1,122 research outputs found

    Low-cost GPS/GNSS Real Time Kinematic receiver to build a cartographic grid on the ground for an archaeological survey at Piscina Torta (Italy)

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    The collection of samples and finds for archaeological surveys is traditionally based on the establishment of grids that allow the area under study to be discretized into generally square cells in order to allow a statistical assessment of the highest or lowest concentration of finds. Currently, such grids are implemented in a local coordinate system established by means of total stations or tape measures. We validated the capabilities of a low-cost GPS/GNSS Real Time Kinematic (RTK) receiver to build a grid during the intensive archaeological survey of the Piscina Torta site (Italy), in the framework of the Salt and Power project of the University of Groningen. We also tested not using a local grid but a cartographic grid (WGS84 UTM zone 33 N) and naming the single cells with the coordinates of one of its vertices. This approach is greatly facilitated by the recent availability of inexpensive RTK receivers with few centimetres accuracy, very small in size and weight and with hardware protected enough to be used in the field. This would facilitate the use and exchange of the data (e.g. about the materials collected in the cell) among the scientific community and can be thought of as a proposal for standardization

    Low-cost GPS/GNSS Real Time Kinematic receiver to build a cartographic grid on the ground for an archaeological survey at Piscina Torta (Italy)

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    The collection of samples and finds for archaeological surveys is traditionally based on the establishment of grids that allow the area under study to be discretized into generally square cells in order to allow a statistical assessment of the highest or lowest concentration of finds. Currently, such grids are implemented in a local coordinate system established by means of total stations or tape measures. We validated the capabilities of a low-cost GPS/GNSS Real Time Kinematic (RTK) receiver to build a grid during the intensive archaeological survey of the Piscina Torta site (Italy), in the framework of the Salt and Power project of the University of Groningen. We also tested not using a local grid but a cartographic grid (WGS84 UTM zone 33 N) and naming the single cells with the coordinates of one of its vertices. This approach is greatly facilitated by the recent availability of inexpensive RTK receivers with few centimetres accuracy, very small in size and weight and with hardware protected enough to be used in the field. This would facilitate the use and exchange of the data (e.g. about the materials collected in the cell) among the scientific community and can be thought of as a proposal for standardization

    Potencial aplicación farmacéutica de un exopolisacárido tipo levano producido por Bacillus sp. aislado de miel de abejas nativas sin aguijón

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    IntroducciónLos melipónidos son un grupo de insectos de la familia Apidae (Hymenoptera: Apidae:Meliponini), cuyos productos, miel, polen y propóleos fueron utilizados por los pueblosnativos de América como alimento y medicina. La miel que producen tiene propiedadesdiferentes a la de Apis mellifera y sus características microbianas son consecuencia de labiota intrínseca de las abejas. Los exopolisacáridos (EPS) son polímeros extracelularesproducidos por bacterias y eucariotas. Los EPS producidos por bacterias pertenecientesal género Bacillus, se aplican en diferentes sectores industriales. En particular el Levano,un tipo de EPS, es un fructano que presenta uniones β-(2,6). La coencapsulación de másde un componente bioactivo con diferentes características es un concepto desafiante y demucha aplicación en los sistemas de administración farmacéutica.ObjetivoEn este trabajo se evaluó el efecto de un EPS, tipo levano, producido por Bacillus sp. 4A, aislado de miel de abejas nativas sin aguijón (Scaptotrigona jujuyensis), sobre cepasde Lactobacillus casei, (1232 y 76). Además se estudió el efecto de una fuente alternativade omega-3.Materiales y métodosEl efecto prebiótico del EPS sobre Lactobacillus casei, se evaluó en medio MRS caldo,limitando la fuente de carbono y adicionando según corresponda diferentes sustratos:EPS, EPS hidrolizado, Omega-3 y Omega-3 más EPS. Cada condición, fue inoculada conel microorganismo a 30ºC y el crecimiento fue monitoreado durante 48 hs. midiendo laDO a 600nm.Resultados y discusiónAmbas cepas de L. casei, mostraron un comportamiento similar frente a los diferentessustratos. En presencia de EPS hidrolizado se observó el mayor crecimiento seguido delobservado en presencia del EPS sin hidrolizar. Esto indica el potencial efecto prebióticodel EPS de Bacillus sp. 4A. También se evaluó el efecto de Omega-3 y su combinacióncon EPS sobre el crecimiento microbiano. La combinación de omega-3 y EPS, mejoró elcrecimiento con respecto al Omega-3 solo.ConclusionesNuestros resultados indicarían que el EPS producido por Bacillus sp. 4A, aislado deabejas nativas sin aguijón, podría ser utilizado como agente encapsulante encoadministración con Omega-3 y L. casei. para el diseño de un producto con propiedadesnutracéuticasFil: Salomón, Virginia María. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria; ArgentinaFil: Gianni de Carvalho, Katia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Planta Piloto de Procesos Industriales Microbiológicos; ArgentinaFil: Gennari, Gerardo Pablo. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria; ArgentinaFil: Maldonado, Luis María. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria; ArgentinaFil: Vera, Nancy Roxana. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Bioquímica, Química y Farmacia; ArgentinaFil: Romero, Cintia Mariana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Planta Piloto de Procesos Industriales Microbiológicos; ArgentinaI Encuentro Iberoamericano de Investigación en Ciencias Farmacéuticas y XIV Jornadas Día del Farmacéutico 2019ChubutArgentinaUniversidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Ciencias de la Salu

    Efecto de la temperatura de refrigeración sobre la calidad de la carne de novillos

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    At the "Dr. Mario Cassinoni" Experimental Station of the Facultad de Agronomí­a in Paysandíº, Uruguay the effect of refrigeration temperature was studied, 4.5 ºC +- 0.2 for control, and 11.0 ºC +- 0.5 (average and standard deviation, respectively) for treatment for the period of twelve h, on Holstein steers' hygienic and instrumental meat quality. Carcass weight losses due to airing, pH, a* and b* color measurements, losses due to cooking and sarcomere length were not affected by refrigeration treatments (P>0.05). Meanwhile carcasses that were kept in airing chambers at 11 ºC for 12 h showed lower L* values (luminosity) and a significant increase in microorganism count (total anaerobic) in a sample carried out 24 h post mortem. Anyway values can be considered as acceptable. Texture results confirm that this variable improves with ageing, independently of temperature (3.2, 2.9, 2.6 and 2.5 kg for 1, 7, 14 and 21 ageing, respectively), especially during the first two weeks.En la Estación Experimental "Dr. Mario A. Cassinoni" de la Facultad de Agronomí­a (Paysandíº, Uruguay), se evaluó el efecto de la temperatura de refrigeración, grupo testigo (4.5 +- 0.2 °C) y grupo tratado (11.0 +- 0.5 °C) durante 12 h a temperatura de oreo: (promedio y desviación estándar, respectivamente), sobre la calidad higiénica e instrumental de la carne de novillos Holstein. Las pérdidas por oreo de la canal, el pH, las mediciones a* y b* del color, las pérdidas por cocción y la longitud de sarcómero no resultaron afectadas por los tratamientos de refrigeración (P>0.05). Las canales que permanecieron en cámara de oreo a 11 ºC por 12 h, mostraron valores de luminosidad (L*) más bajos y un incremento significativo en el níºmero de microorganismos (aerobios totales) en el muestreo realizado a las 24 h postmortem. De todas formas, los valores se consideran aceptables. Los resultados en textura confirman la mejora en dicha variable conforme transcurrió la maduración, independientemente de la temperatura de refrigeración (3.2, 2.9, 2.6 y 2.5 kg, para 1, 7, 14 y 21 dí­as de maduración, respectivamente), principalmente durante las dos primeras semanas

    Relato de caso acerca da importância das práticas extracurriculares em maternidade de referência para acadêmicos de medicina: Case report about the importance of extracurricular practices in reference maternity for medicine academics

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    As práticas em Ginecologia e Obstetrícia (G.O) são fundamentais para que os estudantes possam vivenciar as mais variadas patologias do período gestacional e puerperal. Dessa forma, as experiências extracurriculares em outros serviços constituem excelentes oportunidades com vistas ao aprimoramento pessoal e científico em acadêmicos, sobretudo na sala de parto e nas consultas pré-nataisAs práticas em Ginecologia e Obstetrícia (G.O) são fundamentais para que os estudantes possam vivenciar as mais variadas patologias do período gestacional e puerperal. Dessa forma, as experiências extracurriculares em outros serviços constituem excelentes oportunidades com vistas ao aprimoramento pessoal e científico em acadêmicos, sobretudo na sala de parto e nas consultas pré-natai

    The risk of stroke recurrence in patients with atrial fibrillation and reduced ejection fraction

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    Abstract Background: Atrial fibrillation (AF) and congestive heart failure often coexist due to their shared risk factors leading to potential worse outcome, particularly cerebrovascular events. The aims of this study were to calculate the rates of ischemic and severe bleeding events in ischemic stroke patients having both AF and reduced ejection fraction (rEF) (⩽40%), compared to ischemic stroke patients with AF but without rEF. Methods: We performed a retrospective analysis that drew data from prospective studies. The primary outcome was the composite of either ischemic (stroke or systemic embolism), or hemorrhagic events (symptomatic intracranial bleeding and severe extracranial bleeding). Results: The cohort for this analysis comprised 3477 patients with ischemic stroke and AF, of which, 643 (18.3%) had also rEF. After a mean follow-up of 7.5 ± 9.1 months, 375 (10.8%) patients had 382 recorded outcome events, for an annual rate of 18.0%. While the number of primary outcome events in patients with rEF was 86 (13.4%), compared to 289 (10.2%) for the patients without rEF; on multivariable analysis rEF was not associated with the primary outcome (OR 1.25; 95% CI 0.84–1.88). At the end of follow-up, 321 (49.9%) patients with rEF were deceased or disabled (mRS ⩾3), compared with 1145 (40.4%) of those without rEF; on multivariable analysis, rEF was correlated with mortality or disability (OR 1.35; 95% CI 1.03–1.77). Conclusions: In patients with ischemic stroke and AF, the presence of rEF was not associated with the composite outcome of ischemic or hemorrhagic events over short-term follow-up but was associated with increased mortality or disability