3,063 research outputs found

    A New Forecasting Model for the Diffusion of ISO 9000 Standard Certifications in European Countries

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    ISO 9000 standards for quality system management are involving a higher and higher number of enterprises and organizations. This paper presents a detailed analysis of certification diffusion in Italy and in some European countries with similar economic structures. Benchmarking and evolution forecasts are based on the "logistic model", traditionally used for studying biological growth phenomena. The presentation is supported by many empirical data, which show that, in many countries, the phenomenon is going to be close to saturation. Finally, some considerations about new developments, after the present "certification era", are proposed

    A participatory design approach for the development of support environments in eGovernment services to citizens

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    The introduction of eGovernment services and applications leads to major changes in the structure and operation of public administrations. In this paper we describe the work in progress in an Italian project called “SPO.T.” aimed at the analysis, development, deployment and evaluation of tools and environments to support the people who plan, deliver, use and evaluate user-centred provision of One-Stop-Shop services to citizens. The “SPO.T.” project has focused on two requirements: 1. the support tools and environments must facilitate the active involvement of all stakeholders in the definition and evolution of eGovernment applications and services, and it is argued that through participatory design changes of structure, process and culture can be delivered effectively; 2. they must embody a set of architecturally coherent resources which reflect the new roles and relationships of public administration and which are sufficiently generic to be relevant to a wide range of local contexts across the community

    The Multifaceted Activity of the VirF Regulatory Protein in the Shigella Lifestyle

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    Shigella is a highly adapted human pathogen, mainly found in the developing world and causing a severe enteric syndrome. The highly sophisticated infectious strategy of Shigella banks on the capacity to invade the intestinal epithelial barrier and cause its inflammatory destruction. The cellular pathogenesis and clinical presentation of shigellosis are the sum of the complex action of a large number of bacterial virulence factors mainly located on a large virulence plasmid (pINV). The expression of pINV genes is controlled by multiple environmental stimuli through a regulatory cascade involving proteins and sRNAs encoded by both the pINV and the chromosome. The primary regulator of the virulence phenotype is VirF, a DNA-binding protein belonging to the AraC family of transcriptional regulators. The virF gene, located on the pINV, is expressed only within the host, mainly in response to the temperature transition occurring when the bacterium transits from the outer environment to the intestinal milieu. VirF then acts as anti-H-NS protein and directly activates the icsA and virB genes, triggering the full expression of the invasion program of Shigella. In this review we will focus on the structure of VirF, on its sophisticated regulation, and on its role as major player in the path leading from the non-invasive to the invasive phenotype of Shigella. We will address also the involvement of VirF in mechanisms aimed at withstanding adverse conditions inside the host, indicating that this protein is emerging as a global regulator whose action is not limited to virulence systems. Finally, we will discuss recent observations conferring VirF the potential of a novel antibacterial target for shigellosis

    Growth dynamics of ‘Imola’ poplar clone (Populus ×canadensis Mönch) under different cultivation inputs

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    The influence of environmental drivers and management strategies on crops growth is a focal point to deal with the potential impact of the climate changes on forest yields. The main aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of irrigation and fertilization on growth dynamics of ‘Imola’ clone, an elite poplar crossed from Populus deltoides Bartr. and Populus nigra L. for short rotation coppice purposes. Using a split-plot design with three replications, two treatments were applied (irrigation and fertilization) with two levels each one: ‘no’ and ‘yes’; 4 theses were considered: irrigation-only (IRR), fertilization-only (FRT) and the irrigation with fertilization (IRF) and control (CRT). At the end of the first 5-year cycle the average yield, in dry matter, was 36.8 Mg ha-1 for non-irrigated plots and 80.8 Mg ha-1 for irrigated plots. While no statistical evidence was detectable for fertilization treatment, a Linear Mixed Model analysis applied to data highlighted the Summer (June-August) as key season for the irrigation of trees. Conversely, interaction between irrigation and fertilization negatively affected growth in the same period. Overall, this trial demonstrated a low impact of fertilization on growth dynamics. Water availability was confirmed as the most important factor for poplar growth, in such site, focusing on the importance of studying alternative, less impacting methods for irrigating such crops

    Spatial organization of seismicity and fracture pattern in NE Italy and W Slovenia

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    Abstract The study focuses on the spatial organization of seismicity and the relation between fracture pattern and earthquakes in the Friuli (north-eastern Italy) and western Slovenia seismic regions. The structural setting is characterized by a complex structure resulting from the superposition of several tectonic phases that generated NWSE trending Dinaric faults and about E-W trending Alpine faults. The upper crust is characterized by lithological and mechanical heterogeneities. The fractal analysis shows that, in general, the seismicity only partially fills a plane. Only in a few cases, the earthquakes distribute on planar structures. The orientation of planes that fit through the hypocentres shows a different disposition at the two depth intervals analysed. The shallower interval (0\u201310 km) is characterized by planes with highly variable orientations. The spatial seismicity is investigated in the context of a general damage model, represented by the crack density distribution. The results evidence that the seismicity appears mostly located along sharp transition areas from low crack density to higher crack density, i.e., from zones of low damage to zones of intermediate damage. These zones are characterized by high heterogeneity due to the superposition of different tectonic phases and by the maximum interference between Dinaric and Alpine domains. The orientation of the planes fitting the seismicity at 10\u201320-km depth appears less dispersed, coinciding with the trend of Dinaric subvertical faults in the northern and eastern parts of the study area, and with Alpine low-angle faults in the western and southern parts

    A revision of Altman’s Z- Score for SMEs: suggestions from the Italian Bankruptcy Law and pandemic perspectives

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    As the pandemic urged further investigations on the prediction of firms’ financial distress, this study develops and tests an alternative measure to the alert system elaborated by the NCCAAE which combines the benefits of the Z-score’s multivariate discriminant model with the background employed to develop the NCCAAE’ predictors. Using a sample of 43 viable and 43 non-viable Italian SMEs, we first compare the financial distress predictive accuracy of the NCCAAE’s alert system to that of the traditional Z-score over the period 2015-2019. On the basis of the results, we elaborate and compare the revised versions of both approaches which align the traditional Z-score to the current socio-economic conditions and provide an alternative measure to the NCCAAE’s alert system which embeds a Z-score calculated using the ratios elaborated by the NCCAAE for the alert system. The analysis of the two baseline approaches showed complementary results as the Z-score overperformed the alert system when predicting the status of non-viable firms whereas the opposite emerged as regards viable firms. The revised version of both approaches pointed out an enhanced predictive accuracy with respect to baseline models. In particular, the complementary role of the Z-score has been integrated into the new alert system as major contribute to its enhancement which pointed it out as the best measure employed. We, therefore, contribute to the literature studying the financial distress prediction developments by elaborating an alternative measure to the alert system developed by the NCCAAE which combines the benefits of the Z-score’s multivariate discriminant function with the background employed to develop the NCCAAE’ predictors. Our analysis enriches the post-pandemic debate on refined financial distressed prediction methods by pointing out the limits of the alert system as designed by the NCCAAE and suggests an alternative and better performing measure that may be used by third-party bodies to predict financial distress

    Folding and Misfolding in a Naturally Occurring Circularly Permuted PDZ Domain

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    One of the most extreme and fascinating examples of naturally occurring mutagenesis is represented by circular permutation. Circular permutations involve the linking of two chain ends and cleavage at another site. Here we report the first description of the folding mechanism of a naturally occurring circularly permuted protein, a PDZ domain from the green alga Scenedesmus obliquus. Data reveal that the folding of the permuted protein is characterized by the presence of a low energy off-pathway kinetic trap. This finding contrasts with what was previously observed for canonical PDZ domains that, although displaying a similar primary structure when structurally re-aligned, fold via an on-pathway productive intermediate. Although circular permutation of PDZ domains may be necessary for a correct orientation of their functional sites in multi-domain protein scaffolds, such structural rearrangement may compromise their folding pathway. This study provides a straightforward example of the divergent demands of folding and function

    PoĆŒegnajmy sƂabą myƛl, ktĂłra dzieli filozofĂłw

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    Neurochimica della anoressia neoplastica

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