247 research outputs found

    Resolvent Estimates in L^p for the Stokes Operator in Lipschitz Domains

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    We establish the LpL^p resolvent estimates for the Stokes operator in Lipschitz domains in RdR^d, d3d\ge 3 for 1p1/2<12d+ϵ|\frac{1}{p}-1/2|< \frac{1}{2d} +\epsilon. The result, in particular, implies that the Stokes operator in a three-dimensional Lipschitz domain generates a bounded analytic semigroup in LpL^p for (3/2)-\varep < p< 3+\epsilon. This gives an affirmative answer to a conjecture of M. Taylor.Comment: 28 page. Minor revision was made regarding the definition of the Stokes operator in Lipschitz domain

    Spikes and diffusion waves in one-dimensional model of chemotaxis

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    We consider the one-dimensional initial value problem for the viscous transport equation with nonlocal velocity ut=uxx(u(Ku))xu_t = u_{xx} - \left(u (K^\prime \ast u)\right)_{x} with a given kernel KL1(R)K'\in L^1(\R). We show the existence of global-in-time nonnegative solutions and we study their large time asymptotics. Depending on KK', we obtain either linear diffusion waves ({\it i.e.}~the fundamental solution of the heat equation) or nonlinear diffusion waves (the fundamental solution of the viscous Burgers equation) in asymptotic expansions of solutions as tt\to\infty. Moreover, for certain aggregation kernels, we show a concentration of solution on an initial time interval, which resemble a phenomenon of the spike creation, typical in chemotaxis models

    Global regularity criterion for the 3D Navier-Stokes equations involving one entry of the velocity gradient tensor

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    In this paper we provide a sufficient condition, in terms of only one of the nine entries of the gradient tensor, i.e., the Jacobian matrix of the velocity vector field, for the global regularity of strong solutions to the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations in the whole space, as well as for the case of periodic boundary conditions

    Some flows in shape optimization

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    Geometric flows related to shape optimization problems of Bernoulli type are investigated. The evolution law is the sum of a curvature term and a nonlocal term of Hele-Shaw type. We introduce generalized set solutions, the definition of which is widely inspired by viscosity solutions. The main result is an inclusion preservation principle for generalized solutions. As a consequence, we obtain existence, uniqueness and stability of solutions. Asymptotic behavior for the flow is discussed: we prove that the solutions converge to a generalized Bernoulli exterior free boundary problem

    Selfsimilar solutions in a sector for a quasilinear parabolic equation

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    We study a two-point free boundary problem in a sector for a quasilinear parabolic equation. The boundary conditions are assumed to be spatially and temporally "self-similar" in a special way. We prove the existence, uniqueness and asymptotic stability of an expanding solution which is self-similar at discrete times. We also study the existence and uniqueness of a shrinking solution which is self-similar at discrete times.Comment: 23 page

    On the motion by singular interfacial energy

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    Anisotropic curvature flow equations with singular interfacial energy are important for good unders_tanding of motion of phase-boundaries. If the energy and the interfacial surface were smooth, then the speed of the interface would be equal to the gradient of the energy. However, this is not so simple in the case of non-smooth crystalline energy. But it's well-known that a unique gradient charac­terization of the velocity is possible if the interface is a curve in the two-dimensional space. In this paper we propose a notion of solution in the three-dimensional space by introducing geometric subdifferentials and characterizing the speed. We also give a counterexample to a problem concerning the Cahn-Hoffman vector field on a facet, a flat portion of the interface

    Recent Advances Concerning Certain Class of Geophysical Flows

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    This paper is devoted to reviewing several recent developments concerning certain class of geophysical models, including the primitive equations (PEs) of atmospheric and oceanic dynamics and a tropical atmosphere model. The PEs for large-scale oceanic and atmospheric dynamics are derived from the Navier-Stokes equations coupled to the heat convection by adopting the Boussinesq and hydrostatic approximations, while the tropical atmosphere model considered here is a nonlinear interaction system between the barotropic mode and the first baroclinic mode of the tropical atmosphere with moisture. We are mainly concerned with the global well-posedness of strong solutions to these systems, with full or partial viscosity, as well as certain singular perturbation small parameter limits related to these systems, including the small aspect ratio limit from the Navier-Stokes equations to the PEs, and a small relaxation-parameter in the tropical atmosphere model. These limits provide a rigorous justification to the hydrostatic balance in the PEs, and to the relaxation limit of the tropical atmosphere model, respectively. Some conditional uniqueness of weak solutions, and the global well-posedness of weak solutions with certain class of discontinuous initial data, to the PEs are also presented.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1507.0523

    Pearling and Pinching: Propagation of Rayleigh Instabilities

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    A new category of front propagation problems is proposed in which a spreading instability evolves through a singular configuration before saturating. We examine the nature of this front for the viscous Rayleigh instability of a column of one fluid immersed in another, using the marginal stability criterion to estimate the front velocity, front width, and the selected wavelength in terms of the surface tension and viscosity contrast. Experiments are suggested on systems that may display this phenomenon, including droplets elongated in extensional flows, capillary bridges, liquid crystal tethers, and viscoelastic fluids. The related problem of propagation in Rayleigh-like systems that do not fission is also considered.Comment: Revtex, 7 pages, 4 ps figs, PR

    Interaction of vortices in viscous planar flows

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    We consider the inviscid limit for the two-dimensional incompressible Navier-Stokes equation in the particular case where the initial flow is a finite collection of point vortices. We suppose that the initial positions and the circulations of the vortices do not depend on the viscosity parameter \nu, and we choose a time T > 0 such that the Helmholtz-Kirchhoff point vortex system is well-posed on the interval [0,T]. Under these assumptions, we prove that the solution of the Navier-Stokes equation converges, as \nu -> 0, to a superposition of Lamb-Oseen vortices whose centers evolve according to a viscous regularization of the point vortex system. Convergence holds uniformly in time, in a strong topology which allows to give an accurate description of the asymptotic profile of each individual vortex. In particular, we compute to leading order the deformations of the vortices due to mutual interactions. This allows to estimate the self-interactions, which play an important role in the convergence proof.Comment: 39 pages, 1 figur

    The Inviscid Limit and Boundary Layers for Navier-Stokes Flows

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    The validity of the vanishing viscosity limit, that is, whether solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations modeling viscous incompressible flows converge to solutions of the Euler equations modeling inviscid incompressible flows as viscosity approaches zero, is one of the most fundamental issues in mathematical fluid mechanics. The problem is classified into two categories: the case when the physical boundary is absent, and the case when the physical boundary is present and the effect of the boundary layer becomes significant. The aim of this article is to review recent progress on the mathematical analysis of this problem in each category.Comment: To appear in "Handbook of Mathematical Analysis in Mechanics of Viscous Fluids", Y. Giga and A. Novotn\'y Ed., Springer. The final publication is available at http://www.springerlink.co