178 research outputs found

    Complex correspondences for query patterns rewriting

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    International audienceThis paper discusses the use of complex alignments in the task of automatic query patterns rewriting. We apply this approach in SWIP, a system that allows for querying RDF data from natural language-based queries, hiding the complexity of SPARQL. SWIP is based on the use of query patterns that characterise families of queries and that are instantiated with respect to the initial user query expressed in natural language. However, these patterns are specific to the vocabulary used to describe the data source to be queried. For rewriting query patterns, we experiment ontology matching approaches in order to find complex correspondences between two ontologies describing data sources. From the alignments and initial query patterns, we rewrite these patterns in order to be able to query the data described using the target ontology. These experiments have been carried out on an ontology on the music domain and DBpedia ontology

    Rapport à M. le maire de la ville de Nancy sur la situation de la bibliothèque publique au 1er janvier 1845, fait au nom de la commission de surveillance, par M. Gillet, secrétaire.

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    « Document numérisé pour l\u27ENSSIB » - Après délibération, la Commission de Surveillance de la «Bibliothèque Publique»de Nancy décidait en 1844 qu\u27un rapport annuel ferait désormais le point sur les acquisitions, les échanges et les dons dont bénéficiait la bibliothèque. Le présent ouvrage est le premier de ces rapports. En tant que secrétaire de cette commission, l\u27auteur propose d\u27en présenter les travaux au maire, d\u27y rendre hommage aux bienfaiteurs de la bibliothèque et d\u27y donner un aperçu de l?état du dépôt littéraire. Partant du constat que la bibliothèque était peu connue et peu fréquentée par les Nancéiens, il juge nécessaire de rappeler son histoire et les «vicissitudes» dont l\u27établissement fut l\u27objet. Les périodes les plus importantes sont brossées à grands traits : les origines de la bibliothèque au milieu du XVIIIe siècle (le don de Stanislas, roi de Pologne); le transfert de l\u27université jésuite de Pont-à-Mousson à Nancy en 1768; les acquisitions, et notamment les saisies révolutionnaires, qui sont venues enrichir la bibliothèque; le travail de mise en ordre effectué par les conservateurs-bibliographes successifs, etc. Comme il était d\u27usage, l\u27auteur attire l\u27attention sur les pièces-maîtresses de chacune des cinq divisions de la bibliothèque (théologie, jurisprudence, science et arts, belles-lettres et histoire). A la fin du document, un rapport établi par M. Mathieu expose la situation du Musée d\u27histoire naturelle et du jardin botanique

    A canvas for the ethical design of learning experiences with digital tools

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    The use of digital tools has drastically increased in engineering education, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. These tools generate important ethical issues, in particular in terms of privacy and fairness. However, very few teacher training programmes address those topics, which means that teachers are often left to figure out by themselves how to address these issues when they want (or have) to use digital tools in their teaching. In this workshop, participants will be introduced to a pragmatic approach to the ethical design of learning experiences that involve digital tools using a visual thinking guide called a ‘canvas’. Applied and hands-on, this workshop will help participants to develop a practical understanding of the specific ethical issues related to the use of digital tools in teaching and to integrate ethical reflection into design processes when digital technology is involved

    Vision-Based Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Detection and Tracking for Sense and Avoid Systems

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    We propose an approach for on-line detection of small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and estimation of their relative positions and velocities in the 3D environment from a single moving camera in the context of sense and avoid systems. This problem is challenging both from a detection point of view, as there are no markers on the targets available, and from a tracking perspective, due to misdetection and false positives. Furthermore, the methods need to be computationally light, despite the complexity of computer vision algorithms, to be used on UAVs with limited payload. To address these issues we propose a multi-staged framework that incorporates fast object detection using an AdaBoost-based approach, coupled with an on-line visual-based tracking algorithm and a recent sensor fusion and state estimation method. Our framework allows for achieving real-time performance with accurate object detection and tracking without any need of markers and customized, high-performing hardware resources

    Responses of reptile populations to the eradication of the Roof Rat (Rattus rattus) on Bagaud Island (Port-Cros National Park, Var, France)

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    En 2011, une opération d’éradications simultanées de 2 taxa exotiques envahissants, le Rat noir (Rattus rattus) et les Griffes de sorcière (Carpobrotus spp.) a été entreprise sur l’île de Bagaud, réserve intégrale située au sein du Parc national de Port Cros, dans le sud-est de la France. Un contrôle réalisé en 2014 a permis de conclure au succès de l’éradication de R. rattus. L’éradication de Carpobrotus spp., quant à elle, est encore en cours. Afin de connaître les effets de l’opération d’éradication de R. rattus sur les populations de reptiles de l’île (la Couleuvre de Montpellier Malpolon monspessulanus, le Phyllodactyle d’Europe Euleptes europaea, le Lézard des murailles Podarcis muralis), un suivi pré-éradication a été réalisé en 2010 et 2011, et reconduit post-éradication, en 2013 et 2014. L’échantillonnage pratiqué a été semi-quantitatif selon trois méthodes : (1) trois transects de 80 m de long sur 2 m de large ; (2) deux quadrats de 1225 m² ; (3) cinq microsites rocheux à E. europaea. Très peu d’individus de M. monspessulanus ont été observés. Des résultats significatifs ont été observés seulement pour E. europaea : après éradication, le nombre de juvéniles observés a augmenté et l’ensemble des individus observés, quelle que soit leur classe d’âge, l’ont été plus hors que dans des abris. Ces résultats peuvent s’expliquer par la perte du comportement d’évitement que E. europaea avait en présence de R. rattus et par une pression de prédation plus faible, les deux espèces étant nocturnes. Le temps écoulé depuis l’éradication de R. rattus est assez court et certaines espèces n’ont pas encore nécessairement réagi de façon visible sur le plan démographique. Les suivis complémentaires dans les années à venir apporteront d’autres éléments d’information.An eradication of two invasive taxa, the Roof Rat (Rattus rattus) and Ice plants (Carpobrotus spp.), was undertaken in 2011 and 2012 on the protected nature reserve of Bagaud island, located in Port-Cros national Park (south-eastern France). R. rattus eradication was successful while Carpobrotus spp. eradication is still in progress. To assess the effects of R. rattus eradication on island reptile populations (Montpellier Snake Malpolon monspessulanus, European Leaf-toed Gecko Euleptes europaea, Common Wall Lizard Podarcis muralis), a pre-eradication monitoring was conducted in 2010 and 2011, and a post-eradication monitoring in 2013 and 2014. Census was performed with three semi-quantitative methods: (1) three transects of 80 m long and 2 m wide ; (2) two quadrats 1225 m²; (3) five rocky microsites, habitats for E. europaea. Very few individuals of M. monspessulanus were observed. Significant results were obtained only for E. europaea: after eradication, the number of observed juveniles increased and all observed individuals, independently of their age groups, were more outside shelters than inside. These results can be explained by the loss of avoidance behaviour that E. europaea displayed when in presence of R. rattus, and by lower predation pressure, given that both species are nocturnal. The elapsed time since eradication of R. rattus is quite short and some species have not necessarily visibly responded demographically. Additional monitoring in the coming years will provide further insights

    Assessment of Fish Abundance, Biodiversity and Movement Periodicity Changes in a Large River over a 20-Year Period

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    peer reviewedA river is an ecosystem where fish fauna represents an important structural element. To re-establish connectivity, it is imperative to allow movement between functional habitats. Due to the hydromorphological complexity of large anthropized rivers and the lack of study techniques that can be used in such environments, relevant data with regard to fish ecology are scarce. On the River Meuse, Belgium, at a point 323 km upstream from the North Sea, the Lixhe hydroelectric dam is equipped with two fishways. Both were continuously monitored using capture traps for 20 consecutive years (from 1999 to 2018), representing 4151 monitoring events. The objectives of the present study were to describe the overall abundance and movement indicators of mainly holobiotic potamodromous fish species and to analyse their temporal evolution. We captured 388,631 individuals (n = 35 fish species) during the 20 years of fishway monitoring; 22.7% were adults (>75% of which were cyprinids), and 83.3% juveniles (>90% cyprinids). From 1999 to 2018, the results showed a drastic reduction in yearly captures for some native species as well as the apparent emergence of non-native (e.g., Silurus glanis) and reintroduced species (e.g., Salmo salar). The annual capture periodicities associated with environmental factors were clearly defined and were mostly related to the spring spawning migration of the adult stage. This long-term monitoring demonstrated how the fishways are used by the whole fish community and allowed a better understanding of their movement ecology in a large lowland anthropized river. The appearance of non-native species and the drastic decline in abundance of some common and widespread European fish should prompt river managers to adopt conservation measures.Programme Saumo

    Modeling of information recording and selective etching processes in inorganic resists

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    Theoretical consideration and computer modeling of information pit recording and etching processes in chalcogenide vitreous semiconductors are proposed, namely we demonstrate how to record and develop information pits with the necessary shape and sizes in the inorganic resist using focused Gaussian laser beam and selective etching. It has been shown that phototransformed region cross-section could be almost trapezoidal or parabolic depending on the resist material optical absorption, recording beam power, exposure, etchant selectivity and etching time. Namely, during the laser illumination and thermal heating caused by it, photosensitive material is the quasi-equilibrium microscopic mixture of the transformed and nontransformed phases with different optical absorption coefficients: temperature dependent near the absorption edge «transformed» coefficient бe and almost independent coefficient α0 . If αe ≤ α0 e after thermal heating, the photo-transformed region «bleaches» and the pit depth increases more rapidly under the following laser power increasing. If αe > α0 , the phototransformed region «darkens» and the pit depth increases sub-linearly or even saturates under the following laser power increasing. Thus, almost parabolic or flattened pits appear when αe ≥ α0, whereas the pits with elongated tops appear when αe << α0. After illumination, the spatial distribution of photo-transformed material fraction was calculated using the Kolmogorov-Awrami equation. Analyzing obtained results, we derived a rather simple approximate analytical expression for the dependence of the phototransformed region width and depth on the recording Gaussian beam power, radius and exposure time. Then the selective etching process was simulated numerically. The obtained results quantitatively describe the characteristics of pits recorded by the Gaussian laser beam in thin layers of As₄₀S₆₀ chalcogenide semiconductor. Our model open possibilities how to select the necessary recording procedure and etching conditions in order to obtain pits with the optimum shape and sizes.Запропоновано теоретичний розгляд та комп’ютерне моделювання процесів запису інформації та селективного травлення в халькогенідних напівпровідниках. Змодульовано процес одержання інформаційних питів необхідної форми та розміру у неорганічному резисті, використовуючи сфокусований гаусівський лазерний пучок та селективне травлення. Показано, що переріз фототрансформованої області змінюється від майже трапецієвидного до параболічного в залежності від коефіцієнта оптичного поглинання, потужності лазерного пучка, експозиції, селективності травника та часу травлення. Просторовий розподіл долі фототрансформованого матеріалу розраховано з рівняння Колмогорова-Аврами. Проаналізовано одержані результати й виведено досить простий наближений аналітичний вираз для залежності ширини та висоти фототрансформованої області від потужності лазерного пучка, його радіусу, часу експонування та селективності травника. Одержані результати добре описують характеристики пітів, записаних у тонких шарах халькогеніду As₄₀S₆₀. Модель відкриває реальну можливість добору умов запису та травлення резисту, необхідних для одержання пітів з оптимальними розмірами.Предложено теоретическое рассмотрение и компьютерное моделирование процессов записи информации и селективного травления в халькогенидных полупроводниках. Смоделирован процесс получения информационных питов необходимой формы и размеров в неорганическом резисте, используя сфокусированный гауссовский лазерный пучок и селективное травление. Показано, что сечение фототрансформированной области может изменяться от практически трапециевидного до параболического в зависимости от коэффициента оптического поглощения, мощности лазерного пучка, экспозиции, селективности травителя и времени травления. Пространственное распределение доли фототрансформированного материала рассчитано из уравнения Колмогорова-Аврами. Проанализированы полученные результаты и выведено достаточно простое приближенное аналитическое выражение для зависимости ширины и высоты фототрансформированной области от мощности лазерного пучка, его радиуса, времени экспонирования и селективности травителя. Полученные результаты хорошо описывают характеристики питов, записанных в тонких слоях халькогенида As₄₀S₆₀. Модель открывает реальную возможность выбора условий записи и травления резиста, необходимых для получения питов с оптимальными размерами