26 research outputs found
Expression des pompes calcique de type SERCA dans lâĂ©pithĂ©lium du plexus choroĂŻde normal et tumoral et au cours de la diffĂ©renciation prĂ©coce des lymphocytes B
Cellular calcium is involved in a multitude of biological processes including thecontrol of cell proliferation, differentiation and programmed cell death, and constitutestherefore a keconcentration calcique cytosolique de calcium subit des oscillations, qui suivant leuramplitude ou leur frĂ©quence, vont ĂȘtre capables dâactiver spĂ©cifiquement certains facteursde transcription. La rĂ©gulation de ces oscillations implique entre autres les ATPases de typeSERCA (Sarco/Endoplasmic Reticulum Calcium ATPase) qui accumulent le calcium dansle rĂ©ticulum endoplasmique. Lâobjectif de ce travail de thĂšse a Ă©tĂ© lâĂ©tude des SERCAs aucours de la diffĂ©renciation lymphocytaire B et dans lâĂ©pithĂ©lium du plexus choroĂŻde ; ceci,afin de mieux comprendre le profil dâexpression de ces pompes et les mĂ©canismes derĂ©gulation impliquĂ©s.Au cours de la diffĂ©renciation de lignĂ©es de leucĂ©mie aiguĂ« lymphoblastique (LAL) nousavons observĂ© que lâexpression de lâisoforme SERCA2 restait stable ou augmentaitlĂ©gĂšrement alors que celle de lâisoforme SERCA3 Ă©tait toujours fortement induite, pouvantatteindre des niveaux observĂ©s dans les cellules lymphoĂŻdes matures. Nous avons Ă©galementobservĂ© que lâinhibition de lâactivitĂ© des SERCAs altĂšre la diffĂ©renciation cellulaire qui estdĂ©pendante de la voie des PKC. Ces donnĂ©es indiquent que SERCA3 pourrait ĂȘtre utilisĂ©ey element in cell signaling. Calcium levels vary in a dynamic mannerdepending on the state of activation of the cell, and can display oscillations the amplitudeand frequency of which can convey specific signals to various transcription factors.Sarco/Endoplasmic Reticulum Calcium ATPases (SERCA enzymes) accumulate calciumfrom the cytosol into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). By modulating the spatiotemporalcharacteristics of calcium signals and oscillations, SERCA pumps constitute an importantand unique point of control of calcium-dependent cell activation. In this work weinvestigated SERCA expression during early B lymphoid differentiation and in normal,tumoral and hyperplastic choroid plexus epithelial cells.We have shown that SERCA3 expression is markedly increased during thepharmacologically induced differentiation of immature B acute lymphoblastic leukemiacells, whereas the expression of the simultaneously expressed SERCA2 isoform is notmodified significantly. SERCA3 expression during this differentiation process can reachlevels observed in mature B lymphoid cells, and is dependent on the activation of proteinkinase C. Moreover, the direct pharmacological inhibition of SERCA-dependent calciumtransport interferes with the differentiation process.Our investigations on the choroid plexus show, that whereas SERCA3 is highly expressedin normal choroid plexus epithelium, expression is strongly decreased in benign choroidplexus tumors and is lost in carcinoma, whereas expression is retained in hyperplasia. Inaddition, treatment of primary normal choroid plexus epithelial cells by short chain fattyacid-type cell differentiation-inducing agents in vitro leads to the induction of SERCA3expression.Our observations when taken together indicate that ER calcium homeostasis is remodeledduring the differentiation of immature B lymphoid cells and in the choroid plexus due to theinduction of SERCA3 expression. We show that a cross-talk exists between SERCA functionand the control of differentiation in B cells, that SERCA3 constitutes a new phenotypicmarker for the study of early B cell differentiation, and that the lack of SERCA3 expressionmay be useful for the identification of choroid plexus tumors.Lâion calcium est un second messager qui intervient dans de nombreux processuscellulaires dont la prolifĂ©ration, la diffĂ©renciation et lâapoptose. Ainsi, lâhomĂ©ostasiecalcique constitue un point central de rĂ©gulation de la signalisation cellulaire. En effet, laconcentration calcique cytosolique de calcium subit des oscillations, qui suivant leuramplitude ou leur frĂ©quence, vont ĂȘtre capables dâactiver spĂ©cifiquement certains facteursde transcription. La rĂ©gulation de ces oscillations implique entre autres les ATPases de typeSERCA (Sarco/Endoplasmic Reticulum Calcium ATPase) qui accumulent le calcium dansle rĂ©ticulum endoplasmique. Lâobjectif de ce travail de thĂšse a Ă©tĂ© lâĂ©tude des SERCAs aucours de la diffĂ©renciation lymphocytaire B et dans lâĂ©pithĂ©lium du plexus choroĂŻde ; ceci,afin de mieux comprendre le profil dâexpression de ces pompes et les mĂ©canismes derĂ©gulation impliquĂ©s.Au cours de la diffĂ©renciation de lignĂ©es de leucĂ©mie aiguĂ« lymphoblastique (LAL) nousavons observĂ© que lâexpression de lâisoforme SERCA2 restait stable ou augmentaitlĂ©gĂšrement alors que celle de lâisoforme SERCA3 Ă©tait toujours fortement induite, pouvantatteindre des niveaux observĂ©s dans les cellules lymphoĂŻdes matures. Nous avons Ă©galementobservĂ© que lâinhibition de lâactivitĂ© des SERCAs altĂšre la diffĂ©renciation cellulaire qui estdĂ©pendante de la voie des PKC. Ces donnĂ©es indiquent que SERCA3 pourrait ĂȘtre utilisĂ©ecomme marqueur de la diffĂ©renciation lymphocytaire B. Une rĂ©gulation de lâexpression desSERCAs a Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© mise en Ă©vidence au cours de la diffĂ©renciation de lâĂ©pithĂ©lium duplexus choroĂŻde normal ou tumoral. SERCA3 est fortement exprimĂ©e dans lâĂ©pithĂ©liumnormal, mais on retrouve une baisse ou une perte de son expression dans lâĂ©pithĂ©liumtumoral, cette baisse est corrĂ©lĂ©e Ă la perte de la diffĂ©renciation selon le grade des tumeurs.LâĂ©tude de lâexpression des SERCAs dans les cellules primaires du plexus choroĂŻde traitĂ©par des agents cyto-diffĂ©renciateurs (acides gras Ă chaĂźne courte), montre que ladiffĂ©renciation est associĂ©e Ă une surexpression de SERCA3. SERCA3 peut donc Ă©galementĂȘtre un marqueur de la diffĂ©renciation de lâĂ©pithĂ©lium du plexus choroĂŻde.Lâensemble de ce travail a montrĂ© que la diffĂ©renciation cellulaire est associĂ©e Ă la rĂ©gulationde protĂ©ines impliquĂ©es dans la rĂ©gulation de lâhomĂ©ostasie calcique : les SERCAs. On peutainsi proposer SERCA3 comme un nouveau marqueur phĂ©notypique utile pour lâanalyse dela diffĂ©renciation du plexus choroĂŻde normale et nĂ©oplasique, ainsi que pour celle de ladiffĂ©renciation lymphoĂŻde prĂ©-B leucĂ©mique
Expression of SERCA-type calcium pumps in the epithelium of the normal and tumor choroid plexus and during the early differentiation of B lymphocytes
Lâion calcium est un second messager qui intervient dans de nombreux processuscellulaires dont la prolifĂ©ration, la diffĂ©renciation et lâapoptose. Ainsi, lâhomĂ©ostasiecalcique constitue un point central de rĂ©gulation de la signalisation cellulaire. En effet, laconcentration calcique cytosolique de calcium subit des oscillations, qui suivant leuramplitude ou leur frĂ©quence, vont ĂȘtre capables dâactiver spĂ©cifiquement certains facteursde transcription. La rĂ©gulation de ces oscillations implique entre autres les ATPases de typeSERCA (Sarco/Endoplasmic Reticulum Calcium ATPase) qui accumulent le calcium dansle rĂ©ticulum endoplasmique. Lâobjectif de ce travail de thĂšse a Ă©tĂ© lâĂ©tude des SERCAs aucours de la diffĂ©renciation lymphocytaire B et dans lâĂ©pithĂ©lium du plexus choroĂŻde ; ceci,afin de mieux comprendre le profil dâexpression de ces pompes et les mĂ©canismes derĂ©gulation impliquĂ©s.Au cours de la diffĂ©renciation de lignĂ©es de leucĂ©mie aiguĂ« lymphoblastique (LAL) nousavons observĂ© que lâexpression de lâisoforme SERCA2 restait stable ou augmentaitlĂ©gĂšrement alors que celle de lâisoforme SERCA3 Ă©tait toujours fortement induite, pouvantatteindre des niveaux observĂ©s dans les cellules lymphoĂŻdes matures. Nous avons Ă©galementobservĂ© que lâinhibition de lâactivitĂ© des SERCAs altĂšre la diffĂ©renciation cellulaire qui estdĂ©pendante de la voie des PKC. Ces donnĂ©es indiquent que SERCA3 pourrait ĂȘtre utilisĂ©ecomme marqueur de la diffĂ©renciation lymphocytaire B. Une rĂ©gulation de lâexpression desSERCAs a Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© mise en Ă©vidence au cours de la diffĂ©renciation de lâĂ©pithĂ©lium duplexus choroĂŻde normal ou tumoral. SERCA3 est fortement exprimĂ©e dans lâĂ©pithĂ©liumnormal, mais on retrouve une baisse ou une perte de son expression dans lâĂ©pithĂ©liumtumoral, cette baisse est corrĂ©lĂ©e Ă la perte de la diffĂ©renciation selon le grade des tumeurs.LâĂ©tude de lâexpression des SERCAs dans les cellules primaires du plexus choroĂŻde traitĂ©par des agents cyto-diffĂ©renciateurs (acides gras Ă chaĂźne courte), montre que ladiffĂ©renciation est associĂ©e Ă une surexpression de SERCA3. SERCA3 peut donc Ă©galementĂȘtre un marqueur de la diffĂ©renciation de lâĂ©pithĂ©lium du plexus choroĂŻde.Lâensemble de ce travail a montrĂ© que la diffĂ©renciation cellulaire est associĂ©e Ă la rĂ©gulationde protĂ©ines impliquĂ©es dans la rĂ©gulation de lâhomĂ©ostasie calcique : les SERCAs. On peutainsi proposer SERCA3 comme un nouveau marqueur phĂ©notypique utile pour lâanalyse dela diffĂ©renciation du plexus choroĂŻde normale et nĂ©oplasique, ainsi que pour celle de ladiffĂ©renciation lymphoĂŻde prĂ©-B leucĂ©mique.Cellular calcium is involved in a multitude of biological processes including thecontrol of cell proliferation, differentiation and programmed cell death, and constitutestherefore a keconcentration calcique cytosolique de calcium subit des oscillations, qui suivant leuramplitude ou leur frĂ©quence, vont ĂȘtre capables dâactiver spĂ©cifiquement certains facteursde transcription. La rĂ©gulation de ces oscillations implique entre autres les ATPases de typeSERCA (Sarco/Endoplasmic Reticulum Calcium ATPase) qui accumulent le calcium dansle rĂ©ticulum endoplasmique. Lâobjectif de ce travail de thĂšse a Ă©tĂ© lâĂ©tude des SERCAs aucours de la diffĂ©renciation lymphocytaire B et dans lâĂ©pithĂ©lium du plexus choroĂŻde ; ceci,afin de mieux comprendre le profil dâexpression de ces pompes et les mĂ©canismes derĂ©gulation impliquĂ©s.Au cours de la diffĂ©renciation de lignĂ©es de leucĂ©mie aiguĂ« lymphoblastique (LAL) nousavons observĂ© que lâexpression de lâisoforme SERCA2 restait stable ou augmentaitlĂ©gĂšrement alors que celle de lâisoforme SERCA3 Ă©tait toujours fortement induite, pouvantatteindre des niveaux observĂ©s dans les cellules lymphoĂŻdes matures. Nous avons Ă©galementobservĂ© que lâinhibition de lâactivitĂ© des SERCAs altĂšre la diffĂ©renciation cellulaire qui estdĂ©pendante de la voie des PKC. Ces donnĂ©es indiquent que SERCA3 pourrait ĂȘtre utilisĂ©ey element in cell signaling. Calcium levels vary in a dynamic mannerdepending on the state of activation of the cell, and can display oscillations the amplitudeand frequency of which can convey specific signals to various transcription factors.Sarco/Endoplasmic Reticulum Calcium ATPases (SERCA enzymes) accumulate calciumfrom the cytosol into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). By modulating the spatiotemporalcharacteristics of calcium signals and oscillations, SERCA pumps constitute an importantand unique point of control of calcium-dependent cell activation. In this work weinvestigated SERCA expression during early B lymphoid differentiation and in normal,tumoral and hyperplastic choroid plexus epithelial cells.We have shown that SERCA3 expression is markedly increased during thepharmacologically induced differentiation of immature B acute lymphoblastic leukemiacells, whereas the expression of the simultaneously expressed SERCA2 isoform is notmodified significantly. SERCA3 expression during this differentiation process can reachlevels observed in mature B lymphoid cells, and is dependent on the activation of proteinkinase C. Moreover, the direct pharmacological inhibition of SERCA-dependent calciumtransport interferes with the differentiation process.Our investigations on the choroid plexus show, that whereas SERCA3 is highly expressedin normal choroid plexus epithelium, expression is strongly decreased in benign choroidplexus tumors and is lost in carcinoma, whereas expression is retained in hyperplasia. Inaddition, treatment of primary normal choroid plexus epithelial cells by short chain fattyacid-type cell differentiation-inducing agents in vitro leads to the induction of SERCA3expression.Our observations when taken together indicate that ER calcium homeostasis is remodeledduring the differentiation of immature B lymphoid cells and in the choroid plexus due to theinduction of SERCA3 expression. We show that a cross-talk exists between SERCA functionand the control of differentiation in B cells, that SERCA3 constitutes a new phenotypicmarker for the study of early B cell differentiation, and that the lack of SERCA3 expressionmay be useful for the identification of choroid plexus tumors
Sonic hedgehog activation is implicated in diosgenin-induced megakaryocytic differentiation of human erythroleukemia cells
International audienceDifferentiation therapy is a means to treat cancer and is induced by different agents with low toxicity and more specificity than traditional ones. Diosgenin, a plant steroid, is able to induce megakaryocytic differentiation or apoptosis in human HEL erythroleukemia cells in a dose-dependent manner. However, the exact mechanism by which diosgenin induces megakaryocytic differentiation has not been elucidated. In this study, we studied the involvement of Sonic Hedgehog in megakaryocytic differentiation induced by diosgenin in HEL cells. First, we showed that different elements of the Hedgehog pathway are expressed in our model by qRT-PCR. Then, we focused our interest on key elements in the Sonic Hedgehog pathway: Smoothened receptor, GLI transcription factor and the ligand Sonic Hedgehog. We showed that Smoothened and Sonic Hedgehog were overexpressed in disogenin-treated cells and that GLI transcription factors were activated. Then, we showed that SMO inhibition using siSMO or the GLI antagonist GANT-61, blocked megakaryocytic differentiation induced by diosgenin in HEL cells. Furthermore, we demonstrated that Sonic Hedgehog pathway inhibition led to inhibition of ERK1/2 activation, a major physiological pathway involved in megakaryocytic differentiation. In conclusion, our study reports, for the first time, a crucial role for the Sonic Hedgehog pathway in diosgenin-induced megakaryocytic differentiation in HEL cells
Cyclopamine and jervine induce COX-2 overexpression in human erythroleukemia cells but only cyclopamine has a pro-apoptotic effect.
International audienceErythroleukemia is generally associated with a very poor response and survival to current available therapeutic agents. Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) has been described to play a crucial role in the proliferation and differentiation of leukemia cells, this enzyme seems to play an important role in chemoresistance in different cancer types. Previously, we demonstrated that diosgenin, a plant steroid, induced apoptosis in HEL cells with concomitant COX-2 overexpression. In this study, we investigated the antiproliferative and apoptotic effects of cyclopamine and jervine, two steroidal alkaloids with similar structures, on HEL and TF1a human erythroleukemia cell lines and, for the first time, their effect on COX-2 expression. Cyclopamine, but not jervine, inhibited cell proliferation and induced apoptosis in these cells. Both compounds induced COX-2 overexpression which was responsible for apoptosis resistance. In jervine-treated cells, COX-2 overexpression was NF-ÎșB dependent. Inhibition of NF-ÎșB reduced COX-2 overexpression and induced apoptosis. In addition, cyclopamine induced apoptosis and COX-2 overexpression via PKC activation. Inhibition of the PKC pathway reduced both apoptosis and COX-2 overexpression in both cell lines. Furthermore, we demonstrated that the p38/COX-2 pathway was involved in resistance to cyclopamine-induced apoptosis since p38 inhibition reduced COX-2 overexpression and increased apoptosis in both cell lines
Effects of SMO and GLI1 inhibition on diosgenin-induced megakaryocytic differentiation in HEL cells.
<p>(<b>A</b>) Cells were transfected with siSMO or pretreated with 5”M GANT-61 for 48 h (G5) then treated with 10 ”M diosgenin for 12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 h.SMO expression was evaluated by Western blot. GAPDH was used as a loading control. (<b>B</b>) Cells were pretreated with 5”M GANT-61 (G5) then treated with 10 ”M diosgenin for 12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 h. GLI1 activation was evaluated by electromobility shift assay using the DIG Gel Shift Kit. The blots shown are representative of five separate experiments. (<b>C</b>) Cells were transfected with siSMO or pretreated with 5”M GANT-61 (G5) then treated with 10 ”M diosgenin for 96 h. Megakaryocytic differentiation was assessed by analyzing nuclear ploidy. (<b>D</b>) Cells were transfected with siSMO or pretreated with 5”M GANT-61 (G5) then treated with 10 ”M diosgenin for 5, 20 min, 1, 3, 6, 12 and 24 h. ERK1/2 phosphorylation was quantified using DuoSet IC assay kit. Each value represents the mean ± SEM of three separate experiments, * P< 0.05 siSMO+diosgenin or GANT-61+ diosgenin <i>vs</i>. diosgenin, # P< 0.05 diosgenin <i>vs</i>. control.</p
Characteristics of RT-PCR primers used for SHh signaling studies.
<p>Characteristics of RT-PCR primers used for SHh signaling studies.</p
Effect of diosgenin on SHh, SMO and GLI1 gene expression during megakaryocytic differentiation in HEL and TF1a cell lines.
<p>(A) Cells were treated or not with 10 ”M diosgenin for 24, 48, 72 and 96 h then SHh, SMO and GLI1 genes expressions were evaluated. Total RNA was extracted and 2”g of total RNA were transcribed into cDNA and used for PCR. PCR resulting fragments were visualized by electrophoresis on a 1% agarose gel containing ethidium bromide. Quantification of SHh, SMO and GLI1 transcripts were normalized to 18S as an internal control. The agarose gels shown are representative of six separate experiments. (B) Cells were treated or not with 10”M diosgenin for 96 h and megakaryocytic differentiation was evaluated by analyzing nuclear ploidy. Cells were fixed and permeabilized in 70% ethanol in PBS at â20 °C overnight, washed in PBS, treated with RNase and stained with PI. Then, flow cytometric analyses (FC) were performed to analyze DNA content.</p
Effect of diosgenin on human Hedgehog signaling pathway gene expression after 24 and 48 h treatment.
<p>Cells were treated or not (control) with 10 ”M diosgenin for 24 and 48 h then total RNA was extracted. 1”g of total RNA were transcribed into cDNA and used for quantitative-PCR according to the RT<sup>2</sup> profiler PCR array « human hedgehog signaling pathway ». Relative levels of mRNA gene expression were calculated using the 2<sup>âÎÎCt</sup> method versus untreated cells. Each value represents the mean ± SEM of three separate experiments.</p
Effect of diosgenin on SHh-N production, SMO expression and GLI1 activation in HEL cells.
<p>Cells were treated with 10 ”M diosgenin for 12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 h. (<b>A</b>) SHh-N production was evaluated in cell culture supernatanst using the âSonic Hedgehog Human ELISA Kitâ. Each value represents the mean ± SD of three separate experiments, * P< 0.05 diosgenin <i>vs.</i> control. (<b>B</b>) SMO expression was evaluated by Western blot analysis after diosgenin treatment. GAPDH was used as a loading control. (<b>C</b>) GLI1 activation was evaluated by electromobility shift assay using the DIG Gel Shift Kit. The blots shown are representative of five separate experiments.</p
Intermittent Fasting Resolves Dyslipidemia and Atherogenesis in Apolipoprotein E-Deficient Mice in a Diet-Dependent Manner, Irrespective of Sex
In humans and animal models, intermittent fasting (IF) interventions promote body weight loss, improve metabolic health, and are thought to lower cardiovascular disease risk. However, there is a paucity of reports on the relevance of such nutritional interventions in the context of dyslipidemia and atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases. The present study assessed the metabolic and atheroprotective effects of intermittent fasting intervention (IF) in atherosclerosis-prone apolipoprotein E-deficient (Apoe-/-) mice. Groups of male and female Apoe-/- mice were fed a regular (chow) or atherogenic (high-fat, high-cholesterol, HFCD) diet for 4 months, either ad libitum or in an alternate-day fasting manner. The results show that IF intervention improved glucose and lipid metabolism independently of sex. However, IF only decreased body weight gain in males fed chow diet and differentially modulated adipose tissue parameters and liver steatosis in a diet composition-dependent manner. Finally, IF prevented spontaneous aortic atherosclerotic lesion formation in mice fed chow diet, irrespective of sex, but failed to reduce HFCD-diet-induced atherosclerosis. Overall, the current work indicates that IF interventions can efficiently improve glucose homeostasis and treat atherogenic dyslipidemia, but a degree of caution is warranted with regard to the individual sex and the composition of the dietary regimen