124 research outputs found

    À margem da rua: o novo espaço público

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    Este artigo aborda as transformações ocorridas no espaço público em razão do papel que os museus de arte contemporânea passaram a desempenhar atualmente nas cidades.This article deals with the transformations occurred in the public space due to the new role of the Museums of Contemporary art in the cities nowadays

    O espelho invertido

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    O objetivo deste artigo é discutir de que modo a pintura dos imigrantes japoneses residentes no Brasil está de alguma maneira relacionada ao que o Japão produziu nos períodos moderno e contemporâneo. Ao longo de sua pesquisa, o autor constatava com espanto que a grande maioria dos japoneses não fazia ideia da importância cultural que possuem seus imigrantes para o contexto brasileiro. A conclusão primeira era a de que seria muito difícil estabelecer uma comparação direta entre os dois grupos sem levar em consideração um estilo internacional (americano e europeu), bem como a personalidade e o estilo dos artistas abordados.The aim of this article is to discuss how the Japanese immigrant painting is related somehow to what Japan produced in the modern and contemporary period. During the research the author was shocked by the fact that the majority of the Japanese have no idea about the cultural importance of their immigrants in the Brazilian context. The author conclusion is that is very difficult to establish a direct comparison between theses two trends without taking into account the international style (American and European) as well as the personality and style of the artists taking into account

    Venice in Volpi

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    The article seeks to investigate how Volpi’s voyage to Europe, specially Venice, has had a significant impact on the artist’s pictorial work since this city has chromatic and urban features that can be seen in the artist’s paintings from the 50’s. Este artigo indaga em que medida a viagem realizada por Volpi para a Europa, em particular a Veneza, teve impacto significativo na sua obra pictórica, pois esta cidade possui características cromáticas e urbanísticas que podem ser vistas nas pinturas do artista a partir da década de 1950.  &nbsp

    International Standard Problem No 50 – The University of Pisa contribution

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    The present paper deals with the participation of the University of Pisa in the last International Standard Problem (ISP) focused on system thermal hydraulic, which was led by the Korean Atomic Energy Research Institution (KAERI). The selected test was a Direct Vessel Injection (DVI) line break carried out at the ATLAS facility. University of Pisa participated, together with other eighteen institutions, in both blind and open phase of the analytical exercise pursuing its methodology for developing and qualifying a nodalization. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the code results have been performed for both ISP-50 phases, the latter adopting the Fast Fourier Transfer Based Method (FFTBM). The experiment has been characterized by three dimensional behavior in downcomer and core region. Even though an attempt to reproduce these phenomena, by developing a fictitious three-dimensional nodalization has been realized, the obtained results were generally acceptable but not fully satisfactory in replicating 3D behavio

    “Ars”: Visual Arts magazine by PPGAV, ECA/University of Sao Paulo

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    The “Ars” magazine, created by the graduate program in Visual Arts from Escola de Comunicação e Artes [School of Arts and Communication], at the University of Sao Paulo, gathers art relevant works by students at the university and outside of the academia. The magazine suggests that the issues involving an art school should not remain restricted to the academic environment, but should be taken as a cultural debate beyond the University walls and doubt art perspectives in a contemporary context