576 research outputs found

    Routine first-trimester screening for fetal trisomies in twin pregnancy: cell-free DNA test contingent on results from combined test

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    Objective: To report on the routine clinical implementation of cell-free (cf)DNA analysis of maternal blood for trisomies 21, 18 and 13 contingent on the results of the first-trimester combined test in twin pregnancies. Methods: Screening for trisomies 21, 18 and 13 was carried out by a combination of maternal age, fetal nuchal translucency (NT) thickness, and serum free ß-hCG and PAPP-A at 11-13 weeks’ gestation in 959 twin pregnancies in two UK NHS hospitals. Women in the high-risk group (risk >1 in 100) were offered options of invasive testing, cfDNA testing or no further testing and those in the intermediate-risk group (risk 1 in 101 to 1 in 2500 in the first phase of the study and 1 in 101 to 1 in 500 in the second phase) were offered cfDNA or no further testing. The trisomic status of the pregnancies was determined by prenatal or postnatal karyotyping or examination of the neonates. Results: In 42 (4.4%) of the 959 pregnancies there was termination, miscarriage or stillbirth with no known karyotype or there was loss to follow up. The 917 pregnancies with known trisomic status of both twins, included 6 that were discordant for trisomy 21, 4 discordant for trisomy 18 and 896 with no trisomies 21, 18 or 13. Following combined screening, 47 (5.1%), 203 (22.2%) and 667 (72.7%) of the pregnancies were classified as high-risk, intermediate-risk and low-risk, respectively. The high-risk group included 5 (83.3%) cases of trisomy 21 and 3 (75.0%) of trisomy 18. The cfDNA test was carried out in 224 pregnancies and results were provided in 214 (95.5%); this group included 6 with trisomy 21, 3 with trisomy 18 and 206 with no trisomies 21, 18 or 13. The cfDNA test correctly classified as screen positive all 6 cases of trisomy 21 and 2 of the 3 with trisomy 18 and as screen negative for each of the trisomies all 206 unaffected pregnancies. Contingent screening, led to prenatal detection of all cases of trisomy 21 and 3 of 4 with trisomy 18. Conclusions: The study has demonstrated the feasibility of introducing cfDNA testing, contingent on the results of the first-trimester combined test for major trisomies, in a routine population of twin pregnancies

    Morphometric and morphological studies of Red seabream (Pagellus bogaraveo) otoliths from the Strait of Gibraltar: Exploratory analysis of its application for ageing

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    In the last years, the otoliths have become a useful tool for the determination of ichthyic species, because these structures present a high morphologic specificity. Besides, its shape should change between the sampled ages. Thus, our study deals with several features of the otoliths (sagitta) related with the age of the individuals. 235 (Morphometry) and 53 (Morphology) otoliths from Red seabream samples, 2003 – 2008, of the Strait of Gibraltar were analyzed. The combined use of both features (morphometrics and morphological) resulted in a discriminant function which an ageing success higher than 70%.Versión del edito

    Nested shallow geothermal systems

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    The long-term sustainability of shallow geothermal systems in dense urbanized areas can be potentially compromised by the existence of thermal interfaces. Thermal interferences between systems have to be avoided to prevent the loss of system performance. Nevertheless, in this work we provide evidence of a positive feedback from thermal interferences in certain controlled situations. Two real groundwater heat pump systems were investigated using real exploitation data sets to estimate the thermal energy demand bias and, by extrapolation, to assess the nature of thermal interferences between the systems. To do that, thermal interferences were modelled by means of a calibrated and validated 3D city-scale numerical model reproducing groundwater flow and heat transport. Results obtained showed a 39% (522 MWh·yr-1) energy imbalance towards cooling for one of the systems, which generated a hot thermal plume towards the downgradient and second system investigated. The nested system in the hot thermal plume only used groundwater for heating, thus establishing a positive symbiotic relationship between them. Considering the energy balance of both systems together, a reduced 9% imbalance was found, hence ensuring the long-term sustainability and renewability of the shallow geothermal resource exploited. The nested geothermal systems described illustrate the possibilities of a new management strategy in shallow geothermal energy governance

    The Red seabream fishery in the Strait of Gibraltar: update of the available information from the fishery statistics and some considerations about the current knowledge on the target species growth

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    This paper presents the available information of the Red seabream (Pagellus bogaraveo) fishery in the Strait of Gibraltar and updates the documents presented in previous years with the information from the last analyzed year, 2012. The document presents data about landings, LPUE, length frequencies and also some biological information about the species growth which should be useful to fishery management considerations.Versión del edito

    Updating the available information from Spanish Red seabream fishery in the Strait of Gibraltar

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    This paper presents the available information of the Red seabream (Pagellus bogaraveo) Spanish fishery in the Strait of Gibraltar and updates the documents presented in previous years with the information from 2015. This document presents data about landings, CPUEs, spatial distribution and landings length frequencies which should be taken into account to provide the 2016 scientific advice for Red seabream in ICES Subarea I

    The Blackspot seabream Spanish target fishery of the Strait of Gibraltar: updating the available information

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    This paper includes the available information of the Blackspot seabream (Pagellus bogaraveo) Spanish “voracera” target fishery of the Strait of Gibraltar. The documents presented in previous years were updated with the 2020 information: data about landings, fishing effort, CPUEs and landings length frequencies are presented to its discussion within the 2021 WGDEEP

    The Spanish Red seabream fishery of the Strait of Gibraltar: an update of the available information

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    This paper includes the available information of the Red seabream (Pagellus bogaraveo) Spanish fishery in the Strait of Gibraltar and updates the documents presented in previous years with the information from 2016. So, data about landings, CPUEs, spatial distribution and landings length frequencies are presented and analyze

    The Red seabream (Pagellus bogaraveo) fishery in the Strait of Gibraltar: ICES Subarea IX updated data

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    This paper presents the available information of the Red seabrem fishery in the Strait of Gibraltar and updates the documents presented in previous years with the information from the last analyzed year, 2010. The document presents data about landings, LPUE, length frequencies and also observers on board programme information which should be useful for considerations about the fishery.Versión del edito