19 research outputs found

    Investigating the probable consequences of super absorbent polymer and mycorrhizal fungi to reduce detrimental effects of lead on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

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    ArticleIn many parts of the world, agricultural use of soils is restricted due to heavy metal contamination. Absorption of heavy metals, such as (Pb), in the tissue of plants increases the plant’s metabolism and causes physiological disorders or even death. In order to study the potential of super absorbent polymers (SAP) and mycorrhiza fungi application to mitigate adverse effects of lead (Pb) on wheat, a greenhouse experiment was conducted. The experiment was setup as a completely randomized design, with two treatments arranged in a factorial scheme with three levels of lead (0, 100 and 200 mg per kg soil) and four levels of SAP and mycorrhiza fungi application (without SAP and mycorrhiza fungi application, SAP application alone, mycorrhiza fungi application alone, SAP and mycorrhiza fungi application combined). The results showed that Pb significantly affected all parameters measured of wheat. The Pb-contamination caused a significantly decreasing in plant height, total dry weight per plant and total chlorophyll contents. And also, the results indicated that the combined use of superabsorbent and mycorrhiza reduced the amount of superoxide dismutase enzyme. As well as, our results show that the application of super absorbent polymer and mycorrhizal fungi seems to be a promising path to reduce detrimental effects of heavy metal pollution of agricultural soils on plant performance.http://dx.doi.org/10.15159/ar.18.00

    Foliar Application of Humic Acid and Some Exo-and Endophytic Growth Hormones on Yield, Yield Components and Fatty Acid Composition in Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) under Drought Stress

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    Α two-year field experiment was conducted in Varamin-Pishva Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran to study the impact of drought stress and foliar application of some hormones on the safflower growth. The drought stress was induced at three levels and considered as main plots. Irrigating after 75% water depletion was considered to be normal irrigation (control), irrigating after 60 and 45% water depletion, defined as mild and severe drought stress, respectively. The foliar application of humic acid (HA), salicylic acid (SA), Gibberellic acid (GA3), ascorbic acid (AA), water, and the non-foliar application was considered as sub-plots. The main effect of irrigation regimes was significant on seed yield, oil yield, palmitic acid, and water use efficiency (WUE). Also, the main effect of foliar applications was significant for seed yield, oil yield, stearic acid, and WUE. Normal irrigation produced the maximum oil yield (2270 kg ha-1) that was decreased by 25.9% and 37.1% under mild and severe stress regimes, respectively. The maximum and minimum oil yields were produced by the application of SA and non-foliar treatment with average values 1970 and 1357 kg ha-1, respectively. Although the palmitic acid content was enhanced under the drought stress conditions, oleic acid content was significantly decreased in such conditions. The current findings suggest that the foliar application of SA can be recommended when optimal water supply was applied to increase the quality and quantity of safflower oilseed


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    <p style="margin-bottom: 0cm; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: 120%; text-decoration: none;" lang="pt-BR"><span style="color: #000000;"><span style="font-family: Times New Roman,serif;"><span style="font-size: small;">Water stress significantly limits plant growth and crop yield. Hence, the efficient management of soil moisture and the study of metabolic changes which occur in response to drought stress are important for agriculture. The present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of six oilseed rape (<em>Brassica napus</em> L.) genotypes (Rgs003, Sarigol, Option500, Hyola401, Hyola330, and Hyola420), with and without drought stress, and with and without the use of super absorbent polymer, on oil quality and content. A complete randomized blocks design, with a split-plot arrangement, in a 2x2x6 factorial scheme (drought stress x polymer x genotypes), with three replications, was used. The research was carried out in a farm owned by the Seed and Plant Improvement Institute, in Karaj, Iran. Results showed a significant difference for drought stress levels, presence of super absorbent and genotypes on oil content and composition, as well as on glucosinolate content in the oil. Drought stress conditions decreased the oil and<strong> </strong>linoleic<strong> </strong>acid contents, but increased<span style="color: #231f20;"> the </span>glucosinolate and <span style="color: #231f20;">stearic </span>acid contents. The use of super absorbent polymer increased the linoleic<strong> </strong>acid content, but decreased<span style="color: #231f20;"> other components</span>. It was possible to conclude that, under drought stress conditions, the super absorbent polymer application, for reserving higher amounts of water in itself, increased the soil ability to store water, what increased the plant vegetative period and consequently the oil quality by decreasing saturate fatty acids and increasing unsaturated fatty acids.</span></span></span></p><p style="margin-bottom: 0cm; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: 120%; text-decoration: none;" lang="pt-BR"><span style="color: #000000;"><span style="font-family: Times New Roman,serif;"><span style="font-size: small;"><span lang="en-US">O estresse hídrico limita significativamente o crescimento de plantas e a produtividade da cultura. Por isto, o manejo eficiente da umidade no solo e o estudo de alterações metabólicas que ocorrem em decorrência do estresse hídrico são importantes para a agricultura. </span>O presente estudo objetivou avaliar o efeito de seis genótipos de canola (Rgs003, Sarigol, Option500, Hyola401, Hyola330 e Hyola420), cultivados com e sem estresse hídrico e com e sem a presença de polímero hidroabsorvente, na qualidade e teor do óleo extraído de suas sementes. Utilizou-se delineamento em blocos casualizados, com parcelas subdivididas, em esquema fatorial 2x2x6 (estresse hídrico x polímero x genótipos), com três repetições. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida em área pertencente ao Seed and Plant Improvement Institute, em Karaj, Irã. Observou-se efeito significativo para os níveis de estresse hídrico, presença de polímero e genótipos, no teor e composição do óleo e no teor de glucosinolato. O estresse hídrico reduziu os teores de óleo e ácido linoleico, mas aumentou o teor de glucosinolato e de ácido esteárico. A aplicação do polímero hidroabsorvente aumentou o teor de ácido linoleico, mas diminuiu outros componentes. Foi possível concluir que, sob estresse hídrico, a aplicação de polímero hidroabsorvente, em razão de sua maior retenção de água, aumentou a capacidade de armazenamento desta no solo, o que contribuiu para um aumento no período vegetativo da planta, favorecendo a qualidade do óleo, por diminuir o teor de ácidos graxos saturados e aumentar o de insaturados.</span></span></span></p&gt

    Efecto de la radiación UV y el CO2 elevado sobre caracteres fisiológicos de canola ( Brassica napus L.) cultivada bajo estrés hídrico

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    Increased UV radiation on the earth's surface due to depletion of stratospheric ozone layer is one of the changes of current climate-change pattern. In addition, increase of atmospheric CO2 concentration because of fossil fuel application increases annual average temperature in the world and affects plant growth and development. Therefore an experiment was carried out to study the effects of solar UV radiation, UV-B, UV-C radiation and elevated CO2 on some physiological attributes of two canola cultivars ( Brassica napus L.) under two irrigation regimes that are complete irrigation and limited irrigation in two consecutive years. Generally, elevated CO2 increased leaf soluble carbohydrates, reducing sugars, glucosinolate and Fv/Fm ratio while carotenoids and soluble proteins decreased. In addition, UV radiation decreased leaf soluble carbohydrates, reducing sugars, chlorophyll, proline and Fv to Fm ratio and increased UV absorbing pigments, soluble proteins and glucosinolate. Leaf soluble carbohydrates, reducing sugars, chlorophyll, and Fv to Fm ratio dramatically decreased because of water deficit stress while other traits were increased due to induced water stress. There were significant differences between cultivars in terms of physiological attributes.El aumento de la radiación UV sobre la superficie de la tierra debido al agotamiento de la capa estratosférica de ozono es uno de los cambios del patrón del cambio climático común. Además, el incremento de la concentración del CO2 atmosférico debido a la aplicación de combustibles fósiles aumenta la temperatura media anual en el mundo y afecta el crecimiento y desarrollo de las plantas. Por lo tanto, se realizó un experimento en dos años consecutivos para estudiar los efectos de la radiación solar UV, UV-B, radiación UV-C y CO2 elevado sobre algunos caracteres fisiológicos de dos cultivares de canola ( Brassica napus L.) bajo dos regímenes de riego, los cuales fueron riego completo y riego limitado. En general, el CO2 elevado incrementó los carbohidratos solubles de las hojas, los azúcares reductores, glucosinolatos y la relación Fv:Fm, mientras que los carotenoides y la proteína soluble se redujeron debido al CO2 elevado. Además, la radiación UV disminuyó los carbohidratos solubles de las hojas, azúcares reductores, clorofila, prolina y la relación Fv:Fm e incrementó los pigmentos que absorben la radiación UV, proteínas solubles y glucosinolato. Los carbohidratos solubles de las hojas, azúcares reductores, la clorofila y la relación Fv: Fm disminuyeron drásticamente debido al estrés del déficit hídrico mientras los otros caracteres se incrementaron debido al estrés hídrico inducido. Hubo diferencias significativas entre los cultivares en términos de los caracteres fisiológicos

    Effect of UV radiation and elevated CO2 on physiological attributes of canola (Brassica napus L.) grown under water stress

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    Increased UV radiation on the earth's surface due to depletion of stratospheric ozone layer is one of the changes of current climate-change pattern. In addition, increase of atmospheric CO2 concentration because of fossil fuel application increases annual average temperature in the world and affects plant growth and development. Therefore an experiment was carried out to study the effects of solar UV radiation, UV-B, UV-C radiation and elevated CO2 on some physiological attributes of two canola cultivars (Brassica napus L.) under two irrigation regimes that are complete irrigation and limited irrigation in two consecutive years. Generally, elevated CO2 increased leaf soluble carbohydrates, reducing sugars, glucosinolate and Fv/Fm ratio while carotenoids and soluble proteins decreased. In addition, UV radiation decreased leaf soluble carbohydrates, reducing sugars, chlorophyll, proline and Fv to Fm ratio and increased UV absorbing pigments, soluble proteins and glucosinolate. Leaf soluble carbohydrates, reducing sugars, chlorophyll, and Fv to Fm ratio dramatically decreased because of water deficit stress while other traits were increased due to induced water stress. There were significant differences between cultivars in terms of physiological attributes.El aumento de la radiación UV sobre la superficie de la tierra debido al agotamiento de la capa estratosférica de ozono es uno de los cambios del patrón del cambio climático común. Además, el incremento de la concentración del CO2 atmosférico debido a la aplicación de combustibles fósiles aumenta la temperatura media anual en el mundo y afecta el crecimiento y desarrollo de las plantas. Por lo tanto, se realizó un experimento en dos años consecutivos para estudiar los efectos de la radiación solar UV, UV-B, radiación UV-C y CO2 elevado sobre algunos caracteres fisiológicos de dos cultivares de canola (Brassica napus L.) bajo dos regímenes de riego, los cuales fueron riego completo y riego limitado. En general, el CO2 elevado incrementó los carbohidratos solubles de las hojas, los azúcares reductores, glucosinolatos y la relación Fv:Fm, mientras que los carotenoides y la proteína soluble se redujeron debido al CO2 elevado. Además, la radiación UV disminuyó los carbohidratos solubles de las hojas, azúcares reductores, clorofila, prolina y la relación Fv:Fm e incrementó los pigmentos que absorben la radiación UV, proteínas solubles y glucosinolato. Los carbohidratos solubles de las hojas, azúcares reductores, la clorofila y la relación Fv: Fm disminuyeron drásticamente debido al estrés del déficit hídrico mientras los otros caracteres se incrementaron debido al estrés hídrico inducido. Hubo diferencias significativas entre los cultivares en términos de los caracteres fisiológicos

    Effects of Water Stress on Yield and Some Agronomic Traits of Maiz [SC 301]

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    Abstract: Field experiments were carried out at the Agricultural Experimental Station of Varamin Agricultural Research Centre on a clay loam soil to study the effect of water deficits at different growth stages on growth, some physiological aspects and yield of maize (Zea mays L.) Hybrid maize [SC 301], with the use of a randomized complete block design with three replications.Studied treatments were including drought stress in 3 growth stages as before silking, during silking and in seed filling period in compare with normal irrigation as check. Water stress at before silking, silking or grain filling growth stages caused a significant reduction in the different growth parameters studied at 90 days after planting as compared with the normal irrigation regime. Data showed that water deficit significantly decreased yield. Water deficit at before silking, silking and filling growth stage decrease yield by 12.5, 42.0 and 22.5 % respectively. Data indicated that the most sensitive growth stage to water stress is silking growth stage and should be attention that to avoid of yield decreasing, contraception of water stress in this growth stage is necessary

    Alleviatory activities in mycorrhizal tobacco plants subjected to increasing chloride in irrigation water

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    The effects of presence and absence of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM+ and AM-) fungus (AMF) Glomus intraradices on agronomic and chemical characteristics of field-grown tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) Virginia type (cv. K-326) plants exposed to varying concentrations of chloride 10, 40, 70 and 100 mg Cl L–1 (C1-C4) were studied over two growing seasons (2012-2013). Mycorrhizal plants had significantly higher uptake of nutrients in shoots and number of leaves regardless of intensities of chloride stress. The cured leaves yields of AM+ plants under C2-C4 chloride stressed conditions were higher than AM- plants. Leaf chloride content increased in line with the increase of chloride level, while AMF colonised plants maintained low Cl content. AM+ plants produced tobacco leaves that contained significantly higher quantities of nicotine than AM- plants. AM inoculation ameliorated the chloride stress to some extent. Antioxidant enzymes like superoxide dismutase, catalase, ascorbate peroxidase, and glutathione reductase as well as non-enzymatic antioxidants (ascorbic acid and glutathione) also exhibited great variation with chloride treatment. Chloride stress caused great alterations in the endogenous levels of growth hormones with abscisic acid showing increment. AMF inoculated plants maintained higher levels of growth hormones and also allayed the negative impact of chloride. The level of 40 mg L–1 in combination with arbuscular mycorrhizal can be considered as the acceptable threshold to avoid adverse effects on Virginia tobacco

    Transition Constraints for Parallel Planning

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    We present a planner named Transition Constraints for Parallel Planning (TCPP). TCPP constructs a new constraint model from domain transition graphs (DTG) of a given planning problem. TCPP encodes the constraint model by using table constraints that allow don't cares or wild cards as cell values. TCPP uses Minion the constraint solver to solve the constraint model and returns the parallel plan. Empirical results exhibit the efficiency of our planning system over state-of-the-art constraint-based planners

    Synthesis of Regulation Compliant Business Processes

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    Organisations have to cope with large numbers of business rules and existing regulations governing the business in which they operate. Such rules are difficult to maintain due to their size and complexity, and it is increasingly challenging to ensure that each business process adheres to those rules. As such, automated extraction of business processes from rules has three clear advantages: (1) visualisation of all possible executions allowed by the rules, (2) automated execution and compliance by design, (3) identification of "inefficiencies" in the business rules. Existing approaches, however, only allow for the generation of partial traces based on input specifications and cannot handle many different input cases resulting in a full process. This paper presents a formal method to visualise and operationalise such sets of rules as a verifiable business process that is compliant by design, which allows us to analyse all possible execution paths. Additionally, we formally prove correctness of the business processes generated by our method. The approach is implemented in a tool and evaluated on both performance and correctness, showing that even for highly complex sets of rules the approach performs well and outperforms a well-known state-of-the-art approach. Evaluation on a real-life process shows the feasibility of the presented approach

    Evaluation of the Lipid Profile of Hypertensive Patients Compared to Non- Hypertensive Individuals

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    Introduction: This study was designed to compare the lipid profiles of hypertensive and non-hypertensive cases. Materials and Methods:In this case-control study, we assessed 200 hypertensive patients alongside 200 healthy individuals who were referred to our cardiology clinics from 2007 to 2008, in Mashhad, Iran. Blood pressure and serum lipids profile including total cholesterol, triglyceride, High-density lipoprotein (HDL) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) were evaluated in both the case and control group. Results: Total cholesterol and the mean of serum LDL level were significantly higher in the hypertensive patients compared to non-hypertensive cases (P=0.001), while the mean of serum triglyceride levels was higher in the case group compared to the control group (P= 0.001). Conclusion: We concluded that only the serum triglyceride levels were significantly different between the hypertensive and non-hypertensive individuals