566 research outputs found

    Scrittrici Italo-Ebree tra ricordi e memoria transgenerazionale

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    Dagli anni quaranta del Novecento le voci femminili nella letteratura italiana contemporanea si sono prese uno spazio sempre più ampio, marcando la produzione letteraria con uno stile proprio. Spesso, però, anche quando si tratta di autrici già storicizzate (come N. Levi Ginzburg o E. Morante), la loro presenza è ancora marginale a livello divulgativo: la maggior parte delle antologie che trattano la letteratura italiana del XX secolo e del primo quindicennio del XXI secolo si limitano ad accennare alla produzione artistica delle scrittici più note senza però dar conto del più ampio fenomeno della scrittura femminile: fenomeno di cui si occupa il presente contributo, con particolare attenzione per la koinè narrativa ebraica, a ottant´anni dalle leggi razziali fasciste.Since the 1940s, female voices in contemporary Italian literature have taken a wider space, marking literary productions with their own styles. However, even when regarding renowned authors (such as Natalia Levi Ginzburg or Elsa Morante), their presence is often still marginal in terms of dissemination. Most of the anthologies that deal with Italian literature from the twentieth century and the first fifteen years of the twenty-first century are limited to mentioning the artistic productions of the most well-known female writers without accounting for the broader phenomenon of women’s writing, a phenomenon with which the present contribution is concerned, in particular the Jewish narrative koine, on the anniversary of the fascist racial laws (1938).Fil: Gherlone, Laura. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Lenguas. Centro de Investigaciones de la Facultad de Lenguas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Experimental Literature and Italian Popular Culture in the Works of Umberto Eco

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    Può un libro incarnarsi? Divenire «memoria vegetale»? Essere frammento vivente dell´intelletto collettivo culturale? «Tutti si voltarono a guardare Franti. E quell´infame sorrise»: così si inaugura (insieme a una citazione di Joyce sul music-hall) la prima raccolta di pastiches e parodie di Eco, Diario minimo, ricordando il furfantello Franti del romanzo Cuore di Edmondo De Amicis: un libro che formò almeno mezzo secolo di italiani e che Eco riprende nel suo terzultimo romanzo, La misteriosa fiamma della regina Loana (in parte autobiografico), per sottolineare come ―«tra gli eroismi del piccolo patriota padovano e gli atti generosi di Garrone» (Eco 2004a:205)― un mero oggetto cartaceo fosse riuscito a educare al sacrificio, al patriottismo e alla guerra intere generazioni. Tanto nelle sue opere narrative quanto in quelle di riflessione teorica, Eco mette a nudo e decostruisce i congegni della «macchina narrativa», e lo fa ―com´è notorio― con uno sguardo omnicomprensivo, semiotico: i romanzi, i fumetti, i programmi televisivi, le canzoni diventano il campo di sperimentazione linguistico-testuale per addentrarsi nella cultura contemporanea e gettar luce su di essa. Di questo sguardo omnicomprensivo si è scelto qui di dedicare particolare attenzione all´interesse di Eco per la musica: un interesse che ―da Thema (Omaggio a Joyce) a Pippo non lo sa― è stato oggetto di analisi nella parabola letteraria dello scrittore italiano e un «pretesto» per sviluppare i temi a lui cari: la memoria, l´ironia e il riso, l´estetica del quotidiano nella cultura pop.Can a book become incarnate? Become “vegetal memory”? A living fragment of the collective cultural intellect? “Everyone turned around to look at Franti, and that infamous boy was smiling”. This is how (together with Joyce’s quotation on music-hall) Eco’s first collection of pastiches and parodies, Diario Minimo (Misreadings), is introduced, recalling the little scoundrel Franti in Edmondo De Amicis’s novel, Cuore (The Heart of a Boy): a book that formed at least half a century of Italians and that Eco calls to mind in one of his last (partly autobiographical) novels, The Mysterious Flame Of Queen Loana, to underline how a mere paper object had managed to educate whole generations on sacrifice, patriotism and war. Both in his narrative works and those of theoretical reflection, Eco exposes and deconstructs the devices of the “narrative machine”, and does so ―as it is very well known―with an all-embracing, semiotic look. Novels, comics, television programs, and songs become his fields for linguistic-textual experimentation to penetrate and throw light on contemporary culture. With regard to this comprehensive look, this work pays particular attention to Eco’s interest in music, an interest that―from Thema (Omaggio a Joyce) to Pippo non lo sa―has been an object of analysis in the literary parable of the Italian writer and a “pretext” for developing those themes so dear to him: memory, irony and laughter, the aesthetics of everyday life in pop culture.Fil: Gherlone, Laura. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Lenguas. Centro de Investigaciones de la Facultad de Lenguas; Argentin

    Lotman's epistemology: Analogy, culture, world

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    According to Jeanne Parain-Vial and others, humans are characterized by their need for analogy, together with the need for logic and intelligibility, and this need is expressed by a continuous research of models in the scientific field that can, in some aspects, bring to light some properties of reality, namely be analogous of them. The knowability of things is founded on analogy; thus, they are not exhausted by a single model of knowledge but rather through multiple and autonomous forms of comprehension.As also pointed out by Juri Lotman and Boris Uspenskij, mythical thought was the first to postulate the possibility of establishing a relationship of likeness among very different realities, as in the archetypical cosmological model of world: a possibility that, as they explain, has survived in post-archaic man, constituting a fundamental component of cognitive activity and scientific modelling.The article is dedicated to the use of analogy in Lotmanian semiotic theorization and to its heuristic and epistemological value

    On binary opposition and binarism: A long-distance dialogue between decolonial critique and the Lotmanian semiotics

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    While addressing the decolonial critique of Eurocentric modernity and the call for alternative cosmo-visions, this article retraces Juri Lotman’s culturological exploration towards the concept of ternarity [тернарность]: the scrutiny of the so-called binarism is what connects – without overlapping – the two perspectives. This long-distance dialogue will be built starting with the key notion of binary opposition, which will be analysed as a decolonial problem (Part I) and as a culturological problem (Part II). The analysis will focus on two central issues that stem from the either-or logic: the “othering mindset”, and the culture–nature dualism

    Escritoras ítalo-judaicas entre lembranças e memória transgeracional

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    Desde os anos quarenta do século XX, as vozes femininas na Literatura italiana contemporânea vêm ocupando um espaço cada vez mais amplo, marcando a produção literária com um estilo próprio. Ainda assim, frequentemente, mesmo quando se trata de autoras consagradas (como Natalia Ginzburg ou Elsa Morante), sua presença ainda é marginal em nível de divulgação, pois a maior parte das antologias que tratam da literatura italiana do século XX e do início do século XXI se limitam a fazer menção à produção artística das escritoras mais notórias sem, no entanto, levar em consideração o mais amplo fenômeno da escrita feminina, do qual este trabalho trata, com particular atenção à koinè, narrativa judaica, no aniversário de oitenta anos das leis raciais fascistas.Fil: Gherlone, Laura. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Lenguas. Centro de Investigaciones de la Facultad de Lenguas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba; Argentin

    Vygotsky, Bakhtin, Lotman: Towards a theory of communication in the horizon of the other

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    Shortly before his death, Yuri Lotman (1922-1993), by now blind, dictated some considerations on the concept of 'alien,' 'stranger' (chuzhdoe): a concept that de facto weaves all of his thirty-year reflections on the relationship between language, meaning, and culture and that, until the end, appears as the mark of a speculative orientation focused on the ethics of otherness. A profound influence on Lotman's thinking in this direction was exercised by two leading figures of the Russian intellectual tradition: the psychologist Lev Vygotsky (1896-1934) and the philosopher, critic, and literary theorist Mikhail Bakhtin (1895-1975). It is no wonder the Tartu-Moscow Semiotic School dedicated to them volumes IV (1969) and VI (1973), respectively, of the Trudy po znakovym sistemam, the review on sign systems launched in 1964 by the Department of Russian Literature of the University of Tartu. The horizon of otherness, and the consequent emphasis on the relational nature of man, fill in fact as much of Vygotsky's theoretical reflection on the human mind as does Bakhtin's on literary creation (slovesnost'). This article intends to explore the concept of "dialog" as thematized in Vygotsky's and Bakhtin's studies, theoretical roots of the Lotmanian idea of communication as a dialogical semiotic act.Fil: Gherlone, Laura. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Lenguas. Centro de Investigaciones de la Facultad de Lenguas; Argentin

    The center-periphery dynamics in Juri Lotman’s later works: A way forward for new epistemological dialogues

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    Nesta contribuição, exploro um aspecto do método culturológico de Lotman que consiste em seu foco inabalável na dimensão conflituosa-energética da vida semiótica dos seres humanos: uma dimensão que ele identificou, desde as obras dos anos de 1970, em uma espécie de “ tensão original”, ou seja, a dinâmica centro-periferia. Adotando extensivamente essa ideia em seus últimos escritos e enfatizando o conceito de “conflito” (конфликт) com todas as suas variantes sinônimicas (бинарность - binaridade, противоречие - contradição, столкновение - choque, борьба - luta, драка - briga etc.), o semioticista russo-estoniano parece sugerir que a tensão oposicional (diferença) é uma energia primária, talvez ancestral, que impulsiona a semiosfera. Nessa perspectiva, a visão do conflito em Lótman, além de encontrar sua expressão máxima na conceituação/conceitualização da “explosão”, pode ser um caminho a seguir para novos diálogos epistemológicos.In this contribution I will explore an aspect of Lotman’s culturological method, which consists of his unwavering focus on the conflictual-energetic dimension of the semiotic life of human beings: a dimension he identified, since the 1970s works, in a kind of “original” tension, that is, the center-periphery dynamics. Taking up this idea extensively in his latest writings and emphasizing the concept of “conflict” (конфликт) with all its synonymic variants (бинарность, противоречие, столкновение, борьба, драка, etc.), the Russian-Estonian semiotician seems to suggest that oppositional tension (difference) is a primary, maybe ancestral, energy that drives the semiosphere. In this contribution I will explore an aspect of Lotman’s culturological method, which consists of his unwavering focus on the conflictual-energetic dimension of the semiotic life of human beings: a dimension he identified, since the 1970s works, in a kind of “original” tension, that is, the center-periphery dynamics. Taking up this idea extensively in his later writings and emphasizing the concept of “conflict” (конфликт) with all its synonymic variants (бинарность - binarity, противоречие - contradiction, столкновение - collision, борьба - struggle, драка – fight etc.), the Russian-Estonian semiotician seems to suggest that oppositional tension (difference) is a primary, maybe ancestral, energy that drives the semiosphere. In this perspective, the vision of conflict in Lotman, in addition to finding its highest expression in the conceptualization of the “explosion”, can be a way forward for new epistemological dialogues

    Women's writing between the border and the non-place: The emerging female discourses in italian migrant literature

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    Durante o processo da Perestroika soviética, Iuri Lotman escreveu reflexões sobre o conceito de fronteira. Como testemunhou migrações em massa, expulsões forçadas e reconfigurações etno-geográficas sem precedentes, sabia o quanto uma fronteira pode ser carregada de significado cultural que transcende sua dimensão espacial. Ter esse tipo de consciência era ainda mais urgente tendo em vista ser esse um período histórico de transição, reconstrução e abertura, quando as políticas linguístico-culturais poderiam ser um meio de promover integração e aceitação do "estrangeiro". Esta contribuição parte desse quadro histórico-conceitual e busca analisar um fenômeno cultural de interesse na literatura italiana contemporânea: a presença "intrusa" crescente de escritoras das antigas colônias que escolheram escrever suas obras em uma língua estrangeira, o italiano, usando a escrita como um campo de experimentação, hibridismo cultural e criação de um espaço discursivo público que traz o olhar da mulher migrante.In the midst of the Soviet Perestroika process, Yuri Lotman wrote his reflections on the concept of boundary. Having witnessed massive migrations, forced expulsions and unprecedented ethno-geographical reconfigurations, he knew how much a border can be loaded with a cultural meaning that transcends its spatial dimensions. To be aware of this was all the more urgent at a historic time of transition, rebuilding and opening, when linguistic-cultural policies could be a means of promoting integration and accepting the "foreigner".This contribution takes this historical and conceptual framework as its starting point and aims to analyze a cultural phenomenon of great current interest in contemporary Italian literature: the increasingly "intrusive" presence of women writers from the former colonies who choose to produce their works in a "foreign" language (Italian), using writing as a field of experimentation, cultural hybridization, and generation of a public discursive space, bearer of the female migrant gaze.Fil: Gherlone, Laura. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Lenguas. Centro de Investigaciones de la Facultad de Lenguas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    The Influence of Publicly-traded REITs and Market-based Inflation Expectations on Daily-priced Private Commercial Real Estate Returns

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    Investors requiring daily Net Asset Values (NAV) represent a large and growing source of capital for the private institutional real estate asset class. Defined contribution and other daily-valued vehicles are increasing their investments into private, direct commercial real estate through funds that estimate changes to income and values in order to mark a daily NAV. Utilizing nine years of daily data from the NCREIF Fund Index – Daily Priced, we optimize a generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity model with generalized error distribution parameterization (GARCH-GED) to better understand the influence of publicly-traded real estate securities and changes in market-implied inflation expectations on daily private real estate returns. Bai-Perron and Markov Switching regressions are used to compare periods of shifting influences on private real estate volatility in the aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis

    A new mixed model based on the enhanced-Refined Zigzag Theory for the analysis of thick multilayered composite plates

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    The Refined Zigzag Theory (RZT) has been widely used in the numerical analysis of multilayered and sandwich plates in the last decay. It has been demonstrated its high accuracy in predicting global quantities, such as maximum displacement, frequencies and buckling loads, and local quantities such as through-the-thickness distribution of displacements and in-plane stresses [1,2]. Moreover, the C0 continuity conditions make this theory appealing to finite element formulations [3]. The standard RZT, due to the derivation of the zigzag functions, cannot be used to investigate the structural behaviour of angle-ply laminated plates. This drawback has been recently solved by introducing a new set of generalized zigzag functions that allow the coupling effect between the local contribution of the zigzag displacements [4]. The newly developed theory has been named enhanced Refined Zigzag Theory (en- RZT) and has been demonstrated to be very accurate in the prediction of displacements, frequencies, buckling loads and stresses. The predictive capabilities of standard RZT for transverse shear stress distributions can be improved using the Reissner’s Mixed Variational Theorem (RMVT). In the mixed RZT, named RZT(m) [5], the assumed transverse shear stresses are derived from the integration of local three-dimensional equilibrium equations. Following the variational statement described by Auricchio and Sacco [6], the purpose of this work is to implement a mixed variational formulation for the en-RZT, in order to improve the accuracy of the predicted transverse stress distributions. The assumed kinematic field is cubic for the in-plane displacements and parabolic for the transverse one. Using an appropriate procedure enforcing the transverse shear stresses null on both the top and bottom surface, a new set of enhanced piecewise cubic zigzag functions are obtained. The transverse normal stress is assumed as a smeared cubic function along the laminate thickness. The assumed transverse shear stresses profile is derived from the integration of local three-dimensional equilibrium equations. The variational functional is the sum of three contributions: (1) one related to the membrane-bending deformation with a full displacement formulation, (2) the Hellinger-Reissner functional for the transverse normal and shear terms and (3) a penalty functional adopted to enforce the compatibility between the strains coming from the displacement field and new “strain” independent variables. The entire formulation is developed and the governing equations are derived for cases with existing analytical solutions. Finally, to assess the proposed model’s predictive capabilities, results are compared with an exact three-dimensional solution, when available, or high-fidelity finite elements 3D models. References: [1] Tessler A, Di Sciuva M, Gherlone M. Refined Zigzag Theory for Laminated Composite and Sandwich Plates. NASA/TP- 2009-215561 2009:1–53. [2] Iurlaro L, Gherlone M, Di Sciuva M, Tessler A. Assessment of the Refined Zigzag Theory for bending, vibration, and buckling of sandwich plates: a comparative study of different theories. Composite Structures 2013;106:777–92. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compstruct.2013.07.019. [3] Di Sciuva M, Gherlone M, Iurlaro L, Tessler A. A class of higher-order C0 composite and sandwich beam elements based on the Refined Zigzag Theory. Composite Structures 2015;132:784–803. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compstruct.2015.06.071. [4] Sorrenti M, Di Sciuva M. An enhancement of the warping shear functions of Refined Zigzag Theory. Journal of Applied Mechanics 2021;88:7. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4050908. [5] Iurlaro L, Gherlone M, Di Sciuva M, Tessler A. A Multi-scale Refined Zigzag Theory for Multilayered Composite and Sandwich Plates with Improved Transverse Shear Stresses, Ibiza, Spain: 2013. [6] Auricchio F, Sacco E. Refined First-Order Shear Deformation Theory Models for Composite Laminates. J Appl Mech 2003;70:381–90. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.1572901