323 research outputs found

    Artistic Identities and Professional Strategies : Francophone Musicians in France and Britain

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    Funding This work was supported by Arts and Humanities Research Council [grant number AH/E508628/1] and European Commission [grant number HPSE-CT-2002-00133].Peer reviewedPostprin

    Transnational Ties and Local Involvement: North African Musicians In and Beyond London

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    By following the life trajectories and networks of various North African artists principally based in the United Kingdom and in France, it becomes apparent that a common phenomenon amongst migrant musicians is that they can become trapped in a matrix which simultaneously articulates three potentially conflicting dimensions: the artists' own musical pleasure and desires; their professional constraints and opportunities; and the social, historical and personal context of their migration experiences. However, artists have developed strategies which permit them not only to overcome such tensions arising from this matrix, but to use them as a strength. The aim of this paper is to explore a particular aspect of the above-mentioned strategies: the use of local politics to pursue their own cultural, social and political agendas within a multi-scalar perspective (local-national-transnational). Whilst musicians and/or musical promoters are well aware of the ambiguous ways in which local policies often conceive of arts as a means to promote both multiculturalism and community cohesion rather than to support artistic creation per se, some of them have also understood the strategic potential of their involvement in such activities. This will be demonstrated through the activities of a recently-established association (North African Arts W10) based in Ladbroke Grove, London, UK. This case-study is also an attempt to approach transnationalism through its quadruple dimension: mobility, networks, local anchorage, and imagined communities

    La enseñanza del francés en el Uruguay desde sus orígenes hasta comienzos del siglo XX

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    Por aproximadamente un siglo, desde el nacimiento del Uruguay como repĂșblica hasta las primeras dĂ©cadas del siglo XX, la cultura francesa fue la de mayor influencia en todas las manifestaciones de la cultura local: las artes, las letras, las ciencias y la moda. El vehĂ­culo indispensable para la transmisiĂłn de esa cultura era, por supuesto, el idioma, de modo que aprender francĂ©s fue una necesidad que se impuso por sĂ­ misma. Este trabajo repasa las principales etapas que pueden reconocerse en la enseñanza de la lengua francesa en el paĂ­s, desde los primeros años de vida independiente hasta la fundaciĂłn del LycĂ©e Français, en 1922. &nbsp

    Les Juifs éthiopiens en Israël. Les paradoxes du paradis. Anteby - Yemini Lisa

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    Ce livre est le rĂ©sultat d’une recherche de terrain longue et originale, au cours de laquelle Lisa Anteby-Yemini a suivi le parcours de plusieurs familles juives Ă©thiopiennes fraĂźchement immigrĂ©es en IsraĂ«l, des premiers jours de leur arrivĂ©e (mai 1991) Ă  leur installation dĂ©finitive dans diffĂ©rentes villes israĂ©liennes plusieurs annĂ©es plus tard (1995-1996) — Ă©tape ultime de l’« absorption » selon les critĂšres du pays d’accueil. L’ouvrage est organisĂ© en trois actes, qui correspondent aux tr..

    Peut-on discipliner le pouvoir ? Étude sur le contrĂŽle de la rationalitĂ© managĂ©riale par le juge dans trois innovations lĂ©gislatives françaises

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    Il y a un paradoxe Ă  constater que des normes se proposant d’introduire une forme de rationalitĂ© managĂ©riale dans la gestion publique sont portĂ©es par des textes juridiques de niveau trĂšs Ă©levĂ© (en France Loi et loi organique), alors que les analystes mettent frĂ©quemment en relief les contradictions entre cette rationalitĂ© managĂ©riale et la logique politique, corollaire de la lutte pour le pouvoir et de sa conservation.L’émergence de la rationalitĂ© managĂ©riale affaiblirait-elle la domination de la logique politique, lui disputant mĂȘme sa primauté ? Peut-on rĂ©ellement discipliner le politique en donnant force obligatoire aux bonnes pratiques de management contenues dans la Loi ?Cet article Ă©value la question de la discipline du politique en Ă©tudiant la mise en Ɠuvre de trois textes aux ambitions managĂ©riales claires : la loi organique relative aux lois de finances (LOLF) de 2001 instituant l’obligation, pour les pouvoirs publics, de prĂ©senter des projets et des rapports annuels de performance Ă  l’appui de chacun de leurs programmes, la loi organique du 15 avril 2009 rendant obligatoires les Ă©tudes d’impact pour les projets de Loi dĂ©posĂ©s par le Gouvernement, et enfin l’ordonnance du 23 juillet 2015 imposant Ă  l’État et aux collectivitĂ©s territoriales l’évaluation du mode de rĂ©alisation choisi et les Ă©tudes prĂ©alables associĂ©es aux marchĂ©s de partenariat.Les jurisprudences constitutionnelle et administrative, relatives aux trois textes Ă©tudiĂ©s, rĂ©vĂšlent une prudence extrĂȘme du juge pour faire respecter l’ambition du lĂ©gislateur de discipliner le politique du point de vue managĂ©rial. L’article suggĂšre plusieurs explications Ă  ce comportement qui, pour n’ĂȘtre pas nouveau, confirme une jurisprudence traditionnelle visant plus Ă  censurer l’irrationalitĂ© manifeste qu’à imposer une forme prĂ©cise de rationalitĂ©.New norms proposing to introduce some form of managerial rationality in public management are now at the top of the hierarchy (in France, Law and Organic Law). However, analysts frequently point out contradictions between this managerial rationality and the political logic that is a corollary of the struggle for the seizure and preservation of power.Would the emergence of managerial rationality weaken the dominance of political logic to the point of challenging its supremacy ? Can we really discipline political power by making good management practices binding by Law?This article investigates the question of disciplining the political power by studying the implementation of three texts with clear managerial ambitions: (I) the Organic Law on Finance Laws (LOLF) of 2001 which establishes the requirement for public authorities to submit project proposals and annual performance reports for each of their programs, (II) the Organic Act of April 15, 2009 which makes impact evaluation mandatory for government bills, (III) the Ordinance of July 23, 2015 which obliges the State and regional/local authorities to appraise the delivery method and conduct preliminary studies for partnership contracts.The constitutional and administrative jurisprudence related to the three texts studied shows that the judge exhibits extreme prudence in enforcing the ambition of the legislator to impose managerial discipline on political power. The article suggests several reasons for this behavior which characterizes a traditional jurisprudence aiming to censor blatant irrationality rather than impose a precise form of rationality

    Potential Fossilized Sulfide-Oxidizing Bacteria in the Upper Miocene Sulfur-Bearing Limestones From the Lorca Basin (SE Spain): Paleoenvironmental Implications

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    The sulfur-bearing limestones interbedded in the upper Miocene diatomaceous sediments (Tripoli Formation) of the Lorca Basin (SE Spain) are typified, as other Mediterranean coeval carbonate and gypsum deposits, by filamentous, circular and rod-shaped microstructures of controversial origin. These features have been interpreted both as fecal pellets of brine shrimps and/or of copepods, remains of algae or cyanobacteria and fossilized sulfide-oxidizing bacteria. To shed light on their origin, a multidisciplinary study including optical, UV and scanning electron microscopy, Raman microspectroscopy, and geochemical (carbon and oxygen stable isotopes) analyses has been carried out on three carbonate beds exposed along the La Serrata ridge. The different composition of the filamentous and circular objects with respect to the rod-shaped microstructures suggest that the former represent remains of bacteria, while the latter fecal pellets of deposit- or suspension-feeder organisms. Size and shape of the filamentous and circular microfossils are consistent with their assignment to colorless sulfide-oxidizing bacteria like Beggiatoa (or Thioploca) and Thiomargarita, which is further supported by the presence, only within the microfossil body, of tiny pyrite grains. These grains possibly result from early diagenetic transformation of original sulfur globules stored by the bacteria, which are a diagnostic feature of this group of prokaryotes. The development of microbial communities dominated by putative sulfide-oxidizing bacteria at Lorca was favored by hydrogen sulfide flows generated through degradation of organic matter by sulfate-reducing bacteria thriving in underlying organic-rich sediments

    Inspiration triangulaire. Musique, tourisme et développement à Madagascar

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    Cet article explore les relations complexes liant musique, tourisme et dĂ©veloppement Ă  Madagascar et en Europe. Trois parcours de « dĂ©veloppeurs » sont analysĂ©s, oĂč se construisent des relations d'Ă©change et de soutien mutuel entre musiciens et organisa­tions humanitaires et dans lesquels le tourisme a tantĂŽt jouĂ© le rĂŽle de dĂ©clencheur, tantĂŽt au contraire dĂ©coule de cette rencontre entre membres d'une ONG et artistes. Nous faisons l'hypothĂšse que l'arrivĂ©e dans le duo dĂ©veloppement-tourisme d'une troisiĂšme dimension, celle des pratiques culturelles (ici la musique), et plus particuliÚ­rement de leurs acteurs, les musiciens, permet de dĂ©passer les incomprĂ©hensions entre membres d'une ONG venus d'Europe et population malgache qu'ils sont venus aider. Ce triangle de support mutuel permet de rĂ©Ă©quilibrer — en partie au moins — les inĂ©galitĂ©s inĂ©vitablement crĂ©Ă©es par ces pratiques d'aide Ă  sens unique.This article explores intricate interconnections between music, tourism and development in Madagascar and Europe. We analyze three trajectories of actors in humanitarian work whereby a relationship of exchange, friendship and mutual support has devel­oped between members of humanitarian organizations and artists. In some instan­ces, this relationship has been triggered by a prior experience of tourist visits to Madagascar, and in others has led to it. Using data from our fieldwork in Madagascar and Europe, our paper develops the hypothesis, that the cultural practices (here music), and in particular their actors, the musicians, create a third dimension in the duality development-tourism, which overcomes the frequent misunderstanding between NGOs' members coming from Europe and local Malagasy people whom they have come to assist. This triangle of mutual support rebalances some of the inevita­ble inequalities arising from one-way practices
