1,352 research outputs found

    The 1 keV to 200 keV X-ray Spectrum of NGC 2992 and NGC 3081

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    The Seyfert 2 galaxies NGC 2992 and NGC 3081 have been observed by INTEGRAL and Swift. We report about the results and the comparison of the spectrum above 10 keV based on INTEGRAL IBIS/ISGRI, Swift/BAT, and BeppoSAX/PDS. A spectrum can be extracted in the X-ray energy band ranging from 1 keV up to 200 keV. Although NGC 2992 shows a complex spectrum below 10 keV, the hard tail observed by various missions exhibits a slope with photon index = 2, independent on the flux level during the observation. No cut-off is detectable up to the detection limit around 200 keV. In addition, NGC 3081 is detected in the INTEGRAL and Swift observation and also shows an unbroken Gamma = 1.8 spectrum up to 150 keV. These two Seyfert galaxies give further evidence that a high-energy cut-off in the hard X-ray spectra is often located at energies E_C >> 100 keV. In NGC 2992 a constant spectral shape is observed over a hard X-ray luminosity variation by a factor of 11. This might indicate that the physical conditions of the emitting hot plasma are constant, while the amount of plasma varies, due to long-term flaring activity.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    The XMM deep survey in the CDF-S. X. X-ray variability of bright sources

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    We aim to study the variability properties of bright hard X-ray selected Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) with redshift between 0.3 and 1.6 detected in the Chandra Deep Field South (XMM-CDFS) by a long XMM observation. Taking advantage of the good count statistics in the XMM CDFS we search for flux and spectral variability using the hardness ratio techniques. We also investigated spectral variability of different spectral components. The spectra were merged in six epochs (defined as adjacent observations) and in high and low flux states to understand whether the flux transitions are accompanied by spectral changes. The flux variability is significant in all the sources investigated. The hardness ratios in general are not as variable as the fluxes. Only one source displays a variable HR, anti-correlated with the flux (source 337). The spectral analysis in the available epochs confirms the steeper when brighter trend consistent with Comptonisation models only in this source. Finding this trend in one out of seven unabsorbed sources is consistent, within the statistical limits, with the 15 % of unabsorbed AGN in previous deep surveys. No significant variability in the column densities, nor in the Compton reflection component, has been detected across the epochs considered. The high and low states display in general different normalisations but consistent spectral properties. X-ray flux fluctuations are ubiquitous in AGN. In general, the significant flux variations are not associated with a spectral variability: photon index and column densities are not significantly variable in nine out of the ten AGN over long timescales (from 3 to 6.5 years). The photon index variability is found only in one source (which is steeper when brighter) out of seven unabsorbed AGN. These results are consistent with previous deep samples.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures. Accepted in A&


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    Probing black hole accretion in quasar pairs at high redshift

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    Models and observations suggest that luminous quasar activity is triggered by mergers, so it should preferentially occur in the most massive primordial dark matter haloes, where the frequency of mergers is expected to be the highest. Since the importance of galaxy mergers increases with redshift, we identify the high-redshift Universe as the ideal laboratory for studying dual AGN. Here we present the X-ray properties of two systems of dual quasars at z=3.0-3.3 selected from the SDSS-DR6 at separations of 6-8 arcsec (43-65kpc) and observed by Chandra for 65ks each. Both members of each pair are detected with good photon statistics to allow us to constrain the column density, spectral slope and intrinsic X-ray luminosity. We also include a recently discovered dual quasar at z=5 (separation of 21 arcsec, 136kpc) for which XMM-Newton archival data allow us to detect the two components separately. Using optical spectra we derived bolometric luminosities, BH masses and Eddington ratios that were compared to those of luminous SDSS quasars in the same redshift ranges. We find that the brighter component of both pairs at z=3.0-3.3 has high luminosities compared to the distribution of SDSS quasars at similar redshift, with J1622A having an order magnitude higher luminosity than the median. This source lies at the luminous end of the z~3.3 quasar luminosity function. While we cannot conclusively state that the unusually high luminosities of our sources are related to their having a close companion, for J1622A there is only a 3% probability that it is by chance.Comment: MNRAS, in pres

    Extranuclear X-ray Emission in the Edge-on Seyfert Galaxy NGC 2992

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    We found several extranuclear (r >~ 3") X-ray nebulae within 40" (6.3 kpc at 32.5 Mpc) of the nucleus of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 2992. The net X-ray luminosity from the extranuclear sources is ~2-3 E39 erg/s (0.3-8.0 keV). The X-ray core itself (r <~ 1") is positioned at 9:45:41.95 -14:19:34.8 (J2000) and has a remarkably simple power-law spectrum with photon index Gamma=1.86 and Nh=7E21 /cm2. The near-nuclear (3" <~ r <~ 18") Chandra spectrum is best modelled by three components: (1) a direct AGN component with Gamma fixed at 1.86, (2) cold Compton reflection of the AGN component, and (3) a 0.5 keV low-abundance (Z < 0.03 Zsolar) "thermal plasma," with ~10% of the flux of either of the first two components. The X-ray luminosity of the 3rd component (the "soft excess") is ~1.4E40 erg/s, or ~5X that of all of the detected extranuclear X-ray sources. We suggest that most (~75-80%) of the soft excess emission originates from 1" < r < 3", which is not imaged in our observation due to severe CCD pile-up. We also require the cold reflector to be positioned at least 1" (158 pc) from the nucleus, since there is no reflection component in the X-ray core spectrum. Much of the extranuclear X-ray emission is coincident with radio structures (nuclear radio bubbles and large-scale radio features), and its soft X-ray luminosity is generally consistent with luminosities expected from a starburst-driven wind (with the starburst scaled from L_FIR). However, the AGN in NGC 2992 seems equally likely to power the galactic wind in that object. Furthermore, AGN photoionization and photoexcitation processes could dominate the soft excess, especially the \~75-80% which is not imaged by our observations.Comment: 34 pages AASTEX, 9 (low-res) PS figures, ApJ, in press. For full-resolution postscript file, visit http://www.pha.jhu.edu/~colbert/n2992_chandra.ps.g

    Why Optically--Faint AGN Are Faint: The Spitzer Perspective

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    Optically--faint X-ray sources (those with f_X/f_R > 10) constitute about 20% of X-ray sources in deep surveys, and are potentially highly obscured and/or at high redshift. Their faint optical fluxes are generally beyond the reach of spectroscopy. For a sample of 20 optically--faint sources in CDFS, we compile 0.4--24 um photometry, relying heavily on Spitzer. We estimate photometric redshifts for 17 of these 20 sources. We find that these AGN are optically--faint both because they lie at significantly higher redshifts (median z ~ 1.6) than most X-ray--selected AGN, and because their spectra are much redder than standard AGN. They have 2--8 keV X-ray luminosities in the Seyfert range, unlike the QSO--luminosities of optically--faint AGN found in shallow, wide--field surveys. Their contribution to the X-ray Seyfert luminosity function is comparable to that of z>1 optically--bright AGN.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    An Observational Determination of the Bolometric Quasar Luminosity Function

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    We combine a large set of quasar luminosity function (QLF) measurements from the rest-frame optical, soft and hard X-ray, and near- and mid-infrared bands to determine the bolometric QLF in the redshift interval z=0-6. Accounting for the observed distributions of quasar column densities and variation of spectral energy distribution (SED) shapes, and their dependence on luminosity, makes it possible to integrate the observations in a reliable manner and provides a baseline in redshift and luminosity larger than that of any individual survey. We infer the QLF break luminosity and faint-end slope out to z~4.5 and confirm at high significance (>10sigma) previous claims of a flattening in both the faint- and bright-end slopes with redshift. With the best-fit estimates of the column density distribution and quasar SED, which both depend on luminosity, a single bolometric QLF self-consistently reproduces the observed QLFs in all bands and at all redshifts for which we compile measurements. Ignoring this luminosity dependence does not yield a self-consistent bolometric QLF and there is no evidence for any additional dependence on redshift. We calculate the expected relic black hole mass function and mass density, cosmic X-ray background, and ionization rate as a function of redshift and find they are consistent with existing measurements. The peak in the total quasar luminosity density is well-constrained at z=2.15+/-0.05. We provide a number of fitting functions to the bolometric QLF and its manifestations in various bands, and a script to return the QLF at arbitrary frequency and redshift from these fits, as the most simple inferences from the QLF measured in a single band can be misleading.Comment: 24 pages, 11 figures. Submitted to ApJ. A routine to return the QLF from the fits herein is available at http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/~phopkins/Site/qlf.htm

    How Much Mass do Supermassive Black Holes Eat in their Old Age?

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    We consider the distribution of local supermassive black hole Eddington ratios and accretion rates, accounting for the dependence of radiative efficiency and bolometric corrections on the accretion rate. We find that black hole mass growth, both of the integrated mass density and the masses of most individual objects, must be dominated by an earlier, radiatively efficient, high accretion rate stage, and not by the radiatively inefficient low accretion rate phase in which most local supermassive black holes are currently observed. This conclusion is particularly true of supermassive black holes in elliptical host galaxies, as expected if they have undergone merger activity in the past which would fuel quasar activity and rapid growth. We discuss models of the time evolution of accretion rates and show that they all predict significant mass growth in a prior radiatively efficient state. The only way to avoid this conclusion is through careful fine-tuning of the accretion/quasar timescale to a value that is inconsistent with observations. Our results agree with a wide range of observational inferences drawn from the quasar luminosity function and X-ray background synthesis models, but our approach has the virtue of being independent of the modeling of source populations. Models in which black holes spend the great majority of their time in low accretion rate phases are thus completely consistent both with observations implying mass gain in relatively short, high accretion rate phases and with the local distribution of accretion rates.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, matches version accepted to Ap

    Connecting Galaxy Evolution, Star Formation and the X-ray Background

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    As a result of deep hard X-ray observations by Chandra and XMM-Newton a significant fraction of the cosmic X-ray background (CXRB) has been resolved into individual sources. These objects are almost all active galactic nuclei (AGN) and optical followup observations find that they are mostly obscured Type 2 AGN, have Seyfert-like X-ray luminosities (i.e., L_X ~ 10^{43-44} ergs s^{-1}), and peak in redshift at z~0.7. Since this redshift is similar to the peak in the cosmic star-formation rate, this paper proposes that the obscuring material required for AGN unification is regulated by star-formation within the host galaxy. We test this idea by computing CXRB synthesis models with a ratio of Type 2/Type 1 AGN that is a function of both z and 2-10 keV X-ray luminosity, L_X. The evolutionary models are constrained by parameterizing the observed Type 1 AGN fractions from the recent work by Barger et al. The parameterization which simultaneously best accounts for Barger's data, the CXRB spectrum and the X-ray number counts has a local, low-L_X Type 2/Type 1 ratio of 4, and predicts a Type 2 AGN fraction which evolves as (1+z)^{0.3}. Models with no redshift evolution yielded much poorer fits to the Barger Type 1 AGN fractions. This particular evolution predicts a Type 2/Type 1 ratio of 1-2 for log L_X > 44, and thus the deep X-ray surveys are missing about half the obscured AGN with these luminosities. These objects are likely to be Compton thick. Overall, these calculations show that the current data strongly supports a change to the AGN unification scenario where the obscuration is connected with star formation in the host galaxy rather than a molecular torus alone. The evolution of the obscuration implies a close relationship between star formation and AGN fueling, most likely due to minor mergers or interactions.Comment: 36 pages, 8 figures, ApJ in press. Minor changes to match published versio
