367 research outputs found

    Defoliation of common ragweed by Ophraella communa beetle does not affect pollen allergenicity in controlled conditions

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    Ragweed allergy is one of the primary causes of seasonal allergies in Europe and its prevalence is expected to rise. The leaf beetle Ophraella communa, recently and accidentally established in N-Italy and S-Switzerland, represents a promising approach to control ragweed, but negative side effects should be excluded before its use. Since biotic and abiotic stresses are known to influence the allergenicity of pollen, we set out to assess the effect of sub-lethal defoliation by O. communa on the quantity and quality of ragweed pollen. Seventeen sister pairs (including six clones) of ragweed plants were grown in controlled conditions. One of each pair was exposed to O. communa as soon as the plant started to produce reproductive structures. After 10 weeks of exposure, plant traits were measured as a proxy for pollen quantity. Pollen quality was assessed by measuring its viability and allergenicity. Generally, plants produced very few male flowers and little amount of pollen. Damage by the beetle was severe with most of the leaf tissue removed, but no treatment effect was found on any of the quantitative and qualitative traits assessed. In conclusion, O. communa did not increase the amount or allergenicity of ragweed pollen grains in our experimental conditions

    Muscle Oxygen Delivery in the Forearm and in the Vastus Lateralis Muscles in Response to Resistance Exercise: A Comparison Between Nepalese Porters and Italian Trekkers

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    Altitude ascending represents an intriguing experimental model reproducing physiological and pathophysiological conditions sharing hypoxemia as the denominator. The aim of the present study was to investigate fractional oxygen extraction and blood dynamics in response to hypobaric hypoxia and to acute resistance exercises, taking into account several factors including different ethnic origin and muscle groups. As part of the “Kanchenjunga Exploration & Physiology” project, six Italian trekkers and six Nepalese porters took part in a high altitude trek in the Himalayas. The measurements were carried out at low (1,450 m) and high altitude (HA; 4,780 m). Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS)-derived parameters, i.e., Tot-Hb and tissue saturation index (TSI), were gathered at rest and after bouts of 3-min resistive exercise, both in the quadriceps and in the forearm muscles. TSI decreased with altitude, particularly in forearm muscles (from 66.9 to 57.3%), whereas the decrement was less in the quadriceps (from 62.5 to 57.2%); Nepalese porters were characterized by greater values in thigh TSI than Italian trekkers. Tot-Hb was increased after exercise. At altitude, such increase appeared to be higher in the quadriceps. This effect might be a consequence of the long-term adaptive memory due to the frequent exposures to altitude. Although speculative, we suggest a long-term adaptation of the Nepalese porters due to improved oxygenation of muscles frequently undergoing hypoxic exercise. Muscle structure, individual factors, and altitude exposure time should be taken into account to move on the knowledge of oxygen delivery and utilization at altitude

    Early effects of lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammation on foetal brain development in rat

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    Studies in humans and animal models link maternal infection and imbalanced levels of inflammatory mediators in the foetal brain to the aetiology of neuropsychiatric disorders. In a number of animal models, it was shown that exposure to viral or bacterial agents during a period that corresponds to the second trimester in human gestation triggers brain and behavioural abnormalities in the offspring. However, little is known about the early cellular and molecular events elicited by inflammation in the foetal brain shortly after maternal infection has occurred. In this study, maternal infection was mimicked by two consecutive intraperitoneal injections of 200 ÎŒg of LPS (lipopolysaccharide)/kg to timed-pregnant rats at GD15 (gestational day 15) and GD16. Increased thickness of the CP (cortical plate) and hippocampus together with abnormal distribution of immature neuronal markers and decreased expression of markers for neural progenitors were observed in the LPS-exposed foetal forebrains at GD18. Such effects were accompanied by decreased levels of reelin and the radial glial marker GLAST (glial glutamate transporter), and elevated levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines in maternal serum and foetal forebrains. Foetal inflammation elicited by maternal injections of LPS has discrete detrimental effects on brain development. The early biochemical and morphological changes described in this work begin to explain the sequelae of early events that underlie the neurobehavioural deficits reported in humans and animals exposed to prenatal insults

    A New Monitor and Control Power Supply PCB for Biasing LNAs of Large Radio Telescopes Receivers

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    The biasing of low noise amplifiers (LNA) is of paramount importance for the receivers of large radio telescopes. High stability, optimal trade-off between gain and noise figure, remote control, and mitigation of the radio frequency interferences (RFIs) are all desirable features in the choice of the electronic board devoted to power supply the LNAs. In this paper, we propose the design and characterization of a multilayer printed circuit board (PCB), named GAIA, able to meet all the aforementioned requirements. The GAIA board is a 3-Unit, four-layer, rack-mountable, programmable PCB for the remote biasing of the LNAs, with monitor and control capabilities, specifically designed to operate in the receivers of the 64-m diameter Sardinia Radio Telescope (SRT). We describe the architecture, layout, and measurements of the GAIA board. Our results show that the GAIA power supply provides high stability of the output bias voltages and, in comparison with the old analogic biasing board used so far in the SRT receivers, it shows comparable or better frequency stability, other than a remarkable mitigation of the RFIs

    Anticipatory freight selection in intermodal long-haul round-trips

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    We consider the planning problem faced by Logistic Service Providers (LSPs) transporting freights periodically, using long-haul round-trips. In each round-trip, freights are delivered and picked up at different locations within one region. Freights have time-windows and become known gradually over time. Using probabilistic knowledge about future freights, the LSP’s objective is to minimize costs over a multi-period horizon. We propose a look-ahead planning method using Approximate Dynamic Programming. Experiments show that our approach reduces costs up to 25.5% compared to a single-period optimization approach. We provide managerial insights for several intermodal long-haul round-trips settings and provide directions for further research

    Algebraic service composition for user-centric IoT applications

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) requires a shift in our way of building applications, as it is aimed at providing many services to society in general. Non-developer people require increasingly complex IoT applications and support for their ever changing run-time requirements. Although service composition allows the combination of functionality into more complex behaviours, current approaches provide support for dealing with one IoT scenario at a time, as they allow the definition of only one workflow. In this paper, we present DX-MAN, an algebraic model for static service composition that allows the definition of composite services that encompass multiple workflows for run-time scenarios. We evaluate our proposal on an example in the domain of smart homes

    The Sardinia Space Communication Asset: Performance of the Sardinia Deep Space Antenna X-Band Downlink Capability

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    The Sardinia deep space antenna (SDSA), managed by the Italian Space Agency (ASI) has started its operations in 2017 aiming to provide tracking and communication services for deep space, near earth, and lunar missions, and to support new and challenging radio science experiments. The SDSA shares with the Sardinia Radio Telescope (SRT) a part of the system and infrastructure, but has its own specific equipment and a dedicated control center. The current SDSA capabilities involve the X-band (8.4 GHz-8.5 GHz) reception of telemetry from deep space probes within interplanetary missions. In this work we describe the development and performance of the X-band receiving system. It was designed and assembled with the cooperation of both the NASA-Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and the European Space Agency (ESA). Specifically, NASA-JPL provided the X-band feed and the cryogenic receiver installed in a suitable focus of the SRT devoted to space applications, and ESA provided the intermediate frequency modem system (IFMS) for signal processing. The coupling of the X-band feed with the parabolic reflector of the SRT and the radiating features of the SDSA have been evaluated with simulations performed using CST Studio Suite and GRASP by Ticra. The telecommunication performance of the system has been assessed by measurements and experiments showing a good agreement between estimates and simulations

    Skin rash and response to cetuximab treatment: a retrospective single-center analysis

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    Background: The standard of care for patients with recurrent/metastatic head and neck squamous cell cancer (R/M HNSCC) not susceptible for surgery or reirradiation is chemotherapy with 5-FU and cisplatin plus cetuximab. Skin rash (SR) is a common adverse event of cetuximab. In patients treated with cetuximab for colorectal cancer there is strong evidence of a better outcome in those who undergo moderate or high grade of SR, and some retrospective data seem to confirm this finding in HNSCC. We report our experience. Materials and methods: We retrospectively reviewed 107 patients treated with cetuximab for R/M HNSCC from January 2014 to December 2016. Patients were divided in two groups by the grade of SR (G0-1 and G2-4), conforming to Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE) v 4.0. Progression-free survival (PFS) was computed as time of progression or death since the date of assessment of recurrent/metastatic disease. Overall response rate (ORR) was computed as the sum of partial and complete responses and evaluated according to RECIST 1.1. PFS and ORR were correlated to the grade of rash. Results: 67 patients were evaluable for PFS: among them PFS was significantly longer (p 0.0014) in those who underwent a G2-4 rash (9,3 months) vs G0-1 (4,9 months). Hazard Ratio was 2,445 (CI 1.412-4.232). 95 patients were evaluable for ORR: among them G0-1 group had 4,2%, while G2-4 group had 36,8% of ORR. Conclusions: Our results support data of literature on improved outcome according to the development of skin rash in HNSCC. SR might be considered a predictive marker of response in these patients; nonetheless further ad hoc studies would be interesting
