19 research outputs found

    Flora e paesaggio vegetale del Sarrabus-Gerrei (Sardegna sud orientale)

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    Le ricerche hanno riguardato lo studio della flora e del paesaggio vegetale del Sarrabus-Gerrei (Sardegna sud orientale), un’area che si estende per 160000 ettari nella provincia di Cagliari. Il territorio è caratterizzato in prevalenza da rocce intrusive granitiche del Carbonifero e metamorfiche devoniche e siluriane. Dal punto di vista bioclimatico i territori indagati sono compresi in termotipi variabili dal termomediterraneo inferiore al mesomediterraneo superiore e ombrotipi che vanno dal secco inferiore all’umido inferiore. Le ricerche sulla flora hanno permesso di censire 1447 unità tassonomiche comprese in 125 famiglie e 565 generi. Le endemiche sono risultate costituite da 112 taxa compresi in 68 generi e 30 famiglie. Relativamente alle misure di tutela e protezione 60 taxa risultano inseriti nelle Liste Rosse IUCN, 4 nella direttiva Comunitaria Habitat 92/43 e 17 nella CITES. Il paesaggio vegetale risultato costituito da numerose fitocenosi appartenenti alle seguenti classi: Quercetea ilicis, Querco-Fagetea, Nerio-Tamaricetea, Salicetea purpureae, Cisto-Lavanduletea, Rosmarinetea officinalis, Lemnetea, Potametea, Phragmito-Magnocaricetea, Ammophiletea, Helichryso stoechadis-Crucianelletea maritimae, Cakiletea maritimae, Ruppietea maritimae, Posidonietea, Crithmo-Limonietea, Juncetea maritimi, Saginetea maritimae, Salicornietea fruticosae, Arthrocnemetea, Thero-Suadetea, Asplenietea tricomanis, Paritarietea, Anondo-Polypodietea, Scrophulario-Helichrysetea italici, Helianthemetea, Artemisietea vulgaris, Polygono-Poetea annue, Stellarietea mediae, Thero-Brachypodietea, Poetea bulbosae

    La qualitĂ  negli interventi di ammodernamento e sistemazione della viabilitĂ  ordinaria extraurbana

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    This paper turns its attention to the problems concerning the works which, usually, are not considered impacting on the crossing territory. For this reason they escape to a correct control of their environmental compatibility, control that results to depend on designer sensibility and capacity. This is the major part of the ordinary one way viability, that, very often, move itself in places with their own sensibility. Currently the need to improve existing viability give occasion to think about an environmental compatibility of the whole road constructions, not only the wudge ones, allouding that the improvment became also “environmental”. In this contest, in the environmental qualifications of the interested area, plays a central rule the project of the green arrangement

    Modificazioni e strategie competitive osservate nella flora dell’isola Rossa di Teulada (Sardegna sud occidentale)

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    The authors report on the results of their survey on the Isola Rossa near Teulada (South-western Sardinia). The flora found on the island, which consisted of 206 entities, grouped in 59 families and distributed in 157 genera, differs notably from the flora surveyed 50 years ago. In particular, 81 new species have been found, while 44 species listed in the earlier survey have not been confirmed. Comparison of typically mediterranean biological spectra showed an increase in terophytes and a sharp decrease in hemicriptophytes. The application of Grime’s triangular system to this survey and the earlier one showed that floral changes are characterised by a decrease in stress-resistant species and an increase in ruderal species. The vegetation cover has also undergone major changes. The colonising capacity of Brassica insularis is particularly interesting in this regard: this plant, which was previously found only on the northern side of the island, is now scattered throughout the island. All these changes have also been confirmed by the turnover ratio, which is in excess of 60%, and highlights the occurrence of deep environmental changes

    Flora vascolare del Capo di Monte Santu (Sardegna centro orientale)

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    The vascular flora of Capo di Monte Santu (Central-Eastern Sardinia) – The Authors present their study on the flora of Capo di Monte Santu, a calcareous area forming the southern tip of the Gulf of Orosei. Investigation allowed us to identify 381 taxa, belonging to 62 families and comprising 228 genera. Data regarding the biological spectrum show a prevalence of therophytes (49.2%), typical of the regions of the Mediterranean area, followed by hemicryptophytes (21.8%) and geophytes (10.8%). An overview of the chorological spectrum of the flora highlights dominance of the Mediterranean component (78.5%). Amongst the Mediterranean species s.s. (47.2%) we noted greater presence of entities of the Steno-Mediterranean distribution area (25.7%), followed by endemics which with 43 entities constitute 11.3% of total flora. From the chorological point of view, the prevailing element amongst the endemics is the Sardinian (11 taxa) including 5 taxa which are exclusive to the calcareous massif of central-eastern Sardinia. The analysis of rarities, performed by applying Rabinowitz’ categories, shows as being most numerous (86 taxa) species spread over the territory with a restricted ecology and scarce, non-dominant populations (WRS), whereas the least consistent (9 taxa) is that of the species with limited spread over the territory, a wide ecology and scarce and non dominant populations (NBS). Those entities considered worthy of protection based on the IUCN red lists are four in number (Lactuca longidentata, Orchis brancifortii, Polygala saxatilis and Sedum villosum subsp. glandulosum), one entity (Ruscus aculeatus) is listed in Annex V of the Habitat Directive while Annex II of CITES includes all the Orchidaceae (10) and Cyclamen repandum subsp. repandum

    La flora endemica del Sarrabus-Gerrei: un patrimonio da tutelare e gestire

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    Il presente contributo si inserisce nell’ambito degli studi di carattere geobotanico che gli autori conducono da circa tre anni nei territori del Sarrabus e del Gerrei localizzati nella Sardegna sud-orientale. Tale ricerca si sviluppa anche in relazione agli studi che hanno interessato l’ultimo decennio i territori del Sulcis e che attualmente riguardano anche il sottosettore dell’Iglesiente. Lo scopo di questa indagine è quello di analizzare la componente floristica endemica ad oggi conosciuta per il Sarrabus e il Gerrei e di confrontarla con quella della Sardegna

    Riferimenti bibliografici sulla flora vascolare sarda riportati nell'Informatore Botanico Italiano dal 1969 al 2004

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    The authors have been referring to works about Sardinian flora published in Informatore Botanico Italiano. The works date back to establishment of review to 2004. A flora list has been drown up on a database where there is a lot of information on every single entity: the places where they have been found, the relative bibliographical references and when it is necessary the nomenclatural updating. 1334 records which were studied in 136 works have been analysed. There are totally 610 entities of Sardinian flora like the list shows

    Research on the changes in the flora and vegetation cover on "Isola Rossa" of TrinitĂ  D'Agultu (Central-Northern Sardinia)

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    The Authors report the results of their survey carried out on the Isola Rossa of TrinitĂ  d'Agultu (Central Northern Sardinia). This survey covered a two-year period and shows that 13 species previously reported do not seem to occur in the island any longer where as 23 new records have been added. The flora, consisting of 40 entities, included numerous invasive and ruderal species which have to a large extent modified the composition, floristic distribution and vegetation cover of the island, the species which has played a major role in this modification being without doubt Lavatera arborea L. Details are also provided on the main plani formations on the island, in comparison with those previously reported

    L'esplorazione botanica nei territori del Sarrabus-Gerrei(Sardegna Sud Orientale)

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    The authors report on thè history of botanical exploration in the Sarrabus-Gerrei area through analysis of the bibliography and o/exiccata available in various publications. Botanical research in southern Sardinia was conditioned by the poor quality of means of communication which were not upgraded as a restili of limited interest in this sector ofthe island. The areas addressed by several botanists during the I9h century are situated along the main communication routes ofthe perìod and only in the second half of thè 20th century do we fìnd significant increase in research initiatives

    At the intersection of cultural and natural heritage: Distribution and conservation of the type localities of Italian endemic vascular plants

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    We conducted a GIS spatial analysis with the aim of providing the first quantitative large-scale overview of the distribution patterns of 1536 type localities (loci classici) of 1216 Italian endemic vascular plants and their relationship with a set of descriptive variables. Whereas some variables were used to model the presence-absence distribution patterns of the type localities for the whole set of endemics as well as for the subset of narrow endemics, others (e.g., presence inside or outside protected areas and Italian Important Plant Areas) were considered with the purpose of assessing potential assets or risks for conservation. The largest number of type localities was found within the Mediterranean biogeographic region (1134), followed by the Alpine region (306) and Continental region (96). A total of 670 locations are located on islands, whereas 866 are located on the Italian mainland (139 and 124 in the case of narrow endemics, respectively). A large number of type localities are located in mountainous areas and along the coastline, which can be seen as a potential risk for conservation. On the contrary, we detected a positive correlation with the distance from roads, which might be considered to be an asset. Importantly, 1030 type localities fall inside protected areas, whereas 506 localities fall outside protected areas, with 259 of these unprotected localities on islands. We propose considering the results of the analysis of the distribution of type localities of Italian endemics to be a strategic tool for conservation planning and resource management. Application of plant micro-reserves and integration of diverse legislation tools are suggested to strengthen efforts and increase conservation success

    Dai balconi ai parchi urbani: buone pratiche per un giardinaggio consapevole

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    Prodotto nell’ambito del progetto LIFE15 GIE/IT/001039 “Alien Species Awareness Program”(ASAP), è un opuscolo di tipo tecnico-pratico che intende fornire alcune informazioni di base sulle piante esotiche invasive presenti in Italia nonché, seguendo le buone pratiche dettate nel Codice di condotta definito nell’ambito della Convenzione di Berna, proporre un numero non esaustivo di specie native da utilizzare in alternativa alle piante esotiche invasive inserite nella Lista di Rilevanza Unionale e per le quali vi è divieto di importazione, commercio, possesso, riproduzione, trasporto, utilizzo e rilascio in natura. E’ indirizzato a tutti coloro che sono coinvolti direttamente o indirettamente nella produzione, commercializzazione e impiego delle piante ornamentali: aziende florovivaistiche importatori di piante e tutti coloro che svolgono un ruolo nella progettazione e realizzazione di aree verdi quali gli Architetti paesaggisti, i Dottori Forestali, i Dottori Agronomi e a tutti gli appassionati di giardinaggio. La scelta di utilizzare specie autoctone nel verde urbano risponde anche all’esigenza di garantire una migliore tutela e conservazione della biodiversità negli spazi urbani