1,417 research outputs found

    Long-tailed Duck, Clangula hyemalis, Eider, Somateria spp., and Scoter, Melanitta spp., Distributions in Central Alaska Beaufort Sea Lagoons, 1999-2002

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    During July and August 1999–2002, distributions of Long-tailed Ducks (Clangula hyemalis), eiders (Somateria spp.) and scoters (Melanitta spp.) were documented in three barrier island-lagoon systems in the central Alaska Beaufort Sea. Concentration areas for each species were determined during 16 aerial surveys. Kernel density procedures were used to delineate 75% and 50% “activity” or concentration areas for all three species. Long-tailed Ducks were 13 times more numerous than eiders and 38 times more numerous than scoters. The Long-tailed Duck 75% activity area encompassed all three lagoon systems and was three times as large as the eider activity area and one-third larger than the scoter activity area. Eider activity areas were located only in the eastern lagoon, and scoter activity areas were located only in the western lagoon. Density contours showed patterns of repeated habitat use for sea ducks over the four years of sampling and improve our understanding of sea duck habitat use within Beaufort Sea barrier island-lagoon habitats

    Common Eider (Somateria mollissima v-nigrum) Nest Cover and Depredation on Central Alaskan Beaufort Sea Barrier Islands

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    Female common eiders (Somateria mollissima v-nigrum) generally select nest sites in areas with driftwood cover. Previous studies of common eiders have shown a positive relationship between nest success and driftwood cover. Our observations led us to hypothesize that cover does not enhance nest success when mammalian predators are present. To evaluate nest cover selection in common eiders, we examined five years of nesting data to determine the interactions between the probability of nest activity and the amount of driftwood cover in the presence of avian versus mammalian predators. Most common eider nests were surrounded by low (40%) or moderate (38%) driftwood cover. Nest failure rates were high (32%– 95%), and arctic foxes (Alopex lagopus), alone or with polar bears (Ursus maritimus), appeared to be more destructive than glaucous gulls (Larus hyperboreus) to eider nests. Logistic regression was used to model common eider nest activity associated with driftwood cover and predators. When glaucous gulls were the only predators, more driftwood cover consistently increased the probability of nest activity. But when foxes were present, nest activity consistently decreased with increasing cover. Our models support our observations that nest cover was beneficial to eiders when glaucous gulls alone were predators. Driftwood cover may be most important for the thermal and structural protection it offers, rather than for the camouflage it provides. The energetic benefit provided by driftwood windbreaks coupled with the common eider’s behavioral response of decreased nest attendance, or increased exposure to avian depredation of nests as energy reserves are depleted during incubation, provides an explanatory mechanism for our model results.L’eider Ă  duvet femelle (Somateria mollissima v-nigrum) choisit en gĂ©nĂ©ral son site de nidification dans des zones ayant un couvert de bois flottĂ©. Des Ă©tudes prĂ©cĂ©dentes sur les eiders Ă  duvet ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© qu’il existe une relation positive entre le succĂšs de la couvĂ©e et le couvert de bois flottĂ©. Nos observations nous ont amenĂ©s Ă  Ă©mettre l’hypothĂšse que le couvert n’augmente pas le succĂšs de la couvĂ©e en prĂ©sence de prĂ©dateurs mammifĂšres. Afin d’évaluer le choix de couvert du nid chez l’eider Ă  duvet, nous avons examinĂ© des donnĂ©es de nidification obtenues sur cinq annĂ©es, en vue de dĂ©gager les interactions entre la probabilitĂ© d’activitĂ© au nid et la quantitĂ© de couvert de bois flottĂ© en prĂ©sence de prĂ©dateurs aviens par opposition aux prĂ©dateurs mammifĂšres. La plupart des nids de l’eider Ă  duvet Ă©taient entourĂ©s par un faible couvert de bois flottĂ© (40 %) ou un couvert modĂ©rĂ© (38 %). Les taux d’insuccĂšs Ă©taient Ă©levĂ©s (32 Ă  95 %) et le renard arctique (Alopex lagopus), seul ou avec l’ours polaire (Ursus maritimus), semblait plus destructeur pour les nids de l’eider que le goĂ©land bourgmestre (Larus hyperboreus). On a utilisĂ© la rĂ©gression logistique pour simuler l’activitĂ© au nid de l’eider Ă  duvet associĂ©e au couvert de bois flottĂ© et aux prĂ©dateurs. Quand le goĂ©land bourgmestre Ă©tait le seul prĂ©dateur, une plus grande quantitĂ© de bois flottĂ© augmentait toujours la probabilitĂ© d’activitĂ© au nid. En revanche, en prĂ©sence du renard, l’activitĂ© au nid diminuait toujours avec une augmentation du couvert. Nos modĂšles viennent appuyer nos observations Ă  l’effet que le couvert du nid reprĂ©sentait un avantage pour l’eider quand le goĂ©land bourgmestre Ă©tait le seul prĂ©dateur. Le couvert de bois flottĂ© pourrait bien ĂȘtre d’une importance capitale en raison de la protection thermique et structurale qu’il offre, plutĂŽt que pour ses capacitĂ©s de camouflage. L’avantage Ă©nergĂ©tique qu’offrent les brise-vent de bois flottĂ© joint Ă  la rĂ©action comportementale de l’eider Ă  duvet – qui se manifeste par une plus grande prĂ©sence au nid, ou une plus grande exposition Ă  une dĂ©prĂ©dation avienne du nid Ă  mesure que s’épuisent les rĂ©serves d’énergie durant l’incubation –, ces deux Ă©lĂ©ments donc fournissent un mĂ©canisme pouvant expliquer les rĂ©sultats de notre modĂšle

    Load transfer at the distal ulna following simulated distal radius fracture malalignment.

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    PURPOSE: To measure the effects of distal radius malalignment on loading at the distal ulna. METHODS: Using an adjustable mechanism to simulate angulated and translated malalignments, clinically relevant distal radius deformities were simulated in a cadaveric model. A custom-built load cell was inserted just proximal to the native ulna head to measure the resultant force and torque in the distal ulna. Loads were measured before and after transecting the triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC). RESULTS: There was an increase in distal ulna load and torque with increasing dorsal translation and angulation. Combined conditions of angulation and translation increased force and torque in the distal ulna to a greater extent than with either condition in isolation. Transecting the TFCC resulted in a reduction in distal ulna load and torque. CONCLUSIONS: A progressive increase in load at the distal ulna was observed with increasing severity of malalignment, which may be an important contributor to residual ulnar wrist pain and dysfunction. However, no clear-cut threshold of malalignment of a dorsally angulated and translated distal radius fracture was identified. These observations suggest that radius deformities cause articular incongruity, which increases TFCC tension and distal radioulnar joint load. Cutting of the TFCC decreased distal ulna loading, likely by releasing the articular constraining effect of the TFCC on the distal radioulnar joint, allowing the radius to rotate more freely with respect to the ulna. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Anatomical reduction of a distal radius fracture minimizes the forces in the distal ulna and may reduce residual ulnar wrist pain and dysfunction

    An ultrasensitive reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction assay to detect asymptomatic low-density Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax infections in small volume blood samples.

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    BackgroundHighly sensitive, scalable diagnostic methods are needed to guide malaria elimination interventions. While traditional microscopy and rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) are suitable for the diagnosis of symptomatic malaria infection, more sensitive tests are needed to screen for low-density, asymptomatic infections that are targeted by interventions aiming to eliminate the entire reservoir of malaria infection in humans.MethodsA reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT- PCR) was developed for multiplexed detection of the 18S ribosomal RNA gene and ribosomal RNA of Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax. Simulated field samples stored for 14 days with sample preservation buffer were used to assess the analytical sensitivity and specificity. Additionally, 1750 field samples from Southeastern Myanmar were tested both by RDT and ultrasensitive RT-PCR.ResultsLimits of detection (LoD) were determined under simulated field conditions. When 0.3 mL blood samples were stored for 14 days at 28 °C and 80% humidity, the LoD was less than 16 parasites/mL for P. falciparum and 19.7 copies/”L for P. vivax (using a plasmid surrogate), about 10,000-fold lower than RDTs. Of the 1739 samples successfully evaluated by both ultrasensitive RT-PCR and RDT, only two were RDT positive while 24 were positive for P. falciparum, 108 were positive for P. vivax, and 127 were positive for either P. vivax and/or P. falciparum using ultrasensitive RT-PCR.ConclusionsThis ultrasensitive RT-PCR method is a robust, field-tested screening method that is vastly more sensitive than RDTs. Further optimization may result in a truly scalable tool suitable for widespread surveillance of low-level asymptomatic P. falciparum and P. vivax parasitaemia

    Factors and Behaviors Related to Successful Transition of Care After Hospitalization for Ischemic Stroke

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    BACKGROUND: Our objective is to describe adoption of the posthospitalization behaviors associated with successful transition of care and related baseline characteristics. METHODS: This study includes 550 participants in the Transition of Care Stroke Disparities Study, a prospective observational cohort derived from the Florida Stroke Registry. Participants had an ischemic stroke (2018-2021), discharged home or to rehabilitation, with modified Rankin Scale score=0-3 (44% women, 24% Black, 48% White, 26% Hispanic, 35% foreign-born). We collected baseline sociodemographic and clinical characteristics. A structured telephone interview at 30-day postdischarge evaluated outcomes including medication adherence, medical appointment attendance, outpatient therapy, exercise, diet modification, toxic habit cessation, and a calculated composite adequate transition of care measure. Multivariable analyses assessed the association of baseline characteristics with 30-day behaviors. RESULTS: At 30 days, medication adherence was achieved by 89%, medical appointments by 82%, outpatient therapy by 76%, exercise by 71%, diet modification by 68%, toxic habit cessation by 35%, and adequate transition of care measure by 67%. Successful adequate transition of care participants were more likely to be used full-time (42% versus 31%, CONCLUSIONS: One in 3 patients did not attain adequate 30-day transition of care behaviors. Their achievement varied substantially among different measures and was influenced by multiple socioeconomic and clinical factors. Interventions aimed at facilitating transition of care from hospital after stroke are needed. REGISTRATION: URL: https://clinicaltrials.gov/; Unique identifier: NCT03452813

    Ischaemic strokes in patients with pulmonary arteriovenous malformations and hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia: associations with iron deficiency and platelets.

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    <div><p>Background</p><p>Pulmonary first pass filtration of particles marginally exceeding ∌7 ”m (the size of a red blood cell) is used routinely in diagnostics, and allows cellular aggregates forming or entering the circulation in the preceding cardiac cycle to lodge safely in pulmonary capillaries/arterioles. Pulmonary arteriovenous malformations compromise capillary bed filtration, and are commonly associated with ischaemic stroke. Cohorts with CT-scan evident malformations associated with the highest contrast echocardiographic shunt grades are known to be at higher stroke risk. Our goal was to identify within this broad grouping, which patients were at higher risk of stroke.</p><p>Methodology</p><p>497 consecutive patients with CT-proven pulmonary arteriovenous malformations due to hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia were studied. Relationships with radiologically-confirmed clinical ischaemic stroke were examined using logistic regression, receiver operating characteristic analyses, and platelet studies.</p><p>Principal Findings</p><p>Sixty-one individuals (12.3%) had acute, non-iatrogenic ischaemic clinical strokes at a median age of 52 (IQR 41–63) years. In crude and age-adjusted logistic regression, stroke risk was associated not with venous thromboemboli or conventional neurovascular risk factors, but with low serum iron (adjusted odds ratio 0.96 [95% confidence intervals 0.92, 1.00]), and more weakly with low oxygen saturations reflecting a larger right-to-left shunt (adjusted OR 0.96 [0.92, 1.01]). For the same pulmonary arteriovenous malformations, the stroke risk would approximately double with serum iron 6 ”mol/L compared to mid-normal range (7–27 ”mol/L). Platelet studies confirmed overlooked data that iron deficiency is associated with exuberant platelet aggregation to serotonin (5HT), correcting following iron treatment. By MANOVA, adjusting for participant and 5HT, iron or ferritin explained 14% of the variance in log-transformed aggregation-rate (p = 0.039/p = 0.021).</p><p>Significance</p><p>These data suggest that patients with compromised pulmonary capillary filtration due to pulmonary arteriovenous malformations are at increased risk of ischaemic stroke if they are iron deficient, and that mechanisms are likely to include enhanced aggregation of circulating platelets.</p></div

    Quantification of drug metabolising enzymes and transporter proteins in the paediatric duodenum via LC-MS/MS proteomics using a QconCAT technique

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    Characterising the small intestine absorptive membrane is essential to enable prediction of the systemic exposure of oral formulations. In particular, the ontogeny of key intestinal Drug Metabolising Enzymes and Transporter (DMET) proteins involved in drug disposition needs to be elucidated to allow for accurate prediction of the PK profile of drugs in the paediatric cohort. Using pinch biopsies from the paediatric duodenum (n = 36; aged 11 months to 15 years), the abundance of 21 DMET proteins and two enterocyte markers were quantified via LC-MS/MS. An established LCMS nanoflow method was translated to enable analysis on a microflow LC system, and a new stable-isotope-labelled QconCAT standard developed to enable quantification of these proteins. Villin-1 was used to standardise abundancy values. The observed abundancies and ontogeny profiles, agreed with adult LC-MS/MS-based data, and historic paediatric data obtained via western blotting. A linear trend with age was observed for duodenal CYP3A4 and CES2 only. As this work quantified peptides on a pinch biopsy coupled with a microflow method, future studies using a wider population range are very feasible. Furthermore, this DMET ontogeny data can be used to inform paediatric PBPK modelling and to enhance the understanding of oral drug absorption and gut bioavailability in paediatric populations
