272 research outputs found

    Spatial Clustering Analysis Of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever In The First 9-Monthsof 2023 In Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

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    Background: Dengue hemorrhagic fever is a notable vector-borne viral disease, currently becoming the most dreaded worldwide health problem in terms of the number of people affected. The objective of this study is to investigate spatial clustering of dengue hemorrhagic fever incidence in the first 9-months of 2023 in Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam. Methods: the global Moran’s I statistic, Moran’s I scatterplot and local statistic were employed to spatial clusters (high-high and low-low) and spatial outliers (low-high and high-low) in the study area of Ho Chi Minh city. The first and third order of contiguity were used to constructe spatial weight matrix. Results: it was found from a case study of the first 9-months of 2023 in Ho Chi Minh city, a total of four high-high clusters, two low-low spatial clusters were detected in urban area and rural areas in the north and south of the Ho Chi Minh city, respectively when using the first order contiguity (statistically significance at the 0.05 level). For the case of using the third order of contiguity, a total of six high-low, two low-high spatial clusters and one low-low spatial cluster were successfully identified. Conclusions: the study results has proven the effective use of the global Moran’s I statistic, Moran’s I scatterplot and local Moran’s I statistic in the identification of spatial clustering of dengue hemorrhagic fever incidence

    CENPHER five year report 2009-2014: From a research project to a research center

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    Beginning in 2009 with a postdoc project working on environmental sanitation and health issues, the Hanoi School of Public Health (HSPH) research group gradually established other projects and activities that have been both nationally and internationally funded. This was the basis for the upgrade of the research group to a research center in 2012, Public Health and Ecosystem Research (CENPHER). The creation and the development of CENPHER reflects not only North- South partnership in research and public health action, but also how great issues in national public health and global health can be tackled through ecosystems/ecohealth approaches

    A comparative research on Communities of Practice, University Knowledge Exchange and Business Model Changes between the United Kingdom and Vietnamese Agri-tech Startups

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    This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, to view a copy of the license, see: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/The paper explores the expectation that agri-tech startups in the United Kingdom and Vietnam gain benefits of Communities of Practice (CoP), and how CoP help those businesses to tackle the challenges of business model changes for their growth enhancement. The co-creational collaboration between academics and agri-tech startups when working together on knowledge/experience-sharing through CoP is also investigated. The research uses a case-study approach, meetings, interviews, and documentary data to capture the events, actions and changes of attitudes, behaviours, and expectations of eight agri-tech startups towards their use of CoP. The research indicates a significant change in the business models of the startups when integrating into temporal CoP. These agri-tech startups often exploit their existing business models, while exploring a portfolio of new business opportunities that could generate new growth engines. Some of them quickly move into a value creation phase by which they achieve quick-wins and medium-term actions that generate both financial and non-financial business value. The research results may have implications for policymakers and practitioners who want to develop these types of interventions. Businesses in other fields can also better understand the value and potential of temporal CoP and start applying them. Keywords: Agri-tech, business model change (s), university knowledge exchange, communities of practice, startup (s). *Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Business Leaders' mindset and the Firms' capabilities change towards the adoption of technology and innovation through government sponsored entrepreneurial training programs: the case of Hertfordshire, UK

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    © ICECH - International Conference on Emerging Challenges.Research purpose: The paper aims to: (1) Understand SMEs’ current mindset and capabilities, and their future expectations towards the adoption of technology and innovation and; (2) Explore the relative influence and impact of the Help to Grow: management programme on the leaders’ mindset and business capabilities of Hertfordshire business participants. Research motivation: The UK Government and many of the key sectors are increasingly focusing on growth, sustainability, and diversity. The paper explores the impact of a national programme to help the small business community (including micro and SMEs) to grow their businesses, with particular focus on the entrepreneurial mindset and businesses’ capabilities to adopt technology and innovation. Research design, approach and method Two surveys were conducted with different sizes to supplement information and make the analysis more accurate. The first survey was taken in 2019 and 2020 with 425 SMEs in Hertfordshire and in 2022, the second survey (and interviewed) were typically selected from the group of enterprises that were initially surveyed (n=20) to see more insight into the research issue. Main findings: The initial analysis (Hertfordshire-wide business community) and follow-on analysis (attendees of the Help-to-Grow: Management programme at UH) highlight the value of these short-intensive business leader skills programmes focused on developing the leadership and management skills of these business entrepreneurs and their small businesses capabilities. Practical/ managerial implications The research results have important implications for small and medium enterprises in identifying, evaluating and changing their mindsets as well as capabilities towards technological improvement and innovation. In addition, the research also provides more evidence and practical basis for the government and related agencies to improve such programs to better support small and medium businessesPeer reviewe

    Assessing Eutrophication in the Coastal Bay by ASSETS Index Model

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    Xuan Dai is a coastal bay in Phu Yen Province, Vietnam. The bay has an area of 80 km2 and a considerable depth from 8 to 18 m. This is an ecologically diverse area with great potential for aquaculture and fishing, which brings significant benefits to the people in the region. For years, the excessive development of aquaculture has enriched the water in the bay, resulting in mass deaths of lobsters. In this study, the ASSETS index model has been applied to Xuan Dai Bay to determine the trophic status and the natural and man-made processes related to eutrophication. The study results showed that the core zone of Xuan Dai Bay (CZ) was classified with a high influencing factor, with a high eutrophic condition, with a “no change” future outlook, and with a bad final overall ASSETS grade. Ky Lo Estuary (KLE) presents a low pressure, a low eutrophic condition, a “no change” future outlook, and a good final ASSETS index. These mean that CZ had a poor tropic status or the eutrophication happened in this system; whereas, KLZ presented a good tropic condition or no eutrophication. A basic management plan and early warning monitoring should take into consideration the condition of the water body to preserve the good tropic condition in KLZ, especially during dry seasons. For CZ, three groups of solutions have been proposed, including nutrient management, ecosystem restoration, and further researches. The results of the study also reveal the significance and benefit of applying integrated methods in water quality assessment and management in coastal zones. Deep understanding of water retention time, typology, nutrient loading, and the land/water uses of a system is the key factor for atrophic status management strategy

    Lipschitz continuity of solutions and corresponding multipliers to distributed and boundary semilinear elliptic optimal control problems with mixed pointwise control-state constraints

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    This paper is concerned with the existence and regularity of mininizers as well as of corresponding multipliers to an optimal control problem governed by semilinear elliptic equations, in which mixed pointwise control-state constraints are considered in a quite general form and the controls act simultaneously in the domain and on the boundary. Under standing assumptions, the minimizers and the corresponding multipliers do exist. Furthermore, by applying the bootstrapping technique and establishing some calculation tools for functions in Sobolev spaces of fractional order, the optimal solutions and the associated Lagrange multipliers are shown to be Lipschitz continuous

    The Current Status of Secondary School Teacher’s Perception of Happiness in Nam Dinh Province during the Implementation Period of the 2018 General Education Program

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    In the current context of a major revolution in the Vietnamese education system, teachers’ perception of happiness makes an important criterion in evaluating effectiveness of the changes made to educational programs. The initial investigation of the positive effects of this renovation was conducted on the scale of Nam Dinh province and the results show multidimensional sources of information. In addition to positive information, there is still information that raises many questions for leaders to pay attention to. The outcome of the investigation suggests the evaluation of “The job is meaningful” is 3.10 out of 5 points, which is the lowest in assessment criteria. Meanwhile, the rates for “Completely disbelieve” and “Slightly disbelieve” in happiness of their profession in the future take up a large proportion (24.4%). However, other criteria namely “Being satisfied with current position” and “Feeling motivated with the job” received higher evaluation scores, respectively 4.05/5 points and 4.11/5 points. Via the results of the research, the author is looking forward to appropriate actions taken by the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam with a view to enhancing the perception of happiness among teachers

    Indigenous knowledge in climate change adaptation: Case studies of ethnic minorities in the Northern Mountain Region of Vietnam

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    This study aims to investigate the indigenous knowledge (IK) of three ethnic minority groups in the Northern Mountain Region (NMR) of Vietnam. The groups include (1) Tay people who live at lower elevations; (2) a Dao community who tend to live in the middle elevations and (3) Hmong farmers who mainly reside at higher elevations areas of the mountain. This research intends to identify climate change (CC) and its impact on agricultural cultivation and find out how these groups can adapt to CC by applying their IK in agriculture practices. Data was collected through focus group discussions (n=9), in-depth interviews (n=80), and participant observation. From the 80 respondents, 27 live in Bac Kan province, 23 in Yen Bai province and 30 in Son La province; those who had experience in agricultural production, elderly and village heads. The results show that the NMR weather has significant changes that negatively impact agriculture cultivation and local livelihood. Although the respondents are from different ethnic minorities, these farmers are highly aware of the CC risks, leading into adaptation practices. While the Tay people's major adaptation strategies include the use of a variety of native plants and changing planting calendars, the Dao and Hmong people apply intercropping and local techniques methods in terracing fields using local varieties of livestock. Our findings highlight the importance of using the IK of ethnic minorities in adaptation towards CC. A better targeting about the use of local resources in future national policies and projects is encouraged.Nghiên cứu này nhằm thu thập kiến thức bản địa (IK) của ba nhóm dân tộc thiểu số ở Miền núi phía Bắc (MNPB) của Việt Nam bao gồm (1) dân tộc Tày chủ yếu sống ở vùng thấp; (2) Người Dao có xu hướng sống ở các độ cao trung bình; và (3) người Hmông chủ yếu cư trú ở các khu vực đồi núi cao. Nghiên cứu này nhằm xác định tình hình biến đổi khí hậu (BĐKH) và tác động của nó đối với sản xuất nông nghiệp, đồng thời tìm hiểu cách thức các nhóm dân tộc thiểu số này có thể thích ứng với BĐKH bằng cách áp dụng các kiến thức bản địa của họ vào thực tiễn sản xuất nông nghiệp. Dữ liệu được thu thập thông qua thảo luận nhóm tập trung (n = 9), phỏng vấn sâu (n = 80) và quan sát người tham gia. Trong số 80 người được hỏi, có 27 người sống ở tỉnh Bắc Kạn; 23 người ở tỉnh Yên Bái và 30 người ở tỉnh Sơn La, là những người có kinh nghiệm sản xuất nông nghiệp, người cao tuổi và trưởng thôn. Kết quả cho thấy thời tiết ở khu vực MNPB đã có những thay đổi so với trước gây tác động xấu đến canh tác nông nghiệp và sinh kế của cộng đồng. Mặc dù những người được hỏi từ các dân tộc khác nhau nhưng họ đều nhận thức được sự thay đổi này của thời tiết, do đó họ đã có những thích ứng riêng. Trong khi người Tày sử dụng giống cây trồng địa phương và thay đổi lịch thời vụ thì người Dao và Hmong chọn phương pháp xen canh và áp dụng kỹ thuật bản địa trên đất ruộng bậc thang và sử dụng gióng vật nuôi bản địa. Các phát hiện của chúng tôi giúp hiểu được tầm quan trọng của việc sử dụng IK trong thích ứng với BĐKH của các dân tộc thiểu số, từ đó có thể hướng đến mục tiêu tốt hơn việc sử dụng các nguồn lực địa phương trong các chính sách và dự án quốc gia trong tương lai


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    This study evaluates the potential for agritourism development in Binh Dinh Province, Central Vietnam. The analytical hierarchical process is used to determine the weights of four factors with 25 measurement criteria to assess agritourism potential. The research results show that Binh Dinh Province has great agritourism potential based on four evaluation factors, including (1) local agricultural tourism resources, (2) the trend for agritourism development and the agritourism market, (3) the local community’s willingness, and (4) the supporting activities of the local government. In particular, the local agricultural tourism resources factor received the highest score, followed by the local community’s willingness and the supporting activities of the local government. The trend for agritourism development and the agritourism market was rated the lowest. Therefore, Binh Dinh has viable opportunities to encourage the growth of agritourism to improve farmers’ livelihoodsDu lịch nông nghiệp đem lại nhiều cơ hội cho phát triển kinh tế cũng như đa dạng hóa các loại hình du lịch và cải thiện đời sống sinh kế của người dân. Nghiên cứu sử dụng phương pháp phân tích thứ bậc (AHP) để tính các trọng số của các tiêu chí đánh giá tiềm năng phát triển du lịch nông nghiệp tại các huyện, thị xã phía bắc tỉnh Bình Định. Tiếp theo, kết quả mô hình hóa sơ đồ mạng cho thấy cả 4 địa phương An Lão, Hoài Ân, Phù Mỹ, thị xã Hoài Nhơn đều được đánh giá ở mức điểm cao về tiềm năng phát triển du lịch nông nghiệp trên các khía cạnh tài nguyên du lịch, xu hướng phát triển du lịch, sự ủng hộ của người dân địa phương và sự quan tâm của chính quyền địa phương. Tuy nhiên, yếu tố xu hướng phát triển thị trường du lịch nông nghiệp được đánh giá ở mức điểm thấp hơn. Điều này cũng xuất phát từ việc phát triển du lịch nông nghiệp tại các huyện, thị xã phía Bắc tỉnh Bình Định cũng mới bắt đầu nhận được sự quan tâm trong vài năm gần đây, số lượt khách tham quan các huyện, thị xã phía Bắc tỉnh Bình Định còn ít so với tiềm năng du lịch của địa bàn