173 research outputs found

    Anatomical variants of sphenoid sinuses pneumatisation: a CT scan study on a Northern Italian population

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    Sphenoid bone may be affected by different variants of pneumatisation, which have a relevant importance from a clinical and surgical point of view. The description of such variants in different populations may give useful information. However, few articles describe the variability of sphenoid pneumatised structures and none of them focuses on Northern Italian population. Variants of pneumatisation of sphenoid bone were described in a sample of 300 Northern Italian patients who underwent a CT scan. More than fifty-seven percent of patients showed a form of anatomical variant: the most common form was the pneumatised pterygoid processes (39.6%), followed by dorsum sellae (32.9%) and clinoid processes (20.3%), without statistically significant differences between males and females (p\ua0>\ua00.01). In 26.3% of patients, a combined pneumatisation of these three structures was observed, being the combination pterygoid processes-dorsum sellae the most frequent (11.3%). In 9.3%, all the three sphenoid structures were affected. This article is the first description of the prevalence of different variants of pneumatisation in a Northern Italian population: the occurrence of such forms has to be acknowledged for their possible clinical and surgical consequences

    Anatomical Characteristics Of Intrapetrous Carotid Artery : A 3d Segmentation Study On Head Ct-Scan

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    The intrapetrous portion of internal carotid artery (IPCA) is one of the most unexplored anatomical regions, and its three-dimensional reconstruction in living subjects is still missing. The present study aims at describing IPCA on 3D models extracted from head CT-scans. The intrapetrous carotid artery was manually segmented on head CT-scans of 100 healthy patients free from vascular and neurological pathologies (50 males and 50 females aged between 18 and 91 years). Angles of the posterior and anterior genu, diameter and length of the horizontal portion, and volume of the entire canal were calculated through VAM\uae software. Statistically significant differences according to sex and side were assessed through two-way ANOVA test (p<0.05). Correlation of each measurement with age was calculated as well. On average the angles of the posterior and anterior genu were 120.1\ub110.4\ub0 and 118.0\ub110.0\ub0 in males, 119.5\ub19.2\ub0 and 117.6\ub110.3\ub0 in females, respectively, without statistically significant differences according to sex or side (p>0.05). Average length and diameter of the horizontal part were respectively 25.5\ub12.9 mm and 5.8\ub10.8 mm in males, 24.0\ub12.3 mm and 5.3\ub10.8 mm in females. The volume of IPCA was 0.941\ub10.215 cm3 in males, and 0.752\ub10.159 cm3 in females. Length and diameter of horizontal portion, and volume of IPCA showed statistically significant differences according to sex (p<0.05). No correlation with age was found. This study first provided data concerning not only linear and angular measurements, but also volumes of IPCA, useful in planning surgical interventions of the cranial base

    Symmetry of zygomatic bone through 3D segmentation on CT-scan and "mirroring" procedure: a novel approach for reconstructive maxillofacial surgery

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    Zygomatic bones are among those most frequently fractured facial bones [1]: symmetry is the golden standard for a correct restoration of zygomatic shape, but literature is divided about the best method for its quantification. Also, no information about the actual 3D symmetry of this bone in healthy subjects is available. This study aims at exposing an innovative approach for the assessment of zygomatic symmetry through 3D surface analysis. One hundred patients (50 males and 50 females) were selected from the CT-scans database from a Northern Italy hospital. Zygomatic bones from each patient were segmented, the left bone was automatically mirrored according to the sagittal plane and registered on the right one according to the least point-to-point distance between the two surfaces. Mean and RMS (root mean square) distance between the two models was then calculated. Possible statistically significant differences according to sex and age groups were assessed respectively through two-way ANOVA test (p0.05). This study first provides an overall assessment of symmetry of zygomatic bone, based on surface analysis: results may provide a useful indication for the reconstruction of zygomatic bones in maxillofacial surgery

    Three-dimensional superimposition for patients with facial palsy: an innovative method for assessing the success of facial reanimation procedures

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    Facial palsy is a severe condition that may be ameliorated by facial reanimation, but there is no consensus about how to judge its success. In this study we aimed to test a new method for assessing facial movements based on 3-dimensional analysis of the facial surfaces. Eleven patients aged between 42 and 77 years who had recently been affected by facial palsy (onset between 6 and 18 months) were treated by an operation based on triple innervation: the masseteric to temporofacial nerve branch, 30% of the hypoglossal fibres to the cervicofacial nerve branch, and the contralateral facial nerve through two cross-face sural nerve grafts. Each patient had five stereophotogrammetric scans: at rest, smiling on the healthy side (facial stimulus), biting (masseteric stimulus), moving the tongue (hypoglossal stimulus), and corner-of-the-mouth smile (Mona Lisa). Each scan was superimposed onto the facial model of the "rest" position, and the point-to-point root mean square (RMS) value was automatically calculated on both the paralysed and the healthy side, together with an index of asymmetry. One-way and two-way ANOVA tests, respectively, were applied to verify the significance of possible differences in the RMS and asymmetry index according to the type of stimulus (p = 0.0329) and side (p < 0.0001). RMS differed significantly according to side between the facial stimulus and the masseteric one on the paralysed side (p = 0.0316). Facial stimulus evoked the most asymmetrical movement, whereas the masseteric produced the most symmetrical expression. The method can be used for assessing facial movements after facial reanimation

    Aplastic anemia after pediatric liver transplantation

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    A aplasia de medula é uma das mais raras (<1%) e sérias complicações após o transplante hepático por insuficiência hepática aguda grave viral não A, não B e não C. Esta condição clínica, que acomete simultaneamente o tecido hepático e o hematopoético, foi descrita pela primeira vez em 1987, por Stock, e a fisiopatologia relacionada é uma condição imunomediada, provavelmente secundária à infecção viral desconhecida, e associada a grave prognóstico. A recuperação espontânea da aplasia medular adquirida habitualmente é muito rara e 50%-70% dos pacientes respondem ao tratamento imunossupressor com ciclosporina A (CsA) e glubulina antitimocítica (ATG), mesmo após o transplante hepático. Além do tratamento imunossupressor, outra opção é o transplante de medula óssea (TMO). Apresentamos o caso de uma criança com aplasia medular grave após transplante hepático, por insuficiência hepática aguda grave, que recebeu tratamento imunossupressor com CsA e ATG e evoluiu com recuperação completa das três séries do hemograma.Aplastic anemia (AA) is one of the rarest (<1%) and most serious complications of liver transplantation for fulminant non-A, non-B and non-C hepatitis. It was first described in 1987 by Stock; the mechanism involved is an immunologically mediated condition secondary to an unknown viral infection. The disease is associated with a dismal prognosis. Spontaneous recovery from acquired AA is very rare however some patients (50-70%) recover after immunosuppressive therapy, such as Cyclosporin A (CsA) and Antithymocyte globulin (ATG), even after liver transplantation. Another treatment option is bone marrow transplantation. We report on a child who developed AA following liver transplantation for fulminant viral hepatitis that was treated with intensive immunosuppression including CsA and ATG and achieved complete recovery

    Digital breast tomosynthesis: A state of the art review

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    Digital Breast Tomosynthesis (DBT) is an X-ray mammography technique where multiple low-dose projection images of the breast are reconstructed in multiple tomographic images creating a semi-3D mammogram. This enables the visualization of a sequential set of thin sections of the breast, overcoming the masking effect of overlying fibroglandular breast tissue, then improving carcinoma detection and reducing false-positive cases. This review aims at describing current DBT technique, analyzing DBT in clinical practice and providing an overview of published studies on clinical experience with DBT in the screening and diagnostic settings

    Crop changes from the XVI century to the present in a hill/mountain area of eastern Liguria (Italy)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Chronological information on the composition and structure of agrocenoses and detailed features of land cover referring to specific areas are uncommon in ethnobotanical studies, especially for periods before the XIX century. The aim of this study was to analyse the type of crop or the characteristics of soil cover from the XVI century to the present.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This diachronic analysis was accomplished through archival research on the inventories of the Parish of St. Mary and those of the Municipality of Pignone and from recent surveys conducted in an area of eastern Liguria (Italy).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Archival data revealed that in study area the primary means of subsistence during the last five centuries, until the first half of the XX century, was chestnuts. In the XVIII and XIX centuries, crop diversification strongly increased in comparison with previous and subsequent periods. In more recent times, the abandonment of agricultural practices has favoured the re-colonisation of mixed woodland or cluster-pine woodland.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Ancient documents in the ecclesiastic or municipal inventories can be a very useful tool for enhancing the knowledge of agricultural practice, as well as of subsistence methods favoured by local populations during a particular time and for reconstructing land use change over time.</p

    Are coding systems of frontal sinuses anatomically reliable? A study of correlation among morphological and metrical features

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    Frontal sinuses are of special interest for personal identification thanks to their high variability. A common procedure for comparing ante-mortem and post-mortem material is based on coding systems classifying frontal sinuses according to their morphological and metrical characteristics. However, the calculation of possible combinations is performed on the hypothesis that all the classified features are independent one from each other. This study aims at analysing the correlation among morphological and metrical characteristics of frontal sinuses. Two hundred CT scans of patients equally divided between males and females were segmented through the ITK-SNAP software. Number of accessory septations, scalloping and supra-orbital cells, side asymmetry and superiority, breadth, height, length and volume were extracted from the frontal sinuses of each subject. A possible relationship among morphological and metrical features was analysed through Pearson's correlation test, Mann-Whitney test or chi-square test according to the type of compared data (p\u2009&lt;\u20090.05). In general, a positive correlation was found for all comparisons among metrical measurements (breadth, height, depth and volume) and number of septations, scalloping and supra-orbital cells (p\u2009&lt;\u20090.05), but not between the number of scalloping and supra-orbital cells. In addition, side of asymmetry was positively related with side of superiority of the upper profile of frontal sinuses (p\u2009&lt;\u20090.05). This study proved that morphological and metrical characteristics of frontal sinuses are strictly related one with each other: therefore, the coding systems based on these features should be applied with caution for personal identification, as the number of possible combinations is lower than reported by literature
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