186 research outputs found

    Depth-resolved particle associated microbial respiration in the northeast Atlantic

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    Atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide are tightly linked to the depth at which sinking particulate organic carbon (POC) is remineralised in the ocean. Rapid attenuation of downward POC flux typically occurs in the upper mesopelagic (top few hundred metres of the water column), with much slower loss rates deeper in the ocean. Currently, we lack understanding of the processes that drive POC attenuation, resulting in large uncertainties in the mesopelagic carbon budget. Attempts to balance the POC supply to the mesopelagic with respiration by zooplankton and microbes rarely succeed. Where a balance has been found, depth-resolved estimates reveal large compensating imbalances in the upper and lower mesopelagic. In particular, it has been suggested that respiration by free-living microbes and zooplankton in the upper mesopelagic are too low to explain the observed flux attenuation of POC within this layer. We test the hypothesis that particle-associated microbes contribute significantly to community respiration in the mesopelagic, measuring particle-associated microbial respiration of POC in the northeast Atlantic through shipboard measurements on individual marine snow aggregates collected at depth (36–500 m). We find very low rates of both absolute and carbon-specific particle-associated microbial respiration (< 3 % d−1), suggesting that this term cannot solve imbalances in the upper mesopelagic POC budget. The relative importance of particle-associated microbial respiration increases with depth, accounting for up to 33 % of POC loss in the mid-mesopelagic (128–500 m). We suggest that POC attenuation in the upper mesopelagic (36–128 m) is driven by the transformation of large, fast-sinking particles to smaller, slow-sinking and suspended particles via processes such as zooplankton fragmentation and solubilisation, and that this shift to non-sinking POC may help to explain imbalances in the mesopelagic carbon budget

    In situ particle measurements deemphasize the role of size in governing the sinking velocity of marine particles

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    Sinking particles are important in delivering carbon to the deep ocean where it may be stored out of contact with the atmosphere. Whilst particle sinking velocities are known to be influenced by a multitude of factors, size-based parameterisations remain common in biogeochemical models and in the methods used to determine particulate fluxes from autonomous platforms. Here we carried out an extensive literature review (62 datasets) into the size-sinking velocity relationship, and find the relationship is much weaker for studies examining particles in situ (median R2 = 0.03) compared with ex situ studies (median R2 = 0.35). This discrepancy may be because particles examined in the laboratory have more uniform properties than those studied in situ. Our review highlights the shortcomings of using a simple relationship between size and sinking velocity to calculate sinking particulate fluxes in the ocean; considering additional particle characteristics will enable more accurate calculations of particulate fluxes

    Increasing of entanglement entropy from pure to random quantum critical chains

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    It is known that the entropy of a block of spins of size LL embedded in an infinite pure critical spin chain diverges as the logarithm of LL with a prefactor fixed by the central charge of the corresponding conformal field theory. For a class of strongly random spin chains, it has been shown that the correspondent block entropy still remains universal and diverges logarithmically with an "effective" central charge. By computing the entanglement entropy for a family of models which includes the NN-states random Potts chain and the ZNZ_N clock model, we give some definitive answer to some recent conjectures about the behaviour of the effective central charge. In particular, we show that the ratio between the entanglement entropy in the pure and in the disordered system is model dependent and we provide a series of critical models where the entanglement entropy grows from the pure to the random case.Comment: 4 pages, 2 eps figures, added reference

    The Ecosystem Baseline For Particle Flux In the Northern Gulf of Mexico

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    Response management and damage assessment during and after environmental disasters such as the Deepwater Horizon (DWH) oil spill require an ecological baseline and a solid understanding of the main drivers of the ecosystem. During the DWH event, a large fraction of the spilled oil was transported to depth via sinking marine snow, a routing of spilled oil unexpected to emergency response planners. Because baseline knowledge of particle export in the Northern Gulf of Mexico and how it varies spatially and temporally was limited, we conducted a detailed assessment of the potential drivers of deep (~1400 m depth) particle fluxes during 2012–2016 using sediment traps at three contrasting sites in the Northern Gulf of Mexico: near the DWH site, at an active natural oil seep site, and at a site considered typical for background conditions. The DWH site, located ~70 km from the Mississippi River Delta, showed flux patterns that were strongly linked to the Mississippi nitrogen discharge and an annual subsequent surface bloom. Fluxes carried clear signals of combustion products, which likely originated from pyrogenic sources that were transported offshore via the Mississippi plume. The seep and reference sites were more strongly influenced by the open Gulf of Mexico, did not show a clear seasonal flux pattern, and their overall sedimentation rates were lower than those at the DWH site. At the seep site, based on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon data, we observed indications of three different pathways for “natural” oiled-snow sedimentation: scavenging by sinking particles at depth, weathering at the surface before incorporation into sinking particles, and entry into the food web and subsequent sinking in form of detritus. Overall, sedimentation rates at the three sites were markedly different in quality and quantity owing to varying degrees of riverine and oceanic influences, including natural seepage and contamination by combustion products

    Particle flux in the oceans: Challenging the steady state assumption

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    Atmospheric carbon dioxide levels are strongly controlled by the depth at which the organic matter that sinks out of the surface ocean is remineralized. This depth is generally estimated from particle flux profiles measured using sediment traps. Inherent in this analysis is a steady state assumption; that export from the surface does not significantly change in the time it takes material to reach the deepest trap. However, recent observations suggest that a significant fraction of material in the mesopelagic zone sinks slowly enough to bring this into doubt. We use data from a study in the North Atlantic during July/August 2009 to challenge the steady state assumption. An increase in biogenic silica flux with depth was observed which we interpret, based on vertical profiles of diatom taxonomy, as representing the remnants of the spring diatom bloom sinking slowly (<40 m d-1). We were able to reproduce this behaviour using a simple model using satellite-derived export rates and literature-derived remineralization rates. We further provide a simple equation to estimate ‘additional’ (or ‘excess’) POC supply to the dark ocean during non-steady state conditions, which is not captured by traditional sediment trap deployments. In seasonal systems, mesopelagic net organic carbon supply could be wrong by as much as 25% when assuming steady state. We conclude that the steady state assumption leads to misinterpretation of particle flux profiles when input fluxes from the upper ocean vary on the order of weeks, such as in temperate and polar regions with strong seasonal cycles in export

    Alternative particle formation pathways in the eastern tropical North Pacific's biological carbon pump

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    A fraction of organic carbon produced in the oceans by phytoplankton sinks storing 5‐15 gigatonnes of carbon annually in the ocean interior. The accepted paradigm is that rapid aggregation of phytoplankton cells occurs forming large, fresh particles which sink quickly; this concept is incorporated into ecosystem models used to predict the future climate. Here we demonstrate a slower, less efficient export pathway in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific. Lipid biomarkers suggest the large, fast‐sinking particles found beneath the mixed layer are compositionally distinct from those found in the mixed layer and thus not directly and efficiently formed from phytoplankton cells. We postulate they are formed from the in situ aggregation of smaller, slow‐sinking particles over time in the mixed layer itself. This export pathway is likely widespread where smaller phytoplankton species dominate. Its lack of representation in biogeochemical models suggests they may be currently over‐estimating the ability of the oceans to store carbon if large, fast‐sinking, labile particles dominate simulated particle export. Plain Language Summary The oceans are one of the largest sinks of atmospheric carbon dioxide on our planet. One method by which this occurs is through the production of organic material (phytoplankton ‐ plant‐like cells) in the surface ocean, which capture atmospheric carbon dioxide during photosynthesis. Eventually, the phytoplankton die and sink out of the surface ocean, transporting huge amounts of carbon to the deep ocean where it is stored for centuries or even millennia. Our current understanding is that generally, most organic material sinks quickly as large, fast‐sinking (100s of metres per day) particles (clumps of dead phytoplankton cells). However in our study in the Equatorial Pacific Ocean we were able to show that a different and much slower process occurs where phytoplankton first aggregate to smaller, slower sinking detrital particles and eventually form, very degraded larger particles that sink to the deep. This has consequences for estimating ocean carbon storage as smaller particles are respired much quicker than larger particles. Thus where they are an important part of this carbon sink, such as in the Equatorial Pacific, the proportion phytoplankton‐captured atmospheric carbon dioxide being stored in the deep ocean is likely reduced

    Testing variational estimation of process parameters and initial conditions of an earth system model

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    We present a variational assimilation system around a coarse resolution Earth System Model (ESM) and apply it for estimating initial conditions and parameters of the model. The system is based on derivative information that is efficiently provided by the ESM's adjoint, which has been generated through automatic differentiation of the model's source code. In our variational approach, the length of the feasible assimilation window is limited by the size of the domain in control space over which the approximation by the derivative is valid. This validity domain is reduced by non-smooth process representations. We show that in this respect the ocean component is less critical than the atmospheric component. We demonstrate how the feasible assimilation window can be extended to several weeks by modifying the implementation of specific process representations and by switching off processes such as precipitation