95 research outputs found

    Modul guru pembelajar paket keahlian teknik konstruksi kayu kelompok kompetensi C

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    Modul Diklat Pengembangan Keprofesian Berkelanjutan Bagi Guru dan Tenaga Kependidikan inidiharapkan menjadi referensidan acuan bagi penyelenggara dan peserta diklat dalam melaksakan kegiatan sebaik-baiknya sehingga mampu meningkatkan kapasitas guru. Modul ini disajikan sebagai salah satu bentuk bahan dalam kegiatan pengembangan keprofesian berkelanjutan bagi guru dan tenaga kependidikan

    Modul Guru Pembelajar Paket Keahlian Teknik Furniture, Kelompok Kompetensi I

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    Modul guru pembelajar paket keahlian Teknik furniture ini berisi materi kompetensi pedagogi, Menyelenggarakan penilaian dan evaluasi proses dan hasil belajar, dan materi kompetensi profesional, Mengelola pemakaian dan pengendalian Bahan Furnitur, Mengorganisasi Rekayasa dan Pemodelan Furnitur, Mengorganisasi Peralatan Tangan dan Mesin Portable Pengerjaan Furnitur, Mengorganisasi Mesin Stasioner Pengerjaan Furnitur,Mengorganisasi Pekerjaan Finishing Furnitur cara Reka oles dan Semprot, Mengorgani sasi Pekerjaan Jok Furnitur

    Modul guru pembelajar paket keahlian teknik konstruksi kayu kelompok kompetensi H

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    Modul diklat pengembangan keprofesian berkelanjutan bagi guru dan tenaga kependidikan ini diharapkan menjadi referensidan acuan bagi penyelenggara dan peserta diklat dalam melaksakan kegiatan sebaik-baiknya sehingga mampu meningkatkan kapasitas guru. Modul ini disajikan sebagai salah satu bentuk bahan dalam kegiatan pengembangan keprofesian berkelanjutan bagi guru dan tenaga kependidikan

    Modul guru pembelajar paket keahlian teknik konstruksi kayu kelompok kompetensi I

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    Modul diklat pengembangan keprofesian berkelanjutan bagi guru dan tenaga kependidikan ini diharapkan menjadi referensidan acuan bagi penyelenggara dan peserta diklat dalam melaksakan kegiatan sebaik-baiknya sehingga mampu meningkatkan kapasitas guru. Modul ini disajikan sebagai salah satu bentuk bahan dalam kegiatan pengembangan keprofesian berkelanjutan bagi guru dan tenaga kependidikan

    Development of Computer Assisted Instruction as a Means of Independent Learning

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    The development of Science, Technology, and Arts (IPTEKS) which so rapidly affects the process of implementing education can no longer be done conventionally. The learning methodology needs to adapt to these technological developments so that it can be carried out efficiently and effectively. This challenges education experts to continue to innovate in developing learning methods and strategies. How the learning process is carried out in a short time, and not always face to face between the lecturers and students but get the results as expected. One alternative to overcome this problem is to utilize computer-assisted instruction (CAI). This study aims to develop multi-media computer-assisted instruction (CAI) as a means of independent learning. This study uses the Multimedia Development Life Cycle method by Luther (1994), which includes six stages of development, namely concept (concept), design (design), material collection, assembly (manufacture), testing (testing), and distribution (distribution). At the testing stage, an alpha (alpha test) was carried out by the experts, while at the distribution stage the students were tested with indicators of usability, ease of use, ease of learning, and satisfaction. Conclusion for all aspects of the overall validity, practicability, and feasibility test, it can be ignored that multi-media computer-assisted instruction (CAI) is valid, practical, and worthy of being used as a means of independent learnin


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    Abstrak:Di era baru masa pandemi covid-19 diwajibkan setiap mahasiswa untuk melaksanakan kegiatan perkuliahan secara online atau daring. Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi sangat dibutuhkan dalam menunjang pembelajaran di masa era baru di masa pandemi covid-19. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan rancangan media pembelajaran berupa media e-learning berbasis video tutorial yang praktis untuk mata kuliah Tata Rias Foto/TV/Film pada materi rias karakter. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan dengan menggunakan model IDI (Instructional Development Institute). Penelitian ini melihat apakah media e-learning berbasis video tutorial yang dirancang ini praktis, kemudian dilakukan uji coba kepada pengguna, yaitu dosen dan mahasiswa. Aspek yang diuji cobakan kepada dosen untuk melihat aspek akses e-learning, aspek materi, aspek penyajian, aspek media e-learning berbasis video tutorial. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa media e-learning berbasis video tutorial oleh dosen sudah praktis, sedangkan kepada mahasiswa untuk melihat minat mahasiswa, proses penggunaannya, peningkatan keaktifan mahasiswa dan waktu mahasiswa dalam mempelajari Mata Kuliah Rias foto/TV/Film dan Karakter pada materi rias karakter di Jurusan Tata Rias dan Kecantikan FPP UNP dengan menggunakan media E-Learning Berbasis Video tutorial. Hasil praktikalitas oleh mahasiswa sudah praktis. Berdasarkan data di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa media e-learning berbasis video tutorial telah praktis dan dapat digunakan dalam pembelajaran di Jurusan Tata Rias dan Kecantikan FPP UNP dan dapat dikembangkan serta digunakan pada mata kuliah yang berbeda.Kata Kunci: Media Pembelajaran, E-learning, Video Tutorial, Praktis. Abstract:In the new era of the Covid-19 pandemic, all students are required to do online or online lecture activities. Information and communication technology is urgently needed to support learning in the new era during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study aims to produce a learning media design in the form of e-learning media based on practical video tutorials for Photography / TV / Film Make-up subject on character make-up material. This type of research is development research using the IDI (Instructional Development Institute) model. This study examines whether the designed video tutorial-based e-learning medium is practical, then tests are performed on users, that is, teachers and students. The aspects that were tested in the teachers were to see aspects of access to e-learning, material aspects, presentation aspects, aspects of e-learning media based on video tutorials. The results showed that the e-learning medium based on tutorial videos by the teachers was practical, while for the students, seeing the interest of the students, the process of its use, increased the activity of the students and the time of students in the studio of the Department of Photography / TV / Film and Makeup Courses of Characters of Makeup and Beauty, FPP UNP using e-learning media based on video tutorials. The results of practicality by students are practical. Based on the above data, it can be concluded that e-learning media based on video tutorials are practical and can be used in learning in the Department of Makeup and Beauty, FPP UNP and can be developed and used in different subjects.Keywords: e-learning, Learning media, practical video tutorials

    Principal's leadership in improving student learning outcomes

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    The purpose of this research was to identify, explain, and analyze the principal's of headmasters learning as a step in improving student learning outcomes. The method used is a literature study method with a conceptual research approach related to ideas and theories. Principal leadership in improving student learning outcomes is the most important element in improving the quality of education. In order to be able to improve the quality of education, school principals must do good learning in their leadership. Based on the instructional leadership model expressed by Weber dan Murphy, it can be concluded that good instructional leadership must include activities including, developing the school's vision, mission, and goals, developing learning programs that can meet needs, developing an academic learning climate, creating a work environment that is conducive to learning. support and implement comprehensive learning assessments. Principal instructional leadership is a multidimensional construct that focuses on how principals organize and perform coordination tasks in school life. In creating effective learning lead ership a synergistic relationship is needed with all school members

    Influence of Leadership Orientation and Level of Awards Against Employee Loyalty in Lancang Kuning University

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    Human resources are people who design and produce goods or services, oversee quality, market products, allocate financial resources and formulate all strategies and objectives of the organization. Full and continuous management and utilization of existing human resources so that they can work optimally, effectively and productively in achieving organizational or company goals. Lancang Kuning University is an educational institution that has administrative and teaching and learning activities. The total number of employees or employees is 513, consisting of 377 educators and 144 education staff. Simultaneous Influence. Based on the results of the discussion, the simultaneous influence of leadership orientation and rewards on employee loyalty is 32.1%, while the remaining 67.9%, while the partial effect of multiple regression analysis shows that supervision has an influence on employee work discipline by 0.435, awards have an influence to employee loyalty of 0.279

    Reliability and Validity of RIASEC Holland's on Predicting Success Career for Vocational Students

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    This study aims to test the reliability and construct validity of the Holland RIASEC instrument, which is a psychometric approach to examining human personality based on six domains, namely Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional. This instrument is used to measure and recommend the type of work that suits students’ personalities in the vocational field.  This study uses a non-experimental method with a quantitative research approach and involved 178 vocational students at Universitas Negeri Padang. The data analysis techniques used are Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). The results showed that the reliability of the six Indonesian version of Holland’s personality was quite high, with Cronbach’s alpha values between 0.601 and 0.699. In addition, there was a positive correlation between Holland’s personality. Construct validity showed a fit model with a p-value of 0.26972 and RMSEA = 0.02. This indicates that the empirical data is in line with the RIASEC typology model, which is the theoretical concept

    Modul guru pembelajar paket keahlian teknik furniture : kelompok kompetensi c

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    Pedoman penyusunan modul diklat pengembangan keprofesian berkelanjutan bagi guru dan tenaga kependidikan merupakan petunjuk bagi penyelenggara pelatihan di dalam melaksakan pengembangan modul. Pedoman ini disajikan untuk memberikan informasi tentang penyusunan modul sebagai salah satu bentuk bahan dalam kegiatan pengembangan keprofesian berkelanjutan bagi guru dan tenaga kependidikan
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