989 research outputs found

    \u27Dermo\u27 fleece rot and body strike on sheep

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    Blowfly strike is one of the major problems confronting the sheep industry in Austrsalia, with an estimated totsalcost of control eceeding $100 million each year. Sheep are susceptible to five types of strike: body, breach, poll, pizzle and wound. Body strike, is of greater economic importance because its sporadic occurence from year to year makes it difficult to predict and cintrol. Outbreaks of body strike after rain can affect large numbers of sheep and inflict severe production losses. In eastern Australia fleece rot is generally considered to be the main predisposing factor to blowfly strike, but in Western Australia evidence suggests that dermatophilosis - or \u27dermo\u27 - is the more important factor

    Exact sampling of self-avoiding paths via discrete Schramm-Loewner evolution

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    We present an algorithm, based on the iteration of conformal maps, that produces independent samples of self-avoiding paths in the plane. It is a discrete process approximating radial Schramm-Loewner evolution growing to infinity. We focus on the problem of reproducing the parametrization corresponding to that of lattice models, namely self-avoiding walks on the lattice, and we propose a strategy that gives rise to discrete paths where consecutive points lie an approximately constant distance apart from each other. This new method allows us to tackle two non-trivial features of self-avoiding walks that critically depend on the parametrization: the asphericity of a portion of chain and the correction-to-scaling exponent.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures. Some sections rewritten (including title and abstract), numerical results added, references added. Accepted for publication in J. Stat. Phy

    Induction of resistance and enhancing agronomic performance in grapevines under greenhouse and in open fields by applications of plasma activated water

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    The exposure of water to a cold atmospheric pressure plasma (CAP) enables the production of plasma activated water (PAW), having high content of reactive species, whose applications were tested on grapevine plants, both in greenhouse and in vineyard conditions. Two different CAPs were used for PAW production, evaluating their effectiveness as a possible mean to control plant diseases. Grapevines infected with yellows associated with the presence of phytoplasmas were treated evaluating qualitative and quantitative yield parameters, phytoplasma presence, and gene expression. The results show the capability of PAW to enhance plant defence mechanisms and, as demonstrated in the field trials, confirmed its ability to improve the health status of the treated plants. Quantitative (q)RT-PCR analyses allowed to determine the transcription level of genes involved in the plant defence response (phenylalanine ammonia-lyase, pal) and in the plant phytoalexin metabolism of PAW-treated materials. The number of symptomatic grapevine plants in vineyards was significantly reduced by the treatments. Transcriptional and post-transcriptional molecular analyses highlighted the PAW ability to enhance the expression of genes encoding the main enzymes involved in the phytoalexin biosynthetic pathway (flavonoids and stilbenes). The PAW ability to enhance some of the plant defence mechanisms also improving the health status of the treated plants was therefore experimentally demonstrated. After three years of trials the overall results demonstrated the possible use of PAW to reduce the disease severity, induce plant resistance both in open field and greenhouse, improving plant healthy status and grapevine yield production

    Organizational learning and emotion: constructing collective meaning in support of strategic themes

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    Missing in the organizational learning literature is an integrative framework that reflects the emotional as well as the cognitive dynamics involved. Here, we take a step in this direction by focusing in depth over time (five years) on a selected organization which manufactures electronic equipment for the office industry. Drawing on personal construct theory, we define organizational learning as the collective re-construal of meaning in the direction of strategically significant themes. We suggest that emotions arise as members reflect on progress or lack of progress in achieving organizational learning. Our evidence suggests that invalidation – where organizational learning fails to correspond with expectations – gives rise to anxiety and frustration, while validation – where organizational learning is aligned with or exceeds expectations – evokes comfort or excitement. Our work aims to capture the key emotions involved as organizational learning proceeds

    Transcriptional profiling of phytoplasma infected plants treated with plasma activated water (PAW).

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    Background. Phytoplasmas are insect-transmitted plant pathogenic prokaryotes, associated with severe diseases in agronomic important crops. Management of these diseases has mainly focused on insect vector chemical control and on infected plant rouging. There is therefore a strong need for effective and friendly control strategies for phytoplasma-associated diseases and the possibility to use plasma activated water (PAW) as sustainable and effective method to them was therefore evaluated. PAW is produced by treating distilled water with atmospheric pressure plasmas, inducing the production of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS) and pH reduction. PAW has good potential for bacterial decontamination, degradation of organic compounds and was shown to positively affect plant growth. Methods. Sterile deionized water (SDW) was exposed to a nanosecond pulsed dielectric barrier discharge, operating in ambient air for 10 min treatment with a peak voltage of 19 kV and a pulse repetition frequency of 1 kHz, which induced production of nitrates, nitrites and peroxides, and a pH decrease. Phytoplasma infected and healthy periwinkles micropropagated shoots were exposed to PAW for about 25 minutes and gene expression studies were then performed. The theses used were: shoots treated with PAW, Fosetyl aluminum (as positive control) and SDW (as negative control), with an exposition of about 25 minutes. Nine shoots for each thesis were then collected at 6 different times after treatment and stored at -80\ub0C. Quantitative RT-PCR analyses were carried out to determine the expression level of genes involved in the plant defense response. Parallel experiments were carried out treating grapevine plants in vineyards previously tested for the phytoplasma presence. Treatments were performed for three years injecting into the plant vascular tissues 10-20 ml of PAW or sterile distilled water (as control) on each selected plant for a total of 60 plants (40 with phytoplasmas and 20 without phytoplasmas). Results. Overexpression of selected genes involved in the phytoalexin metabolism was detected in the periwinkles micropropagated shoots treated with PAW in comparison with the shoots treated with Fosetyl-Al and distilled water. In the field trials, in a relevant number of cases, the PAW-treated symptomatic plants showed reduction of symptoms, while the SDW-treated and untreated plants did not show symptom reduction. No phytotoxicity was observed in the PAW treated grapevine and periwinkle plants. Conclusion. The results obtained showed the capability of PAW to enhance plant defence mechanisms and, as demonstrated in the field trials, confirmed its ability to improve the health status of the treated plant

    Earthquake-Related Signals in Central Italy Detected by Hydrogeochemical and Satellite Techniques

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    Central Apennines are one of the highest seismic risk regions in Italy. A number of energetic events ((Formula presented.) > 5) struck the region during the period 2004–2017, killing several hundreds of people (e.g., 294 casualties associated with the August 24th, 2016, (Formula presented.) 6.0 event of Amatrice). These earthquakes impacted piezometric levels, springs discharges, and groundwater chemistry across a large area, even at distances of dozens of kilometers from the epicenters. Here we present a multidisciplinary dataset based on hydrogeochemical and satellite observations associated with the seismic events that occurred in Central Italy during the period 2004–2017, which combines information derived from the application of groundwater monitoring and satellite techniques. Groundwater monitoring techniques allowed for the detection of hydrogeochemical anomalies in spring and well waters (14 water sampling points in total, with 22 variations larger than (Formula presented.)), while satellite techniques were applied to detect time-space variations in ground thermal emissions. We detected two significant, almost synchronous, anomalies in 2009 and 2016–2017 with both techniques, and we tentatively correlated them to crustal deformation processes. Part of the observed signals were detected before mainshocks, and they appear to be related to aseismic slip or to seismic slip eventually induced by minor fluctuations in seismicity. We argue that the combination of two factors, i.e., the shallow depth of local earthquakes and the concurrent deepening of groundwater circulation paths to several km depth, allow for the recording of variations in the stress field by geofluids released at the surface

    Devices for Screening and Monitoring of Tumors Based on Chemoresistive Sensors

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    Abstract In this work two devices are presented, named SCENT A1 (A1) and SCENT B1 (B1), composed of chemoresistive sensors. Such devices are capable of discriminating the different compositions of gas mixtures emitted by stools, for colorectal cancer screening (A1), and by blood, for tumors monitoring (B1), according to defined sampling protocols. Results have been acquired by a LabView® software and statistically treated (e.g. quadratic discriminant analysis, QDA) and show to be encouraging with an error of 5% for SCENT A1. Preliminary results of SCENT B1 proved to be promising. Further studies will be carried out for clinically validating the two devices

    Atmospheric pressure non-equilibriumplasma for the production of composite materials

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    In the evolving field of tissue engineering, continuous advances are required to improve scaffold design and fabrication to obtain biomimetic supports for cell adhesion, proliferation, penetration and differentiation. Both electrospun fibrous scaffolds and hydrogels are used in this field since they well reproduce the structure of the extracellular matrix (ECM) of many biological tissues. Limitations of these two types of materials can be overcome through their combination, by developing composite structures combining enhanced mechanical properties (provided by the fibrous components) and improved cell penetration (provided by the gel phase) in a superior ability to mimic natural ECM that is constituted by both a fibrous protein network and a hydrogel matrix. Here we develop new composite materials made of electrospun PLLA scaffolds and poly(amidoamine) hydrogels with different degrees of crosslinking. To promote compatibilization and good adhesion between the two materials, surface chemical reactions between hydrogels and PLLA mats are induced by inserting amino functional groups on electrospun PLLA mats by means of atmospheric pressure non-thermal plasma. Results will be presented concerning the exposure of PLLA substrates to the plasma region generated by a Dielectric Barrier Discharge at atmospheric pressure, driven by a HV Amplifier connected to a function generator operating with a microsecond rise time and operated in N2. Surface and solid-state thermo-mechanical characterizations of plasma treated substrates and of resulting composite materials at different crosslinking degrees are presented. Results of mechanical tests show a high adhesion between hydrogel and plasma treated PLLA electrospun mats, underlining the opportunity to use atmospheric non-thermal plasmas to fabricate a composite starting from two materials otherwise physically incompatible. Potential effects of nanofibrous-hydrogel were evaluated by investigating pluripotent stem cells response

    Introduction : translingual work.

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    This issue both reflects and builds on the efforts prompted by the 2011 College English essay “Language Difference in Writing: Toward a Translingual Approach,” by Bruce Horner, Min-Zhan Lu, Jacqueline Jones Royster, and John Trimbur. Contributions to this symposium contextualize the emergence of a translingual approach, explore the tension and interconnections between a translingual approach and a variety of fields, and explore the viability of a translingual approach in light of existing academic structures
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