4,790 research outputs found

    The Twenty-Fifth Amendment and the Establishment of Medical Impairment Panels: Are the Two Safely Compatible?

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    At least two proposals have been offered by prominent members of the medical community to establish “Medical Impairment Panels” to monitor the health of Presidents of the United States and to facilitate the implementation of relevant Sections of the Twenty-Fifth Amendment. The first discussed in this Article was made by Dr. Herbert Abrams, a now deceased professor of radiology at Stanford University; the second by Dr. Bert Park, a prominent Missouri neurosurgeon. Dr. Abrams and Dr. Park spoke and wrote about their plans frequently over the years. The objective of each proposal was to ensure that the Vice President, the Cabinet, and Congress are informed as to situations when a President might be seriously impaired in terms of carrying out his or her official responsibilities as President of the United States. This Article assesses each proposal in turn

    Prepared discussant comments

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    Banks and banking ; Bank capital ; Bank supervision ; Deposit insurance

    Just Transitions in a Public School Food System: The Case of Buffalo, New York

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    This article examines the public school food system in Buffalo, New York, for a just transition (Movement Generation, n. d.). School food programs built on just transition characteristics democratize engagement, decentralize decision-making, diversify the economy, decrease consumption, and redistribute resources and power

    The Longshoremen\u27s and Harbor Workers\u27 Compensation Act of 1927: Half-Way Protection for the Stevedore and the Longshoreman

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    The law relating to longshoremen\u27s remedies abounds with surprising anomalies, hyper-technical distinctions, and bits and pieces of judicial legislation. This situation stems largely from deficiencies in the Longshoremen\u27s and Harbor Workers\u27 Compensation Act of 1927, an inherently inadequate statute greatly distorted by recent judicial interpretation. This Comment undertakes an examination of the act\u27s most salient shortcomings with a view to suggesting possible guidelines for what is believed to be necessary corrective legislation

    Marine Mollusca from Expedition Fiord, Western Axel Heiberg Island, Northwest Territories, Canada

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    Marine molluscs, including bivalves, gastropods and scaphopods, were recovered by dredging at depths of 3-82 m in Expedition Fiord, Axel Heiberg Island, Canada. Cluster analysis, based on presence/absence data at 27 stations, defined two mollusc associations within the fiord. A Portlandia-Thyasira association, characterized by the abundance of Portlandia arctica and Thyasira gouldi, inhabits silty clay substrates at depths of 32-82 m throughout the fiord. An Astarte association, characterized by the abundance of Astarte borealis and Astarte warhami, inhabits sandy mud substrates at depths of 3-32 m in the middle and outer fiord. The absence of this mollusc association at the fiord head suggests that the suspension-feeding molluscs that constitute this association, such as Astarte, Hiatella, Mya and Trichotropis, are intolerant of the lowered salinities and high suspended-sediment concentrations created by the discharge of Expedition River into the fiord-head environment. The Expedition Fiord molluscan fauna is compared to the molluscan fauna recorded in Jørgen Brønlund Fjord, Greenland. In the latter fiord, shallow-water (5-19 m) molluscan faunas are characterized by the abundance of Portlandia arctica and Hiatella arctica, while deep-water (22-48 m) faunas are characterized by the abundance of Thyasira dunbari. Molluscs recovered live in both of these fiords are distributed widely in high-latitude fiord and continental shelf environments.On a recueilli des mollusques marins - comprenant des bivalves, des gastéropodes et des scaphopodes - par dragages effectués à des profondeurs allant de 3 à 82 m dans le fjord Expedition, situé dans l'île Axel Heiberg au Canada. Des analyses typologiques, établies sur les données de présence ou d'absence à 27 stations, ont permis de définir deux associations de mollusques à l'intérieur du fjord. Une association Portlandia-Thyasira, caractérisée par l'abondance de Portlandia arctica et de Thyasira gouldi, habite les substratums d'argile limoneuse à des profondeurs allant de 32 à 82 m dans le fjord tout entier. Une association Astarte, caractérisée par l'abondance de Astarte borealis et de Astarte warhami, habite les substratums de vase sableuse à des profondeurs allant de 3 à 32 m dans le milieu ou en aval du fjord. L'absence de cette association de mollusques à l'extrémité amont du fjord suggère que les mollusques se nourrissant d'éléments en suspension qui forment cette association, comme Astarte, Hiatella, Mya et Trichotropis, ne tolèrent pas les faibles salinités et les fortes concentrations de sédiments en suspension que crée le déversement de la rivière Expedition dans l'extrémité amont du fjord. On compare la faune des mollusques du fjord Expedition à celle enregistrée dans le fjord Jørgen Brønlund du Groenland. Dans ce fjord, les faunes de mollusques en eau peu profonde (de 5 à 19 m) sont caractérisées par l'abondance de Portlandia arctica et de Hiatella arctica, tandis que les faunes situées en eau profonde (de 22 à 48 m) sont caractérisées par l'abondance de Thyasira dunbari. Les mollusques recueillis vivants dans ces deux fjords sont largement répandus dans les fjords et les plates-formes continentales des latitudes élevées

    Computer control of a scanning electron microscope for digital image processing of thermal-wave images

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    Using a recently developed technology called thermal-wave microscopy, NASA Lewis Research Center has developed a computer controlled submicron thermal-wave microscope for the purpose of investigating III-V compound semiconductor devices and materials. This paper describes the system's design and configuration and discusses the hardware and software capabilities. Knowledge of the Concurrent 3200 series computers is needed for a complete understanding of the material presented. However, concepts and procedures are of general interest

    Spin-orbit torque induced dipole skyrmion motion at room temperature

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    We demonstrate deterministic control of dipole-field-stabilized skyrmions by means of spin-orbit torques arising from heavy transition-metal seed layers. Experiments are performed on amorphous Fe/Gd multilayers that are patterned into wires and exhibit stripe domains and dipole skyrmions at room temperature. We show that while the domain walls and skyrmions are achiral on average due to lack of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions, the N\'eel-like closure domain walls at each surface are chiral and can couple to spin-orbit torques. The current-induced domain evolutions are reported for different magnetic phases, including disordered stripe domains, coexisting stripes and dipole skyrmions and a closed packed dipole skyrmion lattice. The magnetic textures exhibit motion under current excitations with a current density ~10^8 A/m2. By comparing the motion resulting from magnetic spin textures in Fe/Gd films with different heavy transition-metal interfaces, we confirm spin currents can be used to manipulate achiral dipole skyrmions via spin-orbit torques.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figure

    Teaching the Grid: Learning Distributed Computing with the M-grid Framework

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    A classic challenge within Computer Science is to distribute data and processes so as to take advantage of multiple computers tackling a single problem in a simultaneous and coordinated way. This situation arises in a number of different scenarios, including Grid computing which is a secure, service-based architecture for tackling massively parallel problems and creating virtual organizations. Although the Grid seems destined to be an important part of the future computing landscape, it is very difficult to learn how to use as real Grid software requires extensive setting up and complex security processes. M-grid mimics the core features of the Grid, in a much simpler way, enabling the rapid prototyping of distributed applications. We describe m-grid and explore how it may be used to teach foundation Grid computing skills at the Higher Education level and report some of our experiences of deploying it as an exercise within a programming course

    Stable heat and moisture dissipation with dairy calves at temperatures of 50 degrees and 80 degrees F.

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    Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating.Includes bibliographical references (page 24)

    Nitrogen removal in marine environments: recent findings and future research challenges

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    Respiratory reduction of nitrate (denitrification) is recognized as the most important process converting biologically available (fixed) nitrogen to N2. In current N cycle models, a major proportion of global marine denitrification (50–70%) is assumed to take place on the sea floor, particularly in organic rich continental margin sediments. Recent observations indicate that present conceptual views of denitrification and pathways of nitrate reduction and N2 formation are incomplete. Alternative N cycle pathways, particularly in sediments, include anaerobic ammonium oxidation to nitrite, nitrate and N2 by Mn-oxides, and anaerobic ammonium oxidation coupled to nitrite reduction and subsequent N2 mobilization. The discovery of new links and feedback mechanisms between the redox cycles of, e.g., C, N, S, Mn and Fe casts doubt on the present general understanding of the global N cycle. Recent models of the oceanic N budget indicate that total inputs are significantly smaller than estimated fixed N removal. The occurrence of alternative N reaction pathways further exacerbates the apparent imbalance as they introduce additional routes of N removal. In this contribution, we give a brief historical background of the conceptual understanding of N cycling in marine ecosystems, emphasizing pathways of aerobic and anaerobic N mineralization in marine sediments, and the implications of recently recognized metabolic pathways for N removal in marine environments