27,207 research outputs found

    Integrated command, control, communications and computation system functional architecture

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    The functional architecture for an integrated command, control, communications, and computation system applicable to the command and control portion of the NASA End-to-End Data. System is described including the downlink data processing and analysis functions required to support the uplink processes. The functional architecture is composed of four elements: (1) the functional hierarchy which provides the decomposition and allocation of the command and control functions to the system elements; (2) the key system features which summarize the major system capabilities; (3) the operational activity threads which illustrate the interrelationahip between the system elements; and (4) the interfaces which illustrate those elements that originate or generate data and those elements that use the data. The interfaces also provide a description of the data and the data utilization and access techniques

    Non-Volatile Magnonic Logic Circuits Engineering

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    We propose a concept of magnetic logic circuits engineering, which takes an advantage of magnetization as a computational state variable and exploits spin waves for information transmission. The circuits consist of magneto-electric cells connected via spin wave buses. We present the result of numerical modeling showing the magneto-electric cell switching as a function of the amplitude as well as the phase of the spin wave. The phase-dependent switching makes it possible to engineer logic gates by exploiting spin wave buses as passive logic elements providing a certain phase-shift to the propagating spin waves. We present a library of logic gates consisting of magneto-electric cells and spin wave buses providing 0 or p phase shifts. The utilization of phases in addition to amplitudes is a powerful tool which let us construct logic circuits with a fewer number of elements than required for CMOS technology. As an example, we present the design of the magnonic Full Adder Circuit comprising only 5 magneto-electric cells. The proposed concept may provide a route to more functional wave-based logic circuitry with capabilities far beyond the limits of the traditional transistor-based approach

    Hysteresis loops of magnetic thin films with perpendicular anisotropy

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    We model the magnetization of quasi two-dimensional systems with easy perpendicular (z-)axis anisotropy upon change of external magnetic field along z. The model is derived from the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation for magnetization evolution, written in closed form in terms of the z component of the magnetization only. The model includes--in addition to the external field--magnetic exchange, dipolar interactions and structural disorder. The phase diagram in the disorder/interaction strength plane is presented, and the different qualitative regimes are analyzed. The results compare very well with observed experimental hysteresis loops and spatial magnetization patterns, as for instance for the case of Co-Pt multilayers.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Low-speed stability and control wind-tunnel investigations of effects of spanwise blowing on fighter flight characteristics at high angles of attack

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    The effects of spanwise blowing on two configurations representative of current fighter airplanes were investigated. The two configurations differed only in wing planform, with one incorporating a trapezoidal wing and the other a 60 delta wing. Emphasis was on determining the lateral-directional characteristics, particularly in the stall/departure angle-of-attack range; however, the effects of spanwise blowing on the longitudinal aerodynamics were also determined. The-tunnel tests included measurement of static force and forced-oscillation aerodynamic data, visualization of the airflow changes created by the spanwise blowing, and free-flight model tests. The effects of blowing rate, chordwise location of the blowing ports, asymmetric blowing, and blowing on the conventional aerodynamic control characteristics were investigated. In the angle-of-attack regions in which the spanwise blowing substantially improved the wing upper-surface flow field (i.e., provided reattachment of the flow aft of the leading-edge vortex), improvements in both static and dynamic lateral-directional stability were observed. Blowing effects on stability could be proverse or adverse depending on blowing rate, blowing port loaction, and wing planform. Free-flight model tests of the trapezoidal wing confirmed the beneficial effects of spanwise blowing measured in the static and dynamic force tests

    Control-system techniques for improved departure/spin resistance for fighter aircraft

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    Some fundamental information on control system effects on controllability of highly maneuverable aircraft at high angles of attack are summarized as well as techniques for enhancing fighter aircraft departure/spin resistance using control system design. The discussion includes: (1) a brief review of pertinent high angle of attack phenomena including aerodynamics, inertia coupling, and kinematic coupling; (2) effects of conventional stability augmentation systems at high angles of attack; (3) high angle of attack control system concepts designed to enhance departure/spin resistance; and (4) the outlook for applications of these concepts to future fighters, particularly those designs which incorporate relaxed static stability

    EOS image data processing system definition study

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    The Image Processing System (IPS) requirements and configuration are defined for NASA-sponsored advanced technology Earth Observatory System (EOS). The scope included investigation and definition of IPS operational, functional, and product requirements considering overall system constraints and interfaces (sensor, etc.) The scope also included investigation of the technical feasibility and definition of a point design reflecting system requirements. The design phase required a survey of present and projected technology related to general and special-purpose processors, high-density digital tape recorders, and image recorders

    Using the LANDSAT data collection system for field geophysics: Operations in the British Virgin Islands

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    This particular application was to vertical geodesy by tide gauge and tiltmeter on a small desert island in the British Virgin Islands. The performance of the LANDSAT system under potentially marginal circumstances was found to be excellent

    Management of Casualty Birds of Prey

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    Increasingly, practitioners are presented with injured raptors, either found as wild birds or kept as trained falcons. Orthopedic injuries are the most common result of trauma to birds of prey. While many of the principles of mammalian medicine and surgery can be applied to avian species, raptors present special problems of management, restraint and handling, diagnosis, anesthesia, fracture healing and repair, and rehabilitation

    Control of dissipation in superconducting films by magnetic stray fields

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    Hybrid superconducting/magnetic nanostructures on Si substrates have been built with identical physical dimensions but different magnetic configurations. By constructing arrays based on Co-dots with in-plane, out-of-plane, and vortex state magnetic configurations, the stray fields are systematically tuned. Dissipation in the mixed state of superconductors can be decreased (increased) by several orders of magnitude by decreasing (increasing) the stray magnetic fields. Furthermore, ordering of the stray fields over the entire array helps to suppress dissipation and enhance commensurability effects increasing the number of dissipation minima.Comment: 16 pages including 4 figures; accepted in Applied Physics Letter

    Dissociation of Hemoglobin into Subunits II. HUMAN OXYHEMOGLOBIN: GEL FILTRATION STUDIES

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    Abstract The dissociation of normal human oxyhemoglobin has been studied by gel filtration under conditions of neutral pH and moderate ionic strength, with the use of both integral boundaries, formed between solution and solvent, and finite difference boundaries, formed between solution and solution. The experimental data obtained have been treated by nonlinear least squares procedures to estimate the relevant parameters with their associated standard errors. For this purpose, theoretical equations have been derived for two models, firstly a simple dimer-tetramer reversible equilibrium, and secondly a monomer-dimer-trimer-tetramer reversible equilibrium. In both models the dependence on concentration of the elution volume of the individual species has been taken into account
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