150 research outputs found

    Puces à cellules et génomique fonctionnelle

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    À l’interface du vivant et de l’inerte, se développe un ensemble de nouvelles technologies regroupées sous le terme générique de biopuces. Grâce à la miniaturisation, nous pouvons imaginer que, demain, de nombreuses études biologiques et médicales se feront avec des biopuces qui permettront d’accroître de plusieurs ordres de grandeur le parallélisme des analyses, les vitesses de réaction des tests et leur débit, tout en réduisant les coûts. Cette évolution a démarré avec l’apparition des puces à ADN et se poursuit aujourd’hui avec, entre autres, les puces à cellules qui permettent d’accélérer considérablement l’étude des gènes de fonctions inconnues et leurs implications potentielles dans différentes maladies. Bien que la technologie en soit encore à ses prémices, il est vraisemblable que les puces à cellules feront évoluer la biologie et la médecine de manière significative.With the complete sequencing of the human genome, research priorities have shifted from the identification of genes to the elucidation of their function. Methods currently used by scientists to characterize gene function, such as knock-out mice, are based upon loss of protein function and analysis of the resulting phenotypes to infer a potential role for the protein under scrutiny. Until now, these methods have been successful but time consuming and only a few genes at a time could be analyzed. Cell microarrays allow to simultaneously transfect thousands of different nucleic acid molecules, RNA or DNA, into adherent cells. It is then possible to analyze a large pallet of resulting phenotypes in clusters of transfected cells. We are currently manufacturing cell microarrays with collections of full-length cDNA cloned in expression vectors (gain of function analyses) or siRNA (loss of function studies) to unravel function of genes involved in differentiation and proliferation of human cells. Although there are still some technological difficulties to overcome, the potential for cell microarrays to speed up functional exploration of genomes is very promising

    Comprehensive Analysis of Human Cells Motion under an Irrotational AC Electric Field in an Electro-Microfluidic Chip

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    AC electrokinetics is a versatile tool for contact-less manipulation or characterization of cells and has been widely used for separation based on genotype translation to electrical phenotypes. Cells responses to an AC electric field result in a complex combination of electrokinetic phenomena, mainly dielectrophoresis and electrohydrodynamic forces. Human cells behaviors to AC electrokinetics remain unclear over a large frequency spectrum as illustrated by the self-rotation effect observed recently. We here report and analyze human cells behaviors in different conditions of medium conductivity, electric field frequency and magnitude. We also observe the self-rotation of human cells, in the absence of a rotational electric field. Based on an analytical competitive model of electrokinetic forces, we propose an explanation of the cell self-rotation. These experimental results, coupled with our model, lead to the exploitation of the cell behaviors to measure the intrinsic dielectric properties of JURKAT, HEK and PC3 human cell lines

    The opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa activates the DNA double-strand break signaling and repair pathway in infected cells.

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    International audienceHighly hazardous DNA double-strand breaks can be induced in eukaryotic cells by a number of agents including pathogenic bacterial strains. We have investigated the genotoxic potential of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, an opportunistic pathogen causing devastating nosocomial infections in cystic fibrosis or immunocompromised patients. Our data revealed that infection of immune or epithelial cells by P. aeruginosa triggered DNA strand breaks and phosphorylation of histone H2AX (ÎłH2AX), a marker of DNA double-strand breaks. Moreover, it induced formation of discrete nuclear repair foci similar to gamma-irradiation-induced foci, and containing ÎłH2AX and 53BP1, an adaptor protein mediating the DNA-damage response pathway. Gene deletion, mutagenesis, and complementation in P. aeruginosa identified ExoS bacterial toxin as the major factor involved in ÎłH2AX induction. Chemical inhibition of several kinases known to phosphorylate H2AX demonstrated that Ataxia Telangiectasia Mutated (ATM) was the principal kinase in P. aeruginosa-induced H2AX phosphorylation. Finally, infection led to ATM kinase activation by an auto-phosphorylation mechanism. Together, these data show for the first time that infection by P. aeruginosa activates the DNA double-strand break repair machinery of the host cells. This novel information sheds new light on the consequences of P. aeruginosa infection in mammalian cells. As pathogenic Escherichia coli or carcinogenic Helicobacter pylori can alter genome integrity through DNA double-strand breaks, leading to chromosomal instability and eventually cancer, our findings highlight possible new routes for further investigations of P. aeruginosa in cancer biology and they identify ATM as a potential target molecule for drug design

    Early Activation by Ethylene of the Tonoplast H +

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    Transcriptional Network of p63 in Human Keratinocytes

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    p63 is a transcription factor required for the development and maintenance of ectodermal tissues in general, and skin keratinocytes in particular. The identification of its target genes is fundamental for understanding the complex network of gene regulation governing the development of epithelia. We report a list of almost 1000 targets derived from ChIP on chip analysis on two platforms; all genes analyzed changed in expression during differentiation of human keratinocytes. Functional annotation highlighted unexpected GO terms enrichments and confirmed that genes involved in transcriptional regulation are the most significant. A detailed analysis of these transcriptional regulators in condition of perturbed p63 levels confirmed the role of p63 in the regulatory network. Rather than a rigid master-slave hierarchical model, our data indicate that p63 connects different hubs involved in the multiple specific functions of the skin

    A statistically inferred microRNA network identifies breast cancer target miR-940 as an actin cytoskeleton regulator

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    International audienceMiRNAs are key regulators of gene expression. By binding to many genes, they create a complex network of gene co-regulation. Here, using a network-based approach, we identified miRNA hub groups by their close connections and common targets. In one cluster containing three miRNAs, miR-612, miR-661 and miR-940, the annotated functions of the co-regulated genes suggested a role in small GTPase signalling. Although the three members of this cluster targeted the same subset of predicted genes, we showed that their overexpression impacted cell fates differently. miR-661 demonstrated enhanced phosphorylation of myosin II and an increase in cell invasion, indicating a possible oncogenic miRNA. On the contrary, miR-612 and miR-940 inhibit phosphorylation of myosin II and cell invasion. Finally, expression profiling in human breast tissues showed that miR-940 was consistently downregulated in breast cancer tissues M icroRNAs are a class of endogenous, small (19–25 nucleotides), single-stranded non-coding RNAs that regulate gene expression in all eukaryotic organisms. In metazoans, microRNAs most commonly bind to the 39 untranslated region (39UTR) of their mRNA target transcript and cause translational repression and/or mRNA degradation. Every microRNA is predicted to regulate from a dozen to thousands of genes, including transcription factors. This fine-tuning of protein expression is known to be involved in many physiological processes, such as development, apoptosis, signal transduction and even cancer progression 1,2. More than 2,000 mature human microRNAs are listed in the 20 th release of miRBase: http://www.mirbase.org (2014) (Date of access:19/08/2013), and some authors hypothesise that the majority of human genes are regulated by microRNAs 3. Since their discovery in 1993 4 , a fair understanding of their role in animal development and in the onset and progression of diseases 2 , as well as of their potential use in therapies 5 , has been gathered. However, the cooperative behaviour of microRNAs is still under investigation. A growing body of experimental evidence suggests that microRNAs can regulate genes through complementarity, meaning that microRNAs can act together to regulate individual genes or groups of genes involved in similar processes 6. For example, Hu and co-workers demonstrated that transducing a cocktail of precursor microRNAs (miR-21, miR-24 and miR-221) can result in more effective engraftment of transplanted cardiac progenitor cells 7. Consistent with these discoveries, Zhu et al. demonstrated that miR-21 and miR-221 coregulate 56 gene ontology (GO) processes 8. In the same study, the authors also showed that cotransfection of miR-1 and miR-21 increases H 2 O 2-induced myocardial apoptosis and oxidative stress. These recent findings support the idea of microRNA-mediated cooperative regulation but also argue for the use of systemic approaches, notably based on graph theory, to decipher individual and complementary roles of microRNAs. Some work has been conducted to use recent high-throughput experiment-derived data sets to infer microRNA synergistic relationships 9–12. Herein, we present a microRNA network based on target similarities among microRNAs to infer clusters of microRNAs. Clusters are defined as groups of microRNAs sharing a set of common targets, predicted by either DIANA-microT v3 13 or TargetScan v6.2 14. Some authors have used GO enrichment analysis as a confirmatory tool for their clustering approach 11. In our case, GO enrichment is not used to infer networks but as a way to estimate the probable metabolic pathway(s) a cluster of microRNAs could co-regulate. Moreover, the novelty of our approach is to consider not only clusters of microRNAs but also OPE

    Gene expression profiling in equine polysaccharide storage myopathy revealed inflammation, glycogenesis inhibition, hypoxia and mitochondrial dysfunctions

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Several cases of myopathies have been observed in the horse Norman Cob breed. Muscle histology examinations revealed that some families suffer from a polysaccharide storage myopathy (PSSM). It is assumed that a gene expression signature related to PSSM should be observed at the transcriptional level because the glycogen storage disease could also be linked to other dysfunctions in gene regulation. Thus, the functional genomic approach could be conducted in order to provide new knowledge about the metabolic disorders related to PSSM. We propose exploring the PSSM muscle fiber metabolic disorders by measuring gene expression in relationship with the histological phenotype.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Genotypying analysis of GYS1 mutation revealed 2 homozygous (AA) and 5 heterozygous (GA) PSSM horses. In the PSSM muscles, histological data revealed PAS positive amylase resistant abnormal polysaccharides, inflammation, necrosis, and lipomatosis and active regeneration of fibers. Ultrastructural evaluation revealed a decrease of mitochondrial number and structural disorders. Extensive accumulation of an abnormal polysaccharide displaced and partially replaced mitochondria and myofibrils. The severity of the disease was higher in the two homozygous PSSM horses.</p> <p>Gene expression analysis revealed 129 genes significantly modulated (p < 0.05). The following genes were up-regulated over 2 fold: IL18, CTSS, LUM, CD44, FN1, GST01. The most down-regulated genes were the following: mitochondrial tRNA, SLC2A2, PRKCα, VEGFα. Data mining analysis showed that protein synthesis, apoptosis, cellular movement, growth and proliferation were the main cellular functions significantly associated with the modulated genes (p < 0.05). Several up-regulated genes, especially IL18, revealed a severe muscular inflammation in PSSM muscles. The up-regulation of glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK3β) under its active form could be responsible for glycogen synthase (GYS1) inhibition and hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF1α) destabilization.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The main disorders observed in PSSM muscles could be related to mitochondrial dysfunctions, glycogenesis inhibition and the chronic hypoxia of the PSSM muscles.</p

    Sensitization to the conditioned rewarding effects of morphine modulates gene expression in rat hippocampus.

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    Opiates addiction is characterized by its long-term persistence. In order to study the enduring changes in long-term memory in hippocampus, a pivotal region for this process, we used suppression subtractive hybridization to compare hippocampal gene expression in morphine and saline-treated rats. Animals were subjected to an extended place preference paradigm consisting of four conditioning phases. Sensitization to the reinforcing effects of the drug occurred after three conditioning phases. After 25 days of treatment rats were euthanized and the complementary DNA (cDNA) from the hippocampus of morphine-dependent and saline-treated animals were then screened for differentially expressed cDNAs. The selected 177 clones were then subjected to a microarray procedure and 20 clones were found differentially regulated. The pattern of regulated genes suggests impairments in neurotransmitter release and the activation of neuroprotective pathways


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    International audienceL'étude de l'évolution et de l'organisation de populations de cellules cultivées in vitro intéresse les biologistes depuis plusieurs dizaines d'années. À ces fins, d'importants progrès ont été réalisés dans les méthodes d'imagerie à l'échelle microscopique. Cependant, certaines informations demeurent inaccessibles, notamment à l'échelle mésoscopique, en raison du champ de vue réduit, ainsi que la complexité et le coût pour réaliser des acquisitions hors incubateur en temps réel sur de longues périodes. En réponse à ces limitations, nous avons développé la vidéo-microscopie sans lentille, en plaçant directement les cellules vivantes sur un capteur numérique en regard d'une illumination cohérente selon le principe de l'holographie en ligne. Cette technique permet l'observation d'une culture cellulaire sur un large champ de vue (24 mm² soit plusieurs dizaines de milliers de cellules), et ce à l'intérieur même de l'incubateur, autorisant de surcroît des acquisitions dynamiques couvrant des périodes allant de quelques jours à plusieurs semaines. À partir des images holographiques brutes acquises, nous pouvons remonter aux images refocalisées par reconstruction numérique jusqu'à une résolution de 2µm. Le traitement de ces images donne accès à des niveaux d'information quantifiables allant de la cellule unique à l'organisation inter-individus de la population. Avec des premières études sur des cultures standard de cellules sur substrat 2D, nous sommes aujourd'hui en mesure, avec notre dispositif et la force de l'imagerie holographique, d'explorer et d'étudier la vie cellulaire en 3D, nous rapprochant un peu plus de la réalité physiologique des phénomènes biologiques

    Novel nanostructured lipid carriers dedicated to nucleic acid delivery for RNAi purposes

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    International audienceThe specific down-regulation triggered through interference RNA (RNAi) provides a means to determine the gene functions and their contributions in an altered phenotype. In this way, high throughput screening (HTS) has emerged as a potent automated tool to study a large number of genes for identification of new biomarkers and therapeutic targets. However, the siRNA-mediated gene knock down requires that siRNA can reach cytoplasm compartment where RNAi occurs. Unfortunately, the siRNA is relatively vulnerable in the extracellular environment due to the presence of degradation enzymes and its high molecular weight associated to its anionic charge limit considerably its cell incorporation across the plasma membrane. Thereby, HTS requires generic carriers with highly efficient siRNA transfection. To overcome these obstacles, multifunctional nanoparticles comprising an imaging contrast agent are emerging as an original and promising approach in the improved, controlled and monitored delivery of siRNA
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