148 research outputs found

    Arte en Nueva York: coleccionistas americanas en la primera mitad del siglo XX

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    Las siguientes páginas muestran una breve descripción del trabajo de cuatro mujeres en Nueva York en la primera mitad del siglo XX. Después de la II Guerra Mundial, París ya no era el principal centro artístico y Nueva York comenzó a llamar la atención. Es en este preciso momento cuando las mujeres tomaron el liderazgo cultural y comenzaron a desarrollar proyectos más ambiciosos que otros coleccionistas masculinos. Algunos de los mejores ejemplos de arte contemporáneo fueron recopilados por mujeres que apoyaron una práctica artística nueva y transgresora. Así es como comenzó un nuevo movimiento en el arte contemporáneo de Estados Unidos, basado en las diferentes influencias europeas que los artistas estaban trayendo.Departamento de Historia del ArteGrado en Historia del Art

    Transcriptome regulation network in Multiple sclerosis: Role of circular RNAs.

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    274 p.Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic autoimmune disease of the central nervous system, that leads to neurological disability. The disease course and clinical phenotype are highly variable and therefore, biomarkers that can aid in the clinical practice are needed. Previous studies have shown a dysregulation in the coding and non-coding RNAs and proposed some as biomarkers. However, still none of them have reached the clinical practice. Recently, circular RNAs (circRNAs) have emerged as new players in the transcriptome that hold a great potential as biomarkers thanks to the features endowed by their circularity. In this thesis, we have performed different approaches to characterise the circRNA expression in leukocytes, peripheral blood mononuclear cells and extracellular vesicles from MS patients. Results have revealed hundreds of circRNAs whose expression is changed in the disease, and we have proposed eleven of them as potential minimally-invasive biomarkers. Finally, our functional experiments indicate that circRNAs may act as regulators of the immune response. This thesis opens a new research line in MS for future investigations to further evaluate the biomarker potential and the function of circRNAs in MS

    Use of rasburicase to improve kidney function in children with hyperuricemia and acute kidney injury

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    Background Hyperuricemia contributes to decrease in kidney function and induces additional renal damage in children with acute kidney injury (AKI). Rasburicase oxidizes uric acid (UA), decreasing its serum quantities in less than 24 h. Methods This is a retrospective study involving hospitalized patients under 18 years of age with underlying pathology diagnosed with AKI and severe hyperuricemia treated with rasburicase over a 4-year period. Results We describe 15 patients from 4 days of life to 18 years (median: 4.4 years). Seventy-three percent had known underlying pathologies. All presented worsening of basal renal function or AKI data. All received the usual medical treatment for AKI without response. Twenty percent received an extrarenal depuration technique. All had hyperuricemia with a mean (± SD) of 13.1 (± 2.19) mg/dl. After rasburicase administration UA levels fell to a mean (± SD) of 0.76 (± 0.62) mg/dl (p < 0.001) in less than 24 h. In parallel, a decrease in the mean plasma creatinine was observed (2.92 mg/dl to 1.93 mg/dl (p = 0.057)) together with a significant improvement of the mean glomerular filtration rate (16.3 ml/min/1.73 m2 to 78.6 ml/min/1.73 m2) (p = 0.001)). No side effects were recorded. Kidney function normalized in all cases or returned to baseline levels. Conclusions Although the use of rasburicase is not routinely approved in pediatric patients with severe hyperuricemia and AKI, it has been used successfully without complications, and helped prevent progressive kidney damage. This study could serve as a basis for suggesting the off-label use of rasburicase for the management of complex pediatric patients in whom UA plays an important role in the development of AKI.This study was supported by a grant from the Department of Education (IT1281-19) of the Basque Government. The funder had no role in the study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Virus Zika y microcefalia

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    Introducción: Desde el brote de virus Zika ocurrido en América Latina en 2015, se ha observado un aumento repentino en el número de casos de microcefalia en lactantes de mujeres que contrajeron el virus estando embarazadas, así como de otros síndromes neurológicos. El 1 de febrero de 2016, la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), declaró la epidemia de virus Zika una emergencia de salud pública de interés internacional. Objetivo: Describir las principales causas y características de la microcefalia, así como la evidencia científica existente sobre la posible asociación causal entre el virus Zika y la misma. Material y métodos: Este trabajo se presenta como una revisión bibliográfica de artículos científicos y publicaciones relacionados con la microcefalia y el virus Zika, buscados principalmente en las bases de datos Pubmed, Medscape, Crossref, Google académico y en varios libros. Resultados: Las infecciones prenatales son una posible causa de microcefalia ampliamente descrita en la literatura. Para determinar si existe una relación causal entre el virus Zika y la microcefalia se han utilizado los siete criterios de Shepard, específicos para evaluar teratógenos potenciales. La evidencia usada para explicar este vínculo incluye la temporalidad entre la infección y la anomalía observada, la plausibilidad biológica y la identificación de ARN del virus Zika en el tejido cerebral de fetos y neonatos afectados. Conclusiones: Se han acumulado pruebas suficientes que apoyan la hipótesis inicial de que “la infección prenatal por el virus Zika es una causa de microcefalia y otras anomalías cerebrales”. Así, una vez conocida esta asociación, nuestros esfuerzos futuros deberán centrarse en investigar y dar respuesta a otras muchas preguntas que resultarán críticas en la prevención de la infección congénita por el virus Zika. Palabras clave: “zika virus”, “microcephaly”, “virus microcephaly”, “zika virus microcephaly”

    Primary bone lymphoma of the mandible and thyroid incidentaloma identified by 18FDG PET/CT: a case report

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    The mandible is a rare site for the occurrence of primary bone lymphoma (PBL), a non-Hodgkin lymphoma. We report herein a case of an incidentally diagnosed thyroid incidentaloma by (18)Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography in a patient with a previous diagnosis of PBL. Therapeutic options are reviewed and discussed

    Mathematical difficulties vs. High achievement: an analysis of arithmetical cognition in elementary school

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    This study analyzed the contribution of cognitive processes (planning, attention, simultaneous and successive processing) and domain-specific skills (counting, number processing and conceptual comprehension) to the arithmetic performance achieved in the last three grades (4th, 5th, and 6th) of elementary school. Three groups of students with a different arithmetic achievement level were characterized. The predictive value of the cognitive processes and the math specific skills are explored through diverse covariance and discriminant analyses. Participants were 110 students (M = 10.5 years, SD = 1.17) classified in three groups: mathematical difficulties (MD; n = 26), high achieving (HA; n = 26), and typical achieving (TA; n = 58). Cognitive processes and domain-specific skills were evaluated in two individual sessions at the end of the school year. Nonverbal intelligence was assessed in a final collective session with each class. The mathematical difficulties group’s achievement was deficient in simultaneous and successive processing, number processing, and conceptual comprehension compared to the typical achievement group. High achievement children obtained significantly better results than the typical achievement children in simultaneous processing, counting, number processing, and conceptual comprehension. Number processing and conceptual comprehension were the most consistent classifiers, although successive and simultaneous processing, respectively, also contributed to identifying students with mathematical difficulties and high achievement. These findings have practical implications for preventive and intervention proposals linked to the observed profiles

    Diseño de actividades basadas en la interacción tangible para niños con TDAH

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    En este proyecto se han diseñado y desarrollado actividades para niños con Trastorno de Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad (TDAH) para el tabletop tangible NIKVision, que es una superficie digital interactiva basada en interacción tangible en la que los niños pueden jugar a manipulando juguetes convencionales. El proyecto se ha realizado dentro del grupo de investigación GIGA AffectiveLab en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Además se ha contado con el asesoramiento de una profesora de la Facultad de Educación especializada en TDAH y con la asociación aragonesa Atenciona de familias profesionales ligados al TDAH. El objetivo principal de este proyecto es que los niños con TDAH utilicen estas actividades para su desarrollo y además para conseguir alcanzar sus objetivos terapéuticos. Para ello se realizó una fase analítica donde se analizó toda la información relacionada con la interacción tangible, NIKVision, el TDAH y las actividades que realizan. También se realizaron unas evaluaciones iniciales en el centro de Atenciona para probar con estos niños los juegos previos de los que se disponía. Con toda esta información y con la orientación de los especialistas se desarrollaron dos actividades para la mesa NIKVision, que fueron evaluadas por los niños permitiendo realizar mejoras

    Studying the Properties of PVdF-HFP Based Lithium Polymer Electrolytes Using non-ionic Surfactants as Plasticizers

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    [EN] In this study, two different non-ionic surfactants have been evaluated as a plasticizer in lithium polymer electrolytes and compared with an organic carbonate-based plasticizer. To that end, non-ionic surfactants with different molecular weight and structure have been selected (Triton? X-100 and Brij?L23) and compared with organic carbonates (EC:DEC1:1) as plasticizers in lithium polymer electrolytes. The effect of the plasticizer content, salt content and surfactant characteristics on properties such as ionic conductivity, thermal stability and electrochemical stability of lithium polymer electrolytes has been studied. The results obtained show that the non-ionic surfactants studied as plasticizers (Triton? X-100 and Brij?L23) give lithium polymer electrolytes with higher thermal and electrochemical stability than organic carbonates, thus making them promising plasticizers for lithium polymer electrolytes, especially for high voltage lithium-ion batteries. Surfactant structure could influence the ionic conductivity of the polymer electrolytes, with the linear surfactants being more suitable for this application.This research was funded by the Centro de Desarrollo Tecnologico Industrial-CDTI (ALMAGRID Project-CER-20191006) and by the Instituto Valenciano de Competitividad EmpresarialIVACE-FEDER (MATER Project-IMDEEA/2019/48)Zubizarreta Saenz De Zaitegui, L.; Gil Agustí, MT.; Espinosa-López, JC.; García Pellicer, M.; Quijano-Lopez, A. (2021). Studying the Properties of PVdF-HFP Based Lithium Polymer Electrolytes Using non-ionic Surfactants as Plasticizers. Materiale Plastice. 58(1):237-247. https://doi.org/10.37358/mp.21.1.5463S23724758

    Phenotypic characterization of X-linked hypophosphatemia in pediatric Spanish population

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    Deformitats òssies; Retard en el creixement; Hipofosfatèmia hereditàriaDeformidades óseas; Retraso en el crecimiento; Hipofosfatemia hereditariaBone deformities; Growth retardation; Inherited hypophosphatemiaBackground X-linked hypophosphatemia (XLH) is a hereditary rare disease caused by loss-of-function mutations in PHEX gene leading tohypophosphatemia and high renal loss of phosphate. Rickets and growth retardation are the major manifestations of XLH in children, but there is a broad phenotypic variability. Few publications have reported large series of patients. Current data on the clinical spectrum of the disease, the correlation with the underlying gene mutations, and the long-term outcome of patients on conventional treatment are needed, particularly because of the recent availability of new specific medications to treat XLH. Results The RenalTube database was used to retrospectively analyze 48 Spanish patients (15 men) from 39 different families, ranging from 3 months to 8 years and 2 months of age at the time of diagnosis (median age of 2.0 years), and with XLH confirmed by genetic analysis. Bone deformities, radiological signs of active rickets and growth retardation were the most common findings at diagnosis. Mean (± SEM) height was − 1.89 ± 0.19 SDS and 55% (22/40) of patients had height SDS below—2. All cases had hypophosphatemia, serum phosphate being − 2.81 ± 0.11 SDS. Clinical manifestations and severity of the disease were similar in both genders. No genotype—phenotype correlation was found. Conventional treatment did not attenuate growth retardation after a median follow up of 7.42 years (IQR = 11.26; n = 26 patients) and failed to normalize serum concentrations of phosphate. Eleven patients had mild hyperparathyroidism and 8 patients nephrocalcinosis. Conclusions This study shows that growth retardation and rickets were the most prevalent clinical manifestations at diagnosis in a large series of Spanish pediatric patients with XLH confirmed by mutations in the PHEX gene. Traditional treatment with phosphate and vitamin D supplements did not improve height or corrected hypophosphatemia and was associated with a risk of hyperparathyroidism and nephrocalcinosis. The severity of the disease was similar in males and females.This research has been partially funded by Kyowa Kirin Farmacéutica S.L.U., project PI17/01745 from Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Acción Estratégica en Salud 2017-2020 and FEDER funds, Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (FIS), Fundación Nutrición y Crecimiento (FUNDNYC), Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria del Principado de Asturias (ISPA) and Fundación para la Investigación y la Innovación Biosanitaria del Principado de Asturias (FINBA)