718 research outputs found

    Seasonal Nonstationarity and Near-Nonstationarity

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    This paper presents a detailed discussion of the characteristics of seasonal integrated and near integrated processes, as well as the asymptotic properties of seasonal unit root tests. More specifically, the characteristics of a seasonal random walk and a more general seasonal integrated ARMA process are analysed. Also the implications of modelling nonstationary stochastic season-ality as deterministic are highlighted. A further observation made includes the asymptotic distributions and power functions of several seasonal unit root tests. Dans cet article, nous étudions les propriétés des processsus avec racines unitaires saisonnières et avec racines quasi-unitaires. Nous traitons le cas des marchés aléatoires ainsi que les processus plus généraux et analysons les distributions des estimateurs et les fonctions de puissances de plusieurs tests.Deterministic/stochastic seasonality, seasonal unit roots, Saisonnalité déterministique et stochastique, racines unitaires saisonnières

    A theoretical and experimental spectroscopy study on methanol and ethanol conversion over H-SAPO-34

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    The elucidation of the structure-activity relation of zeolites or zeotype materials remains very challenging. Recent advances in both theoretical and experimental techniques provide new opportunities to study these complex materials and any catalytic reaction occurring inside. In order to establish new active reaction routes, the knowledge of formed intermediates is crucial. The characterization of such intermediates can be done using a variety of spectroscopic techniques. In this contribution, methanol and ethanol conversion over H-SAPO-34 is investigated using IR and UV-VIS measurements. Calculated adsorption enthalpies of methanol and ethanol in a large SAPO 44T finite cluster show the stronger adsorption of the larger alcohol by 14 kJ mol-1. Dispersion contributions are found to be crucial. IR spectra are calculated for the clusters containing the adsorbed alcohols and matched with experimental data. In addition, the cluster is also loaded with singly methylated cationic hydrocarbons as these are representative reaction intermediates. A detailed normal mode analysis is performed, enabling to separate the framework-guest contributions. Based on the computed data in situ DRIFT experimental peaks could be assigned. Finally, contemporary DFT functionals such as CAM-B3LYP seem promising to compute gas phase UV-VIS spectra

    Permeability of membranes in the liquid ordered and liquid disordered phases

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    The functional significance of ordered nanodomains (or rafts) in cholesterol rich eukaryotic cell membranes has only begun to be explored. This study exploits the correspondence of cellular rafts and liquid ordered (L-o) phases of three-component lipid bilayers to examine permeability. Molecular dynamics simulations of L-o phase dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC), dioleoylphosphatidylcholine (DOPC), and cholesterol show that oxygen and water transit a leaflet through the DOPC and cholesterol rich boundaries of hexagonally packed DPPC microdomains, freely diffuse along the bilayer midplane, and escape the membrane along the boundary regions. Electron paramagnetic resonance experiments provide critical validation: the measured ratio of oxygen concentrations near the midplanes of liquid disordered (L-d) and L-o bilayers of DPPC/DOPC/cholesterol is 1.75 +/- 0.35, in very good agreement with 1.3 +/- 0.3 obtained from simulation. The results show how cellular rafts can be structurally rigid signaling platforms while remaining nearly as permeable to small molecules as the L-d phase

    Membrane permeability of small molecules from unbiased molecular dynamics simulations

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    Permeation of many small molecules through lipid bilayers can be directly observed in molecular dynamics simulations on the nano- and microsecond timescale. While unbiased simulations provide an unobstructed view of the permeation process, their feasibility for computing permeability coefficients depends on various factors that differ for each permeant. The present work studies three small molecules for which unbiased simulations of permeation are feasible within less than a microsecond, one hydrophobic (oxygen), one hydrophilic (water), and one amphiphilic (ethanol). Permeabilities are computed using two approaches: counting methods and a maximum-likelihood estimation for the inhomogeneous solubility diffusion (ISD) model. Counting methods yield nearly model-free estimates of the permeability for all three permeants. While the ISD-based approach is reasonable for oxygen, it lacks precision for water due to insufficient sampling and results in misleading estimates for ethanol due to invalid model assumptions. It is also demonstrated that simulations using a Langevin thermostat with collision frequencies of 1/ps and 5/ps yield oxygen permeabilities and diffusion constants that are lower than those using Nose-Hoover by statistically significant margins. In contrast, permeabilities from trajectories generated with Nose-Hoover and the microcanonical ensemble do not show statistically significant differences. As molecular simulations become more affordable and accurate, calculation of permeability for an expanding range of molecules will be feasible using unbiased simulations. The present work summarizes theoretical underpinnings, identifies pitfalls, and develops best practices for such simulations

    Economic Fluctuations and Diffusion

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    Stock price changes occur through transactions, just as diffusion in physical systems occurs through molecular collisions. We systematically explore this analogy and quantify the relation between trading activity - measured by the number of transactions NΔtN_{\Delta t} - and the price change GΔtG_{\Delta t}, for a given stock, over a time interval [t,t+Δt][t, t+\Delta t]. To this end, we analyze a database documenting every transaction for 1000 US stocks over the two-year period 1994-1995. We find that price movements are equivalent to a complex variant of diffusion, where the diffusion coefficient fluctuates drastically in time. We relate the analog of the diffusion coefficient to two microscopic quantities: (i) the number of transactions NΔtN_{\Delta t} in Δt\Delta t, which is the analog of the number of collisions and (ii) the local variance wΔt2w^2_{\Delta t} of the price changes for all transactions in Δt\Delta t, which is the analog of the local mean square displacement between collisions. We study the distributions of both NΔtN_{\Delta t} and wΔtw_{\Delta t}, and find that they display power-law tails. Further, we find that NΔtN_{\Delta t} displays long-range power-law correlations in time, whereas wΔtw_{\Delta t} does not. Our results are consistent with the interpretation that the pronounced tails of the distribution of GΔtareduetoG_{\Delta t} are due to w_{\Delta t},andthatthelongrangecorrelationspreviouslyfoundfor, and that the long-range correlations previously found for | G_{\Delta t} |aredueto are due to N_{\Delta t}$.Comment: RevTex 2 column format. 6 pages, 36 references, 15 eps figure

    The merit of high-frequency data in portfolio allocation

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    This paper addresses the open debate about the usefulness of high-frequency (HF) data in large-scale portfolio allocation. Daily covariances are estimated based on HF data of the S&P 500 universe employing a blocked realized kernel estimator. We propose forecasting covariance matrices using a multi-scale spectral decomposition where volatilities, correlation eigenvalues and eigenvectors evolve on different frequencies. In an extensive out-of-sample forecasting study, we show that the proposed approach yields less risky and more diversified portfolio allocations as prevailing methods employing daily data. These performance gains hold over longer horizons than previous studies have shown

    Unit roots in periodic autoregressions

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    Abstract. This paper analyzes the presence and consequences of a unit root in periodic autoregressive models for univariate quarterly time series. First, we consider various representations of such models, including a new parametrization which facilitates imposing a unit root restriction. Next, we propose a class of likelihood ratio tests for a unit root, and we derive their asymptotic null distributions. Likelihood ratio tests for periodic parameter variation are also proposed. Finally, we analyze the impact on unit root inference of misspecifying a periodic process by a constant-parameter model

    Limiting distributions for explosive PAR(1) time series with strongly mixing innovation

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    This work deals with the limiting distribution of the least squares estimators of the coefficients a r of an explosive periodic autoregressive of order 1 (PAR(1)) time series X r = a r X r--1 +u r when the innovation {u k } is strongly mixing. More precisely {a r } is a periodic sequence of real numbers with period P \textgreater{} 0 and such that P r=1 |a r | \textgreater{} 1. The time series {u r } is periodically distributed with the same period P and satisfies the strong mixing property, so the random variables u r can be correlated