6,340 research outputs found
To be or to consume? That is the question: Semiotics Analysis of Advertisements of largest Retail Supermarkets in Brazil
The study of representations and images involved in advertising campaigns is a recurrent resource of marketing managers. Therefore, understanding and analyzing advertisements and their semiotics becomes an important source of research. In this context, the following research problem arises: what are the complementarity, contrariety and contradiction relations that carry the advertisements of supermarket retailers? Thus, the main objective is to analyze semiotic advertising of national supermarket chains through the constitution of a semiotic square. For that, the greimasian methodology (Greimas, 1973) was used, which sustains a generative path of meaning, where the relations existing between the signifiers produce signification. We investigated the advertisements of the largest retail supermarket brands in Brazil, by price, product and people variables. Thus, the semiotic square was created for the advertising of supermarket retailers in Brazil
Larval food quantity affects development time, survival and adult biological traits that influence the vectorial capacity of Anopheles darlingi under laboratory conditions
BACKGROUND: The incidence of malaria in the Amazon is seasonal and mosquito vectorial capacity parameters, including abundance and longevity, depend on quantitative and qualitative aspects of the larval diet. Anopheles darlingi is a major malaria vector in the Amazon, representing >95% of total Anopheles population present in the Porto Velho region. Despite its importance in the transmission of the Plasmodium parasite, knowledge of the larval biology and ecology is limited. Studies regarding aspects of adult population ecology are more common than studies on larval ecology. However, in order develop effective control strategies and laboratory breeding conditions for this species, more data on the factors affecting vector biology is needed. The aim of the present study is to assess the effects of larval food quantity on the vectorial capacity of An. darling under laboratory conditions. METHODS: Anopheles darlingi was maintained at 28°C, 80% humidity and exposed to a daily photoperiod of 12 h. Larvae were divided into three experimental groups that were fed either a low, medium, or high food supply (based on the food amounts consumed by other species of culicids). Each experiment was replicated for six times. A cohort of adults were also exposed to each type of diet and assessed for several biological characteristics (e.g. longevity, bite frequency and survivorship), which were used to estimate the vectorial capacity of each experimental group. RESULTS: The group supplied with higher food amounts observed a reduction in development time while larval survival increased. In addition to enhanced longevity, increasing larval food quantity was positively correlated with increasing frequency of bites, longer blood meal duration and wing length, resulting in greater vectorial capacity. However, females had greater longevity than males despite having smaller wings. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, several larval and adult biological traits were significantly affected by larval food availability. Greater larval food supply led to enhance larval and production and larger mosquitoes with longer longevity and higher biting frequency. Thus, larval food availability can alter important biological traits that influence the vectorial capacity of An. darlingi
Fermentação “bokashi”, produção de alimento vivo em tanques escavados para peixes carnívoros na Piraí Piscicultura no Mato Grosso do Sul.
TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Engenharia de Aquicultura.Conforme dados da FAO – Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations (2006), a
produção mundial da aquicultura (marinha, estuarina e continental) cresceu 81,07% nos
últimos 10 anos. Seu crescimento em âmbito mundial, nacional, regional e municipal foi de
grande valia para geração de renda, emprego e investimento no campo. Também será
mostrado a forma de produção usado nos tanques escavados por meio da Fermentação (açúcar
ou melaço, farelo de arroz e fermento biológico) para geração de nutrientes que iram
contribuir para a formação de seres primários (Fitoplâncton) e os secundários (zooplancton).
A fermentação vem para proporcionar um aumento da produção de alimento vivo (rotíferos,
copepode e dafnas ou moinas) para que a taxa de sobrevivência, crescimento sejam mais
rápidas e eficientes, onde irá proporcionar uma boa saúde aos peixes (larvas e pos larvas) e as
formas de como se obter uma boa fermentação.According to the FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (2006),
world aquaculture production (marine, estuarine and continental) increased by 81.07% in the
last 10 years. Its growth worldwide, national, regional and municipal was of great value for
income generation, employment and investment in the field. It will also be shown the form of
production used in the tanks excavated through Fermentation (sugar or molasses, rice bran
and biological yeast) for the generation of nutrients that will contribute to the formation of
primary beings (phytoplankton) and secondary ones (zooplankton).
The fermentation comes to provide an increase in the production of live food (rotifers,
copepods and dafnas or moines) so that the rate of survival, growth are faster and efficient,
where it will provide good health to the fish (larvae and post larvae) and the forms of how to
obtain a good fermentation
Relação entre virtudes e estilos de humor em adultos portugueses
Dissertação de mestrado em Psicologia ClínicaExame público realizado em 21 de abril de 2023, às 10HNum panorama geral, a literatura atual aponta para correlações positivas entre as virtudes e os estilos de humor virtuoso, e correlações negativas entre as virtudes e os estilos de humor negro. Contudo, estes dados foram obtidos apenas com as versões longa do Virtues in Action Scale (VIA-240). Assim, o objetivo foi avaliar a relação entre virtudes e estilos de humor utilizando a versão breve do VIA (VIA-72). Este estudo contou com 689 participantes, todos com nacionalidade portuguesa, sendo 217 homens e 472 mulheres, com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e 82 anos (M = 33.18 para os homens; M = 30.38 para as mulheres). Quanto aos instrumentos, foram utilizadas as versões portuguesas do VIA-72 e do Humor Styles Questionnare. No que toca aos resultados, foram encontradas correlações positivas entre a virtude humor e todos os estilos cómicos. As virtudes sabedoria, coragem, justiça, humanidade e transcendência revelaram-se positivamente correlacionadas com os estilos de humor virtuoso. As virtudes de justiça e humanidade revelaram-se negativamente relacionadas com os estilos de humor negro. Por último, o estilo de humor “Sátira” registou valores de correlações reduzidos com as virtudes. Desta forma, de um modo geral, pode-se afirmar que as correlações entre estilos cómicos e virtudes, quando avaliadas com a versão breve do VIA, são consistentes com as encontradas nos estudos em que foi utilizada a versão longa. Assim, para além de contribuir para o leque de conhecimentos nesta área relativamente recente, este estudo também poderá incentivar o uso do humor em contexto clínico, assim como o desenvolvimento de programas e estratégias de desenvolvimento positivo baseadas no humor.Generally speaking, current literature points to positive correlations between virtues and virtuous humor styles, and negative correlations between virtues and dark humor styles. However, this data was acquired solely through the long version of the Virtues in Action Scale (VIA-240). Therefore, the goal of this study was evaluating the correlation between the same variables utilizing the short version of the VIA (VIA-72). There were 689 participants in this study, all of them with Portuguese nationality, 217 being men, and 472 being women, with ages between 18 and 82 years old (M = 33.18 for men; M = 30.38 for women). The instruments used were the Portuguese versions of the VIA-72 e the Humor Styles Questionnare. As for results, positive correlations between the virtue Humor and all the humor styles were found. The virtues Wisdom, Courage, Justice, Humanity and Transcendence showed positive correlations with the light humor styles. The virtues Justice and Humanity showed negative correlations with the dark humor styles. Lastly, the humor style Satire showed reduced correlation values with Virtues. As such, generally, we can affirm that the correlations observed between Virtues and Comic Styles when using the short version of the VIA are consistent with those found in studies where the long version was used. In turn, not only does this study contribute to the pool of knowledge in this relatively young area but can also incentivize the use of humor in a clinical setting, as well as the development of humor based programs and strategies of positive development
Influence of central obesity in estimating maximal oxygen uptake
OBJECTIVE: To assess the influence of central obesity on the magnitude of the error of estimate of maximal oxygen uptake in maximal cycling exercise testing. METHOD: A total of 1,715 adults (68% men) between 18-91 years of age underwent cardiopulmonary exercise testing using a progressive protocol to volitional fatigue. Subjects were stratified by central obesity into three quartile ranges: Q1, Q2-3 and Q4. Maximal oxygen uptake [mL.(kg.min)-1] was estimated by the attained maximal workload and body weight using gender- and population-specific equations. The error of estimate [mL.(kg.min)-1] and percent error between measured and estimated maximal oxygen uptake values were compared among obesity quartile ranges. RESULTS: The error of estimate and percent error differed (mean ± SD) for men (Q1=1.3±3.7 and 2.0±10.4; Q2-3=0.5±3.1 and -0.5±13.0; and Q4=-0.3±2.8 and -4.5±15.8 (
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