95 research outputs found

    Managing the risks to groundwater resources during coalbed methane development in a rural community.

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    The complex interrelationship of coal, methane and water in coal seams have required effective risk management for the safe development of energy and groundwater resources in the rural community of Las Animas County, Colorado. Since the 1980s, coalbed-methane (CBM) has been extensively developed in the central Raton Basin in close proximity to homeowners. Homeowners rely on private water wells as the primary source of water supply for domestic/household, agriculture and ranching. The relatively shallow nature of the Raton and Verjemo coals targeted for methane production have generated concern over potential impacts to groundwater resources. Using public sources of information from the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC) and the Colorado Division of Water Resources (CDWR), this study aims to identify the risk management of downhole activities during CBM development. Well file records for each CBM well document, the permitting, construction, formation, completion, and compliance covering the wells lifecycle. Regulatory records were used to determine what the risks to groundwater resources were; what safeguards protected aquifers during downhole CBM activity; resolutions of citizen complaints; and if there was evidence that showed ineffective risk mitigation related to groundwater protection. Concern over water resource impacts and availability has always been a top environmental issue in Las Animas County. Citizen complaints drive COGCC staff to investigate issues of concern and to prioritize risk issues. Risk issues can be socially amplified or attenuated by citizen complaints and the regulatory response. This case study aims to identify evidence of CBM related impacts to groundwater and the response to risk events that led to the development of a mature regulatory framework that protects private water wells and groundwater during CBM development in the rural community

    Patterns of Similarities and Differences in Post-Conflict Community-Oriented Policing - A Matter of Trust

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    An analysis of Community-Oriented Policing (COP) in 12 post-conflict cases suggests that while the concept of COP holds promise of representing a more sustainable approach to conventional post-conflict police reform, among our cases, there are limited examples of successful COP. Rather, our cases reveal that COP is often perceived as much as a surveillance tool to legitimise harsh policing tactics, as promoting human security or serious reforms. The more robust finding, unsurprisningly, is that the levels of trust between the police and communities, and thus the viability of COP, is closely linked to whether the police act more as a service or a force. While the principles of COP are connected to a police service, in the ideal-typical sense, the post-conflict cases we have analysed are closer to the ideal-typical police force. A number of challenges and what seem to make COP more viable across cases are identified, which should be taken into account when COP is implemented in societies where a police force is the predominiant way of policing.

    ISLA / IFLA course design: Principles and practical proposals for beginners' courses

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    This paper is a revised version of the one that appeared with many formal defects in the original publication.00-Abstract: Everybody involved in teaching modern languages will have observed that even adults can still have access to some kind of intuitive knowledge (Coppieters, R. 1987) when exposed naturally to a new language, and this is independent of the language taught and the age of the students (Kim, et al, 1997). Looking for a theoretical explanation for these observational facts we came across an idea formulated by N. Chomsky (1965)1, who had claimed, in one of his few pronouncements on the relevance of his theories for language teaching, that the human mind must (automatically) possess ‘intuitive heuristics’, which, he argued, should be part of ‘teaching program(s) …. in such a way as to give free play to those creative principles that humans bring to the process of language learning’. In this paper we will try to show how this author’s ideas on competence (1965) and performance (1965, 1975, 1981) might serve as a general framework for foreign language teaching (A. Howatt, 1974, W. Littlewood, 1984 and Larsen-Freeman & Long, 1991) as they offer a quite plausible vision for explaining how different mental capacities cooperate when people use language for communication. Starting with a brief description of Chomsky’s competence model we will then analyse input, Chomsky’s central concept for language acquisition. This will be done under the perspective of the processes that can be supposed for comprehension and in terms of Relevance Theory (RT) (Sperber & Wilson, 1986). RT will then be reinterpreted, as Javier Garcia (2007) proposes, in the light of Michael Long's here-and-now principle (1983). In the last part, we will offer first a brief summary of the practical measures for classroom interaction developed during our long-term study, carried out between 2005 and 2015, measures that pretend to assure a natural like language processing in the classroom, and the paper concludes with a first brief summary of observational data on the results obtained so far. The principal conclusions proposed are twofold: With respect to theory, this paper claims that adults still seem to have a limited access to children’s Language Acquisition Device: the Adult-LAD. And, in practical terms: foreign language teaching should not begin with grammar teaching, but with immersion centred on communication

    Sprachverstehen als Inputverarbeitung

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    In diesem Kapitel versuchen wir darzustellen warum die Relevanztheorie von Sperber & Wilson (1986) ein hilfreiches Modell zur Definition des zum Sprachwerb nötigen Inputs darstellen kann; ein Modell das sowohl Aussagen über den kindlichen Spracherwerb ermöglicht als auch über die Sprachverarbeitungsprozesse im Erwachsenenalter und in einer Nichtmuttersprache.In this capter we argue that Relevamce Theory, as presented by Dan Sperber and Deidre Wilson (1986), may serve as a modell to exlain input processing, a key concept in second and foreign language acquisition theories. In our opinion it may represent a kind of missing link for he explanation of input processing (as a comprehension process) in chldhood and in the adult age that also allows to formulate hypothesis about non nativespeakers' language comprehension.El libro que contiene este capítulo fue desarrollado y publicado en el marco del 'Fernstudienprojekts des Deutschen Instituts für Fernstudienforschung an der Universität Tübingen (DIFF), y de la Universität Gesamthochschule Kassel (GhK) y del Instituto Goethe de Munich.El capítulo es un extracto (pp. 35 a 50) del Beiheft für Spanien: Spracherwerb im Fremdsprachenunterricht in der Auslandssituation Regionales Beiheft für Spanien zur Fernstudieneinheit 15 2003, Editorial Idiomas, 1. Auflage Printed in Spain ISBN: 84-8141-031-

    Análisis de Problemas Sociales y su influencia en el Rendimiento Académico colegio experimental José García Cando.

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    La educación constituye la base sobre la que se sustenta el desarrollo económico y social de un país, por lo tanto, es importante que los estudiantes obtengan buen rendimiento académico; el abordaje del tema es un área de estudio donde confluyen varias variables, por tal motivo el ensayo tiene como objetivo analizar los problemas sociales que influyen en el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes del colegio Experimental José García Cando. El diseño de la investigación se realizó con un enfoque cualitativo y cuantitativo, para el estudio de los diferentes factores y variables; posteriormente se establecieron los principales hallazgos donde se destaca desde la percepción de los estudiantes, encontrando como causas del bajo rendimiento académico la falta de motivación, el ambiente familiar con poca comunicación, además de los problemas económicos; afirmando así que la re-organización y el funcionamiento de los factores sociales inciden en el éxito académico de los estudiantes

    “Hablando se entiende la gente: La oralidad en la formación on-line de idiomas.”

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    El autor presenta varias consideraciones teóricas sobre las características de la lengua oral que a su modo de ver deberían tenerse en cuenta a la hora de diseñar un curso online de una lengua extranjera. Publicado online:http://minerva.uca.es/publicaciones/asp/docs/obrasDigitalizadas/plurilinguismo.pdfThe author presents some theoretical considerations on the caracteristics of oral language that in his opinion should be taken into account when designing an online course of a foreign language. This article was first published online: http://minerva.uca.es/publicaciones/asp/docs/obrasDigitalizadas/plurilinguismo.pd