2,922 research outputs found

    Exposición mediante realidad virtual para el TOC: ¿Es factible?

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    Virtual reality exposure therapy (VRET) is receiving increased attention, especially in the fields of anxiety and eating disorders. This study is the first trial examining the utility of VRET from the perspective of OCD patients. Four OCD women assessed the sense of presence, emotional engagement, and reality judgment, and the anxiety and disgust levels they experimented in four scenarios, called the Contaminated Virtual Environment (COVE), in which they had to perform several activities. The COVE scenarios were presented on a Full HD 46” TV connected to a laptop and to a Kinect device. Results indicate that the COVE scenarios generated a good sense of presence. The anxiety and disgust levels increased as the virtual contamination increased, and the anxiety produced was related to the emotional engagement and sense of presence.La Exposición mediante Realidad Virtual (ERV) está recibiendo una atención cada vez mayor, especialmente para los trastornos de ansiedad y los alimentarios. Este estudio es el primer ensayo que evalúa la utilidad de la ERV desde la propia perspectiva de pacientes con Trastorno Obsesivo-Compulsivo (TOC). Cuatro mujeres con TOC evaluaron la sensación de presencia, implicación emocional, el juicio de realidad, y los niveles de ansiedad y asco que experimentaban en cuatro escenarios virtuales, que denominamos Entorno Virtual Contaminado (EVCO), en los que debían realizar varias actividades. Los escenarios se presentaron en una TV Full HD de 46’’, conectada a un ordenador y a un dispositivo Kinect. Los resultados indican que EVCO produjo una buena sensación de presencia. Los niveles de ansiedad y asco aumentaron a medida que aumentaba la “contaminación” de los escenarios, y la ansiedad se asoció con la sensación de presencia y la implicación emocional

    Thermal switching of the scattering coefficients of terahertz surface plasmon polaritons impinging on a finite array of subwavelength grooves on semiconductor surfaces

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    8 págs.; 8 figs.; 1 tab. ; PACS number s : 73.20.Mf, 78.68. m, 65.40. b, 41.20.JbWe present a theoretical framework that allows us to investigate the scattering of terahertz surface plasmon polaritons (SPP's) by arrays of subwavelength grooves and ridges on semiconductors. The formulation is based on the reduced Rayleigh equation resulting upon imposing an impedance boundary condition. Guided by approximate estimations of the broadening with temperature of the first gap in the SPP dispersion relation in the case of indium antimonide samples with rectangular grooves, numerical calculations are carried out to determine the spectral dependence of all the SPP scattering channels (reflection, transmission, and radiation) in the immediate vicinity of that gap. The thermally induced switching of the SPP reflection and transmission nearby the lower SPP band edge is investigated as a function of groove parameters (size and number); near-field intensity maps are also presented. We thus shed light on the SPP scattering and switching physical mechanisms, thereby providing the most suitable experimental configurations. © 2006 The American Physical Society.This work was supported in part by the Spanish “Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia” Grant Nos. BFM2003-0427 and FIS2004-0108 and “Comunidad de Madrid” Grant MICROSERES and by the European Union Grant HPRN-CT- 2002-00206. The work of J.G.R. was supported by the “Stichting voor Fundamenteel Onderzoek der Materie” FOM, which is financially supported by the “Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek” NWO.Peer Reviewe

    Complicaciones en las fracturas supracondíleas de húmero en la infancia.

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    La fracturas supracondíleas de húmero tienen gran incidencia en la infancia, y además pueden presentar una gran cantidad de complicaciones previas y posteriores al tratamiento. Se realiza una revisión de las complicaciones más frecuentes en las fracturas supracondíleas de húmero en los niños.Supracondylar fractures of the humerus present high incidence in children, moreover, a high per - centage of complications may be present, both previously as posteriorly to treatment. A review of the most com - mon complications in supracondylar humerus fractures in children is performed

    Revisión y actualización del tratamiento de las fracturas supracondíleas de húmero en la infancia

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    La fractura supracondílea de húmero en la infancia es una patología con gran incidencia en los niños. Su tratamiento está rodeado de muchos puntos controvertidos. Se realiza una revisión histórica del tratamiento de esta patología y una actualización de las nuevas técnicas que han surgido a lo largo de los años.Supracondylar fracture of the humerus in childhood presents high incidence in children. The treat - ment of this fracture is surrounded by many controversial points. A historical review of the treatment of this injury and an update about emerging techniques during last years were done

    Review and Analysis of Models for a European Digital Building Logbook

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    The concept of a Digital Building Logbook (DBL) was first introduced with the European strategy ‘Renovation Wave’. It is considered as one of two fundamental parts of which the Building Renovation Passport is composed: the DBL and a Renovation Roadmap. As the implementation of the DBL is a European priority, this paper reviews the existing literature and analyses the most developed European Digital Building Logbook models. The analysis includes iBRoad, ALDREN, X-tendo, and the Study on the Development of a European Union Framework for Buildings’ Digital Logbook, from the perspective of seven key aspects: References used as a starting point for the model definition; Identification of the relevant stakeholders in the DBL; Identified potential user needs; Proposed structure of indicators; Data sources; Potential functionalities; and Operation and use. The results show that important advancement has been made, although there is still no consensus about crucial subjects, such as the indicators to be collected or how to collect and use them. This is probably due to the fact that the final functionalities (objective and scope) that the logbook should provide are not fully clear. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Robust free-spurious formulation of high order 2.5 dimensional electromagnetic problems by using finite elements

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    The 3D Finite Elements Method (FEM) is an extensively accepted tool for the analysis and design of microwaves/millimetre circuits and antennas based on the use of complex materials and geometries. Despite the huge memory capacity and computation speed of the current informatics systems, the method still suffers from an expensive computational cost when the domain is 3D. In many practical structures, the knowledge of the behaviour of one field component introduces a symmetry in the formulations that allows to project the physical problem onto a bi-dimensional mesh. The result of the former is a dramatic increase of the speed and ease of handling of such kind of problems, achieving efficient tools for the computer assisted design of many complex structures used in the electrical engineering nowadays. Because nothing is free, this simplification in the computation of the numerical problems is reached after a modification into the formulation and discretization of the model in the sense to introduce the symmetry of the field component into the basis functions. Because we need the three field components, we must divide the basis functions in two sets; one keeps the vector character and is applied to approximate the transversal or meridian component of the electromagnetic field and the other set is used for the longitudinal or azimuthal component. Then, we have to work with two elements, one is vector and the other is scalar. Frequently they are called hybrid elements, or 2.5D elements. This type of problems has been intensively studied by many researchers along the last two decades [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]. However, only lower order basis has been used and, since our knowledge, it has not been developed a theory linking the development of the function spaces for the cited two elements, vector and scalar which make up the hybrid elements. This is especially true when the order of the elements increases, producing the apparition of the frightened spurious modes. Besides of the lack of a robust method to obtain these higher order hybrid elements for the 2.5D problems, we consider that it is worth reviewing these procedures, trying to increase its reliability and robustness. It should be a priority to incorporate the use of higher-order elements to the discretization of 2.5D problems, as the last developments relative to pre and post processors, new and more powerful meshers and solvers. In this way we can develop new numerical tools facing the more complex geometries containing field singularities, diverse materials and multiscale details with curved boundaries that conform the structures that electrical engineers handle nowadays. This work is an extension with some new results of previous presented at [5], [7]. A complete study of the design of conical dielectric core horn antennas, ended by both, convex-plane and double-convex dielectric lens, is carried on, taking advantage of the robust performance of the developed methods

    Resultados clínicos de la artroplastia unicompartimental de rodilla en un hospital universitario

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    Se ha realizado un estudio retrospectivo de 25 artroplastias unicompartimentales de rodilla intervenidas de 1989 a 2008, En 15 casos (16 prótesis) se obtuvieron datos completos para su estudio. Once artroplastias se realizaron en mujeres y 5 en hombres con una edad media de 65 años. El tiempo de seguimiento fue de 65 meses (rango 14-202). Analizamos el rango de movilidad, la necesidad de cirugía de revisión y la puntuación en el Knee Society Store. Hubo de casos de infección superficial resueltos favorablemente y ningún caso de infección profunda. La cirugía de revisión fue necesaria en el 37,5% de pacientes en una media de tiempo de 37'5 meses (rango 18-128). Los resultados fueron similares a aquellos que hicieron que se abandonara la técnica en los años 90.Unicompartmental knee arthroplasty appeared at the 70s as an alternative to the proximal tibial osteotomy in young patients with pain and medial or lateral compartment osteoarthritis of the knee. At the 90s this technique began to be abandoned because the clinical results were not the expected. In the last years, lots of articles have been published showing results that can be compared with the total knee arthroplasty thanks to the news designs and the improve of the surgical technique. A retrospective study was made of the 25 unicompartmental knee arthroplasties performed in our hospital, with a mean follow up of 65 months. We analysed the range of mobility, the need of revision surgery and the Knee Society Score, getting similar results to that that made abandon the technique in the 90s

    Ab initio study of the influence of nanoscale doping inhomogeneities in the phase separated state of La1x_{1-x}Cax_{x}MnO3_3

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    The chemical influence in the phase separation phenomenon that occurs in perovskite manganites is discussed by means of ab initio calculations. Supercells have been used to simulate a phase separated state, that occurs at Ca concentrations close to the localized to itinerant crossover. We have first considered a model with two types of magnetic ordering coexisting within the same compound. This is not stable. However, a non-isotropic distribution of chemical dopants is found to be the ground state. This leads to regions in the system with different effective concentrations, that would always accompany the magnetic phase separation at the same nanometric scale, with hole-rich regions being more ferromagnetic in character and hole-poor regions being in the antiferromagnetic region of the phase diagram, as long as the system is close to a phase crossover.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl

    Design of a Bubble Reactor for Altitude Simulators Used to Humidify a Combustion Air Stream by Means of CFD Multi-Phase Models

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    [EN] In this paper, a procedure for the design of a bubble reactor which allows the control of the humidity of a gas stream used as combustion air is presented. This reactor is designed to be used as a component of an altitude simulator test facility for the optimization, homologation and calibration of new hybrid engines. The design has been carried out by means of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) multi-phase models and validated against the experimental data obtained from the developed prototype. A discussion about the adequate mesh topology and cell size is presented, as well as a comparison between the two available models for the air-water interphase. Lastly, a validation of the CFD results using experimental data shows that the model that should be used is the multi-regime interaction model, from which the final design for the bubble reactor was obtained.This research has been partially supported by Universitat Politecnica de Valencia through project PAID-01-18.Serrano, J.; Gil, A.; Quintero-Igeño, P.; Tabet-Aleixandre, R.; Gómez, J. (2021). Design of a Bubble Reactor for Altitude Simulators Used to Humidify a Combustion Air Stream by Means of CFD Multi-Phase Models. Applied Sciences. 11(1):1-15. https://doi.org/10.3390/app11010295S11511