tuesday 17th first mate discharged Saw an english steamer weather warm all hands on deck Sail 210 Wednesday 18th Feb Passed the Marriynana [sic] Islands Sail 238 Thursday 19th in sight of St domingo on the east Sail 240 Friday 20th Sail 240 Saturday 21st Chicken pie for dinner and a glass of champagne to drink the Capt health Sail 135 Sunday 22nd Landed [ ] passengers at navy Bay Feb 22 We landed at Chegress [sic] at noon Started up the river in little steamer at one & a half oclock went half way and Lay up for the night Monday 23rd went on our way in small boats poled up by the natives lay a few miles below Gorgonia [sic] Tuesday 24th Arrived in gorgonia at 9 engaged our mules and set off on our way to panama at 11 Stayed at the half way house 13 mls and lay with our heads uder the fence Wednesday 25th Set off for P arrived there at ten oclock and purcased our tickets on the Emily at 150 Dollars each Stoped at the California house Thursda 26th hired a room and board our selves Feb Friday 24 A man found dead in the market place Saturday 28 up in the morn got our Breakfast and went out 2 mi to the creek to wash and done it up [Brown] Sunday 29th Kept the Sabbath as in the States Monday March 1 Some wrote and some went a fishing eat dinner at the tavern March Tuesday 2nd had a fire 25 to 30 huts burnt Hobart & Hunters Company arrived Wednesday 3rd Great excitement concerning the independent tickets they have attached the agents purs & intend to make a dividend among the passengers having such tickets March Thursday 4th The Josephine run away las night the agents taken to the calaboose A Steamer sent on persuit the runaway Friday 6th Hiram sick Henry “ Saturday 6th Wrote to E C Davis Rufus sick I had the headache in the eve better at night March Sunday 7th Made arrangements to sail went aboard at noon Sailed to Taboga for water lay up for night Monday 8th Lay at Taboga all day Saw a black whale orange umbras run all day Tuesday 9th All ready to sail at 10 oclock but calm all day breeze at sundown weighd anchor and set sail for Sanfrancisco had a breeze all night Wednesday 10 In the Bay yet light breeze by day but stronger at night Saw two whales yams & rice for Din Read a novel of E Allen Thursday 11th In Sight of land yet Saw a shark Calm yet Knox sick Friday 12th Calm yet & in the Bay not well all day quite Sick at night duff for Dinner [plum duff: a pudding cooked in a cloth bag and considered a treat for sailors] March Saturday 13 Calm yet health better Breeze in afternoon land in sight Sunday 14 Preaching in forenoon by a georgian Prayer in PM by Deacon Dryden Saw a drove of porpois or hogfish in sight of land yet Monday 15 Hiram Knox Henry and I feel rather feeble A young man from Georgia died at 11 o’clock PM Disease was fever and supposed to be injured by taking lobelia Aged 17 years heavy rain Tuesday 16th Funeral attended at six in AM heavy rain and wind this morn Some six or 8 sick Wednesday 17 Two more young men of Georgia died last night and cast overboard this morning one of a fever one of dysentery Some mor are very sick March Thursday 18 We sailed all day and all night for the first time without a calm Friday 19 Commenced reading my Bible through rain in PM Saturday 20 Our company all able for our allowance A man by the name of Alfred Drake of Millville Grant Co. Wisconsin Died at 1 o’clock leaving at home a wife and one child Aged 27 he had a fever Sunday 21 Preaching in AM an address by the Doctor in PM Our Co all well but Hiram A young man died of fever in the Steerage at 8 PM he was from New Orleans [700th] drawed Monday 22 Buried the Dead Appointed a commite to consult the Capt concerning provision 5 lbs flour pr day allowed to each mess hereafter Thursday 23 rather calm Rufus Hiram & I done our washing March Wednesday 24 Sailing westarly yet Calm most the day H & I made a Craking Duff three or four lying with fever yet Thursday 25 In sight of Cocoa Island [Cocos Island, Costa Rica] between 6 & 7 degrees North Lat [Note: this indicates the ship has only traveled about 550 miles due west from Panama] Friday 26 Messes overhauled and defisient ones filled up Saturday 27 Dyed last night with measles a man by the name of Reed of Georgia Calm all Last night & today butchered our hog Shot one fish and caught a great many with a hooks Old Maid fish Sunday 28 Very clam all day Preaching in AM Thermometer stands above one hundred fish in abundance on all sides of the ship in plain sight March Monday 29 Very calm yet and warm all day we had a little fight before Breakfast by the cook & a Georgian Tuesday 30 A good breeze last N rain storms today Wind very unsteady Wednesday 31 Wind very unsteady resolutions formed concerning lousy passengers combs presented & clean shirts recomended and in one case presented Thursday April 1st A shark followed this ship some time repeated firing of rifles at him without effect a slight rain & breeze The Cook caught stealing wine from the Capt. Friday Apr 2nd A good breeze all day & night John sick Bread stolen from the oven Our duff bag bursted in the pot A sail vessel in sight ahead Saturday 3rd A diamond fish following in the morning some 5 or 6 feet square with two white companions Apr Sunday 4th Calm all might moderate breeze today up all last night with John we had preaching in AM an address by the Deacon in PM A Dolphin 3 feet long harpooned off the bow Monday 5th Passengers names residences occupation & age registered The passengers all loafing on deck at dark When a cloud in the south threatened our Barq The sailors orders soon were given And passengers from their lounges driven Takle blocks flying in every direction Meet passengers heads with bold reception On the quarter deck sat amid the throng A noble young man from the B-eye State Listning to the Seamons Song Unconcious of his future fate As the mizzen sail was about to be furled A takle block was swiftly hurled Which caused the youngster a very black eye And his beaver in the ocean forever must lie [It isn’t clear which of his Buckeye friends sustained the black eye and lost his hat. David loses his hat later in the journey.] Tuesday 6th Died a young man from NY named White disease measles & phthisic Wednesday 7 Waiting on John up to 3 oclock at night Apr Wednesday 7 Waiting on John up to 3 oclock in the morn Thursday 8 Henry watched to 12 OC & Fergerson & I the remainder John some better Calm most the time vessel in sight Friday 9th Knox & Hiram watch Heavy rain Saturday 10th Struck the trade winds turned our coarse north I watched all night with J Apr Sunday 11th Preaching AM exortation PM by the Dea Black fish all around us 10 or 12 feet long Monday 12th Wet and cool for this climate good breeze John is better a [conosi] heard in the night Tuesday 13 Buried at ten oclock the 8th shipmate A man by the name of Myers of Georgia first mate a little tight at night wind steady all night Wednesday 14 General overhauling of bunks & washing floor good breeze all day heavy storm at night Thursday 15 Had abundance of duff and rice wind very unsteady current strong Friday 16th Good breeze by day calm at night up at night to 11 oclock Storm latter part the night Saturday 17 Good breeze pan Cakes for breakf a rain storm at night 4 PM Porpoiss jumping without number to the heighth of 10 or 15 feet Sunday 18th Old Stewart detected in breaking the rules of the steerage before day A heavy storm commenced at Six which broke the main yard arm tearing the sail very bad the mizen gaff was broke also A new yard made and up before night a good breeze all day Great times at our house Apr Monday 19th Two cases of nuisance to be tried at nine OC AM crimes commited in the steerage Died at ten PM Mr Stone of Georgia being the 9th shipmate we have buried 5 from Georgia one NY one Wisconsin one New O one Boston Tuesday 20 Provisions examined 35 days P on board Lat & Lon given Lat 8-30 Lon 98 W contradicted [Lat] 14-30 by the sailors Calm today [Note: this gives a huge discrepancy in the north-south location of the ship of about 400 miles. Either they were still west of Costa Rica, or they were about 100 miles from the Mexican coast.] Apr Wednesda 21 Rain and wind we raised the new gaff on mizen mast Thursday 22 Buried at 2 OC AM Mr Norton of Georgia the Sarremiento [Sacramento] passed us this morning bound for Cal F 23 heavy rain caught 400 galons water Old Johnson met with a sad accident on fore castle Saturday 24 Heavy wind frequent accidents such as spilling beans & duff and bumping heads & etc Apr Sunday 25 Heavy wind for the last 48 hours Knox sick two or 3 days. Wind ceased & so much ahead we had to turn south Slowly all night or rather an Island ahead that turned us Monday 26 Back on our north w course today quite calm all day our last cat over board today [poor kitty!] Tuesday 27 rather calm today A splendid water spout in the SW April Wednesday 28 A whale came up on our starbard within a few rods and spouted a few times and returned Several Boobies lodge with us tonight Thursday 29 A Slight breeze all day John sick Lat 12 = Lon 103 [Note: this puts the ship about 1120 miles west of Nicaragua and 440 miles south of Mexico] Fryday 30 Great excitement concerning water stealing which ended in a fight Streter summoned to appear on the fore castle and there tried for making an indecent use of the dishes of another mess they have a rehearing before a jury tomorrow. A tremenduous rain in the eve we washed our shirts in the flood of water that flowed on the deck we had but little wind 1500 gallons of water saved from the awning &C Saturday May 1st Court was called at 9 OC Mr S appeared but the evidence of the most important charge being circumstancial the prisoner was acquitted May 1st Died, and cast over [board] at 9 PM a man by the name of Roberts of Indiana being the 11th died on board Sunday 2nd Good breeze by day & better at night preaching at 10:OC A ship to our larboard bound east John unable to go on deck up with him most of the night Monday 3rd Good breez all day John quite discouraged Tuesday 4th Very calm all day and night John no better yet Wednesday May 5th Another 24 hours calm and very warm yet 1800 m from Sanfrancis the Capt consults the passengers concerning the course to pursue whither to go on our present route or run into port they allow him to act his pleasure he thinks we will run nearer shore and try it without running in we have yet 29 days Pr Boston rowdies had a spree at night kept it up until midnigh Thursday May 6th Calm yet all day and most the night a great shark by the ship in eve John no better today but rests well at night Friday 7th A moderate breeze moveing us on our north course Saturday 8th John some better Breeze rather light Buried the 12th pasenger between sunset & dark A man by the name of Sheldon of NY May Sunday 9th Public worship at the usual hour by the rev Breeze rather light Monday 10th Passed a timber resembling a mast, while at dinner. great quantities of sharks and other fish near this place Tuesday 11th The Capt concluded to run into port (Mazatlan) calm yet clear and warm Wednesday 12th Died with dysentery and buried at 11 OC Mr Bernham of NY Taken with the mumps myself May Thursday 13th Died and put oveboard at 2 OC Mr Vanduson with Diarrhea The three last days fall back each one day with my diary book good breeze Died with consumption and old man from Indianna Friday 14th unable to chew any thing all day. Making towards port with a tolerable [breeze 570 M from Mazatland [ 300 [M from] the nearest land] Saturday May 15th 570 M from Mazatlan 295 [M from] nearest land Moderate breeze Sunday 16th A discoarse from the Dea able for my Duff at noon mumps some better prayer in afternoon lay on deck and caught cold quite unwell at night Lat 14-24 N Lon 106-41W 490 from Mazatland 410 from San Blass 285 = Guatlan 420 from Acapulco May Monday 17th Quite unwell all day the sailors scrubing old Em up and preparing to see land go into port Tuesday 18th Rather calm saw a Whale I feel rather weak with the mumps and cold Wednesday 19th Progress slow our rations reduced to ¼ of bread ¼ lb flour all the rice we want – 1 pt water Thursday 20 No more tea and coffe without making ourselves but 3 pts water great doings grinding rice May Friday 21st Every man for himself today. our rations are 3 pts water 2 lbs crackers to the mess we make our own tea & coffe rice cakes &C good breeze this evening quite cool A condencer set in operation yesterdy by Mr Dod is doing business day and night Saturday 22nd Up in the morn feeling quite well of the mumps I pounded coffe for John and I in the corner of the dish rag and with some dificulty made my way through the crowd and got my coffe on the stove to boil. The old coffe mill and mortar are going day & night grinding rice the condencer torn down on account of partiality practiced by the mangers [managers] Sunday 23rd Public worship as usual a little unwell took a dose of blue mass and salts Lat 17˚Lon 105˚31W Since last Sunday made V 23˚E 170 miles Mazatlan 350M St Blass 255 Guatlan 120 May Monday 24th Calm most of the time yesterdy and today passengers very much discouraged a great many sick water selling at from 25 cts to 1.50 it is truly a trying time it tries the fortitude of every man Rufus Henry M & I unwell I am well of the mump but have a cold John is not well yet Hiram better rice grinding the main business of the day 3 drunk men at night Tuesday 25th A good breeze today and a new condencer built which encourages the passengers very much Wednesday 26 Eighty days since we set a foot upon land many an anxious look today for the Mexican land which we were so lately at war with but which we are now dependent upon those who personaly fought against them are now looking to them for life on account of the unsteady May 26 breeze we have had in adition to our rations beans for dinner Thursday 27th Our Boys all better but John Land in sight this morning At 12OC the whole coast in sight A day of rejoicing at our house. Hiram Henry Rufus John & I threw in our [unites] of water, 3 gils out of a 3 pt ration, to cook some rice and had a good dinner rice is the only plentiful article we have on board but no water to cook it May Friday 28th Mr James Anderson Died and buried at day break arived at the mouth of a little bay at 8 OC Sent out a small boat on search of water they sucseeded in finding it at a little Town of 40 or 50 huts called Mansinilio [Manzanillo] on the Mexican coast We ran in and cast anchor about noon went ashore and five of us bought a hen and had it cooked which revived us very much. returned at dark Mansinilio May 29th rose in the morning cooked a dish of tomato for breakfast went ashore again. A complaint entered to the Capt of the port that we had not provision sufficient to go to sea it was then his duty to order our Capt to not leave without it we had great excitement for a while on account of having to wait several days for bread or flour we concluded to take on water sugar and such things as we could get and live upon rice beans peas meat &C and go on to San Blass 180 M where we could get a suply 25 of our passengers took pasage in a little Spanish Brig for San Blass our Doctor was going to leave for one it was objected to by our Capt and the Capt of the port ordered him back to his own vessel as far as San Blass that there was higher officers at that place that would do him justice he cained [claimed] that making so long a voyage that it had broken his contract. We learn here that the Arrzo Smith ran in at Acapulco in distress and her Capt absconded leaving ship and all on other little schooner is lying here deserted in the same manner we found vegeables such as melons plums bananas Tomatoes onions green corn Pineapples May Sunday 30th Caught cold and quite unwell all day we weighed anchor at 9:OC and set sail out of the Bay in a few hours broken messes fitted up and arrangements made cooking again we have rice sugar & meat for Breakfast and coffe Beans or Peas & Meat for dinner Meat sugar rice & Tea for supper evenings some cooler warmer Monday May 31st And Tuesday June 1st Better of my cold and feeling quite well John and Henry unwell Making good progress wind strong but a little too much ahead I am well satisfied with my fare although some make great complaint A Brig in sight We tack ship once in 12 hours on account of head winds run to the land in day time to sea at night June Wednesday 2nd Complaints by the passengers concerning the cooking and ditributing to the messes the cooks had holodays so long they forgot their duty we run in near a most beautiful coast this evening Saw cattle on shore level along the shor and mountains back Thursday 3rd The northwest winds continues to blow tacked to the larboard this morning June 3rd Saw a man on shore return to shore in the eve run to sea all night Friday 4th returned on land tack after noon today passed a point of land which enables us to run a more direct caurse John no better Henry complaining yet we have plenty of rice Beans meat &C Saturday 5th Lay becalmed all night last night breeze sprung up at noon but we were very much disapointed by thinking we were running between an Island and the main land we merely run into a Bay and have to tack and run on our back track to get out as the wind is today. Had a splendid dinner today Roof and I fried Onions and meat and rice A Breeze in the afternoon run back to the south side the bay and lay becalmed all night near where we entered the Bay her I viewed the setting sun in was 2 ½ mi sinking in the water June Sunday 6th In the Bay of No Biscuit yet a breeze at noon gave us some encouragement but we failed in trying to get out the breeze went down before dark and we drifted bak into the bay Saw a Diamond fish and sword fish we can see fire and smoke in different places on the mountains there is land in sight that has the appearance of being productive June Monday 7th In the Bay of Crandes or No Biscuit as we call it yet Making 65 hours we have lain here. a favorable breeze sprang up at 10 OC carried us out in an hour and we feel once more at liberty 40 miles yet to St Blass wind fell before night Tuesday 8th A shower of rain last night and very little wind in sight of cape yet a breeze sprang up at 9 OC which carried us out of sight of land and left us at evening June Wednesday 9th A good breeze sprang up that run us up to San Blas about 4 OC the officers of the portcame out and exmined the sick they allow the passengers to go ashore the Capt thought to get rid of paying port chargarges on account being in distress but they told him he could not go into two ports so near the same time in distress vegetation quite green here the rany season about commencing Thursday 10th Commenced a letter Hiram John & Rufus went ashore Friday 11th and Saturday 12th On board all the time Sunday 13th Went ashore and saw the city Monday 14 Tuesday 15 Wendesday [sic] 16 Thursday 17 and Friday 18 Still lying a San Blass taking on provisions went ashore and sold Pistol June Saturday 19th Rufus sick Rufus Hiram & I making arrangements to go aboard the Brig Condor Capt Harvy returned from Ta Pique with discourageing news concerning provisions he can get no money and no provision without unloading his coal Sunday 20th rather dull times for the Emily passegers very much in the dark as to their future progress June Monday 21st Went ashore with our bagage the brig not quite ready to receive us the Condor was towed out and anchored we went aboard in the evening Capt Harvy goes to Te Peak this evening it is said for assistance Mr Buckler tells me he will never return and that the Emily is doomed to lie here for a long time We learn that the Race Houn that [left] NY the same day we did arived in Sanf in May making it in 84 days [note: around the Horn] June Tuesday 22nd Taking on provision all day the Capt came aboard in the evening with his Wife we saw the funeral prossession of Mr Stark leave the Emily at sun down a breze that was scarcely peceivable sprang up at 9 OC which moved us off before we were aware of it very light wind through the night Wednsday 23rd A good breeze through the day made 50 miles lying near the Canary Islands [Islas Marias] all night without much wind we have chosen our berths formed into messes and all fareing well Thursday 24th A breeze today again caries us out of sight of the Islands but the current and head winds carried us back 20 miles Friday 25th head winds yet making little headway Rufus unwell yet the Capt has taken the sick into the cabin to doctor

    Calibration of colour gradient bias in shear measurement using HST/CANDELS data

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    Accurate shape measurements are essential to infer cosmological parameters from large area weak gravitational lensing studies. The compact diffraction-limited point-spread function (PSF) in space-based observations is greatly beneficial, but its chromaticity for a broad band observation can lead to new subtle effects that could hitherto be ignored: the PSF of a galaxy is no longer uniquely defined and spatial variations in the colours of galaxies result in biases in the inferred lensing signal. Taking Euclid as a reference, we show that this colourgradient bias (CG bias) can be quantified with high accuracy using available multi-colour Hubble Space Telescope (HST) data. In particular we study how noise in the HST observations might impact such measurements and find this to be negligible. We determine the CG bias using HST observations in the F606W and F814W filters and observe a correlation with the colour, in line with expectations, whereas the dependence with redshift is weak. The biases for individual galaxies are generally well below 1%, which may be reduced further using morphological information from the Euclid data. Our results demonstrate that CG bias should not be ignored, but it is possible to determine its amplitude with sufficient precision, so that it will not significantly bias the weak lensing measurements using Euclid data

    How Customer Engagement and Customer Participation Translate Across High-Involvement Purchases (Like Higher Education)

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    Previous research suggested that customer participation resulted in greater customer satisfaction for the service provider. Specifically, earlier research differentiated Service Customer Engagement (CE) from Service Customer Participation (CP), where the former was ideation and the latter was practical application/execution. In other words, CE was more psychological, where customers think, feel, and trust. Conversely, CP was more behavioral, or physical, where customers act and do. The point of this research is to translate previous learning to other high-involvement purchases. Research indicates that services high in credence, high contact, as well as high-involvement (Sharma and Patterson 1999) seem to be particularly relevant and responsive to customer participation and customer co-production of value (Plé, Lecocq, and Angot, 2010). This study works to translate learning from the service industry to higher education where the professor is service provider and the student is customer/co-producer. Three propositions are posited. Conclusions and future research are also discussed

    GreenSTEM’s microbe technology is an efficient, effective, and affordable way to clean up fuel and chemical spills

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    Non-Peer ReviewedPetroleum hydrocarbons are used as fuel and for chemical synthesis. If spilled, fuels and chemicals poison our soil and water, causing local environmental disasters. Bioremediation uses organisms to clean up (remediate) pollutants. We have isolated and characterized microbe strains from contaminated sites, and use them to remediate contaminated sites elsewhere. We identify our strains using their DNA sequences and their appearance. Some microbes, called fungal endophytes, form symbioses, in other words metabolic partnerships between a plant and a fungus. These symbioses have been shown to stimulate plant growth and root formation, even on contaminated soil. Surprisingly, some of our other microbes can degrade hydrocarbons underground, without plants. GreenSTEM has powerful technology: we use native microbes to degrade hydrocarbons and chemicals as they grow on the contaminants as food. Based on our progress to date with fuels and other chemicals, we anticipate isolating new strains specific for other intractable toxins

    Rotation-induced 3D vorticity in 4He superfluid films adsorbed on a porous glass

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    Detailed study of torsional oscillator experiments under steady rotation up to 6.28 rad/sec is reported for a 4He superfluid monolayer film formed in 1 micrometer-pore diameter porous glass. We found a new dissipation peak with the height being in proportion to the rotation speed, which is located to the lower temperature than the vortex pair unbinding peak observed in the static state. We propose that 3D coreless vortices ("pore vortices") appear under rotation to explain this new peak. That is, the new peak originates from dissipation close to the pore vortex lines, where large superfluid velocity shifts the vortex pair unbinding dissipation to lower temperature. This explanation is confirmed by observation of nonlinear effects at high oscillation amplitudes.Comment: 4pages, 5figure

    Space Suit Attachment Quick Release System

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    NASA plans to make it back to the Moon by 2024 with their Artemis Program, and stay there for a longer period of time to conduct research which will support the future of space exploration. While on the lunar surface, astronauts need to maximize their efficiency by carrying tools on their Exploration Extravehicular Mobility Unit (xEMU), and to accommodate this need, the Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Tools Team is pursuing a utility belt concept. The objective of this project is to develop a system capable of interfacing between the utility belt and any given tool, while also accommodating numerous restrictions and obstacles present on the lunar surface. The design proposed in the Final Design Review Report is a two-piece system made of the tool probe and belt receptacle. The tool probe is made of a wire frame flexure which locks the system in place when docked. The receptacle half is a simple two rung sleeve. This document outlines the final design concept, including the preliminary design process, initial background research, preliminary design concept, design requirements, project timeline, design justification, final design manufacturing procedure, and design verification

    Characterizing correlations of flow oscillations at bottlenecks

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    "Oscillations" occur in quite different kinds of many-particle-systems when two groups of particles with different directions of motion meet or intersect at a certain spot. We present a model of pedestrian motion that is able to reproduce oscillations with different characteristics. The Wald-Wolfowitz test and Gillis' correlated random walk are shown to hold observables that can be used to characterize different kinds of oscillations

    Systematics and Palynology of Picrodendron Further Evidence for Relationship with the Oldfieldioideae (Euphorbiaceae)

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    Although known to botanical science for 285 years, the genus Picrodendron Planchon has been poorly understood for most of this time. The most pervasive problem has been that of discerning familial relationships, and there have been additional difficulties in typifying the generic name (Hayden & Reveal, 1980) and in distinguishing its three nominate species. This paper provides a systematic treatment for Picrodendron and demonstrates its relationships with Euphorbiaceae subfam. Oldfieldioideae Kohler & Webster as evidenced by data on gross morphology, palynology, anatomy, and cytology
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