248 research outputs found

    The Quest for the Ethiopian Prester John and its Eschatological Implications

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    El encuentro entre civilizaciones europeas y etíopes a principios de la Edad Moderna estuvo significativamente marcado por las expectativas europeas sobre la leyenda del Preste Juan, un poderoso gobernante cristiano oriental que ayudaría a los cristianos occidentales en su cruzada lucha contra los enemigos musulmanes. Después de recordar los pasos iniciales que, desde el siglo xiv, llevaron gradualmente a los autores europeos a cambiar la ubicación del Preste Juan desde Asia central a Etiopía, este artículo tiene la intención de arrojar cierta luz sobre las premisas escatológicas que inspiraron tanto la leyenda europea del preste Juan, como las tradiciones etíopes sobre el papel que el Negus y el Emperador romano tendrían para establecer un reino final de justicia y paz al fi nal de los tiempos. Así, se comparan las fuentes más relevantes que resaltan el parentesco entre estas dos corrientes de pensamiento de la escatología cristiana, basadas en escritos seminales de la tradición siríaca derivados de las profecías del Pseudo-Metodio.The encounter between European and Ethiopian civilizations in early modern age was considerably marked by European expectations on the legend of Prester John, a mighty eastern Christian ruler who would help Western Christians in their crusading struggle against the Muslim foes. After recalling the main steps that gradually led European authors to shift the location of Prester John from Central Asia to Ethiopia since the fourteenth century, this paper intends to cast light on the eschatological premises that inspired both the European legend of Prester John and the Ethiopian traditions centred around the role assigned to the negus and the Roman emperor in the establishment of a final kingdom of justice and peace at the end of times, by comparing the most relevant sources that highlight the kinship between these two streams of Christian eschatological thought, both grounded on seminal writings of the Syriac tradition derived from Pseudo-Methodius's Revelationes


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    L’articolo intende presentare i tratti essenziali della terminologia tecnica in lingua italiana giunta a consolidarsi nelle partiture musicali nel periodo compreso fra il XVIII e il XX secolo. Il lessico musicale in lingua italiana viene classificato sulla base di quattro categorie fondamentali, secondo la diversa funzione e il diverso significato che i vari termini vengono ad assolvere: 1) genere musicale (Sonata, Sinfonia, Quartetto, Fuga, ecc.); 2) le indicazioni di carattere agogico, relative cioè alla definizione del tempo musicale (Andante, Allegro, Presto; ma anche rallentando, accelerando, ecc.); 3) le indicazioni di carattere dinamico, relative alla diversa gradazione nell’intensità del volume delle note (i celebri piano e forte, con le loro numerose gradazioni, ma anche crescendo, diminuendo, ecc.); 4) altre indicazioni di carattere espressivo, osservabili nella successione dei righi musicali (come dolce, scherzando, con fuoco, ecc.). Nello studio viene inoltre osservata la ricorrenza dei termini tecnici in lingua italiana a confronto con quelli impiegati nella lingua madre da parte di alcuni compositori stranieri di lingua tedesca e francese.  Italian language in musical scores from the Eighteenth to the Twentieth centuries  The article aims to present the essential features of consolidated Italian technical terminology in musical scores between the eighteenth and twentieth centuries. Musical lexis in Italian is classified on the basis of four fundamental categories, according to different functions and different meanings of the various terms: 1) genre (Sonata, Sinfonia, Quartetto, Fuga, etc.); 2) agogical aspects, ie.. relating to the definition of tempo (Andante, Allegro, Presto, but also rallentando, accelerando, etc.); 3) dynamics, related to different degrees of the intensity of the volume of the notes (the famous piano and forte, with their numerous gradations, but also crescendo, diminuendo, etc.); 4) other expressive characteristics, observable in the succession of musical staves (as dolce, scherzando, con fuoco, etc.). In the works of some German and French composers, we also observe the occurrence of technical terms in Italian in comparison to those used in their native languages

    Curved Walking Rehabilitation with a Rotating Treadmill in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease: A Proof of Concept

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    Training subjects to step-in-place eyes open on a rotating platform while maintaining a fixed body orientation in space [podokinetic stimulation (PKS)] produces a posteffect consisting in inadvertent turning around while stepping-in-place eyes closed [podokinetic after-rotation (PKAR)]. Since the rationale for rehabilitation of curved walking in Parkinson's disease is not fully known, we tested the hypothesis that repeated PKS favors the production of curved walking in these patients, who are uneasy with turning, even when straight walking is little affected. Fifteen patients participated in 10 training sessions distributed in 3 weeks. Both counterclockwise and clockwise PKS were randomly administered in each session. PKS velocity and duration were gradually increased over sessions. The velocity and duration of the following PKAR were assessed. All patients showed PKAR, which increased progressively in peak velocity and duration. In addition, before and at the end of the treatment, all patients walked overground along linear and circular trajectories. Post-training, the velocity of walking bouts increased, more so for the circular than the linear trajectory. Cadence was not affected. This study has shown that parkinsonian patients learn to produce turning while stepping when faced with appropriate training and that this capacity translates into improved overground curved walking

    Walking Along Curved Trajectories. Changes With Age and Parkinson's Disease. Hints to Rehabilitation

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    In this review, we briefly recall the fundamental processes allowing us to change locomotion trajectory and keep walking along a curved path and provide a review of contemporary literature on turning in older adults and people with Parkinson's Disease (PD). The first part briefly summarizes the way the body exploits the physical laws to produce a curved walking trajectory. Then, the changes in muscle and brain activation underpinning this task, and the promoting role of proprioception, are briefly considered. Another section is devoted to the gait changes occurring in curved walking and steering with aging. Further, freezing during turning and rehabilitation of curved walking in patients with PD is mentioned in the last part. Obviously, as the research on body steering while walking or turning has boomed in the last 10 years, the relevant critical issues have been tackled and ways to improve this locomotor task proposed. Rationale and evidences for successful training procedures are available, to potentially reduce the risk of falling in both older adults and patients with PD. A better understanding of the pathophysiology of steering, of the subtle but vital interaction between posture, balance, and progression along non-linear trajectories, and of the residual motor learning capacities in these cohorts may provide solid bases for new rehabilitative approaches


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    L’articolo intende esaminare le caratteristiche principali dell’«italiano musicale» in alcune partiture del repertorio vocale classico giapponese del XIX e del XX secolo. Nella parte introduttiva vengono esaminati i tratti principali della storia e della cultura musicale giapponese, con particolare riferimento all’introduzione del sistema occidentale e alla sua fusione con il repertorio preesistente durante l’epoca Meiji; vengono successivamente presentati in traduzione alcuni brani particolarmente rappresentativi, con alcune indicazioni biografiche sui rispettivi autori.Nella seconda parte, viene esaminato più nel dettaglio il lessico musicale in alcune partiture, seguendo la seguente classificazione: 1) indicazioni sul genere e sul titolo delle composizioni; 2) indicazioni di carattere agogico e di espressione; 3) indicazione di carattere dinamico. Particolare attenzione è dedicata alle motivazioni che spingono i compositori giapponesi ad alternare la lingua italiana alla lingua nazionale, nonché alla capacità dell’«italiano musicale» di adattarsi alle peculiari esigenze espressive di un orizzonte artistico piuttosto lontano da quello europeo. Italian and Japanese language in some japanese music scoresThe article will examine the main features of Italian musical language in some scores of the Japanese classical vocal repertoire of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The introductory part reviews the main features of the history and culture of Japanese music, particularly in the context of the Western system and its merging with the existing repertoire during the Meiji era; some particularly significant translated excerpts are presented, with some biographical information about the authors.In the second part, the musical lexicon in some scores is examined in greater depth, classified in the following manner: 1) details of the type and title of the compositions; 2) agogic and expressive aspects; 3) indication of the dynamics. Particular attention is paid to what motivates Japanese composers to alternate Italian with Japanese, and the ability of Italian musical language to adapt to the specific expressive needs in an artistic sphere that is far from the European one

    Rescheduling rehabilitation sessions with answer set programming

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    The rehabilitation scheduling process consists of planning rehabilitation physiotherapy sessions for patients, by assigning proper operators to them in a certain time slot of a given day, taking into account several requirements and optimizations, e.g. patient’s preferences and operator’s work balancing. Being able to efficiently solve such problem is of upmost importance, in particular as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic that significantly increased rehabilitation’s needs. The problem has been recently successfully solved via a two-phase solution based on answer set programming (ASP). In this paper, we focus on the problem of rescheduling the rehabilitation sessions, which comes into play when the original schedule cannot be implemented, for reasons that involve the unavailability of operators and/or the absence of patients. We provide rescheduling solutions based on ASP for both phases, considering different scenarios. Results of experiments performed on real benchmarks, provided by ICS Maugeri, show that also the rescheduling problem can be solved in a satisfactory way. Finally, we present a web application that supports the usage of our solution

    Effect of dietary supplementation with Lactobacillus acidophilus D2/CSL (CECT 4529) on caecum microbioma and productive performance in broiler chickens

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    This study examines the effects of the dietary supplementation with Lactobacillus acidophilus D2/CSL (CECT 4529) (LA) on productive performances, incidence of foot pad dermatitis and caecum microbioma in broiler chickens. A total of 1,100 one-day old male Ross 308 chicks were divided into 2 groups of 16 replicates with 25 birds each and reared from 1-41 d. One group was fed a basal diet (CON) and the other group the same diet supplemented with LA. Caecum contents were collected from 4 selected birds at day one and 5 selected birds at the end of the rearing period. Then, they were submitted to DNA extraction and whole DNA shotgun metagenomic sequencing. Overall, the LA supplementation produced a significant beneficial effect on body weight gain between 15-28 d and improved feed conversion rate in the overall period. On the contrary, litter moisture, pH and incidence of the foot pad lesions were not affected by LA. Birds treated with LA showed a lower occurrence of pasty vent at both 14 and 28 d. At the end of the rearing period, Lachanospiraceae were significantly higher in LA birds in comparison to CON (17.07 vs 14.39%; P = 0.036). Moreover, Ruminococcus obeum, Clostridium clostridioforme, Roseburia intestinalis, Lachnos-piraceae bacterium 14-2T and Coprococcus eutactuswere significantly higher in LA birds in comparison to CON. The relative abundance of Lactobacillus acidophilus was comparable between LA and CON groups. However, a positive effect was observed in relation to the metabolic functions in the treated group, with particular reference to the higher abundance of \u3b2-glucosidase. In conclusion, the LA supplementation improved broiler productive performances and metabolic functions promoting animal health
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