16 research outputs found

    Oral health in children and adolescents with juvenile idiopathic arthritis : Caries, plaque, gingival bleeding, and oral health-related quality of life

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    Munnhelsen blant norske barn og unge med juvenil idiopatisk artritt (JIA) er ukjent. Internasjonale studier som fokuserer pÄ munnhelsen hos denne pasientgruppen, viser motstridende resultater, samtidig som kvaliteten pÄ forskningen som er utfÞrt spriker. JIA omfatter ulike sykdomskategorier med distinkte egenskaper, noe som medfÞrer at forebyggende tiltak rettet mot denne pasientgruppen er avhengig av mer kunnskap. Det overordnede mÄlet med avhandlingen var Ä undersÞke mulige forskjeller nÄr det gjelder karies, plakk, gingival blÞdning og munnhelserelatert livskvalitet mellom unge individer med JIA og en kontrollgruppe uten JIA. I tillegg var delmÄl Ä vurdere om sosiale-, adferdsmessige - og munnhulefaktorer pÄvirket de observerte forskjellene i tannhelse, vurdere effekten av klynge data og evaluere variasjonen i karies og periodontale tilstander pÄ flate-nivÄ. Et ytterligere delmÄl var Ä mÄle variasjoner i tannhelse etter JIA spesifikke karakteristika. Hypotesen var at unge individer med JIA har dÄrligere munnhelse og opplever dÄrligere munnhelserelatert livskvalitet enn jevnaldrende uten JIA. Deltakerne, 4-16 Är gamle med JIA (n=224) og matchete kontroller (n=224), fikk indekstenner undersÞkt mellom 2015-2018 av kalibrerte tannleger ved hjelp av anerkjente mÄleinstrumenter. JIA-spesifikke karakteristika ble vurdert av barnerevmatologer, og sosiodemografiske, adferdsmessige og selv-rapporterte munnhelseopplysninger ble innsamlet ved hjelp av spÞrreskjema og intervju. FlernivÄ analyser viste signifikant sammenheng mellom JIA status og plakk, og gingival blÞdning, men ikke for karies. Forskjeller mellom JIA- og kontrollgruppen med hensyn til munnhelserelatert livskvalitet var avhengig av type analyse og gav ikke entydige resultater. Lav utdanning blant mÞdre Þkte signifikant risikoen for karies. Jenter 12-16 Är gamle med JIA hadde Þkt sannsynlighet for Ä rapportere om pÄvirket livskvalitet. Signifikant interaksjon mellom karies og plakk pÄ flate-nivÄ og gruppetilhÞrighet ble pÄvist i det permanente tannsettet. Økt sannsynlighet for approksimal-karies (i.e., mesial) var merkbar blant JIA gruppen i det permanente tannsettet. Klynge-effektene demonstrerte behovet for flernivÄ analyser. Visse JIA spesifikke karakteristika, ofte forenelig med et mer alvorlig sykdomsforlÞp, indikerte Þkt risiko for pÄvirket munnhelse. Det kan konkluderes med at hypotesen om dÄrligere munnhelse blant unge med JIA sammenlignet med jevnaldrende, bekreftes for de periodontale tilstandene, men ikke for karies og munnhelserelatert livskvalitet mÄlt ved generiske instrumenter. Forebyggende tiltak har stort potensiale blant barn og unge med JIA; Þkt fokus er nÞdvendig pÄ flere plan, ogsÄ blant de som ikke er tannhelsepersonell, for Ä oppnÄ best mulig helse blant unge individer med JIA.Oral health in Norwegian children and adolescents with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is undetermined. International studies report inconsistent findings, and high-quality research is called for. JIA encompasses a heterogeneous group of disease categories, and the distinct characteristics must be accounted for when evaluating this group of patients. The main objective of this multicenter cross-sectional study was to explore whether the outcome variables caries, plaque, gingival bleeding, and oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) differ between young individuals with JIA compared to controls without JIA. Additionally, explore whether socio-behavioral and intraoral characteristics affect the outcomes and whether these covariates vary according to group affiliation on impacted OHRQoL. Multilevel modeling facilitated caries and periodontal exploration at surface-level and cluster effect measures. Association between JIA-specific features and the outcomes was evaluated. We hypothesized that young individuals with JIA have poorer oral health than their peers. Participants, 4-16-year-olds with JIA (n=224) and their matched controls (n=224), were assessed, according to index-teeth and internationally acknowledged indices, during 2015-2018 by calibrated dentists. Pediatric rheumatologists evaluated JIA-specific characteristics, and socio-demographic, behavioral, and self-reported oral health information was collected through questionnaires and personal interviews. Adjusted mixed effects logistic regression showed a significant association between JIA status and plaque, and gingival bleeding, but not for caries. JIA status was significantly associated with impacted OHRQoL by application of negative binomial regression amongst the youngest (4-11 years) but not amongst the participants from 12 years; ordinary logistic regression did not show any significant associations in any age groups. Low maternal educational level was significantly associated with caries. Female adolescents (12-16 years) with JIA were more likely to report OHRQoL impacts. Surface-specific caries and plaque in the permanent dentition varied among the two groups. A trend of increased caries susceptibility on approximal surfaces (i.e., mesial) of permanent molars was apparent in the JIA group. Cluster effects warranted the application of multilevel modeling. Some JIA-specific features, often consistent with a more severe disease course, are suggested to increase susceptibility to impaired oral health. In conclusion, the hypothesis of poorer oral health in young individuals with JIA compared to peers was confirmed for the periodontal outcomes but not for caries and OHRQoL measured by generic instruments. The potential of preventive strategies among young individuals with JIA is considerable; increased focus beyond the dental disciplines is needed to achieve the best possible outcomes.Doktorgradsavhandlin

    In children and adolescents with temporomandibular disorder assembled with juvenile idiopathic arthritis ‑ no association were found between pain and TMJ deformities using CBCT

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    Background - Children and adolescents with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) may suffer from temporomandibular disorder (TMD). Due to this, imaging diagnosis is crucial in JIA with non-symptomatic TM joint (TMJ) involvement. The aim of the study was to examine the association between clinical TMD signs/symptoms and cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) findings of TMJ structural deformities in children and adolescents with JIA. Methods - This cross-sectional study is part of a longitudinal prospective multi-centre study performed from 2015–2020, including 228 children and adolescents aged 4–16 years diagnosed with JIA, according to the International League of Associations for Rheumatology (ILAR). For this sub-study, we included the Bergen cohort of 72 patients (32 female, median age 13.1 years, median duration of JIA 4.5 years). Clinical TMD signs/symptoms were registered as pain on palpation, pain on jaw movement, and combined pain of those two. The severity of TMJ deformity was classified as sound (no deformity), mild, or moderate/severe according to the radiographic findings of CBCT. Results Conclusions - There was no association between painful TMD and CBCT imaging features of the TMJ in patients with JIA, but the oligoarticular subtype of JIA, there was a significant difference associated with TMJ pain and structural CBCT deformities

    Salivary Oral Microbiome of Children With Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: A Norwegian Cross-Sectional Study

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    Background: The oral microbiota has been connected to the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis through activation of mucosal immunity. The objective of this study was to characterize the salivary oral microbiome associated with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), and correlate it with the disease activity including gingival inflammation. Methods: Fifty-nine patients with JIA (mean age, 12.6 ± 2.7 years) and 34 healthy controls (HC; mean age 12.3 ± 3.0 years) were consecutively recruited in this Norwegian cross-sectional study. Information about demographics, disease activity, medication history, frequency of tooth brushing and a modified version of the gingival bleeding index (GBI) and the simplified oral hygiene index (OHI-S) was obtained. Microbiome profiling of saliva samples was performed by sequencing of the V1-V3 region of the 16S rRNA gene, coupled with a species-level taxonomy assignment algorithm; QIIME, LEfSe and R-package for Spearman correlation matrix were used for downstream analysis. Results: There were no significant differences between JIA and HC in alpha- and beta-diversity. However, differential abundance analysis revealed several taxa to be associated with JIA: TM7-G1, Solobacterium and Mogibacterium at the genus level; and Leptotrichia oral taxon 417, TM7-G1 oral taxon 352 and Capnocytophaga oral taxon 864 among others, at the species level. Haemophilus species, Leptotrichia oral taxon 223, and Bacillus subtilis, were associated with healthy controls. Gemella morbillorum, Leptotrichia sp. oral taxon 498 and Alloprevotella oral taxon 914 correlated positively with the composite juvenile arthritis 10-joint disease activity score (JADAS10), while Campylobacter oral taxon 44 among others, correlated with the number of active joints. Of all microbial markers identified, only Bacillus subtilis and Campylobacter oral taxon 44 maintained false discovery rate (FDR) Conclusions: In this exploratory study of salivary oral microbiome we found similar alpha- and beta-diversity among children with JIA and healthy. Several taxa associated with chronic inflammation were found to be associated with JIA and disease activity, which warrants further investigation

    Oral health-related quality of life, impaired physical health and orofacial pain in children and adolescents with juvenile idiopathic arthritis – a prospective multicenter cohort study

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    Background - Knowledge on oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) in children and adolescents with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is limited, and longitudinal studies are lacking. We aimed to describe OHRQoL in children and adolescents with JIA compared to controls, and to explore the validity and internal consistency of the Early Childhood Oral Health Impact Scale (ECOHIS) and the Child Oral Impact on Daily Performance (Child-OIDP). Furthermore, we wanted to investigate associations between OHRQoL and orofacial pain, physical health, disease activity, and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) involvement in JIA. Methods - The Norwegian prospective, multicenter cohort study recruited participants with JIA between 4 and 16 years of age and corresponding controls from three pediatric university hospital departments and public dental health services. In the present study, we analyzed OHRQoL in all children  Results - The same OHRQoL questionnaire was completed both at first visit and two-year follow-up in 101 children  0: JIA group 81% and 85%, p = 0.791; control group 65% and 69%, p = 0.815), while adolescents with JIA reported fewer impacts at the two-year follow-up (Child OIDP > 0: JIA group 27% and 15%, p = 0.004; control group 21% and 14%, p = 0.230). The internal consistency of the OHRQoL instruments was overall acceptable and the criterion validity indicated that the instruments were valid at both visits. Orofacial pain was more frequent in children and adolescents with JIA than in controls. We found associations between OHRQoL impacts and orofacial pain, impaired physical health, disease activity, and TMJ involvement. Conclusions - Children and adolescents with orofacial pain or impaired physical health were more likely to report impacts on daily life activities than those without. Pediatric rheumatologists and dentists should be aware of impaired OHRQoL in individuals with JIA with active disease or temporomandibular joint involvement

    Oral health-related quality of life in 4-16-year-olds with and without juvenile idiopathic arthritis

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    Background: Few studies have investigated oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) in young individuals with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). Aims were to investigate whether OHRQoL differs between children and adolescents with JIA compared to controls without JIA, while adjusting for socio-demographic-, behavioral- and oral health-related covariates. Furthermore, to explore whether socio-behavioral and oral health-related covariates of OHRQoL vary according to group affiliation and finally, specifically for individuals with JIA, to investigate whether disease-specific features associate with OHRQoL. We hypothesized that participants with JIA have poorer OHRQoL compared to participants without JIA. Methods: In this comparative cross-sectional study participants with JIA (n = 224) were matched to controls without JIA (n = 224). OHRQoL was assessed according to Early Childhood Oral Health Impact Scale (ECOHIS) (4–11-years-olds) and the child version of Oral Impacts on Daily Performances (Child-OIDP) (12–16-years-olds). JIA-specific characteristics were assessed by pediatric rheumatologists and socio-demographic, behavioral and self-reported oral health information collected by questionnaires. Index teeth were examined for caries by calibrated dentists. Multiple variable analyses were performed using logistic regression, reporting odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval (CI). Two-way interactions were tested between group affiliation and the socio-behavioral- and oral health-related variables on the respective outcome variables. Results: In total, 96 participants with JIA and 98 controls were evaluated according to ECOHIS, corresponding numbers for Child-OIDP was 125 and 124. Group affiliation was not associated with impaired ECOHIS or Child-OIDP in adjusted analyses (OR = 1.95, 95% CI 0.94–4.04 and OR = 0.99, 95% CI 0.46–2.17, respectively). Female adolescents with JIA were more likely than males to report oral impacts according to Child-OIDP. Continued activity or flare was found to adversely affect Child-OIDP, also self-reported outcome measures in JIA associated with Child-OIDP. Conclusions: This study did not provide consistent evidence to confirm the hypothesis that children and adolescents with JIA are more likely to have impaired OHRQoL compared to their peers without JIA. However, female adolescents with JIA were more likely than males to report impacts on OHRQoL. Furthermore, within the JIA group, adolescents with continued disease activity, flare or reporting pain, physical disability, had higher risk than their counterparts of impaired OHRQoL.publishedVersio

    Vitamin D, oral health, and disease characteristics in juvenile idiopathic arthritis: a multicenter cross-sectional study

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    Background: Vitamin D defciency has been associated with autoimmune diseases and oral health. Knowledge about the association between vitamin D status and oral conditions in JIA is limited. We aimed to investigate vitamin D status in a cohort of Norwegian children and adolescents with JIA and possible associations between serum vitamin D levels, clinical indicators of oral health, and JIA disease characteristics. Methods: This multi-center, cross-sectional study, included individuals with JIA aged 4–16 years from three geographically spread regions in Norway. Demographic data, age at disease onset, disease duration, JIA category, disease status, medication, and vitamin D intake were registered. One blood sample per individual was analyzed for 25(OH) vitamin D, and the level of insufciency was defned asResults: Among the 223 participants with JIA, 97.3% were Caucasians, 59.2% were girls, and median age was 12.6 years. Median disease duration was 4.6 years, and 44.4% had oligoarticular JIA. Mean serum vitamin D level was 61.4 nmol/L and 29.6% had insufcient levels. Vitamin D levels did not difer between sexes, but between regions, isoBMI categories, age groups, and seasons for blood sampling. Insufcient vitamin D levels were associated with dentin caries (adjusted OR 2.89, 95% CI 1.43–5.86) and gingival bleeding (adjusted OR 2.36, 95% CI 1.10–5.01). No associations were found with active JIA disease or more severe disease characteristics. Conclusion: In our study, nearly 30% had vitamin D insufciency, with a particularly high prevalence among adolescents. Vitamin D insufciency was associated with dentin caries and gingival bleeding, but not with JIA disease activity. These results point to the need for a multidisciplinary approach in the follow-up of children with JIA, including an increased focus on vitamin D status and oral health

    In children and adolescents with temporomandibular disorder assembled with juvenile idiopathic arthritis - no association were found between pain and TMJ deformities using CBCT

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    Background Children and adolescents with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) may suffer from temporomandibular disorder (TMD). Due to this, imaging diagnosis is crucial in JIA with non-symptomatic TM joint (TMJ) involvement. The aim of the study was to examine the association between clinical TMD signs/symptoms and cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) findings of TMJ structural deformities in children and adolescents with JIA. Methods This cross-sectional study is part of a longitudinal prospective multi-centre study performed from 2015–2020, including 228 children and adolescents aged 4–16 years diagnosed with JIA, according to the International League of Associations for Rheumatology (ILAR). For this sub-study, we included the Bergen cohort of 72 patients (32 female, median age 13.1 years, median duration of JIA 4.5 years). Clinical TMD signs/symptoms were registered as pain on palpation, pain on jaw movement, and combined pain of those two. The severity of TMJ deformity was classified as sound (no deformity), mild, or moderate/severe according to the radiographic findings of CBCT. Results Of 72 patients, 21 (29.2%) had pain on palpation at and around the lateral pole, while 41 (56.9%) had TMJ pain upon jaw movement and 26 (36.1%) had pain from both. Of 141 TMJs, 18.4% had mild and 14.2% had moderate/severe structural deformities visible on CBCT. CBCT findings were not significantly associated with either the pain on palpation or the pain on jaw movement. A significant difference was found between structural deformities in CBCT and the combined pain outcome (pain at both palpation and movement) for both TMJs for the persistent oligoarticular subtype (p = 0.031). Conclusions There was no association between painful TMD and CBCT imaging features of the TMJ in patients with JIA, but the oligoarticular subtype of JIA, there was a significant difference associated with TMJ pain and structural CBCT deformities

    Salivary Oral Microbiome of Children With Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: A Norwegian Cross-Sectional Study

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    Background: The oral microbiota has been connected to the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis through activation of mucosal immunity. The objective of this study was to characterize the salivary oral microbiome associated with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), and correlate it with the disease activity including gingival inflammation. Methods: Fifty-nine patients with JIA (mean age, 12.6 ± 2.7 years) and 34 healthy controls (HC; mean age 12.3 ± 3.0 years) were consecutively recruited in this Norwegian cross-sectional study. Information about demographics, disease activity, medication history, frequency of tooth brushing and a modified version of the gingival bleeding index (GBI) and the simplified oral hygiene index (OHI-S) was obtained. Microbiome profiling of saliva samples was performed by sequencing of the V1-V3 region of the 16S rRNA gene, coupled with a species-level taxonomy assignment algorithm; QIIME, LEfSe and R-package for Spearman correlation matrix were used for downstream analysis. Results: There were no significant differences between JIA and HC in alpha- and beta-diversity. However, differential abundance analysis revealed several taxa to be associated with JIA: TM7-G1, Solobacterium and Mogibacterium at the genus level; and Leptotrichia oral taxon 417, TM7-G1 oral taxon 352 and Capnocytophaga oral taxon 864 among others, at the species level. Haemophilus species, Leptotrichia oral taxon 223, and Bacillus subtilis, were associated with healthy controls. Gemella morbillorum, Leptotrichia sp. oral taxon 498 and Alloprevotella oral taxon 914 correlated positively with the composite juvenile arthritis 10-joint disease activity score (JADAS10), while Campylobacter oral taxon 44 among others, correlated with the number of active joints. Of all microbial markers identified, only Bacillus subtilis and Campylobacter oral taxon 44 maintained false discovery rate (FDR) < 0.1. Conclusions: In this exploratory study of salivary oral microbiome we found similar alpha- and beta-diversity among children with JIA and healthy. Several taxa associated with chronic inflammation were found to be associated with JIA and disease activity, which warrants further investigation

    Oral health in children and adolescents with juvenile idiopathic arthritis - a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: Observational studies examining the association between oral health and juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) among children and adolescents have reported inconsistent findings. The aims of this systematic review and meta-analysis were to ascertain a potential difference in oral health and oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) among children and adolescents with JIA and healthy peers, and to assess the association of prevalence of oral diseases/conditions, temporomandibular disorders (TMD), including temporomandibular joint (TMJ) diseases, in relation to activity and severity of JIA. Method: Medline Ovid, Embase, CINAHL, SweMed+ and Cochrane Library were searched up to 25 November 2018. All articles published in English, German and Scandinavian languages focusing on children and adolescents with JIA and without JIA in relation to oral health measures, were considered. Two authors independently evaluated observational studies for inclusion. The study quality was assessed using modified Newcastle Ottawa Scale. Meta-analysis was performed for studies focusing on dental caries as an outcome. Results: Nineteen articles met the inclusion criteria, covering a range of oral diseases/conditions and OHRQoL. Eighteen studies had cross-sectional design. No mean difference of dmft/DMFT indices (decayed/missed/filled teeth) was observed between the JIA - and healthy group. None of the oral health measures including dental erosive wear, enamel defects, dental maturation and OHRQoL, indicated better oral health among children and adolescents with JIA compared to healthy group. However, periodontal conditions and TMD were more predominant among children and adolescents with JIA compared to healthy peers. Conclusions: Based on the cross-sectional studies, periodontal diseases and TMD were found to be more frequent in children and adolescents with JIA compared to healthy peers. Furthermore, more high-quality studies with large sample size are needed before we infer any concrete conclusion regarding the association between the prevalence of oral and TMJ diseases or oral conditions in relation to activity and severity of JIA

    Dental plaque and gingival bleeding in adolescents with juvenile idiopathic arthritis and controls : a multilevel analysis

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    OBJECTIVE: To explore whether plaque and gingival bleeding are more frequently experienced by adolescents with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) compared to matched controls without JIA; explore whether surface- and site-specific periodontal outcomes vary between the two groups; and for participants with JIA, investigate associations between disease-specific features and periodontal outcomes. MATERIAL AND METHODS: In this comparative cross-sectional study, selected surfaces, and sites of index teeth in 10-16-year-olds with JIA and matched controls were examined by modified versions of Simplified Oral Hygiene Index (OHI-S) and Gingival Bleeding Index (GBI). Mixed-effects logistic regressions, reporting odds ratios (OR) with 95% confidence interval (CI), were applied. Intra-class correlation coefficients (ICCs) were calculated to quantify the degree of dependency of measures within the same individual. RESULTS:  &gt; 0 (OR = 2.33, 95% CI: 1.47 - 3.67, ICC = 0.45) and GBI &gt; 0 (OR = 1.54, 95% CI: 1.10 - 2.16, ICC = 0.41 and 0.30). Surface-specific distribution of plaque varied among the two groups. CONCLUSIONS: Our results highlight the importance of increased awareness of oral health care in patients with JIA and that surface- and site-specific differences in periodontal outcomes exist between individuals with JIA and controls. Few JIA disease-specific variables associated with plaque or gingival bleeding