2,111 research outputs found

    Sowieckie prawo wyznaniowe w latach 1917–1922. Podstawy ideologiczne i prawne

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    The article presents the ideological and legal foundations of the Soviet religious policy in 1917–1922, when the theoretical assumptions that formed the basis of the new government’s attitude to religion as such were transformed into its practical approach to religious associations present in the space of the functioning of the Bolshevik state. Attention was drawn to two basic issues: (1) the attitude towards religion in the theoretical considerations of Russian Marxists both before and after the Bolsheviks took power in Russia, and (2) the legal acts issued by the new power regarding the place of religion in the slowly emerging reality in the first five years of its existence. Both the ideology and the law itself were to serve the realization of one idea – the creation of a communist society, fully atheistic and recognizing only dialectical materialism. As it turned out from the perspective of later events, the years 1917–1922 were crucial for this intention. The legislation adopted at that time became the juridical basis of the Soviet religious law, implemented until the end of the existence of the USSR. The reference basis for the article is the relevant legislation and literature on the subject.W artykule zaprezentowano podstawy ideologiczne i prawne sowieckiej polityki wyznaniowej w latach 1917–1922, kiedy to teoretyczne założenia stanowiące podstawę stosunku nowej władzy do religii jako takiej przekuwane były w jej praktyczne podejście do związków wyznaniowych obecnych w przestrzeni funkcjonowania bolszewickiego państwa. Zwrócono uwagę na dwie podstawowe kwestie: (1) stosunku do religii w rozważaniach teoretycznych rosyjskich marksistów, zarówno przed objęciem władzy przez bolszewików w Rosji, jak i po jej przejęciu, (2) oraz aktów prawnych wydanych przez nową władzę, dotyczących miejsca religii w tworzącej się z wolna rzeczywistości w ciągu pierwszych pięciu lat jej funkcjonowania. Zarówno ideologia, jak i samo prawo miały służyć urzeczywistnieniu jednej idei – stworzeniu społeczeństwa komunistycznego, w pełni ateistycznego i uznającego tylko materializm dialektyczny. Jak się okazało z perspektywy późniejszych wydarzeń, lata 1917–1922 były dla tego zamierzenia kluczowe. Przyjęte wówczas ustawodawstwo stało się bazą jurydyczną sowieckiego prawa wyznaniowego, wcielanego w życie do końca istnienia ZSRR. Podstawę źródłową artykułu stanowią odpowiednie akty prawne oraz literatura przedmiotu


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    In this study we present simulation system based on Gillespie algorithm for generating evolutionary events in the evolution scenario of microbial population. We present Gillespie simulation system adjusted to reproducing experimental data obtained in barcoding studies – experimental techniques in microbiology allowing tracing microbial populations with very high resolution. Gillespie simulation engine is constructed by defining its state vector and rules for its modifications. In order to efficiently simulate barcoded experiment by using Gillespie algorithm we provide modification - binning cells by lineages. Different bins define components of state in the Gillespie algorithm. The elaborated simulation model captures events in microbial population growth including death, division and mutations of cells. The obtained simulation results reflect population behavior, mutation wave and mutation distribution along generations. The elaborated methodology is confronted against literature data of experimental evolution of yeast tracking clones sub-generations. Simulation model was fitted to measurements in experimental data leading to good agreement

    Past strong experiences determine acute cardiovascular autonomic responses to acoustic stress

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    Background: Stress is a major risk factor for cardiovascular (CV) disease. We hypothesized that past strong experiences might modulate acute CV autonomic responses to an unexpected acoustic stimulus. A i m: The study’s aim was to compare acute CV autonomic responses to acoustic stress between students with and without a past strong experience associated with the acoustic stimulus. Materials and Methods: Twenty five healthy young volunteers - medical and non-medical students - were included in the study. CV hemodynamic parameters, heart rate (HR), and blood pressure (BP) variability were assessed for 10 min at rest and for 10 min after two different acoustic stimuli: a standard sound signal and a specific sound signal used during a practical anatomy exam (so-called "pins"). Results: Both sounds stimulated the autonomic nervous system. The "pins" signal caused a stronger increase in HR in medical students (69 ± 10 vs. 73 ± 13 bpm, p = 0.004) when compared to non-medical students (69 ± 6 vs. 70 ± 10, p = 0.695). Rises in diastolic BP, observed 15 seconds after sound stressors, were more pronounced after the "pins" sound than after the standard sound signal only in medical students (3.1% and 1.4% vs. 3% and 4.4%), which was also reflected by low-frequency diastolic BP variability (medical students: 6.2 ± 1.6 vs. 4.1 ± 0.8 ms2, p = 0.04; non-medical students: 6.0 ± 4.3 vs. 4.1 ± 2.6 ms2, p = 0.06). Conclusions: The "pins" sound, which medical students remembered from their anatomy practical exam, provoked greater sympathetic activity in the medical student group than in their non-medical peers. Thus, past strong experiences modulate CV autonomic responses to acute acoustic stress

    Salsolinol: an Unintelligible and Double-Faced Molecule—Lessons Learned from In Vivo and In Vitro Experiments

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    Salsolinol (1-methyl-6,7-dihydroxy-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline) is a tetrahydroisoquinoline derivative whose presence in humans was first detected in the urine of Parkinsonian patients on l-DOPA (l-dihydroxyphenylalanine) medication. Thus far, multiple hypotheses regarding its physiological/pathophysiological roles have been proposed, especially related to Parkinson’s disease or alcohol addiction. The aim of this review was to outline studies related to salsolinol, with special focus on in vivo and in vitro experimental models. To begin with, the chemical structure of salsolinol together with its biochemical implications and the role in neurotransmission are discussed. Numerous experimental studies are summarized in tables and the most relevant ones are stressed. Finally, the ability of salsolinol to cross the blood–brain barrier and its possible double-faced neurobiological potential are reviewed.Peer reviewe