27 research outputs found

    برپایی بیمارستان صحرایی؛ گزارشی از یک مانور آمادگی مواجهه با بلایا

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    Numerous disasters such as earthquake, flood, tsunami, and war bring about broad crises that cause numerous physical, mental and psychological damages. Iran is also prone to various disasters and needs to be equipped for their management. The aim of this brief report is sharing the experience gained by facing the limitations in establishing a field hospital and emphasizing the need to take necessary measures for being properly equipped in facing probable problems arising at times of disaster. Based on the findings of the present study, not giving enough budget to holding maneuvers for preparing against disasters, shortage of proper tents for establishing a field hospital, mismanagement of volunteers, problems in preparing food for the staff, security problems, and difficulties in holding discipline were among the most important problems arising in establishing a field hospital in this maneuver. حوادث متعددی مثل زلزله، سیل، سونامی و جنگ سبب بروز بحران های فراگیر می گردند که سبب آسیب های جسمی، روحی و روانی متعددی می شوند. کشور ما ایران نیز در معرض انواع بلایای طبیعی می باشد و لازم است که آمادگی لازم برای مدیریت هر یک از این موارد بحرانی کسب شود. هدف از ارائه این گزارش کوتاه انتقال تجربه حاصل از مشکلات بوجود آمده در برپایی بیمارستان صحرایی و لزوم اتخاذ تدابیر لازم برای آمادگی کافی و مناسب در مقابل مشکلات احتمالی در مواقع بحران می باشد. بر اساس یافته های مطالعه حاضر، عدم تخصیص بودجه های مصوب جهت برپایی مانورهای آمادگی در برابر بلایا، کمبود چادر های مناسب برپایی بیمارستان صحرایی، مدیریت غیر صحیح نیروهای انسانی داوطلب، مشکلات پشتیبانی در زمینه تغذیه پرسنل و نقایص موجود در زمینه مباحث امنیتی و کنترل نظم منطقه از مهمترین مشکلات موجود در زمینه برپایی یک بیمارستان صحرایی در مانور مذکور بودند

    Dermatomycoses among Students in a School Dormitory in Semnan

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    Background: Dermatomycoses are a major public health problem. Tinea cruris is a form of Dermatomycoses.Tinea cruris is a common infection in the groin area, genitals, pubic area, perineum and perianal skin.The purpose of thisstudywas to investigate the cutaneous fungal infections among students in a school dormitory. Materials and Methods: The study was performed on 110 male students dormitory aged between 18 to 28 years.From the specimens obtained, direct preparations were made using %10 potassium hydroxide and cultured on sabouraud dextrose agar containing 0.05 mg/ml chloramphenicoland 0.5 mg/ml cycloheximide (Scc). Identification of fungi was performed according to morphologic and microscopic growth of the colonies and using slide culture method. Results: 17 people out of 110 individuals were diagnosed with cutaneous fungal infections. Six people were diagnosed with dermatophytosis. All cases of dermatophytosis were Tinea cruris. Epidermophyton floccosum, the anthropophilic species, was only isolated dermatophyte.The prevalence of Tinea cruris was 5.5% and the Prevalence of Pityriasis versicolor was 4.5%. Conclusion: The most important source of transmission of anthropophilic dermatophyte species was by men to men.The results of this study is similar to most other studies in Iran and other countries. In addition to treatment, other necessary steps should be applied in order to prevent infection and reduce the risk of pathogens.

    Epidemiological burden of Listeria monocytogenes in Iran

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    Objective(s): Listeria monocytogenes is a foodborne pathogenic bacteria causing the infection listeriosis, which possibly affects all people, particularly immunocompromised persons and pregnant women. This microorganism can be found in several processed foods, dairy products, raw milk, meat and fish products, seafoods, eggs, fruits, and vegetables. This review discusses about the epidemiological significance, incidence, contamination routes of L. monocytogenes in different products and current data about listeriosis in the Iran. Materials and Methods: For accessing to relevant articles and studies, a search was done in main databases and also, almost all Iranian published articles were studied in this field.Results: Outbreaks of listeriosis have been reported in many parts of the worldwide, however there is scanty data about the prevalence of listeriosis in Iran. Accordingly, as a result of high incidence of L. monocytogenes in women with bad obstetric history or history of abortions, diagnosis procedures for detection of L. monocytogenes and timely treatment was suggested.Conclusion: In spite of low incidence of infection in the past, increased interest for lightly preserved and/or ready-to-eat (RTE) food products has recently led to increasing of L. monocytogenes prevalence which has become a public health concern. Subsequently, further researches about the prevalence of L. monocytogenes and also antibiotic susceptibility testing is needed to enable the detection of the contaminated foods, as well as ensures the effective treatment

    Prevalence and Risk Factors for Prolonged ICU Stay After Adult Cardiac Surgery

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    Background: The anticipation of the length of ICU stay would enable physicians to provide reliable information for better treatmentmethods. There are several risk factors for prolonged ICU stays after cardiac surgery in the related studies.Objectives: The aim of this study was to assess the possible factors contributing to the prolonged ICU stay in a referral heart center.Methods: In this retrospective case-control study, 515 adult patients admitted to ICU after cardiac surgery in Madani heart center inTabriz (since March to September 2014) were divided into 2 short and prolonged ICU stay groups. ICU stays more than 3 days wereconsidered prolonged. Various risk factors were compared between the two groups.Results: A total number of 64.9% of the patients were in the prolonged ICU stay group and 35.1% had a short stay. Among35 potentialrisk factors, some were significant factors affecting the length of ICU stay (age, type of surgery, previous cardiac surgery, a high doseof inotropes support, duration of surgery, length of CPB and aortic clamp time, arrhythmia in ICU, and re-operation).Conclusions: We can reduce ICU stay using the correction of high levels of serum creatinine before surgery, improvement of functionalclass with drug treatment, shortening of CPB and aortic cross clamp times, adequate hemostasis with surgeon and morecorrection of the coagulation status of the patient by the anesthesiologist at the end of the surgery

    Original Article A Study on the Frequency of Fungal Agents in Otitis Externa in Semnan

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    ABSTRACT Background and Objective: Otitis externa is a common condition affecting the externa

    Effect of public interventions through dialogue with officials and training of civil service personnel on improving the condition of collecting, transportation and rubbish repelling in Semnan (2004-2005)

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    زمینه و هدف: زباله اصطلاحاً به فضولات جامد، نیمه جامد یا مایعی گفته می شود که ظاهراً به درد نخور بوده و دور ریخته می شوند. زباله ها به سه دسته زباله های خانگی، بیمارستانی و صنعتی تقسیم می شوند که قسمت اعظم مواد زائد شهری را زباله های خانگی تشکیل می دهند. مدیریت حل مشکل زباله اصولاَ شامل سه قسمت جمع آوری، حمل و نقل و دفع زباله می باشد. چگونگی برنامه ریزی و مدیریت حل مشکل زباله های خانگی امروزه یکی از مسائل و معضلات مهم بهداشتی جوامع شهری می باشد. طی بررسی که توسط گروه مردمی آزاد پایگاه تحقیقات جمعیتی سمنان در سال 1383 از وضعیت مدیریت زباله های خانگی شهر سمنان به عمل آمد، متاسفانه هر سه مرحله جمع آوری، حمل و نقل و دفع زباله های خانگی از نظر رعایت نکات بهداشتی و استاندارد های مربوطه دچار مشکل بود. یافته های تحقیقات قبلی نشان داده است که این گونه مشکلات چند بعدی، بدون جلب مشارکت فعال تمامی طرفهای درگیر قابل حل نمی باشد. لذا با توجه به ساختار مناسب پایگاه های تحقیقات جمعیتی در انجام پژوهش های مشارکتی مبتنی بر جامعه، این مطالعه با هدف بهبود وضعیت زباله شهر سمنان از طریق گفتگو و تعامل با مسئولین مربوطه اجرا گردید. روش بررسی: برای انجام مداخلات مردمی در زمینه بهبود وضعیت زباله شهر سمنان، ابتدا با تشکیل جلسات گروهی مردمی، نیازهای مورد مداخله از طریق بحث متمرکز گروهی شناسائی گردید و نیز با کمک مردم از طریق مشاهده و جمع آوری مستندات محیطی ازقبیل تهیه فیلم و عکس از معضلات جمع آوری، حمل و نقل و دفع زباله شهری اقدام شد. سپس مطابق مشکلات موجود، مداخلات بر دو محور گفتگو و تعامل با مسئولین ذیربط و آموزش کارکنان خدمات شهری، طراحی و اجرا شد. در محور اول با دعوت از مسئولین سازمان های ذیربط طی جلسات متعدد، مشکلات موجود بصورت منطقی و مستدل با مشارکت جمعی (مردم، مسئولین، نیروهای دانشگاهی و افراد کارشناس و ذینفع) در محیطی دوستانه از طریق بحث متمرکز گروهی مورد بحث و بررسی قرار گرفت و تا رسیدن به نتایج ملموس تشکیل جلسات مورد پیگیری مستمر قرار گرفت. در محور دوم، نکات بهداشتی به تمامی کارکنان خدمات شهری سمنان آموزش داده شد. یافته ها: قبل از مداخلات، موارد جمع آوری، حمل و نقل و دفع زباله در شهر سمنان، از نظر بهداشتی مشکل داشت. پس از مداخلات، نتایج نشان داد رعایت نکات بهداشتی در حمل و نقل و دفع زباله تغییر و بهبود یافته است. نتیجه گیری: گفتگو و تعامل نیروهای مردمی با مسئولین شهری می تواند نتایج پر باری در بهبود وضعیت بهداشتی شهر و سلامت جامعه داشته باشد

    First report of coexistence of AmpC beta-lactamase genes in Klebsiella pneumoniae strains isolated from burn patients

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    Klebsiella spp. are among the most frequently isolated bacteria from burn wounds. These organisms are among the most important opportunistic pathogens, causing hospital-acquired and healthcare-associated infections worldwide. Limited information is available about prevalence of AmpC-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae from burn patients. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the characterization of AmpC beta-lactamase among K. pneumoniae isolated from burn patients. Samples were collected from wound specimens of patients with burn injury from a burn hospital in Tehran during 18 months (March 2015 to August 2016). For phenotypic detection of AmpC beta-lactamase, disk diffusion method with cefoxitin was used for screening, AmpC disk test and boronic acid inhibitor-based method were used as confirmatory tests. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed to screen all isolates with AmpC genes including ACCM, DHAM, EBCM, FOXM, MOXM, and CITM. Finally, PCR products were validated using sequencing. During this study, 102 isolates of K. pneumoniae were collected. Among these isolates, 52.9% suspected as AmpC producer by disk agar diffusion cefoxitin screening method. By confirmatory phenotypic methods, 19.6% of isolates considered as AmpC producer. Molecular analysis revealed 43.1% of cefoxitin-resistant isolates harbored at least one of the AmpC genes including CITM (22.5%), EBCM (21.5%), DHAM (7.8%), and FOXM (0.98%). In addition, 5.8% of isolates harbored two AmpC genes and 2.9% harbored three AmpC genes. In conclusion, K. pneumoniae is becoming a serious problem in burn patients. Accurate and precise methods and guidelines should be designed for detection of antibiotic-resistant mechanisms. Our data showed the high rate of AmpC beta-lactamase among K. pneumoniae isolated from burn patients, which limit the treatment options. Therefore, the results of this study can provide evidence to help for appropriate treatment of burn patients

    Study of MazEF, sam, and phd-doc putative toxin–antitoxin systems in Staphylococcus epidermidis

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    Today, to replace the antibacterial targets to overcome antibiotic resistance, toxin–antitoxin (TA) system is noticeable, where the unstable antitoxin neutralizes the stable toxin and protects the bacteria against the toxic effects. The presence and expression of TA genes in clinical and non-clinical strains of Staphylococcus epidermidis were investigated in this study. After identification of three TA pairs (mazEF, sam, and phd-doc) via existing databases (earlier, there has been no information in the case of S. epidermidis isolates), the presence and expression of these pairs were investigated by PCR and q-PCR, respectively. We detected three TA modules in all antibiotic sensitive and resistant isolates. In addition, q-PCR analysis revealed that the transcripts were produced from the three TA modules. This study showed the significant prevalence of these systems in pathogenic bacteria and they were equally found in both oxacillin-resistant and oxacillin-susceptible bacteria. The high prevalence of three systems can make them suitable as potential targets for antibiotic therapy

    Establishing a Field Hospital; a Report on a Disaster Maneuver

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    Numerous disasters such as earthquake, flood, tsunami, and war bring about broad crises that cause numerous physical, mental and psychological damages. Iran is also prone to various disasters and needs to be equipped for their management. The aim of this brief report is sharing the experience gained by facing the limitations in establishing a field hospital and emphasizing the need to take necessary measures for being properly equipped in facing probable problems arising at times of disaster. Based on the findings of the present study, not giving enough budget to holding maneuvers for preparing against disasters, shortage of proper tents for establishing a field hospital, mismanagement of volunteers, problems in preparing food for the staff, security problems, and difficulties in holding discipline were among the most important problems arising in establishing a field hospital in this maneuver

    Cloning, expression and purification of Pseudomonas aeruginosa pilin protein in the prokaryotic host

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    Background: Pathogenic Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains produce polar pili has required for motility, adhesion, and invasion. The main aims of the present study are to identify, clone, express and purify the recombinant pilin protein of P. aeruginosa in the prokaryotic host. Material and methods: The recombinant pilin gene (pilA) was isolated from P. aeruginosa PAO1 strain by PCR and cloned into pET-22b vector. The recombinant plasmid was subsequently verified by restriction analysis, and DNA sequencing. The recombinant vector was transformed into E. coli BL21 (DE3) strain, then the recombinant pilin overexpressed and affinity purified by Ni-NTA agarose-affinity chromatography.Western blot analysis was performed using anti-6His tag antibody. Results: The PCR and enzymatic digestion results showed the accuracy of the pilA gene cloning. The protein electrophoresis showed that the molecular weight of recombinant pilin is about 19 kDa. Western blot analysis also confirmed the production of recombinant protein. The amount of produced protein was measured by the direct spectrophotometery method, which was 2/58 mg/mL. Conclusion: Western blot and ELISA results along with that of sequencing ensure accurate production of recombinant pilin, retaining its partial epitopes