110 research outputs found

    Produção biossalina de mudas de espécies florestais nativas da Caatinga

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    The Caatinga dry forest species are well adapted and resilient to the climatic conditions of the Brazilian semiarid region. However, this is one of the more vulnerable ecosystems to climate change, due to increasing deforestation and drought in the last years.Water shortage in this region has prompted studies into the possibility of safe brackish water use/reuse for forage and forest seedling production. We tested, in this study, alternative sources to potable water to irrigate forest seedlings in nurseries, which have high water expenditure. The trail was performed in a completely randomized design with three irrigation water sources and four replications with five seedlings. Biosaline fish cropping water; brackish groundwater and tap water were used for irrigation of seedlings of Anadenanthera colubrina, Erythrina velutina and Aspidosperma pyrifolium, grown in a screened nursery greenhouse in polyethylene bags filled with sand and soil (1:1 v/v). Seed germination and seedlings growth were evaluated for up to 80 days. Results showed that irrigation with biosaline fish farming waste water with electrical conductivity values > 6 dS.m-1 did not compromise the seed germination nor the seedlings growth in nursery. Brackish ground water, however, slowed the development of seedlings. Faced with the possibility of water shortages due to climate change, the use of non-potable sources of water, can therefore, be an alternative and low input technique for the production of seedlings of native species from Caatinga.As espécies florestais da Caatinga estão adaptadas e são resilientes às condições climáticas da região semiárida brasileira. No entanto, este é um dos ecossistemas mais vulneráveis às mudanças climáticas, devido ao aumento do desmatamento e à seca dos últimos anos. A escassez de água nessa região induziu estudos sobre a possibilidade de utilização/reutilização segura da água salobra para a produção de forragem e de mudas florestais. Testaram-se, nesse estudo, fontes alternativas à água potável para irrigação de mudas florestais em viveiros, que apresentam elevado gasto de água. O ensaio foi realizado em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com três fontes de água para irrigação e quatro repetições de cinco plântulas. Água biossalina, provinda de cultivo de peixe; água subterrânea salobra e água de abastecimento foram utilizadas para irrigar mudas de Anadenanthera colubrina, Erythrina velutina e Aspidosperma pyrifolium, cultivadas em viveiro telado em embalagens de polietileno preenchidas com areia e solo (1:1, v/v). A porcentagem de germinação das sementes e o crescimento das mudas foram avaliados até 80 dias. Os resultados mostraram que a irrigação com água biossalina residual de piscicultura, com valores de condutividade elétrica < 6 dS.m-1 não comprometeu a germinação das sementes, nem o crescimento de mudas em viveiro. A água salobra subterrânea reduziu a velocidade de desenvolvimento das mudas. Diante a possibilidade de escassez de água devido às mudanças do clima, o uso de fontes não potáveis de água pode, portanto, ser uma técnica alternativa de baixo custo, para a produção de mudas de espécies da Caatinga

    Microbial protein synthesis and nitrogen balance in crossbred heifers fed with two tannins sources

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    Tannins have been used to trigger positive effects on ruminal metabolism. So, increasing levels of tannic acid in a sorghum-based diet for five Holstein/Zebu crossbred lactating heifers were subject to a 5 × 5 Latin square experimental design, five heifers x five tannins acid levels x five periods. The excretion of total purine derivatives, through the collection of spot urine samples, and the N concentration values in the milk and urine were used. All heifers received 9.87 kg/DM of corn silage as roughage and 6.38 kg of concentrate (not fed ad libitum). Diet 1 (control) contained low-tannin sorghum (0.027kg total tannin), and the other diets contained high-tannin sorghum. The levels of tannic acid added used were established based on the quantity of condensed tannin in high-tannin sorghum. Thus, diets 2, 3, 4, and 5 were supplemented with 1.5g (13.%DM), 79.5g (2.6%DM), 157.5g (3.9%DM), and 235.5g (5.2%DM) of tannic acid totalling 0.078, 0.156, 0.234, and 0.321 total tannin kg/day respectively. The urinary excretions of urea (2.0055), total allantoin (185.12&nbsp; mmol/day-1) , and total purine derivatives (222.32 mmol/day-1); absorbed purines 179.3 mmol/day-1); the N microbian synthesis (130.358 (g)N/day-1); and the concentrations of allantoin in milk (36.40 mmol/day-1) were not affected by the diets. Diets using two tannins sources supplementation did not affect the animal’s health, that is, it did not change the blood and metabolic rates above the normality indices for the animal category, neither improved the efficiency of the microbial synthesis nor the balance of N for milk productionLow to moderate concentrations of condensed tannins in ruminant diets are considered to increase the post-ruminal flow of non-ammonia nitrogen. The objective of this research was study the microbial protein synthesis and nitrogen balance of lactating cows fed with a diet of two tannin sources, based on sorghum (condensed tannin) with increasing levels of tannic acid (hydrolysable tannin). So, increasing levels of tannic acid in a sorghum-based diet for five Holstein/Zebu crossbred lactating heifers were subject to a 5 × 5 Latin square experimental design, five heifers x five tannins acid levels x five periods. The excretion of total purine derivatives, through the collection of spot urine samples, and the N concentration values in the milk and urine were used. All heifers received 9.87 kg/DM of corn silage as roughage and 6.38 kg of concentrate (not fed ad libitum). Diet 1 (control) contained low-tannin sorghum (0.027 kg total tannin), and the other diets contained high-tannin sorghum. The levels of tannic acid added used were established based on the quantity of condensed tannin in high-tannin sorghum. Thus, diets 2, 3, 4, and 5 were supplemented with 1.5g (13% DM), 79.5g (2.6% DM), 157.5 g (3.9% DM), and 235.5 g (5.2% DM) of tannic acid totalling 0.078, 0.156, 0.234, and 0.321 total tannin kg/day respectively. The urinary excretions of urea (2.0055), total allantoin (185.12 mmol/day-1), and total purine derivatives (222.32 mmol/day-1); absorbed purines 179.3 mmol/day-1); the N microbian synthesis (130.358 (g)N/day-1); and the concentrations of allantoin in milk (36.40 mmol/day-1) were not affected by the diets. Diets using two tannins (hydrolysable and condensed) sources supplementation didn’t affect the animals’ health, neither improved the microbial synthesis efficiency nor the N balance for milk production

    Dinâmica fermentativa, qualidade nutricional e capacidade de aquecimento de silagens mistas de capim elefante (Pennisetum purpureum Schum) e leucena (Leucaena leucocephala)

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    Leucaena has been used to make mixed silages to obtain nutritional enrichment of the silages. Thus, the inclusion of Leucaena as an additive in mixed elephant grass silages can reduce fermentation losses, and increase the nutritional value and aerobic stability of the mixed silage without changing the fermentation profile. This study evaluated the fermentation profile, nutritional composition, and aerobic stability of elephant grass silages combined with different levels of Leucaena. A total of five inclusion levels of Leucaena (0, 20, 40, 60, and 80% on a dry matter basis) were added to elephant grass silages. A completely randomized design was adopted, with 5 treatments and 3 repetitions, totaling 15 experimental silos that were opened after 30 days of sealing. Fermentation profile, chemical composition, and aerobic stability were analyzed. A descriptive analysis of temperature and pH peaks during aerobic stability was performed. The increase in the inclusion of Leucaena in the composition of silages reduced gas and effluent losses, neutral and acid detergent fiber, cellulose, lignin, total and fiber carbohydrates, and total digestible nutrients, and resulted in increased dry matter, ether extract, and crude protein. A quadratic effect of treatments was found for the temperature to reach the maximum pH (P=0.009). Aerobic stability remained constant after 40% Leucaena inclusion in the composition of elephant grass silages. The inclusion of Leucaena up to 80% in the composition of elephant grass silages reduces fermentation losses, promotes a nutritional increase, and increases the aerobic stability of the silages.A leucena tem sido utilizada para a confecção de silagens mistas para o enriquecimento nutricional das silagens. Assim, a inclusão da leucena como aditivo em silagens mistas de capim-elefante pode reduzir as perdas fermentativas e aumentar o valor nutricional e a estabilidade aeróbia das silagens, sem alterar o seu perfil fermentativo. Objetivou-se avaliar o perfil fermentativo, composição nutricional e estabilidade aeróbia de silagens de capim elefante associadas com níveis crescentes de leucena. Um total de cinco níveis de leucena (0, 20, 40, 60 e 80% em base da matéria seca) foram incluídos em silagens de capim elefante. Adotou-se um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com 5 tratamentos e 3 repetições, totalizando 15 silos experimentais, os quais foram abertos após 30 dias de ensilagem. Foram analisados o perfil fermentativo, a composição química e a estabilidade aeróbica. Foi realizada uma análise descritiva dos picos de temperatura e pH durante a estabilidade aeróbia. O aumento da inclusão da leucena na composição das silagens reduziu as perdas por gases, perdas por efluentes, fibra em detergente neutro, fibra em detergente ácido, celulose, lignina, carboidratos totais, carboidratos fibrosos e nutrientes digestíveis totais e aumentou os de teores de matéria seca, extrato etéreo e proteína bruta. Foi observado efeito quadrático dos tratamentos sobre a temperatura para atingir o pH máximo (P=0.009). A estabilidade aeróbia permaneceu constante a partir de 40% de inclusão de leucena na composição das silagens de capim elefante. A inclusão da leucena em até 80% na composição de silagens de capim elefante reduz as perdas fermentativas, promove incremento nutricional e aumento da estabilidade aeróbia das silagens.

    Chemical composition and fermentative characteristics of old man saltbush silage supplemented with energy concentrates

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the fermentation profile and chemical composition of old man saltbush (Atriplex nummularia Lindl.) silage supplemented with cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) scraps or grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) in the proportion of 10% based on natural matter. The experimental design was completely randomized, in a 3 x 7 factorial arrangement (3 treatments and 7 opening days), with three replications. The treatments consisted of three silages: old man saltbush silage, old man saltbush silage + cassava scrap, and old man saltbush silage + grain sorghum. The experiment was conducted at the EMBRAPA Semiarid Animal Nutrition Laboratory, located in the city of Petrolina-PE. Twenty-one experimental silos were used for each treatment; these silos were opened after 1, 3, 5, 7, 14, 28, and 56 days in ensiling. The pH, ammoniacal nitrogen and total nitrogen ratio, dry matter, crude protein, ether extract, mineral matter, organic matter, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, total carbohydrates, non-fibrous carbohydrate, and dry matter in vitro digestibility. The additives grain sorghum and cassava scrap increased the dry matter content and reduced pH values. N-NH3 NT-1 values increased as the fermentation processes progressed, and after 56 fermentation days were close to 11%. Silages were classified as excellent in the fermentation process. The addition of cassava scrap and grain sorghum favors the ensiling process of the old man saltbush, providing improvements in the silage nutritive value. During the storage period, the use of these additives promoted a reduction of total losses, inhibition of alcoholic fermentation, and greater carbohydrates recovery, resulting in silage with a nutritive value similar to that of fresh forage, representing an alternative source of additives

    Blood, liver and rumen parameters of sheep fed diets containing detoxified castor bean meal

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os parâmetros sanguíneos, hepáticos e ruminais, bem como caracterizare quantificar a população de protozoários ciliados, no rúmen de ovinos alimentados com dietas com farelo de mamona destoxificada (FM). Foram utilizados 32 ovinos, para a avaliação dos parâmetros sanguíneos e hepáticos, e quatro ovinos adultos fistulados no rúmen, para a avaliação dos parâmetros ruminais. A dieta controle foi composta por feno de capim‑buffel, milho em grão moído, ureia e farelo de soja (FS). Nos tratamentos, o FS foi substituído parcialmente  pelo FM a 15, 30 e 45% no concentrado. Não houve diferença, entre os tratamentos, quanto aos teores de ureia no soro, cuja média foi de 666,0 mg L‑1. Não houve diferença entre as dietas quanto à glicose, ao aspartato aminotranferase e à alanina aminotransferase, que tiveram média de 690,3 mg L‑1, 127,4 UI L‑1 e 16,9 UI L‑1, respectivamente. Os valores de nitrogênio amoniacal e pH apresentaram padrão linear crescente com a substituição do FS pelo FM. O gênero Entodinium foi o mais frequente em todos os tratamentos e obteve média geral de 76,4% do total de protozoários; otratamento sem inclusão do FM obteve a maior percentagem deste gênero entre os tratamentos. A dieta com substituição de 45% do farelo de soja pelo de mamona destoxificado favorece o ambiente ruminal.The objective of this work was to evaluate the blood, liver and rumen parameters, as well as to characterizeand quantify the population of ciliated protozoa in the rumen of sheep fed diets with detoxified castor bean meal(DCBM). Thirty‑two lambs were used, for the evaluation of blood and liver parameters, and four rumen‑cannulatedadult sheep were used to determine rumen parameters. The control diet was composed by buffel grass hay, groundcorn grain, urea and soybean meal (SBM). In the treatments, SBM was partially replaced by DCBM at 15, 30 and 45% in the concentrate. There was no significant difference, among treatments, for the serum‑urea contents whose mean value was 666.0 mg L‑1. There was no significant difference, among diets, for glucose, aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase, which had mean values of 690.3 mg L‑1, 127.4 IUL‑1 and 16.9 IUL‑1, respectively. The ammoniacal nitrogen and pH values had an increasing linear pattern with the replacement of SBM by DCBM. The genus Entodinium was the most frequent in all treatments and showed 76.4% overall mean of the total protozoa; the treatment without DCBM had the highest percentage of this genus among treatments. The diet substitution above 45% of soybean meal by the detoxified castor bean meal is favorable to the rumen environment

    Quantification and characterization of putative diazotrophic bacteria from forage palm under saline water irrigation

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the density and phenotypical diversity of diazotrophic endophytic bacteria from the forage palm irrigated with different saline water depths. Opuntia stricta (IPA-200016) received five depths of saline water (L1: 80%. ETo; L2: 60%.ETo; L3: 40%; ETo; L4: 20%; ETo and, L5: 0% ETo, where ETo is the reference evapotranspiration). The roots were collected in the field, disinfected, grounded and serial diluted from 10-1 to 10-4. The total concentration of diazotrophic bacteria was determined by the most probable number method (MPN) and the isolated bacteria were characterized phenotipically. The concentration of bacteria found in forage palm roots ranged from 0.36 x 104 to 109.89 104 cells per gram of root, with highest occurrence on the 60 and 80% ETo. In the dendrogram of similarity it was possible to observe the formation of 24 phenotypic groups with 100% similarity. All bacteria presented similarity superior to 40%. Among these groups, 14 are rare groups, formed by only a single bacterial isolate. In the Semi-Arid conditions, the forage palm that receives the highest amount of saline water, presents a higher density of putative nitrogen-fixing endophytic bacteria with high phenotypic diversity

    Número de bolos ruminais e mastigação merícica de ovinos recebendo dieta a base de palma forrageira e fenos de Atriplex: Number of ruminal bolus and mericics mastications of sheep receiving diets the base spineless cactus by saltbush hay

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    Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar os efeitos da substituição da palma forrageira (Opuntia ficus-indica, Mill) por feno de erva sal (Atriplex nummularia Lind.) e farelo de milho sobre o número de bolos ruminais e variáveis da mastigação merícica de ovinos. Os níveis de substituição foram: 0,0; 15,3; 35,3; 62,9 e 100%. Foram utilizados cinco carneiros adultos, fistulados no rúmen, com peso vivo médio de 65 ± 2 kg; alojados em baias individuais, distribuídos em um delineamento quadrado latino 5 x 5 (5 dietas x 5 períodos). O número de bolos ruminados, tempo de mastigação merícica por bolo ruminal (MMtb) e número de mastigação merícica por bolo (MMnb) foram influenciados significativamente (P&lt;0,05) pelo aumento no nível de substituição, ao contrário da mastigação merícica por minuto e número de mastigação merícica. Os resultados demonstraram que a substituição da palma forrageira modifica o número de bolos ruminados durante o dia, bem como algumas das variáveis da mastigação merícica

    PCR identification of lactic acid bacteria populations in corn silage inoculated with lyophilised or activated Lactobacillus buchneri

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    This study aimed to evaluate the effect of inoculation with lyophilised and/or activated Lactobacillus buchneri on lactic acid bacteria populations in corn silage. Experimental treatments consisted of corn silage without additives or silage with the inoculants of L. buchneri (1 x 105 cfu/g) applied according to the manufacturer’s recommendations (1 g/tonne fodder) in the forms of the lyophilised inoculant and pre-activated inoculant. Purified isolates from corn silage with and without the inoculant were identified, and 93% of the isolates corresponded to the lactic acid bacteria of the species Lactobacillus plantarum. Among the isolates, no bacteria of the species L. buchneri were detected. The application of lyophilised or activated L. buchneri improved the microbiological profile and reduced ethanol production in corn silage, even without being identified among the isolates captured 70 days after ensilage. Highlights: Lactic acid bacteria showed greater development at 7 days of fermentation. Lactobacillus plantarum predominated at 70 days, representing 93% of the total LAB population. Lactobacillus buchneri improved its microbiological profile with decreased ethanol production.This study aimed to evaluate the effect of inoculation with lyophilised and/or activated Lactobacillus buchneri on lactic acid bacteria populations in corn silage. Experimental treatments consisted of corn silage without additives or silage with the inoculants of L. buchneri (1 x 105 cfu/g) applied according to the manufacturer’s recommendations (1 g/tonne fodder) in the forms of the lyophilised inoculant and pre-activated inoculant. Purified isolates from corn silage with and without the inoculant were identified, and 93% of the isolates corresponded to the lactic acid bacteria of the species Lactobacillus plantarum. Among the isolates, no bacteria of the species L. buchneri were detected. The application of lyophilised or activated L. buchneri improved the microbiological profile and reduced ethanol production in corn silage, even without being identified among the isolates captured 70 days after ensilage. Highlights: Lactic acid bacteria showed greater development at 7 days of fermentation. Lactobacillus plantarum predominated at 70 days, representing 93% of the total LAB population. Lactobacillus buchneri improved its microbiological profile with decreased ethanol production

    Characterization of Caatinga vegetation and diet of steers in the "Sertão" of Pernambuco, Brazil

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a composição botânica, a disponibilidade e a qualidade da forragem e da dieta de animais fistulados alimentados na Caatinga, no período chuvoso, em Pernambuco. Avaliaram-se a composição botânica e a disponibilidade de fitomassa dos estratos herbáceo, arbustivo e arbóreo, nos meses de março e junho. A avaliação da qualidade da forragem foi feita por meio da análise bromatológica, realizada em todos os meses do período chuvoso. Foram encontradas 67 espécies, das quais 28 herbáceas, 20 arbustivas e 19 arbóreas. Destas, 19 foram encontradas na dieta dos animais. A disponibilidade de fitomassa do componente herbáceo variou de 1.369 kg ha-1 de matéria seca (MS), em março, para 452 kg ha-1 de MS em junho. A disponibilidade do estrato arbustivo aproximou-se do herbáceo, enquanto o componente arbóreo contribuiu com apenas 178 kg ha-1 de MS. Apesar de a disponibilidade de fitomassa ser relativamente alta, apenas uma pequena porcentagem do material encontrado pode ser considerada como forragem. Foi observada baixa digestibilidade da proteína, provavelmente em conseqüência do alto teor em lignina.The objective of this work was to evaluate the botanical composition, the availability and quality of the fodder and diet of fistulated animals fed in an area of Caatinga, during the rainy season, in Pernambuco State, Brazil. Evaluations of botanical composition and fodder availability of herbaceous, arbustive and arboreous extracts were made in March and June. Fodder quality evaluation was performed through chemical analysis during the wet period. Sixty-seven species were found: 28 herbaceous, 20 arbustive and 18 arboreal; from these species, 19 were found in the animals diet. The fitomass availability from the herbaceous component varied from 1,369 kg ha-1 of dry matter (DM) in March, to 452 kg ha-1 of DM in June. The availability of the arbustive extract layer was close to the herbaceous, while the arboreal component contributed with only 178 kg ha-1 of DM. Despite the relatively high fitomass availability, only a small percentage was considered as fodder from the material found. It was observed a low digestion of the protein, probably due to high levels of lignin

    Perfil fermentativo, estabilidade aeróbia, composição química e mineral de silagens de manga combinados com farelo de casca de cacau

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    Foi avaliado o perfil fermentativo, estabilidade aeróbia, composição química e conteúdo mineral de silagens de manga combinadas com farelo de casca de cacau. O delineamento adotado foi o inteiramente casualizado, incluindo quatro níveis (65, 70, 75 e 80%) e cinco repetições, totalizando 20 silos experimentais abertos aos 90 dias da vedação. O incremento dos níveis de manga nas silagens aumentou a recuperação de matéria seca, carboidratos totais e fração B2 de carboidratos, e reduziu as perdas de gases, matéria seca e matéria mineral. Foi encontrado um efeito quadrático para pH, capacidade tampão, potássio, boro, ferro e para as frações de nitrogênio A e B1 + B2. A utilização de produtos não convencionais como a manga combinada com a farinha da casca da vagem de cacau para a produção de silagem pode reduzir o custo da suplementação alimentar para ruminantes e a contaminação ambiental.The objective was to evaluate the fermentation profile, aerobic stability, chemical composition, and mineral content of silages of mango combined with cocoa pod husk meal. A completely randomized design was adopted, including four levels (65, 70, 75, and 80%) and five repetitions, totaling 20 experimental silos that were opened after 90 days of sealing. Increasing mango levels in the silages increased the dry matter recovery, total carbohydrates, and fraction B2 of carbohydrates, and reduced gas losses, dry matter, and mineral matter. The quadratic effect was found for pH, buffering capacity, potassium, boron, iron, and nitrogen fractions A and B1 + B2. Using unconventional products such as mango combined with cocoa pod husk meal for silage making can reduce the cost of food supplementation for ruminants, and the environmental contamination.