8 research outputs found

    Predictors of HBeAg status and hepatitis B viraemia in HIV-infected patients with chronic hepatitis B in the HAART era in Brazil

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>HBV-HIV co-infection is associated with an increased liver-related morbidity and mortality. However, little is known about the natural history of chronic hepatitis B in HIV-infected individuals under highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) receiving at least one of the two drugs that also affect HBV (TDF and LAM). Information about HBeAg status and HBV viremia in HIV/HBV co-infected patients is scarce. The objective of this study was to search for clinical and virological variables associated with HBeAg status and HBV viremia in patients of an HIV/HBV co-infected cohort.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A retrospective cross-sectional study was performed, of HBsAg-positive HIV-infected patients in treatment between 1994 and 2007 in two AIDS outpatient clinics located in the SĂŁo Paulo metropolitan area, Brazil. The baseline data were age, sex, CD4 T+ cell count, ALT level, HIV and HBV viral load, HBV genotype, and duration of antiretroviral use. The variables associated to HBeAg status and HBV viremia were assessed using logistic regression.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 86 HBsAg patients were included in the study. Of these, 48 (56%) were using combination therapy that included lamivudine (LAM) and tenofovir (TDF), 31 (36%) were using LAM monotherapy, and 7 patients had no previous use of either one. Duration of use of TDF and LAM varied from 4 to 21 and 7 to 144 months, respectively. A total of 42 (48. 9%) patients were HBeAg positive and 44 (51. 1%) were HBeAg negative. The multivariate analysis revealed that the use of TDF for longer than 12 months was associated with undetectable HBV DNA viral load (serum HBV DNA level < 60 UI/ml) (<it>p </it>= 0. 047). HBeAg positivity was associated with HBV DNA > 60 UI/ml (p = 0. 001) and ALT levels above normality (<it>p </it>= 0. 038).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Prolonged use of TDF containing HAART is associated with undetectable HBV DNA viral load. HBeAg positivity is associated with HBV viremia and increased ALT levels.</p

    Mortalidade materna por eclĂąmpsia Eclampsia as a cause of maternal mortality

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    OBJETIVO: analisar fatores associados Ă  mortalidade materna causada por eclĂąmpsia. MÉTODOS: estudo de coorte retrospectivo revisando-se prontuĂĄrios mĂ©dicos dos partos assistidos no Conjunto Hospitalar de Sorocaba (janeiro/1995 a dezembro/2005). VariĂĄveis pesquisadas: ano do parto, caracterĂ­sticas sĂłcio-demogrĂĄficas maternas, antecedentes familiares, pessoais e obstĂ©tricos, caracterĂ­sticas da gestação, parto, puerpĂ©rio, atendimento realizado, evolução e condiçÔes de alta. A anĂĄlise estatĂ­stica incluiu teste exato de Fisher, correlação de Pearson, e regressĂŁo mĂșltipla de Poisson. RESULTADOS: registraram-se 35.973 partos, 179 casos de eclĂąmpsia, 52 com sĂ©rias complicaçÔes, 23 com maior permanĂȘncia no tratamento intensivo e 8 evoluĂ­ram para Ăłbito. A proporção de eclĂąmpsia decresceu no perĂ­odo (0,90% para 0,37%; r= - 0,746; p=0,008), mas mantendo a proporção de casos com sĂ©rias complicaçÔes (0,25% para 0,17%, r= - 0,45; p=0,162). A proporção de Ăłbitos foi maior entre pacientes nĂŁo brancas (RR=9,10; IC95%=1,83-45,23; p=0,007) e menor entre as tratadas com sulfato de magnĂ©sio (RR=0,08; IC95%=0,02-0,35; p= 0,001). CONCLUSÕES: reduziu-se a proporção de eclĂąmpsia entre os partos assistidos no Conjunto Hospitalar de Sorocaba, porĂ©m, a eclĂąmpsia continua sendo importante causa de Ăłbito materno na regiĂŁo. Este estudo revela que Ă© fundamental o aperfeiçoamento das medidas de diagnĂłstico precoce e tratamento da prĂ©-eclĂąmpsia e eclĂąmpsia pela rede de atenção Ă  saĂșde.<br>OBJECTIVE: to assess the factors associated with maternal mortality resulting from eclampsia. METHODS: a retrospective cohort study reviewing the medical records of deliveries carried out at the Sorocaba Hospital Compound (between January 1995 and December 2005). The variables included were: year of delivery, social and demographic characteristics of mother, personal, family and obstetric history, characteristics of the pregnancy, delivery and puer-perium, the kind care given, the evolution of the case, and the conditions for release from hospital. The statistical analysis involved the use of Fisher 's exact test, the Pearson correlation and Poisson 's multiple regression. RESULTS: 35 973 deliveries were registered, 179 of which involved cases of eclampsia, 52 of them with serious complications, twenty-three resulting in a longer stay in intensive care and eight in death. The incidence of eclampsia decreased over the period (from 0.90% to 0.37%; r= -0.746;p= 0.008), although the proportion of cases with serious complications remained unchanged (0.25% compared with 0.17%, r= - 0.45; p=0.162). The proportion of patients who died was larger among non-white patients (RR=9.10; CI95%= 1.83-45.23; p= 0.007) and lower among those treated with magnesium sulfate (RR=0.08; CI95%= 0.02-0.35; p= 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: the incidence of eclampsia among deliveries performed at the Sorocaba Hospital Compound decreased, although the disease still represents a significant cause of maternal death in the region. This study shows that it is essential that early diagnostic measures and treatment of preeclampsia and eclampsia be perfected by the health care system

    Mentalizing and Emotional Labor Facilitate Equine-Assisted Social Work with Self-harming Adolescents

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    This article explores equine-assisted social work (EASW). Horses' capacities to mirror human emotions create possibilities for authentic relationships between clients and staff. This study examines what eases or counteracts the horse's capacity to facilitate relationships perceived by humans to be authentic. Video recordings of the human-horse interactions of three staff members and four female self-harming clients aged 15–21 years in a residential treatment facility were analyzed. The findings show that if the staff gave instructions and advice similar to traditional equestrian sports in combination with viewing the horse as an object, EASW is not facilitated. EASW seems to be facilitated when the horse is perceived as a subject by both staff and clients, provided that the staff gave meaning to the horse's behavior. The staff needed to highlight empathy for the horse when the horse is not able to fulfill its task without adding depth to the client's performance, to avoid raising defense mechanisms. The essence of EASW were perceived as eased by staff members when they focus on the client's emotions and help the client understand that the horse is acting in response to the client's and the staff's behavior through mentalizing and enacting emotional labor in regarding the horse as a subject. The results indicate the need for higher demands on staff members in order to facilitate EASW. Depending on whether the staff and the clients focus on performance or on emotions, different positive or negative outcomes on communication, self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-image will be likely to emerge.Publ online Jan 2015</p

    World air particulate matter: sources, distribution and health effects

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