2,888 research outputs found

    The Pharmacogenetics of the Antimalarial Amodiaquine

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    Strategic alliances, organisational learning and new product development: the cases of Rover and Seat.

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    The importance of the automotive industry in the global economy is widely recognised. The sector has undergone enormous changes in order to prepare for the fierce competition of the 21st century. Among these transformations, the most relevant are those technologies developed for the rapid evolution of activities linked to new designs, new products, and new manufacturing processes and systems. Innovative Japanese carmakers have stimulated international performance comparisons in these activities. International technology alliances may be one way of gaining access to new competitive technologies. Risks and costs associated with new product development can be shared among the partners and more effective use can be made of manufacturing facilities and production capabilities. Sometimes, an alliance agreement may lead to the deployment of new capabilities. However, in spite of this potential, the literature presents the success rate of alliances at less than 50%. Our study considers two examples of companies that developed international joint ventures (IJVs): Rover with Honda, and Seat with Volkswagen. Since these two European peripheral companies, Rover and Seat, no longer remain as independent firms, we are interested in identifying the reasons leading to the success or failure of these IJVs as regards the New Product Development (NPD) process. In particular, in both cases the paper looks at the problems of the weaker partner becoming increasingly dependent on the other partner and the need for a well-defined strategy to benefit from IJVs.Alianzas estratégicas; desarrollo de productos; Rover; Seat;

    High prevalence of double Plasmodium falciparum dhfr mutations at codons 108 and 59 in the Sistan-Baluchistan province, Iran

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    A chemical reaction in the movie The Ten Commandments

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    El estudio de las ciencias de la naturaleza en segundo curso de Educación Secundaria debe complementarse con la visita al laboratorio y la realización de prácticas. El currículo destaca las bases iniciales de la química y el estudio de la reacciones. En esta comunicación se describe una experiencia de laboratorio que puede resultar útil para la comprensión del concepto de cambio químico. De igual modo se expone la hipótesis de que esta misma reacción fuera utilizada en la película clásica del cine Los diez mandamientos.The study of natural sciences in the second year of Secondary Education must be complemented with a visit to the laboratory, where experiments should be permormed. The curriculum emphasizes the initial basis of Chemistry and the study of reactions. In this paper we describe a laboratory experience, useful for understanding the concept of chemical change. Also, we present the hypothesis that a chemical reaction was used in the classic movie The Ten Commandments

    The antibiogram. A resource in compulsory secondary education laboratory

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    En esta comunicación se presentan las directrices necesarias para lograr la observación, en el laboratorio de Biología de Educación Secundaria, de la capacidad antimicrobiana de algunos compuestos, en especial de los antibióticos, y su repercusión en el fortalecimiento de la enseñanza de las ciencias en materia de salud

    El personal docente universitario de Málaga. El caso de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación

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    La incorporación de las mujeres al profesorado de las Universidades es un tema en el que las diferencias de género se ven aún muy acentuadas. El objetivo de este trabajo es conocer la diferencia entre el número de hombres y mujeres dedicados a la docencia dentro del ámbito universitario malagueño, así como su categoría profesional. Nos vamos a centrar especialmente en la Facultad de Educación, en la que comprobaremos que incluso en una facultad donde el alumnado es abrumadoramente femenino, el número de profesoras no es proporcional al número de estudiantes mujeres. Para ello se han consultado estadísticas oficiales y la plantilla docente de la Facultad de ciencias de la Educación. Con el objetivo de conocer un poco mejor cada categoría profesional se hace una explicación y relación de este personal con el sueldo que perciben según su categoría.The incorporation of women into the faculty of the universities is a subject in which gender differences are still very accentuated. The objective of this work is to know the difference between the number of men and women dedicated to teaching within the university environment of Malaga, as well as their professional category. We are going to focus especially on a faculty where the students are mostly female, as in the Faculty of Education, in order to make known that even in the feminine teachings, the number of female professors is not proportional to the number of female students. To this end, official statistics and the teaching staff of the Faculty of Educational Sciences have been consulted. In order to know a little better, an explanation and relationship of these personnel can be made with the salary they receive according to their category

    Key aspects to atmospheric nitrogen fixation by bacteria. A study in the compulsory secondary education laboratory

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    La fijación de nitrógeno atmosférico por parte de microorganismos tiene notable importancia ambiental e industrial relacionada con el incremento de la fertilidad y productividad en los suelos, soporte de las plantas y las redes tróficas derivadas. En el presente artículo se especifica un sencillo protocolo de laboratorio, junto con la base teórica que lo sustenta, con el objetivo de observar los microorganismos responsables de la fijación en los nódulos de leguminosas.The fixation of atmospheric nitrogen by microorganisms has significant environmental and industrial importance associated with increased in fertility and productivity in soils, supporting plants and its derived food webs. This paper shows a simple laboratory protocol, together with its theoretical foundations, in order to observe the responsible microorganisms of the nitrogen fixation in the nodules of legumes

    Assessing the relevance of higher education courses

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    The establishment of the European Higher Education Area has involved specifying lists of professional competencies that programs are expected to develop, and with this the need for procedures to measure how every course within a higher education program is aligned with the program’s competencies. We propose an instrument for characterizing this alignment, a process that we call assessing the relevance of a course. Using information from the course syllabus (objectives, contents and assessment scheme), our instrument produces indicators for characterizing the syllabus in terms of a competence list and for assessing its coherence. Because assessment involves quality, the results obtained can also be used to revise and improve the course syllabus. We illustrate this process with an example of a methods course from a mathematics teacher education program at a Spanish university

    The studied of the fermentation in compulsory secondary education laboratory

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    Esta comunicación presenta las directrices necesarias para lograr la observación en el laboratorio de Biología de Educación Secundaria de uno de los productos finales de la fermentación de la glucosa por parte de la levadura Saccharomyces cerevisiae, el estudio parcial de su metabolismo y su incidencia en la materia de Biología en segundo de Bachillerato