121 research outputs found

    NeuronAlg: An Innovative Neuronal Computational Model for Immunofluorescence Image Segmentation

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    Background: Image analysis applications in digital pathology include various methods for segmenting regions of interest. Their identification is one of the most complex steps and therefore of great interest for the study of robust methods that do not necessarily rely on a machine learning (ML) approach. Method: A fully automatic and optimized segmentation process for different datasets is a prerequisite for classifying and diagnosing indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) raw data. This study describes a deterministic computational neuroscience approach for identifying cells and nuclei. It is very different from the conventional neural network approaches but has an equivalent quantitative and qualitative performance, and it is also robust against adversative noise. The method is robust, based on formally correct functions, and does not suffer from having to be tuned on specific data sets. Results: This work demonstrates the robustness of the method against variability of parameters, such as image size, mode, and signal-to-noise ratio. We validated the method on three datasets (Neuroblastoma, NucleusSegData, and ISBI 2009 Dataset) using images annotated by independent medical doctors. Conclusions: The definition of deterministic and formally correct methods, from a functional and structural point of view, guarantees the achievement of optimized and functionally correct results. The excellent performance of our deterministic method (NeuronalAlg) in segmenting cells and nuclei from fluorescence images was measured with quantitative indicators and compared with those achieved by three published ML approaches

    The role of network connectivity on epileptiform activity

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    A number of potentially important mechanisms have been identified as key players to generate epileptiform activity, such as genetic mutations, activity-dependent alteration of synaptic functions, and functional network reorganization at the macroscopic level. Here we study how network connectivity at cellular level can affect the onset of epileptiform activity, using computational model networks with different wiring properties. The model suggests that networks connected as in real brain circuits are more resistant to generate seizure-like activity. The results suggest new experimentally testable predictions on the cellular network connectivity in epileptic individuals, and highlight the importance of using the appropriate network connectivity to investigate epileptiform activity with computational models

    Novel non-invasive algorithm to identify the origins of re-entry and ectopic foci in the atria from 64-lead ECGs: A computational study.

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    Atrial tachy-arrhytmias, such as atrial fibrillation (AF), are characterised by irregular electrical activity in the atria, generally associated with erratic excitation underlain by re-entrant scroll waves, fibrillatory conduction of multiple wavelets or rapid focal activity. Epidemiological studies have shown an increase in AF prevalence in the developed world associated with an ageing society, highlighting the need for effective treatment options. Catheter ablation therapy, commonly used in the treatment of AF, requires spatial information on atrial electrical excitation. The standard 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) provides a method for non-invasive identification of the presence of arrhythmia, due to irregularity in the ECG signal associated with atrial activation compared to sinus rhythm, but has limitations in providing specific spatial information. There is therefore a pressing need to develop novel methods to identify and locate the origin of arrhythmic excitation. Invasive methods provide direct information on atrial activity, but may induce clinical complications. Non-invasive methods avoid such complications, but their development presents a greater challenge due to the non-direct nature of monitoring. Algorithms based on the ECG signals in multiple leads (e.g. a 64-lead vest) may provide a viable approach. In this study, we used a biophysically detailed model of the human atria and torso to investigate the correlation between the morphology of the ECG signals from a 64-lead vest and the location of the origin of rapid atrial excitation arising from rapid focal activity and/or re-entrant scroll waves. A focus-location algorithm was then constructed from this correlation. The algorithm had success rates of 93% and 76% for correctly identifying the origin of focal and re-entrant excitation with a spatial resolution of 40 mm, respectively. The general approach allows its application to any multi-lead ECG system. This represents a significant extension to our previously developed algorithms to predict the AF origins in association with focal activities

    Non-invasive localization of atrial ectopic beats by using simulated body surface P-wave integral maps

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    Non-invasive localization of continuous atrial ectopic beats remains a cornerstone for the treatment of atrial arrhythmias. The lack of accurate tools to guide electrophysiologists leads to an increase in the recurrence rate of ablation procedures. Existing approaches are based on the analysis of the P-waves main characteristics and the forward body surface potential maps (BSPMs) or on the inverse estimation of the electric activity of the heart from those BSPMs. These methods have not provided an efficient and systematic tool to localize ectopic triggers. In this work, we propose the use of machine learning techniques to spatially cluster and classify ectopic atrial foci into clearly differentiated atrial regions by using the body surface P-wave integral map (BSPiM) as a biomarker. Our simulated results show that ectopic foci with similar BSPiM naturally cluster into differentiated non-intersected atrial regions and that new patterns could be correctly classified with an accuracy of 97% when considering 2 clusters and 96% for 4 clusters. Our results also suggest that an increase in the number of clusters is feasible at the cost of decreasing accuracy.This work was partially supported by The "Programa Prometeu" from Conselleria d'Educacio Formacio I Ocupacio, Generalitat Valenciana (www.edu.gva.es/fio/index_es.asp) Award Number: PROMETEU/2016/088 to JS; The "Plan Estatal de Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnica y de Innovacion 2013-2016" from the Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad of Spain, Agencia Estatal de Investigacion (www.mineco.gob.es) and the European Commission (European Regional Development Funds - ERDF -FEDER) (ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/es/funding/erdf/) Award Number: DPI2016-75799-R to JS and The "Programa Estatal de Investigacion, Desarrollo e Innovacion Orientado a los Retos de la Sociedad" from the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad of Spain, Agencia Estatal de Investigacion (www.mineco.gob.es) and the European Commission (European Regional Development Funds - ERDF -FEDER) (ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/es/funding/erdf/) Award Number: TIN2014-59932-JIN to AFA and RS. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Ferrer Albero, A.; Godoy, EJ.; Lozano, M.; Martínez Mateu, L.; Alonso Atienza, F.; Saiz Rodríguez, FJ.; Sebastián Aguilar, R. (2017). Non-invasive localization of atrial ectopic beats by using simulated body surface P-wave integral maps. PLoS ONE. 12(7):1-23. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0181263S12312

    Genetic variation and exercise-induced muscle damage: implications for athletic performance, injury and ageing.

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    Prolonged unaccustomed exercise involving muscle lengthening (eccentric) actions can result in ultrastructural muscle disruption, impaired excitation-contraction coupling, inflammation and muscle protein degradation. This process is associated with delayed onset muscle soreness and is referred to as exercise-induced muscle damage. Although a certain amount of muscle damage may be necessary for adaptation to occur, excessive damage or inadequate recovery from exercise-induced muscle damage can increase injury risk, particularly in older individuals, who experience more damage and require longer to recover from muscle damaging exercise than younger adults. Furthermore, it is apparent that inter-individual variation exists in the response to exercise-induced muscle damage, and there is evidence that genetic variability may play a key role. Although this area of research is in its infancy, certain gene variations, or polymorphisms have been associated with exercise-induced muscle damage (i.e. individuals with certain genotypes experience greater muscle damage, and require longer recovery, following strenuous exercise). These polymorphisms include ACTN3 (R577X, rs1815739), TNF (-308 G>A, rs1800629), IL6 (-174 G>C, rs1800795), and IGF2 (ApaI, 17200 G>A, rs680). Knowing how someone is likely to respond to a particular type of exercise could help coaches/practitioners individualise the exercise training of their athletes/patients, thus maximising recovery and adaptation, while reducing overload-associated injury risk. The purpose of this review is to provide a critical analysis of the literature concerning gene polymorphisms associated with exercise-induced muscle damage, both in young and older individuals, and to highlight the potential mechanisms underpinning these associations, thus providing a better understanding of exercise-induced muscle damage

    Graph-theoretical derivation of brain structural connectivity

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    Brain connectivity at the single neuron level can provide fundamental insights into how information is integrated and propagated within and between brain regions. However, it is almost impossible to adequately study this problem experimentally and, despite intense efforts in the field, no mathematical description has been obtained so far. Here, we present a mathematical framework based on a graph-theoretical approach that, starting from experimental data obtained from a few small subsets of neurons, can quantitatively explain and predict the corresponding full network properties. This model also changes the paradigm with which large-scale model networks can be built, from using probabilistic/empiric connections or limited data, to a process that can algorithmically generate neuronal networks connected as in the real system

    On the structural connectivity of large-scale models of brain networks at cellular level

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    The brain’s structural connectivity plays a fundamental role in determining how neuron networks generate, process, and transfer information within and between brain regions. The underlying mechanisms are extremely difficult to study experimentally and, in many cases, large-scale model networks are of great help. However, the implementation of these models relies on experimental findings that are often sparse and limited. Their predicting power ultimately depends on how closely a model’s connectivity represents the real system. Here we argue that the data-driven probabilistic rules, widely used to build neuronal network models, may not be appropriate to represent the dynamics of the corresponding biological system. To solve this problem, we propose to use a new mathematical framework able to use sparse and limited experimental data to quantitatively reproduce the structural connectivity of biological brain networks at cellular level

    The role of implantable cardiac monitors in atrial fibrillation management

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    Continuous heart rhythm monitoring using implantable cardiac monitors (ICMs) for atrial fibrillation (AF) management is steadily increasing in current clinical practice, even in the absence of an established indication provided by international guidelines. The increasing use of such devices is mainly associated with recent technological improvements including miniaturization, easier implant procedures, and remote monitoring, all of which make this strategy continuously more appealing and promising. For these and other reasons, ICMs have been proven to be a safe and highly effective tool for detecting AF episodes. However, ICMs are not the best option for every patient, as limitations exist. Therefore, it is imperative to weigh the possible benefits against the potential limitations of using these devices when deciding individualized patient care
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