462 research outputs found

    A list of plant-feeding Lepidoptera introduced into British Columbia

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    Each of 48 species of plant-feeding Lepidoptera known to be foreign to North America and to occur in British Columbia is briefly summarized with its history and importance. Those feeding on stored products are not indicated

    Demographic Understanding of Volunteerism

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    A large sample of volunteers from a midwestern city chapter of the American Red Cross were studied to identify demographic correlates of the reasons given for volunteering. The findings suggest that the reasons people give for doing volunteer work are conditioned by their age, sex, and marital status. Implications for volunteer programs and future research are discussed

    Identifying defects in aerospace composite sandwich panels using high-definition distributed optical fibre sensors

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    Automated methods for detecting defects within composite materials are highly desirable in the drive to increase throughput, optimise repair program effectiveness and reduce component replacement. Tap-testing has traditionally been used for detecting defects but does not provide quantitative measurements, requiring secondary techniques such as ultrasound to certify components. This paper reports on an evaluation of the use of a distributed temperature measurement system—high-definition fibre optic sensing (HD-FOS)—to identify and characterise crushed core and disbond defects in carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP)-skin, aluminium-core, sandwich panels. The objective is to identify these defects in a sandwich panel by measuring the heat transfer through the panel thickness. A heater mat is used to rapidly increase the temperature of the panel with the HD-FOS sensor positioned on the top surface, measuring temperature. HD-FOS measurements are made using the Luna optical distributed sensor interrogator (ODISI) 9100 system comprising a sensor fabricated using standard single mode fibre (SMF)-20 of external diameter 250 µm, including the cladding. Results show that areas in which defects are present modulate thermal conductivity, resulting in a lower surface temperature. The resultant data are analysed to identify the length, width and type of defect. The non-invasive technique is amenable to application in challenging operational settings, offering high-resolution visualisation and defect classification

    Assessing the potential of autonomous submarine gliders for ecosystem monitoring across multiple trophic levels (plankton to cetaceans) and pollutants in shallow shelf seas

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    A combination of scientific, economic, technological and policy drivers is behind a recent upsurge in the use of marine autonomous systems (and accompanying miniaturized sensors) for environmental mapping and monitoring. Increased spatial–temporal resolution and coverage of data, at reduced cost, is particularly vital for effective spatial management of highly dynamic and heterogeneous shelf environments. This proof-of-concept study involves integration of a novel combination of sensors onto buoyancy-driven submarine gliders, in order to assess their suitability for ecosystem monitoring in shelf waters at a variety of trophic levels. Two shallow-water Slocum gliders were equipped with CTD and fluorometer to measure physical properties and chlorophyll, respectively. One glider was also equipped with a single-frequency echosounder to collect information on zooplankton and fish distribution. The other glider carried a Passive Acoustic Monitoring system to detect and record cetacean vocalizations, and a passive sampler to detect chemical contaminants in the water column. The two gliders were deployed together off southwest UK in autumn 2013, and targeted a known tidal-mixing front west of the Isles of Scilly. The gliders’ mission took about 40 days, with each glider travelling distances of >1000 km and undertaking >2500 dives to depths of up to 100 m. Controlling glider flight and alignment of the two glider trajectories proved to be particularly challenging due to strong tidal flows. However, the gliders continued to collect data in poor weather when an accompanying research vessel was unable to operate. In addition, all glider sensors generated useful data, with particularly interesting initial results relating to subsurface chlorophyll maxima and numerous fish/cetacean detections within the water column. The broader implications of this study for marine ecosystem monitoring with submarine gliders are discussed

    Non-destructive identification of fibre orientation in multi-ply biaxial laminates using contact temperature sensors

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    Fibre orientation within composite structures dictates the material properties of the laminate once cured. The ability to accurately and automatically assess fibre orientation of composite parts is a significant enabler in the goal to optimise the established processes within aftermarket aerospace industries. Incorrect ply lay-up results in a structure with undesirable material properties and as such, has the potential to fail under safe working loads. Since it is necessary to assure structural integrity during re-manufacture and repair assessment, the paper demonstrates a novel method of readily and non-destructively determining fibre orientation throughout multi-ply Biaxial woven composite laminates using point temperature contact sensors and data analysis techniques. Once cured, only the outermost laminates are visible to assess orientation. The inspection method is conducted visually, with reference guides to allow for rapid adoption with minimum training, as well as harnessing established temperature sensors within the Maintenance Repair and Overhaul (MRO) environment. The system is amenable to integration within existing repair/re-manufacture processes without significant impact to process flow. The method is able to identify noisy samples with an accuracy, precision and recall of 0.9, and for synthetically created samples of double the cure ply thickness, a precision of 0.75, a recall of 0.7 and an accuracy of 0.87

    A modified Wright-Fisher model that incorporates Ne: A variant of the standard model with increased biological realism and reduced computational complexity.

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    The Wright-Fisher model is an important model in evolutionary biology and population genetics. It has been applied in numerous analyses of finite populations with discrete generations. It is recognised that real populations can behave, in some key aspects, as though their size that is not the census size, N, but rather a smaller size, namely the effective population size, Ne. However, in the Wright-Fisher model, there is no distinction between the effective and census population sizes. Equivalently, we can say that in this model, Ne coincides with N. The Wright-Fisher model therefore lacks an important aspect of biological realism. Here, we present a method that allows Ne to be directly incorporated into the Wright-Fisher model. The modified model involves matrices whose size is determined by Ne. Thus apart from increased biological realism, the modified model also has reduced computational complexity, particularly so when Ne⪡N. For complex problems, it may be hard or impossible to numerically analyse the most commonly-used approximation of the Wright-Fisher model that incorporates Ne, namely the diffusion approximation. An alternative approach is simulation. However, the simulations need to be sufficiently detailed that they yield an effective size that is different to the census size. Simulations may also be time consuming and have attendant statistical errors. The method presented in this work may then be the only alternative to simulations, when Ne differs from N. We illustrate the straightforward application of the method to some problems involving allele fixation and the determination of the equilibrium site frequency spectrum. We then apply the method to the problem of fixation when three alleles are segregating in a population. This latter problem is significantly more complex than a two allele problem and since the diffusion equation cannot be numerically solved, the only other way Ne can be incorporated into the analysis is by simulation. We have achieved good accuracy in all cases considered. In summary, the present work extends the realism and tractability of an important model of evolutionary biology and population genetics

    Fluctuating selection models and Mcdonald-Kreitman type analyses

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    It is likely that the strength of selection acting upon a mutation varies through time due to changes in the environment. However, most population genetic theory assumes that the strength of selection remains constant. Here we investigate the consequences of fluctuating selection pressures on the quantification of adaptive evolution using McDonald-Kreitman (MK) style approaches. In agreement with previous work, we show that fluctuating selection can generate evidence of adaptive evolution even when the expected strength of selection on a mutation is zero. However, we also find that the mutations, which contribute to both polymorphism and divergence tend, on average, to be positively selected during their lifetime, under fluctuating selection models. This is because mutations that fluctuate, by chance, to positive selected values, tend to reach higher frequencies in the population than those that fluctuate towards negative values. Hence the evidence of positive adaptive evolution detected under a fluctuating selection model by MK type approaches is genuine since fixed mutations tend to be advantageous on average during their lifetime. Never-the-less we show that methods tend to underestimate the rate of adaptive evolution when selection fluctuates

    Defect detection in aerospace sandwich composite panels using conductive thermography and contact sensors

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    Sandwich panels consisting of two Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) outer skins and an aluminium honeycomb core are a common structure of surfaces on commercial aircraft due to the beneficial strength–weight ratio. Mechanical defects such as a crushed honeycomb core, dis-bonds and delaminations in the outer skins and in the core occur routinely under normal use and are repaired during aerospace Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) processes. Current practices rely heavily on manual inspection where it is possible minor defects are not identified prior to primary repair and are only addressed after initial repairs intensify the defects due to thermal expansion during high temperature curing. This paper reports on the development and characterisation of a technique based on conductive thermography implemented using an array of single point temperature sensors mounted on one surface of the panel and the concomitant induced thermal profile generated by a thermal stimulus on the opposing surface to identify such defects. Defects are classified by analysing the differential conduction of thermal energy profiles across the surface of the panel. Results indicate that crushed core and impact damage are detectable using a stepped temperature profile of 80 ∘C The method is amenable to integration within the existing drying cycle stage and reduces the costs of executing the overall process in terms of time-to-repair and manual effort

    Geometrical thermal analysis as a form of Finite Element Analysis enhancement

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    Maintenance Repair and Overhaul (MRO) of composite aerospace components requires rigorous stress and strain analysis, including mechanical and thermal, as part of the repair process. Finite Element Analysis (FEA) as a standard and robust method of determining the transfer of transient thermal results of materials is well established for remanufacture. However, the theoretical material properties upon which FEA models are based often do not correspond to real life composite aerospace parts, due to manufacturing variations and the addition of previous repairs to the component modifying the fibre orientation and local fibre volume fraction. Such deviations from FEA models can result in inadequate repairs and in extreme instances even cause thermal damage to components. A geometrical analysis method incorporating existing industry standard heating elements and single point thermal capture sensors (i.e. Resistance Temperature Detectors or Thermocouples) using captured data could be used to quickly verify transient thermal results and provide useful data in order to correct the FEA model

    Amino acid-dependent cMyc expression is essential for NK cell metabolic and functional responses in mice

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    Natural killer (NK) cells are lymphocytes with important anti-tumour functions. Cytokine activation of NK cell glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) are essential for robust NK cell responses. However, the mechanisms leading to this metabolic phenotype are unclear. Here we show that the transcription factor cMyc is essential for IL-2/IL-12-induced metabolic and functional responses in mice. cMyc protein levels are acutely regulated by amino acids; cMyc protein is lost rapidly when glutamine is withdrawn or when system L-amino acid transport is blocked. We identify SLC7A5 as the predominant system L-amino acid transporter in activated NK cells. Unlike other lymphocyte subsets, glutaminolysis and the tricarboxylic acid cycle do not sustain OXPHOS in activated NK cells. Glutamine withdrawal, but not the inhibition of glutaminolysis, results in the loss of cMyc protein, reduced cell growth and impaired NK cell responses. These data identify an essential role for amino acid-controlled cMyc for NK cell metabolism and function
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