182 research outputs found

    Introduction: Urban revolutions in the age of global urbanism

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    This special issue, papers presented at an Urban Studies Foundation-funded conference in Jakarta (March 2011), examines the current ‘urban century’ in terms of three revolutions. Revolutions from above index the logics and norms of mainstream global urbanism, particularly the form they have taken as policymakers work with municipal officials worldwide to organise urban development around neoliberal norms. Revolutions from below refer to the multifaceted contestations of global urbanism that take place in and around cities, ranging from urban street demonstrations and occupations (such as those riveting the world in early 2011 when these papers were written) to the quotidian actions of those pursuing politics and livelihoods that subvert the norms of mainstream global urbanism. It also highlights conceptual revolutions, referencing the ongoing challenge of reconceptualising urban theory from the South – not simply as a hemispheric location or geopolitical category but an epistemological stance, staged from many different locations but always fraught with the differentials of power and the weight of historical geographies. Drawing on the insights of scholars writing from, and not just about, such locations, a further iteration in this ‘southern’ turn of urban theorising is proposed. This spatio-temporal conjunctural approach emphasises how the specificity of cities – their existence as entities that are at once singular and universal – emerges from spatio-temporal dynamics, connectivities and horizontal and vertical relations. Practically, such scholarship entails taking the field seriously through collaborative work that is multi-sited, engages people along the spectrum of academics and activists, and is presented before and scrutinised by multiple publics

    Congenital scoliosis associated with agenesis of the uterine cervix. Case report

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    BACKGROUND: Alterations in the normal sequence of development of müllerian ducts lead to a wide spectrum of reproductive tract abnormalities. A rare form of lack of development, regarding a short tract of the müllerian ducts, leads to the isolated agenesis of the uterine cervix. Anomalies identified among patients with müllerian agenesis include skeletal deformities (i.e., scoliosis of the spine and Klippel-Feil anomaly). CASE PRESENTATION: A 46 years old woman presenting cyphoscoliosis and very low stature (120 cm – 3,93 feet), came to our observation for acute pelvic pain; she also reported primary amenorrhoea associated with cyclic pelvic pain. Clinical and imaging evaluation, evidenced a blind vaginal duct of normal length, left cystic adnexal mass, and enlarged uterus with hematometra. FSH, LH, 17β estradiol and CA-125, karyotype and radiographic study of limbs and vertebral column were also evaluated. At laparotomy, a left ovarian cyst was found. Uterus ended at the isthmus; under this level a thin fibrous tissue band was found, joining the uterus to the vagina. Uterine cervix was replaced by fibrous tissue containing some dilated glands lined with müllerian epithelium. Karyotype resulted 46, XX. The described skeletal deformity, were consistent with Klippel-Feil syndrome. CONCLUSION: We report a case of congenital scoliosis associated with müllerian agenesis limited to uterine cervix, association thus far seen only among patients with Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome (utero-vaginal agenesis). This case report supports the necessity to evaluate, for accompanying müllerian anomalies, all cases of congenital structural scoliosis in view of the possibility for many müllerian development abnormalities, if timely diagnosed, to be surgically corrected

    Plastic possibilities: Contrasting the uses of plastic ‘waste’ in India

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Wiley via the DOI in this recordThis article draws on examples of inventive plastic reuse from India and personal anecdotes of elders as an anthropological reflection on possible plastic futures. It sketches the large-scale governmental reforms in the domain of municipal solid waste management, or MSWM (which, by legal definition in India, includes plastic waste). In this regard, it draws out some of the problematic socio-political and environmental implications of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's ‘Clean India’ campaign, whose technocratic policy orientations towards standardized centralized MSWM echo his cultural nationalist agenda. These reforms contrast with home-based re-engineering methods and the redeploying of plastic discards (thereby making them notuner moton (‘like new again’), and their localized circulation through relatively local but uneven reputational and economic networks. Clean India sequesters and processes vast quantities of plastics through the wide-ranging adoption of a waste-to-energy techno-fix (in which plastics are incinerated). In contrast, the authors illustrate routine practices and relations whereby people reuse, repurpose and recycle plastics. While Clean India can detract from and disrupt these mundane practices and everyday relations, these are suggestive of alternative plastic futures – both socio-material and environmental

    Austerity urbanism and Olympic counter-legacies: gendering, defending and expanding the urban commons in East London

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    This article reflects on an occupation led by single mothers to contest the destruction of social housing in post-Olympics East London. In the process, it argues for a more gendered theorisation of the urban commons. Drawing on auto-ethnography, participant observation and qualitative interviews, the article argues three central points: First, that the occupation demonstrates the gendered nature of the urban commons and the leadership of women in defending them from enclosure; second that the defence of an existing urban commons enabled the creation of a new temporary commons characterised by the collectivisation of gendered socially reproductive activities; and third that this commoning has had a lasting impact on housing activism at the city scale and beyond. This impact is conceptualised as an ‘Olympic counter-legacy’ that is characterised by the forging of new relationships and affinities, the strengthening of networked activism and circulation of tactics between campaign groups

    Marriage and the crisis of peasant society in Gujarat, India

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    This contribution takes marriage as the example of a crisis of production and reproduction in rural India. Through the juxtaposition of ethnography separated by six decades, we detail a shift away from land and agriculture as the primary markers of status among the Patidars of central Gujarat, western India, in favour of a hierarchical understanding of international migration. The paper discusses the disconnect between a cultural revolution in favour of migration, and the failure of many to live up to their own cultural standards. More broadly, we reflect on the forces that simultaneously strengthen and dissolve caste inequality in the context of India's uneven growth

    Activation of tumor suppressor protein PP2A inhibits KRAS-driven tumor growth

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    Targeted cancer therapies, which act on specific cancer-associated molecular targets, are predominantly inhibitors of oncogenic kinases. While these drugs have achieved some clinical success, the inactivation of kinase signaling via stimulation of endogenous phosphatases has received minimal attention as an alternative targeted approach. Here, we have demonstrated that activation of the tumor suppressor protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A), a negative regulator of multiple oncogenic signaling proteins, is a promising therapeutic approach for the treatment of cancers. Our group previously developed a series of orally bioavailable small molecule activators of PP2A, termed SMAPs. We now report that SMAP treatment inhibited the growth of KRAS-mutant lung cancers in mouse xenografts and transgenic models. Mechanistically, we found that SMAPs act by binding to the PP2A Aα scaffold subunit to drive conformational changes in PP2A. These results show that PP2A can be activated in cancer cells to inhibit proliferation. Our strategy of reactivating endogenous PP2A may be applicable to the treatment of other diseases and represents an advancement toward the development of small molecule activators of tumor suppressor proteins

    Configuring urban carbon governance: insights from Sydney, Australia

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    In the political geography of responses to climate change, and the governance of carbon more specifically, the urban has emerged as a strategic site. Although it is recognized that urban carbon governance occurs through diverse programs and projects—involving multiple actors and working through multiple sites, mechanisms, objects, and subjects—surprisingly little attention has been paid to the actual processes through which these diverse elements are drawn together and held together in the exercise of governing. These processes—termed configuration—remain underspecified. This article explores urban carbon governance interventions as relational configurations, excavating how their diverse elements—human, institutional, representational, and material—are assembled, drawn into relation, and held together in the exercise of governing. Through an analysis of two contrasting case studies of urban carbon governance interventions in Sydney, Australia, we draw out common processes of configuring and specific sets of devices and techniques that gather, align, and maintain the relations between actors and elements that constitute intervention projects. We conclude by reflecting on the implications of conceiving of governing projects as relational configurations for how we understand the nature and practice of urban carbon governance, especially by revealing the diverse modes of power at work within processes of configuring

    Introduction - Enclosures and discontents: Primitive accumulation and resistance under globalised capital

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    Book synopsis: The contributions in this volume all revisit and reformulate Marx’s concept of primitive accumulation from diverse empirical contexts in the present global age. The chapters present research drawn from Gaza, Syria, Greece, the Philippines, DR Congo, and the Yucatan; global locations that have in common the ongoing, varied, and often repetitive occurrence of dispossession forced by violent conflict, crisis and austerity politics, and corporate expansion. Each chapter also examines changing forms of resistance from across the political spectrum; responses which in themselves serve to demonstrate the deeply embedded, historically specific, class, race and gendered relations implicit in contemporary capitalist expansion. This collection of original work also pushes us to reconsider the old distinct mappings of urban and rural by comparing dispossession and resistance to it inside and outside of the city and within sites which call for a reconstituted understanding of ‘the urban’. Overall, the scholars included use rich and detailed research to variously correct and adjust Marx from their sites of study and through engagements with theoretical reformulations ranging from modernity/coloniality, through to autonomous Marxism. The chapters originally published as a special issue in City: Analysis of Urban Trends, Culture, Theory, Policy, Action
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