1,066 research outputs found

    Overcoming Memory Limitations in Rule Learning

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    Adults, infants, and other species are able to learn and generalize abstract patterns from sequentially presented stimuli. Rule learning of this type may be involved in children's acquisition of linguistic structure, but the nature of the mechanisms underlying these abilities is unknown. While inferences regarding the capabilities of these mechanisms are commonly made based on the pattern of successes and failures in simple artificial-language rule-learning tasks, failures may be driven by memory limitations rather than intrinsic limitations on the kinds of computations that learners can perform. Here we show that alleviating memory constraints on adult learners through concurrent visual presentation of stimuli allowed them to succeed in learning regularities in three difficult artificial rule-learning experiments where participants had previously failed to learn via sequential auditory presentation. These results suggest that memory constraints, rather than intrinsic limitations on learning, may be a parsimonious explanation for many previously reported failures. We argue that future work should attempt to characterize the role of memory constraints in natural and artificial language learning.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (NSF DDRIG #0746251)United States. Department of Education (Jacob K. Javits Graduate Fellowship

    Biomaterial Properties of Titanium in Dentistry

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    Background Among various dental materials and their successful restorative uses, titanium provides an excellent example of integrating science and technology involving multiple disciplines of dentistry including biomaterials, prosthodontics and surgical sciences. Titanium and its alloys have emerged as a material of choice for dental implants fulfilling all requirements biologically, chemically and mechanically. Several excellent reviews have discussed the properties of titanium and its surface characteristics that render it biocompatible. However, in most patients, titanium implants are used alongside several other metals. Presence of different metals in the same oral environment can alter the properties of titanium. Other influencing factors include intra-oral pH, salivary content, and effect of fluorides. Highlight This review discusses the effect of the above-mentioned conditions on the properties of titanium and its alloys. An extensive literature search encompassing the properties of titanium in an altered oral environment and its interaction with other restorative materials is presented. Specific conditions that could cause titanium to corrode, specifically due to interaction with other dental materials used in oral rehabilitation, as well as methods that can be employed for passivation of titanium are discussed. Conclusion This review presents an overview of the properties of titanium that are vital for its use in implant dentistry. From a restorative perspective, interaction between implant restoration metals, intra-oral fluorides and pH may cause titanium to corrode. Therefore, in order to avoid the resulting deleterious effects, an understanding of these interactions is important for long-term prognosis of implant restorations

    The Time-Course of Lexical and Structural Processes in Sentence Comprehension

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    Online sentence comprehension involves multiple types of cognitive processes: lexical processes such as lexical access, which call on the user's knowledge of the meaning of words in the language, and structural processes such as the integration of incoming words into an emerging representation. In this article, we investigate the temporal dynamics of lexical access and syntactic integration. Unlike much previous work that has relied on temporary ambiguity to investigate this question, we manipulate the frequency of the verb in unambiguous structures involving a well-studied syntactic complexity manipulation (subject- vs. object-extracted clefts). The results demonstrate that for high-frequency verbs, the difficulty of reading a more structurally complex object-extracted cleft structure relative to a less structurally complex subject-extracted cleft structure is largely experienced in the cleft region, whereas for low-frequency verbs this difficulty is largely experienced in the postcleft region. We interpret these results as evidence that some stages of structural processing follow lexical processing. Furthermore, we find evidence that structural processing may be delayed if lexical processing is costly, and that the delay is proportional to the difficulty of the lexical process. Implications of these results for contemporary accounts of sentence comprehension are discussed

    Prosodic Effects of Discourse Salience and Association with Focus

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    Three factors that have been argued to influence the prosody of an utterance are (i) which constituents encode discourse-salient information; (ii) which constituents are contrastive in that they evoke alternatives; and (iii) which constituents interact with the meaning of focus operators such as only (i.e., they ‘associate’ with focus). One challenge for a better understanding of these factors and their interaction has been the difficulty of finding a way to evaluate hypotheses quantitatively, since individual variation in productions is often large enough to wash out experimental effects. In this paper, we apply a methodology introduced in [1] to control for such variation and present evidence for how the three factors interact to influence prosody in sentences containing single or multiple foci

    Genetic Programming For Cellular Automata Urban Inundation Modelling

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    Recent advances in Cellular Automata (CA) represent a new, computationally efficient method of simulating flooding in urban areas. A number of recent publications in this field have shown that CAs can be much more computationally efficient than methods than using standard shallow water equations (Saint Venant/Navier-Stokes equations). CAs operate using local state-transition rules that determine the progression of the flow from one cell in the grid to another cell, in many publications the Manning’s Formula is used as a simplified local state transition rule. Through the distributed interactions of the CA, computationally simplified urban flooding can be processed, although these methods are limited by the approximation represented by the Manning’s formula. Literature demonstrates that the viability of the Manning’s formula will break down with too large a time step, flow rates, too small a cell size, or too smooth roughness factor; Therefore further increases in computational efficiency could be gained with a better approximation, or rather one capable of producing the required simulation with enough accuracy at larger time steps, smaller cells sizes, smoother roughness factors. Genetic programming has the potential to be used to optimise state transition rules to maximise accuracy and minimise computation time. In this paper we present some preliminary findings on the use of genetic programming (GP) for deriving these rules automatically. The experimentation compares GP-derived rules with human created solutions based on the Mannings formula and findings indicate that the GP rules can improve on these approaches

    Children's learning of number words in an indigenous farming-foraging group

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    We show that children in the Tsimane', a farming-foraging group in the Bolivian rain-forest, learn number words along a similar developmental trajectory to children from industrialized countries. Tsimane' children successively acquire the first three or four number words before fully learning how counting works. However, their learning is substantially delayed relative to children from the United States, Russia, and Japan. The presence of a similar developmental trajectory likely indicates that the incremental stages of numerical knowledge – but not their timing — reflect a fundamental property of number concept acquisition which is relatively independent of language, culture, age, and early education.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (NSF Award 1022684)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (NIH Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA)

    Thermal Interface Evaluation of Heat Transfer from a Pumped Loop to Titanium-Water Thermosyphons

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    Titanium-water thermosyphons are being considered for use in the heat rejection system for lunar outpost fission surface power. Key to their use is heat transfer between a closed loop heat source and the heat pipe evaporators. This work describes laboratory testing of several interfaces that were evaluated for their thermal performance characteristics, in the temperature range of 350 to 400 K, utilizing a water closed loop heat source and multiple thermosyphon evaporator geometries. A gas gap calorimeter was used to measure heat flow at steady state. Thermocouples in the closed loop heat source and on the evaporator were used to measure thermal conductance. The interfaces were in two generic categories, those immersed in the water closed loop heat source and those clamped to the water closed loop heat source with differing thermal conductive agents. In general, immersed evaporators showed better overall performance than their clamped counterparts. Selected clamped evaporator geometries offered promise

    Native Amazonian children forego egalitarianism in merit-based tasks when they learn to count

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    Cooperation often results in a final material resource that must be shared, but deciding how to distribute that resource is not straightforward. A distribution could count as fair if all members receive an equal reward (egalitarian distributions), or if each member's reward is proportional to their merit (merit-based distributions). Here, we propose that the acquisition of numerical concepts influences how we reason about fairness. We explore this possibility in the Tsimane’, a farming-foraging group who live in the Bolivian rainforest. The Tsimane’ learn to count in the same way children from industrialized countries do, but at a delayed and more variable timeline, allowing us to de-confound number knowledge from age and years in school. We find that Tsimane’ children who can count produce merit-based distributions, while children who cannot count produce both merit-based and egalitarian distributions. Our findings establish that the ability to count – a non-universal, language-dependent, cultural invention – can influence social cognition.National Science Foundation (U.S.). Research and Evaluation on Education in Science and Engineering Program (Grant 1022684)University of Rocheste

    Inter-transcriber reliability for two systems of prosodic annotation: ToBI (Tones and Break Indices) and RaP (Rhythm and Pitch)

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    Speech researchers often rely on human annotation of prosody to generate data to test hypotheses and generate models. We present an overview of two prosodic annotation systems: ToBI (Tones and Break Indices) (Silverman et al., 1992), and RaP (Rhythm and Pitch) (Dilley & Brown, 2005), which was designed to address several limitations of ToBI. The paper reports two large-scale studies of inter-transcriber reliability for ToBI and RaP. Comparable reliability for both systems was obtained for a variety of prominence- and boundary-related agreement categories. These results help to establish RaP as an alternative to ToBI for research and technology applicationsNational Science Foundation (U.S.) (NSF grant BCS 0847653

    Wide Angle Decentered Lens Beam Steering for Infrared Countermeasures Applications

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    A beam-steering system consisting of three cemented achromatic doublets is presented. Intended for use in IR countermeasure applications, our system is designed to operate over the 2- to 5-μm spectrum with minimum angular dispersion. We show that dispersion can be minimized by using doublet lenses fashioned from AMTIR-1 and germanium. Our system is designed to be compact and lightweight, with no internal foci, while allowing steering to ±22.5 deg. We also maintain a minimum 2-in. clear aperture for all steering angles, and a nominal divergence of 1 mrad. Plane wave and Gaussian beam analyses of our system are presented
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