228 research outputs found

    Carcinoma primitivo de vesícula biliar

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    La oportunidad de haber observado tres casos de cáncer primitivo de la vesícula billar, en la Primera cátedra de Clínica Quirúrgica y en el Hospital Italiano, me ha inducido a ocuparme de este tema como tesis de mi graduación. Agruparemos el estudio en las siguientes partes: 1) Consideraciones generales 2) Patología 3) Sintomatología 4) Diagnóstico 3) Tratamiento 6) Pronóstico 7) Profilaxia 8) Conclusiones 9) CasuísticaMaterial digitalizado en SEDICI gracias a la colaboración de la Biblioteca de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas (UNLP).Facultad de Ciencias Médica

    Measuring 3D shape in orthodontics through geometric morphometrics

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    Abstract Background Geometric morphometrics (GMM) has been traditionally applied to the field of biology to study developmental differentiations between species. Orthodontics deals with the shape and size of the face and its components. While several tools have been used to measure size, proportions, and relations between anatomical components, shape has been mainly described by esthetic criteria. The purpose of this paper is to present methods to measure shape of 3D orthodontic data, beyond the conventional tools that have been traditionally used in cephalometrics and in facial and dental cast analysis. Findings The authors showcase an example of applying geometric morphometrics to measure palates from scanned dental casts. GMM can be used as a useful tool to describe the three-dimensional shape of surfaces of orthodontic interest. A general introduction to the theoretical principles of how to apply GMM is provided. Conclusions Variability can be measured through the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and can lead to the identification of shape patterns and sources of variability of the shape, independently from changes in size


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    This thesis was conceived as a paper series analyzing the topic of three-dimensional dental imaging through virtual study models. The aim of the thesis was to explore some of the new possibilities of use of three-dimensional virtual study models as a modern diagnostic and research tool. At the time of writing the thesis chapter 2 to 5 have been adapted as papers and submitted to orthodontic journals for approval. An abstract of each paper is presented here after, while in chapters 2 to 5 the details of each study are described. In chapter 6 general conclusions are presented, while in chapter 7 references for all the papers are reported

    Bonded versus banded rapid palatal expander followed by facial mask therapy: analysis on digital dental casts.

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    To compare the dental effects produced by a bonded versus a banded expander combined with facial mask (FM) in patients with Class III malocclusion by means of digital dental casts. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Two groups of patients with Class III malocclusion and maxillary transverse deficiency in the deciduous or early mixed dentition were selected. The first group consisted of 25 subjects (12 females; 13 males) with a mean age of 7.4 years (SD 1.2 years) treated with a bonded expander and FM. The second group consisted of 25 subjects (13 females; 12 males) with a mean age of 8.1 years (SD 1.3 years) treated with a banded expander and FM. For each subject of the two groups, initial (pre-treatment, T1) and final (post-treatment, T2) dental casts were taken and scanned. Maxillary digital models of T1 and T2 were superimposed on the palatal rugae in order to analyse the maxillary anchorage loss. Significant between-group differences were tested with independent sample t-test (P < 0.05). RESULTS: No statistical differences were found for any of the variables observed. CONCLUSION: Orthopaedic treatment of Class III malocclusion with either a bonded or a banded expander and FM during the deciduous or early mixed dentition induced a significant expansion of the maxillary arch and a slight mesialization of the posterior anchoring teeth with no difference between the two intraoral appliance design

    Identificación y caracterización del paisaje mediante parámetros visuales del relieve. REDIAM

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    El presente trabajo tiene como fin crear una metodología que permita construir un modelo objetivo, replicable, homogéneo y sistemático, que permita analizar y caracterizar un relieve desde el punto de vista visual, y cuyo resultado constituya un instrumento para la toma de decisiones, basadas en criterios paisajísticos, en la planificación y gestión de recursos naturales.This paper intends to create a methodology for building an objective, replicable, consistent and systematic model for analyzing and characterizing a relief from the visual point of view in order to provide a tool for landscape-based decision making on natural resources planning and management

    The Parkinson-related E193K LRRK2 variant impacts neuronal vesicles dynamics through perturbed protein interactions

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    The Leucine-Rich Repeat Kinase 2 (LRRK2) is a complex protein, expressed in neurons and implicated in Parkinson disease (PD). LRRK2 contains a dual enzymatic activity and several structural domains that constitute a versatile platform for multiple protein interactions at the synapses. In this study, we characterize the functional role of the N-terminal Armadillo repeats domain of LRRK2 and the impact on synaptic vesicle (SV) dynamics of a novel variant, E193K, harboured within this domain and identified in an Italian family affected by PD. Using a genetically encoded sensor of recycling, synaptopHluorine, and total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy, we visualized SV trafficking in the N2A neuroblastoma cells expressing the wild type LRRK2 protein, a mutant lacking the Armadillo domain (\u394N LRRK2) or the E193K variant. We found that expression of the \u394N construct increased the frequency and the amplitude of spontaneous synaptic events. A similar phenotype was detected in the presence of the E193K variant, suggesting that this mutation behaves as a loss-of-function mutation. A domain-based pulldown approach demonstrated that the LRRK2 N-terminus binds to cytoskeletal (\u3b2-actin and \u3b1-tubulin) and SV (synapsin I) proteins and the E193K substitution alters strength and quality of LRRK2 interactions. The results support a role of the Armadillo domain in interaction with synaptic proteins and suggest that the E193K mutation affects LRRK2 function via perturbation of its physiological network of interactors, resulting in impaired vesicular trafficking. These findings may have important implications for understanding the role of LRRK2 at the synapses and the pathophysiological mechanism for LRRK2-linked disease