1,362 research outputs found

    Demographic Differentials in Facebook Usage Around the World

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    We use data from the Facebook Advertisement Platform to study patterns of demographic disparities in usage of Facebook across countries. We address three main questions: (1) How does Facebook usage differ by age and by gender around the world? (2) How does the size of friendship networks vary by age and by gender? (3) What are the demographic characteristics of specific subgroups of Facebook users? We find that in countries in North America and northern Europe, patterns of Facebook usage differ little between older people and younger adults. In Asian countries, which have high levels of gender inequality, differences in Facebook adoption by gender disappear at older ages, possibly as a result of selectivity. We also observe that across countries, women tend to have larger networks of close friends than men, and that female users who are living away from their hometown are more likely to engage in Facebook use than their male counterparts, regardless of their region and age group. Our findings contextualize recent research on gender gaps in online usage, and offer new insights into some of the nuances of demographic differentials in the adoption and the use of digital technologies.Comment: Accepted at a poster at ICWSM 2019. Please cite the ICWSM versio

    The allure of controversial brands: the effect of consumers- power on purchase intentions

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    Brands are more frequently engaging with controversial issues and clearly taking a stand on them, making it important to understand how consumers view and react to these brands. The present research focuses on analyzing if controversial brands are perceived as more powerful and risk-taking, and how this can lead to compensatory consumption, by assessing consumers’ purchase intentions. An online experiment was conducted, where participants were primed with low or high power followed by a manipulation of controversy. It was possible to infer that low-power individuals tend to have higher brand perceptions, even though the hypotheses were inconclusive

    Close Social Networks Among Older Adults:The Online and Offline Perspectives

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    Qualitative studies have found that the use of Information and Communication Technologies is related to an enhanced quality of life for older adults, as these technologies might act as a medium to access social capital regardless of geographical distance. In order to quantitatively study the association between older people’s characteristics and the likelihood of having a network of close friends offline and online, we use data from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe and data from Facebook. Using a novel approach to analyze aggregated and anonymous Facebook data within a regression framework, we show that the associations between having close friends and age, sex, and being a parent are the same offline and online. Migrants who use internet are less likely to have close friends offline, but migrants who are Facebook users are more likely to have close friends online, suggesting that digital relationships may compensate for the potential lack of offline close friendships among older migrants

    Cancer Models on Chip:Paving the Way to Large Scale Trial Applications

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    Cancer kills millions of individuals every year all over the world (Global Cancer Observatory). The physiological and biomechanical processes underlying the tumor are still poorly understood, hindering researchers from creating new, effective therapies. Inconsistent results of preclinical research, in vivo testing, and clinical trials decrease drug approval rates. Three-dimensional tumor-on-chip models integrate biomaterials, tissue engineering, fabrication of microarchitectures, and sensory and actuation systems in a single device, enabling reliable studies in fundamental oncology and pharmacology. This review includes a critical discussion about their ability to reproduce the tumor microenvironment, the advantages and drawbacks of existing tumor models and architectures, and major components and fabrication techniques. The focus is on current materials and micro/nanofabrication techniques used to manufacture reliable and reproducible microfluidic tumor-on-chip models for large-scale trial applications.</p

    A gestão da sala de aula na prevenção da indisciplina

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    O presente relatório debruça-se sobre o papel dos modelos de gestão da sala de aula na prevenção da indisciplina, provavelmente um dos maiores problemas da escola atual e com que se confrontam tanto professores experientes como em início de carreira. Enquanto principal responsável pelo processo de ensino-aprendizagem, o docente assume um papel preponderante na prevenção da indisciplina, cabendo-lhe refletir sobre as suas práticas e ajustar o seu comportamento e procedimentos ao contexto em que se estabelece a relação pedagógica. Os modelos de gestão da sala de aula analisados ao longo deste relatório fornecem pontos de partida para as ações que o professor pode desenvolver nesse processo de ajustamento, com vista a promover o interesse dos alunos e a manter a disciplina. Relatam-se ainda as atividades desenvolvidas durante a Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, relacionadas com as recomendações dos modelos de gestão da sala de aula para a prevenção da indisciplina.This report focuses on the role of classroom management models to prevent indiscipline, probably one of the biggest problems of the current school, faced both by experienced teachers and the ones in the early career years. While main responsible for the process of teaching-learning, the teacher plays an important role in the prevention of indiscipline, and shall reflect on his/hers practices and adjust his/hers behavior and procedures to the context in which the pedagogical relationship is established. The classroom management models analyzed in this report provide starting points for the actions that the teacher can develop in that adjustment process in order to promote students' interest and to maintain discipline. It is also reported the activities developed during the Supervised Teaching Practice, related to the recommendations of classroom management models for the prevention of indiscipline

    O papel do educador na gestão de conflitos

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    Relatório de Prática de Ensino Supervisionada apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Educação Pré-EscolarO presente relatório de estágio foi elaborado no âmbito da Unidade Curricular (UC) de Prática Profissional Supervisionada - Módulo II (PPSII) que decorreu numa instituição da rede pública no concelho de Lisboa, com um grupo de crianças com idades compreendidas entre os 4 os 6 anos, decorrida entre fevereiro de 2022 e março de 2022. No decorrer do estágio surgiu a problemática que será apresentada e analisada no presente relatório - O papel do educador na gestão de conflitos de conflitos. A investigação encontra-se inserida numa perspetiva da metodologia do estudo de caso que partiu das características identificadas no grupo de crianças e na observação dos conflitos existentes entre si. Neste estudo com o tema das relações sociais pretende-se identificar e compreender a forma como o educador/a intervém perante uma situação de conflito e às estratégias que utiliza para a resolução das mesmas. Para esta investigação, foram utilizadas diferentes técnicas e instrumentos de recolher de dados, tais como a observação direta e indireta, notas de campo, reflexões diárias e semanais, uma entrevista semiestruturada e conversas informais com a educadora cooperante e a consulta de documentos. A discussão dos dados e a sua análise evidenciou que os conflitos ao contrário da perspetiva negativa que evidenciam, assumem um caráter positivo no processo de desenvolvimento e aprendizagem de cada criança. O educador/a deve promover o diálogo assumindo um papel de mediador permitindo as crianças partilhar as suas emoções, permitindo o desenvolvimento da sua capacidade de autorregulação.ABSTRACT This internship report was prepared within the scope of the Curricular Unit (UC) of Supervised Professional Practice - Module II (PPSII) which took place in a public institution in the municipality of Lisbon, with a group of children aged between 4 and 6 years, elapsed between February 2022 and March 2022. During the internship, the problem that will be presented and analyzed in this report arose - The role of the educator in the management of conflicts. The investigation is inserted in a perspective of the methodology of the case study that started from the characteristics identified in the group of children and in the observation of the conflicts between them. In this study about social relations, the aim is to identify and understand how the educator intervenes in a conflict situation and the strategies he uses to resolve them. For this investigation, different techniques and data collection instruments were used, such as direct and indirect observation, field notes, daily and weekly reflections, a semi-structured interview and informal conversations with the cooperating educator and consultation of documents. The discussion of the data and its analysis showed that conflicts, contrary to the negative perspective they show, assume a positive character in the development and learning process of each child. The educator must promote dialogue by assuming a mediating role, allowing children to share their emotions, allowing the development of their self-regulation capacity.N/

    Patient centered communication and anxiety in the postoperative

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    Mestrado em Comunicação Clínic

    Estudo lipidómico de plasma sanguíneo para detecção de doenças da grávida e do feto

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    Mestrado BioquímicaOs lípidos desempenham funções cruciais na estrutura e sinalização dos sistemas biológicos; deste modo a caracterização do seu perfil e avaliação da sua variação em diferentes condições fisiológicas, tem vindo a suscitar interesse, resultando no surgimento da lipidómica. O presente trabalho propôs-se a executar um estudo lipidómico de plasma sanguíneo da grávida para deteção de Trissomia 21, para uma possível aplicação em clínica, como método alternativo, devido às características invasivas dos métodos atuais. Assim sendo o objetivo consistiu no estudo de alterações no perfil lipídico no plasma sanguíneo de grávidas com filhos com Trissomia 21 comparativamente a grávidas com bebes normais, nos1º e 2º Trimestres de gravidez. O perfil lipídico foi analisado usando MALDI-MS, ESI-MS e LC-MS. As amostras aplicadas em MALDI-MS e ESI-MS foram previamente extraídas por MTBE; por sua vez as amostras submetidas a LC-MS foram extraídas por SPE, obtendo-se um extrato lipídico total e de fosfolípidos, respetivamente. Os resultados de LC-MS foram analisados por análise univariada. Por MALDI-MS não foi possível comparar os resultados de controlo com patologia pela ausência de reprodutibilidade observada, Por sua vez ESI-MS demonstrou ultrapassar este ponto, permitindo ainda a identificação dos iões observados. Por LC-MS foram possíveis de observar 4 PC com alterações estatisticamente significativas, sendo elas PC(32:2); PC(34:4); PCp(36:5) e PC(36:6), de m/z 730.5; 754.6; 766.6 e 778.5, podendo tal alteração estar associada à suscetibilidade dos individuos portadores da patologia aos efeitos do stressLipids are crucial to the structure and signalization, therefore its fingerprint and variations in different physiological conditions have evoke an interest, culminating in the birth of lipidomics.The present study seeks to apply a lipidomic approach to detection of Trisomy 21 in blood plasma from pregnant woman, to a possible application to a prenatal setting due to the actual invasive methods. The aim of the study was to identify alterations on the blood plasma lipid fingerprint for Trisomy 21, in comparison to controls, for 1st and 2 trimesters of pregnancy. Its fingerprint was analised by MALDI-MS, ESI-MS and LC-MS. The samples applied on MALDI-MS and ESI-MS were previously extracted by MTBE, while the ones used for LC-MS were extracted by SPE, acquiring a total lipid extract and a phospholipid extract, respectively. LC-MS results were applied to univariate analysis. By MALDI-MS the comparison between controls and pathology was not possible due to the lack of reproducibility. ESI-MS allowed to surpass this point, and also identify the several ions observed. By LC-MS we were able to observe 4 PC statistically significate: PC(32:2); PC(34:4); PCp(36:5) e PC(36:6), de m/z 730.5; 754.6; 766.6 e 778.5. This alterations could be due to the susceptibility of the individuals to oxidative stress’ effects
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